I’d like to nominate the word “Islamaphobia” for a cunting.
The non word “Islamaphobia” is to be officially recognised and – you guessed it – is to be considered “waycist” by the thought police when checking up on nasty tweets, etc., while homes are burgled, the elderly attacked and acid spraying, knife-weilding, “culturally enriched” types run amok unchallenged in towns and cities across the UK. Most notably in our glorious capital – warms the heart doesn’t it!
Well – like “hate-speech” – what exactly is “Islamaphobia”, and who will define it?
Well it’s any form of dissent towards the religion of (submission) “peace” and only “peacefuls” are allowed to have a say as to what that is (or by weak-minded, Stockholm Syndrome, libtard and snowflake proxies).
Once recognised as a hate-crime, “Islamaphobia” will include references to Mohammed as being a paedophile (which he fucking was) and – the real kicker – using the fact that “Islam is an ideology” when stating that a comment condemning the religion of “peace” cannot be considered “racist”.
Well now it is, cos the “peacefuls” say so! So that’s alright then isn’t it!
They reckon that “peaceful” cunts account for 5% of the UK population, so why is it that they have 95% of the fucking say!?!
The worm is turning. 30yrs of PC bullshit and globalist indoctrination is coming to an end.
Don’t like or care for the surge in nationalist sentiment? Then please feel free to exercise your democratic right to fuck off to a place more in-keeping with *YOUR* beliefs.
I’m sure Islamabad or Mogadishu would welcome you with open arms and shower you with free shit from their benefits gravy-train…
No, didn’t think so. So it’s about time you shut the fuck up, tow the fucking line and behave like 5% of the population instead of lording it over the rest of us like you’re the 95%!
Nominated by Rebel without a Cunt!
Arachnaphobes are treated by being exposed to their object of fear – the spider. In London, regular exposure to islamnids did nothing to cure my islamaphobia.
Did you actually talk to any of them?
Islam is a disease that needs eradicating. all moose limbs are cunts
Absolutely Mince pie guy.
Best get yourself a parachute until this third world , deranged filth is dealt with.
But why is “Islamaphobia” illegal? You could have a genuine fear of spiders, open spaces, confined spaces and just about anything else. It doesn’t mean you are at risk of appearing before the beak for your phobia. Genuine phobias are not a wilfully, self-imposed impediments as much is the common cold, laryngitis or cancer.
I am sure many good people have a phobia of Islam, homosexuality and transgenders. There is nothing they can do about it as a remedy as much as there is little that the people who subscribe to these groups could change themselves.
EuroMillions tonight boys and girls.
Fingers crossed that the Rebel gets his Common Sense Party slush fund where faux phobias are chucked in the bin and we start saying it like it is again.
I’m fed up of having to pander to fringe group cunts, making laws to appease them and blowing millions on enforcing them.
If a rapey-groomy-gang types are mainly made up of Muslim Pakistani men, we’ll say so, none of this “Asian Individuals” bullshit!
If someone is born with a cock then they will be deemed as such both legally, medically and socially. No more pissing away millions on gender neutral NHS forms and the like – cos with our creaking NHS system (because of old people not 10 million immos mind) we can really afford such trivialities for a group that doesn’t even make up a QTR of one percent of our population!
No more madness, just fairness and common sense for all with the bias being towards the majority instead of how our fucked society does it now, pandering to groups who make up fuck all of the general populace.
The worm is turning and it will be achieved through common sense!
The peacefuls cannot even sort out problems in the Middle East when agreeing a path of Islam to follow. Suicide bombings, enslavement, beheadings, an endless cycle of war and conflict, Sunni’s vs Shitties and ISIS against all who’s not a psycho. Sort out you own war torn sand pits before lecturing the West on discrimination.
I just can’t figure out why there hasn’t been a corresponding rise in Sikhaphobia, Hinduaphobia or Buddismaphopia etc. One of lifes mysteries i guess.
There is an anglophobia, people welcomed into this country only for them to shit all over our heritage, values, traditions and history but you wont hear a peep from those who preach the mantra of equality and tolerance.
Thanks for posting RWAC.
That video in the link nails the situation perfectly. It’s going to be an interesting and increasingly violent future for this country. Fingers crossed that this scourge of a twisted religion is eventually run out of town so humans can once again populate this beautiful land.
Interestingly under the IRHA definition of Anti-Semitism is the following clause…
“Making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews as such or the power of Jews as collective — such as, especially but not exclusively, the myth about a world Jewish conspiracy or of Jews controlling the media, economy, government or other societal institutions.”
Now,this post isn’t about the rights and wrongs of Anti-Semitism,it’s more about the fact that increasingly laws are being introduced to close down freedom of speech…curiously, I can’t find any binding laws regarding Anti-Christianity.
Using words like “mendacious” in a binding declaration are surely open to interpretation,who’s to say what is “untruthful”? Possibly the same courts who sat in judgement on Tommy Robinson? When we are at the mercy of the interpretation of “…phobia”,be it Islamic or Jewish,by a legal system that seems increasingly out of step with the Christian,white majority,we are in real trouble.
We have always been able to (within reason) mock and criticise each other(Speaker’s Corner),but we now seem to be moving to a position where any speech of which the powers-that-be disapprove can be deemed an offence punishable under law. How handy for the Authorities,what a great tool to shut down dissent. Wouldn’t be surprised if such courts are held in camera before much longer…you know,in the public good.
Interesting post,Rebel,but I would say that making any “phobia” into “hate-crime” is a dangerous path.
Very well written dick
Damn right. And straight to the real issue. Thanks.
I did not write the “Very well written dick” at the end of the post,must have been Mod (Thank you.). Even I haven’t reached the self-congratulatory levels required to write such a comment…although, I obviously agree wholeheartedly.
🙂 .
Before I am accused of singling out Islam for derision, may I firstly say that I absolutely detest fucking Brussel sprouts!
Islam is indeed a cunt ( like all fucking religions ) It is perverse, neolithic and festooned with idiosyncrasies and shite. It ( like other religions ) is designed to give the operator maximum control over its Moronic followers, who mostly happen to comprise the highest percentile of uneducated, basal and anal fuckwallah’s on the planet
My biggest gripe, is how any fucking western political leader can imagine that they make a positive contribution to any developed society, Perhaps it is these cunts we need to take out first.
Islam. A cunt of a religion, for a cunt of a people !……I still hate fucking sprouts !
Hate to be a pedantic cunt but shouldn’t there be a #3 here? I’ve cunted this fascist word myself twice.
Religion is something with which intelligent people have to contend. Despite its poison, lack of reason, crass simplicity, unproven rhetoric, laughable stories, twisted moralising, corrupt business, child abuse, and horrendous enslavement of its credulous supplicants… we’re supposed to act in a respectful manner, as if all of this is acceptable.
As asked in the nomination, who is it that will decide this “phobia”? Are there clear rules? Can I criticise part of the Holy book? Can I be bemused that women can’t touch the book whilst on their period? Am I able to question infibulation (female circumcision)? Is it “phobic” to laugh at a flying horse?
None sense.
Wonderful cunting, Rebel.
To determine the true rulers of any society, all you must do is ask yourself this question: “Who is it that I am not permitted to criticize?”
-Kevin Alfred Strom
Time to break out the pitchforks, my friends…….
As the late Christopher Hitchins so eloquently put it – islamophobia is a word invented by fascists and used by cowards to manipulate morons.
Why is it that only white people can be waycist? Is running a muslim paedophile ring of teenage white girls not racist? Is having Muslim women’s only swimming in leisure centres not racist? What about demanding restaurants have halal options? Or schools have to have signs in both English and Urdu?
And instead of dealing with this problem head on, the cunts who speak for us shit themselves and give in.
In a few more years white British men won’t be allowed to speak, any time we open our mouths we’ll be offending someone.
For those with even slightly open minds, ‘islamophobia ‘ (spelled thus) is exactly equivalent to ‘antisemitism’, applied to another religious grouping. Except that we tread round the latter with much more deference to the powerful interests involved.
Both are ridiculous viewpoints to hold, naturally: both religions are followed by a wide variety of people with the usual human range of attitudes and degrees of attachment to their religion. Neither religion need be interpreted by some to require horrendous violence in the pursuit of supremacy. Both, however, are. By some, not all by any means.
I would like to add that the one sure way of ensuring that the name and deeds of Adolf Hitler are never forgotten (by islamophobes and antisemites alike) is to insist on the worldwide erection of Holocaust memorials…
Lest we forget…
Morning K.
In reply to Komodo @ 10.51 see this excerpt from a fellow ISAC contributor :
Dick Fiddler on December 21, 2018 at 8:14 am said:
Interestingly under the IRHA definition of Anti-Semitism is the following clause…
“Making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews as such or the power of Jews as collective — such as, especially but not exclusively, the myth about a world Jewish conspiracy or of Jews controlling the media, economy, government or other societal institutions.”
Jolly good. Add “Muslims” to “Jews” in that and I’m sure we can agree that’s terribly bad. Incidentally, do read the rest of what Dick wrote.
Islamaphobia is the product of a liberal democracy, if you allow a minority to dictate a policy of tolerance then there will be resentment.
We shouldnt have to tolerate Islam, it shouldnt impact on society so there shouldnt be any need to tolerate it.
We don’t tolerate Catholicism, Hinduism and all the other minority religions because we are not asked to do so as they dont impact on our way of life, they just exist in parallel with our open society
Unfortuantely Islam does impact on society in many ways, the most obvious being terrorist attacks, this alone is a compelling reason the fear Islam so how can Islamaphobia be classified as racist.
Dear Sir.
Having observed your prose, please present yourself with your solicitor, a toothbrush and a soap on a rope to your local police station for processing.
Don’t you mean cleansing CT?
I’ve said it before on ISAC and I’ll say it again. Islam is a supremacist ideology that does not tolerate other beliefs. It is based on violence and coercion. It has no culture – art, music, literature. It is a 14th Century retrograde belief system that is intent on world domination. The Chinese, Russians, Japanese and Donald Trump understand this. The eyes of the blind snowflake pc cunts in UK will be opened when it is too late. You cunts should seek the opinions of minority groups who live under Islamic dominance – the Chinese in Malaysia and Indonesia. The Copts in Egypt. The Christians driven out of Iraq and Syria. Anyone who believes Islam is just another religion is a prize cunt. Tell me, cunts, when was the last Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, Shinto etc terrorist act? Wake up you snowflake bastards. If this is Islamaphobia then so be it. Have me arrested (hello GCHQ) it won’t stop me speaking out. A question for the snowflakes – how many churches are there in the home of Islam, Saudi Arabia? Answers on a piece of arsewipe paper to the Grand Mufti, 10 Downing Street. Stupid, blind, snowflake cunts!
Islamaphobia is ‘the irrational fear of Islam’.
What we need is a new word, a word that means: ‘the rational fear of Islam’, or at least ‘fear of Islamism or Islamists’.
Maybe we should follow the Chinese example and Re educate the cunts
Islam is shit. Anyone who defends it (especially women) are idiots. Islam isn’t a race so therefore it’s not racist to call it a cunt. I despise Islam and am not afraid to say it.
Wouldn’t wipe my arse on one, Bob
Never works both way though, does it?
I guess if you are a white skinned Christian you cannot be discriminated against by virtue of the fact you have no colour to your skin for people to single you out as ‘different and derisible’ (because of course it is TOTALLY to do with the colour of their skin) and just quietly follow your faith without the need to resemble a walking letter box.
The word ‘Islamophobia’ is quite ludicrous anyway. The suffix ‘phobia’ is indicative of an irrational fear, something abnormal and unwarranted. I would hasten a guess that the vast majority who take issue with Islam see nothing irrational or abnormal about their aversion, and considering history, certainly nothing UNWARRANTED.
There is a cavernous difference between fear and loathing. Personally, I go with the latter.
I actually get quite angry when I see this word bandied about, usually by libtard do-gooders who want us all to sit in a big circle singing ‘Kumbaya’ together in peace and harmony, like one big happy, global family. It suggests that what a relatively mentally stable person who is able to put together a reasoned thought feels towards that cult is wholly incorrect and based on nothing.
My suggestion would be that these cunts clearly have very short memories and are stumbling around the planet with blinkers on.
I suffer from a vicious case of snowflakeophobia myself. Apparently it’s a variant psychological form of cuntophobia.
If it’s not open to question, it has something to hide.
Phobia (noun): an irrational fear of something. Having a fear of and hatred of a religion which kills people who don’t adhere to it or adhere to the wrong form of it, stones women to death for being raped, mutilates women’s genitals and persecutes and executes homosexuals is not irrational.
Mystic Maven. Pissed. The grasping Jew. They are even grasping when it come to their own persecution. Black people are not liked for one reason; the colour of their skin. There are 11 reasons you van be judged antisemitic according to this new definition. The grasping Jew. In this new atmosphere it is not money but PITY. As komodo pointed to with the new Holocaust Memorial in London we are being made to feel bad about something we had no hand in. The grasping Jew. As the Jewish professor Finkelstein has acknowledged the Holocaust has been weaponized. The grasping Jew. The Palestinians aren’t even allowed to lament their ‘catastrophe’ the ‘Nakbar’. They must celebrate it according to Lippy Zivni. The grasping Jew. Shylock has Antonio cornered. And he wants his pound of flesh. It is exactly the same as the Palestinians trapped in Gaza. They have got everything covered legally like Shylock. Shylock it is often forgot had got the law on his side. It is just how he uses the law.
Gimme dat ole time antisemitism
Gimme dat ole time antisemitism
Gimme dat ole time antisemitism
It’s good enough for me.
(R.T. Creampuff PD traditional © RTC 2018)
Yes RT I am Mathew Brady on here. You Henry Drummond.