Have I Got News for You [2]

Have I got News for You.
I watched Friday’s episode for 3 minutes.
The smug cunt Hislop.
The terminally unfunny Merton.
Some cunt I have never heard of who apparently does a Trump impersonation.
Some fucking freak tranny in a dress and pearls.
From the outset the trannie started on about Brexit. That was when I turned off. No doubt the rest was conducted in the same hilarious vein, although, having voted Leave, I am obviously too thick to appreciate it.
This used to be a funny and topical programme. It is now part of the mainstream Remoaning, smug, superior, ‘look at how stupid 17.4 million people are’, establishment.
Fucking humourless, unbalanced Londoncentric shite. Much like the Remoaner’s Gazette – Private Eye.
Constructed by cunts, for cunts.

Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble

29 thoughts on “Have I Got News for You [2]

  1. Gave up this shit and Private Eye about 3 months after the referendum. Hislop is now a full on, smug BBC Establishment arsecrawler.
    Perhaps he always was but now the Rich cunts’ Crisis has brought it to the fore.
    Rich Public Schoolboys know which side of their bread is buttered and they ALWAYS stick together.

    • Same for me Freddie/CC

      Was a regular subscriber to Private Eye however out of principle will never buy it again.

      HIGNFY was past its sell by date years ago. Unfunny PC anti Brexit shite.

    • Still buy it, though not for the ‘comedy’. There’s some good reporting there, not least on our pisspoor media.

  2. Have not watched any BBC ‘comedy’ for years now. Absolute leftie fest that makes my teeth itch. Characters like the old major on Faulty Towers will soon only be available by underground or under the counter means.

    • ‘People Just Do Nothing’ is not bad… hard to think of any others though.

      PS: Thanks to Admin for restoring the old format – democracy not entirely dead in this basket case of a country…

      • I await Gina Miller bringing a court-case to have the result overturned…We didn’t understand what we were voting for,apparently.

        Morning, RTC.

      • Morning Dick.

        If Admin had been negotiating Brexit, it would all have been done and dusted by Xmas 2016 – at the latest!


    • I loved the Major. Ballard Berkley played him and BB often turns up on those old black & white second features as a Chief Inspector or Superintendent at the very least.

      I stopped watching HIGNFY when they sacked Angus Deayton on the *commands* of those two self righteous fuckers Hislop and Merton (and in the latter case the hypocritical little turds private life wouldn;t bare too much invetigation Allegedly. Crawling snivelling little arsehole.

      But things are far worse on Radio 4: The News Quiz, started 1977 returns this week for it’s 98th series. The first one (because presumably the cast and posh boy presenter Miles Jupp will be too pissed on Thursday to record a new one), is “The best bits of 2018” so that will be 80% Brexit and 20% Trump then. About as funny as piles.

      Whoever gets paid for arranging Radio 4 schedules should be sacked. The silly cunt just alternates this fucking shit with the even more smug and supercilious Now Show (series 58 the latest I think) with loud mouthed Australian wimmin and public school poofters.

  3. I’ve never been able to sit through an episode of this.
    A load of supercilious wankers. Not in the least bit amusing, they consider themselves the epitome of wit and intelligence. It’s like watching paint drying.
    They can shrug off comments like mine of course by reminding themselves that I am a mere mortal, so I have to be wrong, and they’re so superior to the rest of us plebs.

  4. What I don’t understand is how do these politicians, comedians and slebs think they can change anybody’s mind by calling them ignorant shit? How the fuck is that going to persuade any cunt?
    But they know best. Apparently.

  5. Here is every episode of HIGNFY since 2016…

    Orange man baaaaad!

    Brexit baaaaad!

    The End.

  6. Hislop…………….

    In an interview with Third Way Magazine in 1995 he explained his intentions in his work: “Satire is the bringing to ridicule of vice, folly and humbug. All the negatives imply a set of positives. Certainly in this country, you only go round saying, ‘That’s wrong, that’s corrupt’ if you have some feeling that it should be better than that. People say, ‘You satirists attack everything.’ Well, we don’t, actually. That’s the whole point.”

    I think that Hislop has become what he once mocked. A part of “The Elite”. He,and his “set” can only see their side of any argument and dismiss as “thick and uneducated” anyone from outside their own incestuous bubble. Everything about Brexit is bad,everything about Trump is bad according to them. They have no understanding or sympathy for the “little” people who just keep quiet and defer to their “betters”.
    I’d have thought that a Satirist’s job was to mock pomposity and bigotry,not become the very epitome of it.

    Oh,and I wish that when he was at school someone had had the foresight to bully the smug,creepy,pug-ugly,little Wanker to the point of trauma…now that really would be funny.

    Get Fucked.

    • Waugh: ‘Satire is a matter of period. It flourishes in a stable society and presupposes homogeneous moral standards-the early Roman Empire and Eighteenth century Europe. It is aimed at inconsistent and hypocrisy. It exposes polite cruelty and folly by exaggerating them. It seeks to produce shame. All this has no place in the Century of the Common Man where five no longer pays lip service to virtue.’

  7. I saw five minutes a few weeks ago and my eyes and ears are still stinging.

    Hislop starts every sentence by aiming his response to the host then finishing it to the audience before folding in on himself, smirking into his many chins. In the 300 seconds I saw, Hislop was bobbing about like an epileptic ventriloquist’s dummy. Whilst speaking about Austerity, he was rolling his eyes at the audience, manically flicking his pen, and gurning at the audacity of the government!

    Hislop is a multi-millionaire who lives in a huge house in Sissinghurst, Kent. For him to be pretending to be affected by austerity is the only truly funny aspect of the programme.

    The droopy-faced misery on the other side mumbled , “Jack Rees-Mogg” and turned at the audience.

    Dreary, woeful and agonising to watch. As funny as an unflushed toilet.

  8. Off subject but I felt sorry for those Scandinavian girls who got beheaded by some Moroccan Peacefuls. Apparently they took every precaution before going except for one thing. Backpacking in a Muslim country.

    • I’ve just read that same story Fenton and i genuinely can’t stop laughing.

      Of course being beheaded is no laughing matter but one report said ‘they were found in their tent with severe neck injuries’

      What the fuck!!

      And the second as you say one of the mothers said they’d taken every precaution…….

      Morocco’s got form with this sort of shit. Just fucking stay away.

      Do you remember the recent story about those 2 Americans that went on a round the world cycling trip?

      Their Facefuck posts prior said shit like they believed the western press was making up stories about the Middle East and Asia being full of savages just to perpetuate war.

      The male yank wrote on one of his wanky posts that ‘the journey had taught him that humans were generous, wonderful and kind’

      They were subsequently run over then stabbed and shot.


      • Exactly Cunty, I’ve got some freinds up in Stockholm and their naivety is breath taking.
        The peacefuls piss down their necks, tell them it’s raining and they believe them. C’mon what were these girls thinking for christ’s Sakes ?

    • Every precaution other than the one that mattered most!! It was like those American snowflakes getting killed a few months ago cycling thru some mountain ranges full of “war lord” types!! Daft cunts

    • Being from Scandinavia, they were most probably uber liberal as well as naive as fuck. So desperate to show the world how Muslims / third world peasants are misunderstood by us nasty whities. Worked out well.

  9. I’ll be eternally grateful to HIGNFY for letting me know that I’m an ignorant, uninformed, bigoted racist that absolutely hates the country I live in because I don’t want it ruled by another one.

  10. Morning all
    A most timely kick in the cobs, CC.
    Completely agree with the comments so far. HIG in its heyday was smart and cynical, if a bit pleased with itself. That time was a long time ago; it’s in its 56th series (I think) and is running on empty. It’s jaded to the point of clapped out, very Londoncentric (of course), and condescending to us lesser mortals. It’s supposed to be satire, not propaganda. Most of the guests are utterly up themselves, and Hislop’s just become a complete caricature of himself, smug and unfunny. Merton just looks to be there for the cash.
    As for Private Eye, I used to be a subscriber, but gave up last year.

  11. This is just another shitfest that I immediately switch over just as mock the week etc etc
    They used to be a bit if a laugh but like every remoaning cunt they have let their politics infest their comedy and wit
    Comedy is at an all time low due to these cunts. I for one haven’t watched for 2 and a half years the BBC / CH4/ SLY News/ BBC radio and if I do catch a glimpse it’s to see what the enemy of the people is saying .
    I will give the EU it’s due, they have done a good job of turning a byproduct of cheap wages and maximum profit I.E free movement …. into the battlecry of these cunts who believe it’s an all embracing people project about bringing people together. These dim cunts actually believe it. It makes me boak. Just watch their faces sink onto confusion when you ask them ” if it’s a free trade area with no tariffs then that means higher wages as there s more money floating around right ? Oh wait it’s went right to the owners/shareholders and not the plebs ”

    Nationwide mongolism

  12. This Friday the presenter was Lineker. Didn’t watch but I bet it was balanced and hilarious. I wonder if any of the fuckers called him out on his silly and hypocritical ‘stick to football’ comments to Waddle and Shilton?

  13. I’d read PE for 40 years, on and off, but finally threw in the towel around 2 years ago. It’s funny how many things turned to shit around 30 months ago. Fucking WordPress fucking up again, I see.

  14. On the subject of Paul Merton, who let’s face it, is to comedy what Diane Abbott is to Weightwatchers, he is such a toadying little arsehole crawler – he should go into politics (if Fanny Izzard can do it…). I remember a few years ago when the BBC were celebrating 100 years of *Just A Minute* his regular radio job (well there is only that and HIGNFY) Merton said that he had listened to the show since he was a boy (yes the show is that old) and his dream was to appear on it, so one day he contacted the then producer, to ask for a job and as he was probably overwhelmed by his chutzpah, if not his talent, he gave him one guest appearance on the show. The rest is history. He has now done 30 years and barely, apparently, misses a show. Which probably explains why all the regular panel guests died off. Sheer Merton boredom.

    He also fancied himself as Tony Hancock and offered himself to ITV. ITV gave him 4 shows 20 odd years ago. He was never invited back.

    Not only a self-righteous bore but a media whore as well.

  15. Fuck Hislop, Merton, Lineker. Pigs with their snouts in the BBC trough which is filled with your hard-earned money dear friends. Fuck the BBC. If you have to watch the idiot box buy a small little box to plug into the TV and your internet router and watch TV programmes from around the world. The broadcasts are not instantaneous so the money grubbing bastards at the TV Licensing Authorit can’t do anything. Keep the licence fee money in your pocket where it belongs. Hit the cunts where it hurts. Don’t put up with this BBC gay pinko mafia cock-sucking, clit-fiddling bunch of cunts any longer. And no, I do not value that wonderful British institution called the BBC that was the benchmark for broadcasting last century.

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