Illegal Aliens

Not in the Christmas spirit but I would like to cunt illegal migrants. More of the cunts rescued off the Kent coats today. BBC lead with a story about an 8 year old boy dying in US border security custody, now it does not say what contribution being dragged from Guatemala to the US border made to his death so we are left unclear whether he he died because US authorities negligence.

Another way to make look Trump look bad? What the hell is the President sposed to do? Copy Merkel and invite the fucking lot in? Are we meant to become the new Mediterranean sending out rescue boats daily encouraging hordes more to make the gamble?
We are not talking about people who have not crossed multiple safe borders to get here we are talking about people who look at the UK and the US as the promised land. They don’t want safety and security, they want the money, it’s the economy stupid.

South America is a shit hole, dog eat dog and streets not safe day or night in vast areas of the continent. Africa, we know about. Can we stop dressing these people up as desperate victims? Desperate victims stay in the first safe haven and don’t expose their children to risk day in day out for weeks or months.

The lot of them can fuck off.

Nominated by Sixdog Vomit

43 thoughts on “Illegal Aliens

  1. What baffles me is why when a zodiac full of these cunts is in trouble of the French coast, we pick them up and bring them to the UK instead of dropping them off on France. Clearly the French aren’t interested in rescuing them just the soft touch stupid Brits.

    Let them drown. Fuck ’em…

    • Some daft woman from the Kent Refugee Committee or some such bollocks appeared on The World At One today, suggesting we should make immigration easier because it would be safer for them – *and they want to come to Britain*

      I would like to live in Australia, butI accept I am notwhat they are looking for. There is no way I would try to enter illegally andif I were daft enough to try it, I know I would be slung out -as should these arseholes be.

  2. Any cunt who Invades our border in this manner should be summarily deported back from whatever shithole they came from and if they won’t say then back to France.

    These economic migrants alleging to be asylum seekers need to stake their claim in the first safe country they arrive in. That would be Greece, Italy, Turkey (notice how none of the cunts choose there for a landing), Spain, and all of the cunts in-between.

    They have no right to be here, so fuck off!

    And now we’ve signed up to the Marrakech Agreement which gifts these cunts “safe passage” so that means that the channel is about to become the New Mediterranean with scum like this illegally entering our borders to take from the state and ultimately cause mayhem as they have done in EVERY country they have infected so far.

    I wonder how many Doctors, Scientists, Businessmen, Teachers and Architects are amongst this lot of singularly fighting age men, most of which are grabby sub-saharan Africunts, and most of whom are no doubt “peaceful”.

    Men folk of the South Coast, it is time to lock your women up because the same human plague responsible for the huge rise in rapes and assaults on women in Sweden, Germany and France is now infecting England.

    What a cunt of a country we are!

    • Funnily enough. The Law allows us to deport without “consideration” as they have arrived from a safe country ( France ) and have failed to claim asylum there. We don’t however miss up on the chance of some further cultural enrichment do we ?

      • Have always wondered why this cuntish law is even on the books. UK seems to think that any problem can be dealt with by making up some wank law. Yes, does work if the law is enforced but never is due to lack of resources, libtard values etc. Of course fail to hold a tv licence your fucked, make a comment that may upset someone your fucked and so on we know where all this shit is taking us so at this festive time of peace and goodwill let us make a strong statement to our rulers and”betters” you had your chance and fucked it, fuck off.
        Seasons greetings to you all, best wishes for the new year.

  3. You can just imagine the libtard SJWs creaming themselves at pics similar to the one used here!

    In their fucked up minds they’ll be thinking “Look! Look at them climbing over barriers and barbed wire fencing after travelling thousands of miles by sea and road, passing through 4 or 5 EU countries, and ignoring them just because they want to live here in the UK! Isn’t that just wonderful? They want to come here and share our culture. Bless them!)”

    The likes of Lilly Mong and Bonehead will be wanking themselves silly at this migrant-porn (just so long as none of them end up living close by of course)

  4. Too fucking true sixdog

    The first thing I thought when I heard a fugee child had died in US hands last week was ” arrest and charge the fucking parents” but no the mainstream bullshit media had it down as trumps fault. Same with the one that washed up on the med beach in 2015. Tragic but it became a poster for unlimited immigration where the truth was the father had already been settled in Greece but put his family in jeapordy for more free stuff….cunts.
    NGO’S are the enemy of their own people

    • We should do what the Australians used to do. When the coastguards met an incoming vessel, the gimmegrants would jump in the water expecting to be “rescued”. They were left to drown.

  5. Deport all illegals and turn back those who try to pull this kind of crossing the channel shit. We have no obligation to take them or house them or feed them, especially when they don’t have the courtesy to apply for citizenship through the proper legal channels. This is our sovereign country and these are our borders and if these cunts want to come in then they do so properly by going through the ptpprr legal process, learning English and adopting our values. And if Soros and co don’t like that then they can fuck off – I don’t care.

  6. This latest wave appears to fit with the theory of the route through Serbia, as Serbia have reduced visa restriction for Iranians visiting Serbia they see it as a route into Europe.

    Thanks to Schengen once they are in the EU its easy to get to the French coast and a rubber boat.

    The UK should just return these cunts straight back to Iran, no fucking appeals, no fucking argument.

    It also pisses me off the way the media report this using words like rescued, i dont get it, they are heading to the UK by sea illegally so the words should be arrested, detained, processed and shipped out.

    We need a fucking Hostile Environment and have it clear and simple, if you come to the UK from a safe country (France) and try to claim assylum it will be automatically refused.


  7. The clue is in the title – illegal aliens. They have committed a crime by entering the country illegally and the vast majority are economic migrants, young fighting age men fleeing their own shitholes whilst leaving women and children back home waiting for some luvvie to do a UNICEF appeal. How long before al-Beeb news start using the US news networks description of ‘undocumented workers’, like they just bumbled over the border and forgot to register for asylum for years.

  8. Anyone entering or attempting to enter illegally should automatically have their application refused. Then they should be sent back to the country or origin IMMEDIATELY.

    If not it’ll just encourage more to risk not just their lives, but their children’s lives. Something that these cunts seem quite happy to do if it gets them a ticket to the west. Not that they want to be western of course. They still want to follow their backwards, primitive ways but they just want to do it on our soil.
    The cunts.
    We have too many cultural enrichers in this country already, no fucking more please.

    Besides, didn’t Mukel promise them a home if they got to Europe?
    Just send every last fucking one of them to Germany.

  9. The fucking press really piss me off when they make out that because we have managed to catch these illegals it’s a positive? As if we are going to send them back? As if we not going to end up housing them, feeding them , educating them, and eventually giving them citizenship….,
    I would be far happier if instead of sending naval ships to Collect them we had our submarine fleet in position ,
    but seriously these fucking chancers should be immediately fucked off back to France or even further afield……….

    • A refreshed crew of ISAC cunters on the coast catapulting gammon hocks and bacon rashers with Ride of the Valkyries from Apocalypse Now blasting out.

  10. OP…..
    massive cunting for Japan who are to resume commercial whaling! ?
    I know they’ve been killing whales under the scientific research shite for a while but this is back to full on whaling!
    Utter cunts!

    • Maybe the Japanese could be persuaded not to hunt whales but gimmegrants in the channel instead?
      It would give them something to harpoon and help our situation along the way.
      It’s a win/win in my opinion

    • ?
      What happened to Trump making the mexicans pay for the Wall, but i dont get the democrats blocking the funds,, are they fuckng stupid or just happy to have shit loads of Mexicans entering illegally.

      Its a pity the fucking English Channel isnt wider, maybe that would deter the rubber boat brigade

      • The Democunts are actively conspiring with organisations attempting to have “Open Borders ”
        All Trump has to do though, is stop the 4.4. billion economic aid to Mexico each year until the wall is paid for.

  11. We should define the word refugee as someone running away from oppression.

    We should define the phrase economic migrant as someone who leaves the safety of one place for a better opportunity elsewhere.

    We should not give a penny for the latter and send the money saved to assist those at the front line. We shpuld take in gamily groups from the front line so that they are given an upbringing in our values.

    Anyone coming here from France without permission should not be given benefits, accommodation, the right to hold assets, access to healthcare, access to education, access to the banking system, access to employment. That will save their lives because they will stop trying to make the dangerous Channel crossing.

    The illegal aliens are not cunts. Those snowflakes who forget that those entering the UK are not refugees are the real cunts.

    • Exactly. Lost count of the times I’ve listened to some BBC wimp interviewing the latest arrival from Shitholia and it is made completely obvious that the UK is the softest touch in the EU and that’s why they want to come here. Minimum wage, handouts, plenty of relatives already in, no chance of being picked up, sympathetic snowflakes on your side, you name it. Remove the incentives. For humanitarian reasons if no other, but remove them. Anyone landing, grab them, put them in a disused battery chicken barn until transport is available and re-export them without delay to where they embarked.

      • They mostly seem to have come from France. I would be unworried as to their previous history. Recycling the cunts might provide a small stimulus to the EU to revise its attitude to people-trafficing across national borders, too

  12. I did a little trip to Normandy back in the summer, and I gave the eastern side of sword beach a miss, because as I approached from Pegasus Bridge to ouistreham, the road was full of gendarmes, and I couldn’t work out why. Been there many times, and you hardly see the law, even on a big anniversary, when there are about three million extra people in the region. Then I turned the corner near the port entrance, and saw why the cozzers were there. Not much diversity in the folk trying to break into the passing lorries. Cunts.

  13. The problem with these illegal cunts is that, if they have them at all, they destroy their legitimate travel documents and any form of document that enables the UK authorities to identify their country of origin. If the UK does identify the country the authorities there demand proof of citizenship before they can be repatriated. Repatriation is an unlikely outcome because the country of origin is happy to be rid of the bastards and doesn’t want them back. The reality is that once they set foot in UK we are lumbered with them. I will vote for any politician who will cooperate with Russia over this problem. The UK could request Russia to lease Graham Bell Island in the Arctic Ocean for 100 years as a temporary UK territory. The Island has an airfield. Any cunt arriving in mainland UK illegally would be immediately flown to GB Island in the clothes they stood up in, fucking children included, and released into nature there. The average survival time would be about 3 days. But they would of course have the opportunity to prove their citizenship and be repatriated provided they paid all the costs. Otherwise freeze to death you cunts. Putin will probably play ball. He needs the lease money and is a fan of Stalin who had a similar method of disposing of cunts he didn’t want.

  14. I’m currently living in Dover (probably punishment for something I did in a previous life) and the ‘rescue’ helicopter is pretty much a permanent fixture in the skies at all times of the day and night. I suspect…as with most migrant related topics…we’re only seeing the tip of the iceberg reported in the media about the various effniks trying to batter their way into the country.

  15. they actually want to be picked up because they know they won’t be sent back but taken away to be ‘ processed ‘ once they have been fed and warmed up they can then consider their next move. it would be interesting to know how many of these people undergoing ‘ processing’ simply disappear never to be seen again. i reckon 80 % of them. if the word got out that if picked up by the UK authorities they would immediately be returned back from whence they came , they’d think twice about it. sooner or later someone will drown crossing the channel and while the blame rests those making the attempt, it also will rest with us for in effect actively encouraging them.

  16. Fucking sick of hearing about this – leave the cunts to drown! They have no intention of integrating, all they want to do is scrounge, breed and fuck up western society.

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