Border Force

Emergency cunting nomination for Border Force the UK’S – so called – English Channel patrol.

220 fighting age, mainly “peaceful” men have descended on our country since November.

That’s the trickle before the downpour because once those cunts – courtesy of the AL-BEEB (which reaches northern France) – realise we’re open, the rest of the cunts will follow!

To make matters worse the Home Secretary has declared a state of emergency and wants more than the ONE UK border patrol boat sent to the channel.

What the fuck for!?! So they can pick more of the cunts up and fetch them here for a life of FoC milk and honey!?!

And how many have invaders been deported out of that 220 thus far? Well if you take the last digit of that number you’d be right!

Then – to add insult to injury – some bulldog looking SJW dyke comes on from “Kent Refugee Action Network” (yes that’s actually a thing) saying that blighty ISN’T very attractive to migrants and that WE have a very high opinion of ourselves to think that they want to come here. So how come they’ve travelled 2,000 miles+ to get here then luv?

Oh it’s because we’re a soft touch unlike wealthy oil rich states like Saudi Arabia who are much closer and more in tune with their bastard religious and dietary requirements!

Well she wants more boats to make their transition easier! Well I bet you do because bean flicking doesn’t produce any kids for you to have a vested interest in the future does it luv!

Welcome to the era of the Kalergi Replacement Plan wrapped up in the Marrakech Agreement that our weak as maiden’s piss, humpty-backed leader signed without batting an eyelid because she’s another cunt (like Merkel and Macron) who have no vested interest in our future!

Fuck off you do-gooder SJW cunts! They’re not staying here!

Fuck off UK Government and do a proper job of defending our borders which means REPELLING invaders not helping the cunts across!

And finally to all 3rd world shithole migrants: you are not welcome. Please fuck off or at least have the decency to drown before you get here!

I’m sorry if this is harsh but I no longer care. They weren’t asked or invited to come here. They’re just a further drain on our almost exhausted resources.



Nominated by Rebel Without A Cunt

54 thoughts on “Border Force

  1. I saw that silly fucking bitch on beeb news…..
    I don’t get how she/it/cunt can come out such crap ….
    But the French are the real cunts, they need to sort out all the shit in their backyard, arseholes aren’t doing enough to stop these cunts leaving the French coast

    • In fairness to the French, if the cunts were leaving here to go there, would we be any more “alert”?

      • For sure, we have all the fucking snowflake cunts who would be patrolling the fucking coast with bowls of soup.

        The Stansted 15 would become the 1500 on the beaches pleading with the peacefuls not take such a hazardous journey.

      • Rebel , I will cunt every other cunter off by jumping in at the top of the reply’s, to say I fucking agree with every word of your post. I am in 2 minds about the other topic earlier about UKIP as I think the scaremongering about Robinson will dissuade millions of “notsosures” to avoid UKIP . Its not right but I can see where the other cunters are coming from but also your passion about saying “fuck it, your being betrayed…do something!! ”
        . try being a Scot ! its fucking pointless up here.

        this escalation of arrivals is the sleepwalking I’ve bored everycunt here about for months. Being right isnt always a pleasure

        also encouragingly , note the amount of new cunters here last few weeks, they are me a year ago when i found this haven

        Admin thank you!!!! and sorry for jumping the list its cunty behaviour

  2. I’m all in favour of having another patrol boat.

    A fucking icebreaker ploughing its way up and down the channel smashing to bits anything that looks suspicious.

    • I am with you on that one. I am going to start listening to the shipping forecast at bedtime hoping to hear of sudden squalls in the channel so I can sleep contented.

      If we keep going as we are the cunts are going to start coming across in pedalos.

      In any event, Iran (like most of the shithole countries responsible for the origins of mass migration) is in need of regime change. It is not going to happen if the disenfranchised are given an easy way out.

  3. I bet there isn’t a ‘Kent OAP Social Care Network’. Probably doesn’t score highly enough on the SJW/Libtard victimhood scoreboard of London centric social media arse crawling.

  4. I wouldn’t go as far as wanting them to drown though. I would rather they were picked up and simply returned to their country of origin.

    • But given a choice of drowning and depriving our own for the rest of it’s life + breeding capacity?


      Harsh but we treat these initial cunts like total shit, i.e., making Guantanamo seem like a holiday camp AND then dump the fuckers back so they can tell all their friends how fucking shite we treat invaders because that’s what they are, fucking invaders!

      Drake burned their fleet to ashes.

      The RAF blew fuck out of anything even creeping close to the mainland in WW2.

      This is no different, the only difference being that these backward cunts following a medieval religion to the letter are far more dangerous to the British Public at large than any Spaniard or German would have been.

      As Dick would say, fuck ’em!

      • Don’t get me wrong, I understand the sentiment. I’m just thinking that if we kept returning them to where they came from every time they attempted this then they would eventually get the message in a more humane way without any lives having to be risked. Plus we could as a country be in a fuckton of legal trouble for allowing such drownings to happen on our watch.

      • Why?

        We didn’t invite the cunts did we?

        If a cunt tries to Invade someone’s home using a ladder and on the way up they fall off and smash their necks, who should’ve stopped that from happening?

        Well, the cunt themselves, they shouldn’t have been there in the first place should they!

        These are not poor cunts accidentally beached or marooned in a storm, or poor cunts issuing an SOS from a sinking fishing boat, they are attempting to invade our country for financial gain.

        Every country has the right to protect it’s borders and if foreign invaders die in the process, then so be it.

        I will not be turned. Fuck ’em!

      • RWC – you are spot on mate – this is an invasion by land and sea from a hostile nation. I thought we had eventually purchased some P8 Poseidon planes (given that we wasted billions on that failed Nimrod idea) – one of those would spot all of these fuckers right off the beach and we could barricade the UK/France sea boarder and tell them on the loudhailer to fuck right off before entering UK waters.

        They carry Harpoon missiles in case they don’t understand…….

      • If “Two weeks waterboarding at Guantanamo Bay” doesn’t sound like a nice, all-inclusive fortnight away, then I don’t know what does….

        I’m with you on this one Rebel….
        I’m beyond caring about people who would fuck me over, or worse, given the chance….

  5. The English Channel managed to keep the German army at bay 70 odd years ago….apparently now it can’t keep a bunch of people more used to the desert,in pissy little rubber dinghies, out.
    The whole thing is a con. I’m no sailor,but don’t see how it’s possible,in December,for so many ill-equipped,non-nautical types to get so far that they need picking up from the British side. I wouldn’t fancy my chances of getting a mile off shore,never mind most of the way across the British Channel. Wouldn’t surprise me if some larger vessel wasn’t bringing them most of the way before decanting them a couple of miles off the British shore.

    I’d happily see photos of their waterlogged remains washing up like so much driftwood. Might discourage the rest of them from risking it.

    Fuck them.

    • Little doubt in my mind that the Frogs are behind all this, or at very least aiding & abetting. We should immediately withhold all further talk of £39billion payment et al until they take their responsibilities seriously and return these cunts to last safe EU country from which they came.

    • I wonder why drug gangs go to such lengths to smuggle drugs in? If a family of “Iranians” with no nautical experience and only a rubber dinghy can virtually make it across the Channel,just imagine what an experienced crew with a speedboat could accomplish.

      Get Fucked.

      • I expect they’re doing a lot of that already. Besides, how would we know with our virtually unpatrolled coastline?

  6. Cue Lilly Mong and her whinging and blubbing in front of the cameras telling the world what a racist xenophobic country Britain is, and she’ll give it some “Not in my name” bollocks, while probably plugging her next album/book/load of old twat etc.

    And once the cameras have moved on she’ll get back in her chauffeur driven car and fuck off back to some out-in-the-country and her big fucking mansion or some such “keep the fuck away from me you cunts!” pad.

    Oh, and you watch those cunts at the Guardian go into overdrive again; they’ll probably include Brexit because that’s what they love doing for any fucked up disaster.

    As for the Border Force – more like Border Farce!

  7. You’ve nothing to apologise for Rebel. This country has been a soft touch for fucking decades. It wouldn’t bother me if every last one of these cunts ended up at the bottom of the briny.
    As for the bulldog lesbo, she had my dicky ticker going twenty to the dozen, the fucking traitor, she could go over the fucking side too.
    What a fucking grotesque creature .
    An obscenity.
    Get to fuck.

  8. Correction, Rebel: ‘Border Patrol Boat’ is pronounced T-A-X-I

    Kent used to be the Garden of England but the towns are choc-full of every swarthy-looking, dooshka-diooshka Korrva-Korrva Eastern Eurotrash swarming the place, eyeing up every potential house for the ripest burglary time while the police fail to notice their hanging on every street corner and transparent sale of drugs. The coastal towns were the first to be ruined, then the North part, now it’s spreading and is an infestation, an organised network of nefarious cunts.

    Consequently it’s a waste of time these rapey, angry savages stopping in Kent as it’s long been diseased. I suggest that after these violent thugs have been processed, financed, given mobile phones and free education, that they house these potential terrorists elsewhere.

    Spread the misery and let the terror commence. Happy New Year.

    • And Zimbabwe used to be the garden of Africa.

      Won’t be long before Kent parallels that shithole if things keep up as they are while Cuntminster turns a blind eye.

      I’d love to see the cunts try it in Poland or Hungary! Proper Govt!

      • One of my sister’s mates is a guy from Zimbabwe who’s parents moved here precisely because of Mugabe’s war on whitey. It truly is utterly baffling to me how anyone can justify such activities.

      • How is that Australia can protect its coastal borders with aeroplanes, helicopters, and boats yet we can’t protect our island about 100 in width? They’re a huge island and yet, despite a pc snowflakery that’s even worse than ours, manage to properly police it.

        Britain has almost a thousand-year history of not being invaded which is suddenly porous to rapey savages on dinghies and windsurfing Iron Curtains.

        Longshanks, Henry V, Henry VIII, Cromwell, Elizabeth I, Victoria, and Churchill must be rolling in their graves. Ovecome by drones, water-skiers, and Savages from Africa..

      • We’re a fucking laughing stock in this country every cunt thinks we are either a soft touch or complete mugs for believing anything these so called asylum seekers say. Oh I’ll get executed if I get sent back, well that’s because you are a child rapist you cunt face the consequences you evil turd. Oh I’ll be locked up without trial, well that’s because you insighted mass illegal protests against your shit government stay and fight like a man you cunt. Etc, etc.
        Two options with these boat cunts pick them up take them back to France or Holland, Belgium wherever they have originated from and say over to you. Or as has been suggested let the cunts drown or better still give the British military some target practice, Naval 4.5″ shells, F35 gatling gun, the harpoon missile.
        Fuck off we’re FULL

  9. Some great comments but alas to no avail. Our politicians are scared shitless of being labelled ‘racist’. We can only move to more and more out of the way places: Devon Cornwall Scotland etc untill we’re eventually overwhelmed. Fucking great isn’t it.

  10. Agreed Cuntflap, the peaceful Channel gimmigrants are just the overflow of Paris scum the yellow vests are protesting about and shifting the problem a few hundred miles north.

  11. What is worrying is the role the RNLI will play. The heroes in orange boats will be obliged to save the lives of these floaters, another great British establishment now sucked into the mire.

    • Radio free mate. And luckily they’re going for it at night.

      Hear no evil, see no evil.

      Nudge, nudge. Wink, wink.

      “Do you think that was a gimmiegrant inflatable we just passed?”

      “It could be a used elephant condom?”

      “Do you get many of those in the channel?”

      “Who knows.”


  12. Why are these boats picking the bastards up in French waters and bringing them here? And why would the do-gooders think the cunts want to come here instead of staying in France? It’s because they get more given to them for free. Don’t they realize that?
    Every single gimmegrant that arrives on these shores makes our living conditions that bit worse. And there’s thousands of the fuckers. I want my living standards to go up not down.

    • Well so long as we shit and piss into it as well hopefully some of it will fly into the faces (or is that faeces) of the Cunts in Cuntminster too!

  13. By the way, am I the only one who thinks Border Force sounds like the main villanious organisation from some shitty Star Wars ripoff?

  14. The Border Service has been instructed to be more concerned about collecting revenue for the Govt. than keeping immigrants out. Try bringing in a bit of extra baccy or drink,and you’ll see how efficient they can be when necessary.

  15. It’s not ‘harsh’ at all. Islam is evil, and fighting-age ‘peacefuls’ are its footsoldiers, sent here for one purpose and one purpose only. One more is too many.

  16. I might sneak out, black up, then catch one of these water taxis in so as to procure a free house/ education/ folding stuff, etc.

    Me leaved ma countree to ‘ave a betta wee o’life. Now where is dems whitey women?

    – Mr.Al Jolson Magnanimous.

  17. I would also like to add to my Common Sense Party manifesto a law which states that any SJW campaigning for a cunt cause which benefits no one is this country, will have their assets liquidated and used to pay for their gregarity.

    And once their money has run out, we then move onto their nearest 18+ relative and do the same, and so on, and so forth, down the entire family line.

    It’s all very easy to be generous on behalf of someone else when those actions have no direct impact on their circumstances or finances. Maybe if we made that cost directly obvious to these Social Justice Warrior cunts who – let’s face it – are just after social media, virtue-signalling, brownie points they’d be less gregarious??

    I bet not one of the cunts give two stony shits about these invaders (unless they’re menopausal land whales after a bit of exotic cock), it’s all about oneupmanship within their over-privileged clique of Poppy and Jemima types telling the rest of society what it should be doing from their Ivory Towers in the Cotswolds, blissfully untouched by the enrichment they grace upon us.

    They’re as big a problem as the invading cunts themselves. If they suffered the immediate consequences of *their* generosity then maybe they’d be a bit more reticent when it comes to spouting utter bullshit for likes!


      • Yes it makes perfect sense in the time of the digital sheep.

        People’s real lives are so dull and boring that they have to big themselves up in the digital landscape craving the attention their real-world sad existence could never afford them.

        In this instance gaining faux kudos for having been to an ultra exclusive restaurant, hoping someone – anyone – would ask them about their experience, providing them the human contact they crave but never receive in person; probably because they’re dull as dishwater and/or are cunts.

        The same is true of any and all SJW bullshit, folk joining in merely to feel a sense of belonging. This is why the NPC meme is so apt to describe the cunts.

        Brexit baaaaad!

        Orange man baaaaad!

        But when you quiz them on their standpoint they have no answer and so start chanting “WAYCIST! WAYCIST!” etc., so that they don’t have to.

        If these virtue-signalling, like craving, dullards actually took stock of their sad little lives, I’m pretty sure a fair majority would kill themselves as the reality of their insignificance hit home.

        And that would be no bad thing would it.

  18. Moderated again for fuck all!

    This time a repost resulted in a “Duplicate post detected.” so don’t be pulling none of that banana in the tailpipe shit!

  19. A perfect cunting! Give me the cartridges and red bull I’ll sit up 24/7 shooting these fuckin parasites as soon as they get into sight. FUCKIN CUNTS!

  20. There is a simple solution to this. They could let them all in, but they’d all have to be held in a refugee camp in Aberdeen for processing. This would involve taking their name, date of birth, country of origin, assessing skills, assessing if they have a genuine claim for asylum and if they want to be integrated into our society. Give them books (in English), TV, limited internet access, basic food (bread, milk, tea, water, some meat, fish, porridge — hospital food) and shelter and see how they like it. They would not be allowed to work or claim benefits for 1 year.

    After a few months in Aberdeen they’d be so pissed off they’d want to go back to where they came from. Fuck them.

    • Or…

      We could do none of those things and fuck them off immediately without even allowing their shivering bodies to dry out first?

      I don’t see why we should spend a brass farthing more than it will already cost to deport the cunts.

      They don’t belong here end of, so fuck them off!

  21. Wer’e fucked because the snowflake lefties seem to have the last say in this country. Their blinkered self destructive ideology is fast becoming the ruin of us. I would Sink the boats with the cunts still in them. They would soon stop coming in then.
    On a much sadder note.. HMV have gone into administration . Probably because their are not enough immigrants working here or Brexit’s fault.

  22. How to stop them is the question. Appealing to that cunt Micron will not work. I know… instead of rescuing the fuckers, actively blow the cunts out of the water. 2 or 3 gunboats should do. That way the message will DEFINITELY get across the Channel.

  23. I posted on here previously

    We should define the word refugee as someone running away from oppression.

    We should define the phrase economic migrant as someone who leaves the safety of one place for a better opportunity elsewhere.

    We should not give a penny for the latter and send the money saved to assist those at the front line. We shpuld take in gamily groups from the front line so that they are given an upbringing in our values.

    Anyone coming here from France without permission should not be given benefits, accommodation, the right to hold assets, access to healthcare, access to education, access to the banking system, access to employment. That will save their lives because they will stop trying to make the dangerous Channel crossing.

    The illegal aliens are not cunts. Those snowflakes who forget that those entering the UK are not refugees are the real cunts.

  24. The only extra ‘boat’ we need in the Channel is a fucking great leviathan submarine to torpedo any looming fucktards to kingdom come.

    Make that several. I would even volunteer to captain one of the fuckers given the chance.


    See, I know all the lingo.

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