Angelina Jolie, Hollywood superstar, is to be a guest-editor on Radio 4’s Today programme. She is planning a Refugee special.
Jolie, star of Tomb Raider and owner of a natural, huge mouth, said she is going to invite refugees and survivors of conflict to speak about their experiences.
Perhaps if she clubbed together with all her “humanitarian” millionaire cronies (Leo DiCrapriat, George Fucking Clooney) they could chip in billions of dollars to a cause of their choice. Clooney owns five houses. Yet no, they’d rather just educate the little people, admonish them then tell them to donate.
Well done, Jolie; you’ve won the 2018 Lineker Award. Merry Fucking Christmas.
Listen, TinselTown Tits, you live a multi-millionaire lifestyle and play act love stories and action films before returning to one of your many mansions and servants. Stop attempting to milk a bit of sympathy during your salty divorce proceedings with Brad. Stop lecturing people about refugees, real or otherwise, and stop pretending you don’t have a thoroughly pampered life, you pompous, trout-lipped hypocrite.
Nominated by Captain Magnanimous
More like Tinsel No-tits now isn’t she?
Burn Hollywood burn…
It’s all about self promotion and virtue signalling. None of these greedy bastards would give a refugee the shit out of their arse.
Total hypocrites and cunts.
Another Hollywood harpy lecturing the masses, but at least adopts child refugees and orphans, touring Third World shitholes like a Versace clad Pied Piper, strangely none of the bearded children from Calais though.
Brilliant cunting captain!! ???
Thank you, Quiser. Good day to you, my liege.
Oi! Jon Voight. Sort your girl out
All these virtuous cunts are very well insulated from the problems refugees cause. They should try living in the no-go areas of peaceful Europe.
Shut it, Manjawlina!
Indeed. Scrub the ‘aid’ budget and deport anything arriving without explicit written leave to do so, in the very next slow boat to Pakistan, and let them sort it out from there. The money saved might be usefully employed in getting traumatised and homeless ex-Servicemen off the street and back into functioning existence. That is, people who were prepared to do something for this country, not cunts who aren’t prepared to do anything about improving theirs.
I am far too humane for this site. I apologise if I have caused offence as a result. Your idea has merit, however. Can we include a job lot of politicians in the next flight of the Cuntflap Shuttle, please?
I flew into gatwick on monday, some twat two in front of me was trying to get in to the UK with an ID card without a photo, the Border guy was
quite polite and explained he had to have Photo ID.
Twat face then produced a phone and showed him a picture say this is me with my friends you can ask them who I am.
He was escorted to a little area to the left of the queue and I have not seen him since.
Mind you the fucking biometric system was shit, it wouldnt let me in, however not as impressive as the woman who managed to get trapped in the system, no idea what she did but a big fuck off klingon attack alarm went off and the gates closed behind her, and she was stuck there like an unexpected item in a bagging area with a big fuck off red flashing light above her.
Lord Benny, perhaps that woman was Theresa May returning from her BJ Euro Tour.
Me Lord: I prefer flying into Gatwick rather than fucking Heathrow, but Gatwick has issues.
Those ePassport stations don’t like my passport. They just refuse to accept it. I suppose if I had a turban, didn’t speak English and needed free housing and money I’d get fast tracked into a tax payer subsidised limo which would take me to my 5 bedroom mansion in the ‘burbs from where I could call the rest of my family to come join me. For free.
What really pisses me off if having been stuck in a flying metal tube for 9 hours, I get to Gatwick and set foot on my home soil, only for some non-white accented cunt bossing me around like they own the place. Fuck off. I’m tired, grumpy and you weren’t born here so do one. Cunt!
These people disgust me. The sheer size of their bulging bank accounts is obscene enough without trumpeting their opinions in public. I abhor these vain-obsessed stains.
Fuck off , not interested in your fucking refugee ballocks.
That Brad Pitt sure has a shit taste in women,look who hes been with,Sinitta,Robin Givens,Jill Schoelen,Juliette Lewis,Jennifer Aniston, and the mammary deficient Jolie.Surely its all a show and the cunt secretly bats for the other side?
Lewis has reasonable tits and Jolie has good gobbling lips. That’s all there is to say about them really.
Jolie is a home wrecking tramp. Why Brad Spit would dump Jennifer Aniston and shack up with this slag is beyond me. He has mental problems as has been reported. I don’t know how much of a nightmare Aniston is to live with, but bugger me sideways I’d like to find out.
I agree, IY. I imagine Aniston would be bloody annoying to be around (“OMG, like, I todally need a coffee, right, right?”) but Christ on a bike she’s an attractive minx. Jolie would probably have you in a headlock and slam dunk you if you didn’t put the loo seat down.
Spurs a bit lucky to inch over the line.. At least, like the mighty Red Men last night, you’re through.
Morning Capt. I often fall asleep day dreaming (or should that be night dreaming?) of the lovely Ms Aniston lowering her undercarriage onto my……dang! cold shower alert!!
Anyway, I agree with you. The Aniston would be all hissy fit and strop while Jolie would be all body slam and upper cut if you looked at her the wrong way.
This won’t sound very fan like, but I was a tad disappointed Spurs fluked it into the last 16. Only because I want Pinocchio gone. He keeps picking Sissoko FFS!!! Defeats and no Euro footie at the new Lane is how he gets fired. Fair play to the lads though. Just wish Lame-la would get a life threatening injury because he needs to piss off as well.
Top line cunting for another virtue-signalling Hollywood multimillionaire. Stick to the day job and keep your fucking opinions to yourself, and that goes for every other fucking opinionated luvvy.
Very tight arse, mind.
Top cunting.
Decent actress but a prize cunt of epic proportions off screen.
I am so sick of seeing monied, privileged, do-gooder celbricunts lecturing the great unwashed about refugees, the starving in Africa, how we should all be so understanding and accepting of migration from ‘troubled zones’, and the list goes on. What REALLY fucking gets right up my ageing fanny are those fucking adverts with celebricunts begging for our money – ‘Water Aid’, ‘Unicef’, etc. etc.
They really need to go fuck themselves. They don’t make these ads for benevolent reasons, they make them as a cynical ploy to have the public say ‘Oh, what a lovely celbricunt they are, helping ‘the little people’……Umm no. The way I look at it is, if they are THAT worried about the cause they beg for, they would donate a shit load of THEIR OWN MONEY, seeing as they can fucking afford it while Joe Public are relying increasingly on fucking food banks.
Going back to Jolie, I think most things she does are for narcissistic reasons. ‘Look at me, adopting all of these children of varied race and colour from impoverished backgrounds…..look at me having brunch with Kim Jong Un’ (or whoever the fuck she schmoozes – that fat fuck would probably eat her, if she wasn’t careful, having mistaken her for Hoisin ribs)
Angelina, I really don’t give a fuck about your ego pandering on steroids, dear, or what your plans are for your radio show. So you will have a random refugee on? Quelle surprise. If we were talking Lord Lucan appearing on the back of Shergar, that might make me tune in, otherwise……
She’s a Satanist or Illuminati Luciferian or whatever apparently. Saw her on You Tube talking about sacrificing her snake and seeing everyone’s bits during a sex ritual. Apparently Hollywood rife with this bollox.