Womens Equality Party

The Wimmins together/metoo/andmetoo *Equality* Party need a fucking good cunting. These whinging desperate old harridans are always desperate for publicity, now they are using young schoolgirls to bolster their campaign, which is sagging more than Harriet Harman’s tits.

They reached a new level of cuntitude tonight when Thames News on ITV *highlighted* the fact that young schoolgirls are being perved in their school uniform. What made it more risible was their main spokeswoman was an obese gobby 15 year old four-eyed black girl. Surely there are not that many “elderly” men (in their 40s and 50s according to the mini Diane Abbott!) that roam around on buses with their guide dogs.

These fucking wimmin are determined to be victims they even use ugly kids to dom their dirty work. What a bunch of arseholes.

Nominated by W. C. Boggs

61 thoughts on “Womens Equality Party

  1. The easy way to gain attention in our narcissistic society is to claim victim status. Loads of cunts running around desperately hunting for discrimination so they can cry and attract sympathy.
    Take that disabled cunt crawling around the airport. Oh, I can’t have some cunt pushing me around in a wheelchair because it’s “humiliating “. So instead i’ll get my mates to film me crawling all over the floor and post it all over soshul meeja. That’s not fucking humiliating is it?
    Me me me me fucking look at me, feel sorry for me, sympathise with me, cry about me. The whole world revolves around me and it’s about time they fucking recognised it.

    • Indeed Freddie. You rather get the feeling, don’t you, that the airport staff said “Sir, your wheelchair will be here in 15 minutes.” And he though “fuck that, any chance for a bit of publicity and social media twattery,” and hurled himself on the floor like a cantakerous spastic with his eye on a lawsuit, the cunt.

      • To right Thomas, this spasmo is a professional litigant and seized the opportunity to fill his bank account. Sliding around the floor attention seeking knob. What a cunt aye ?

      • Funny how that Cunt-tard managed to get off the plane without his wheelchair. And has anyone noticed that the Cockwomble’s socks are dirty… Looks like he walked into the baggage claim area.. Fucking disability allowance scrounging CUNT..

    • That raspberry is a 24 carat cunt
      Attention/ compensation seeking sack of shite…..
      I seriously hope he suffers some real humiliation with his pathetic attempt to claim compo…….

  2. The only privilege comes from money. It is not a function of sex, race, sexuality or the name of your imaginary friend. The only reason our masters push these bullshit agendas is to divide ordinary people and stop them realising who their real enemy is. Ordinary women have far more in common with ordinary men than the rich, privileged elitists at the top of organisations like this joke of a party.

    Read this book…. https://mikesplace2017.wordpress.com/2018/11/03/book-review-6/

    • Now I understand the definition of wealth. It means you don’t have to find a toilet to take a shit. Which is strange because, like someone else on here remarked recently, I find that a good comfortable satisfying shit is one of the few pleasures left in life. And I wouldn’t feel comfortable waiting hours with a turd next to my arse for someone else to find it and change my nappy. Those days are sixty-odd years in the past and no amount of money would make me want to revisit them.

  3. Hairy-lipped, frumpy, work-shy, soapdodging old bags.

    Who gives a flying fuck about their shitty, imaginary ‘wimminstruggle’?

    I suspect the majority are lacking some solid cock action in their lives and this is merely an outlet for their frustrations.

  4. 17 year old talented artist/aspiring architect stabbed to death outside Clapham South tube yesterday at 4.30 in the afternoon. Fuck me, that’s one of the busiest places in South London, there must be cameras everywhere. These cunts just don’t give a fuck do they?
    No doubt the perpetrator is another victim of institutional racism and white privilege.

    • You forgot talented aspiring rapper. Ain’t they all like that? It’s Darwinism in action in Londonistan. Long may it continue until London Road in every town is renamed Freddie the Frog Freeway.

  5. Shall we start a chaps equality party ? Can you imagine the fecking screaming hoo ha from the no cocks and their look at me gay boy supporters, feck me it would be worth it just for the reaction it would act like a poltice to draw all the rotten poisonous old spunkers to the surface where they could be humiliated in public. Feckin old minges to a woman.

    • Great idea Civvydog. It would probably prove to be a fatal case of apoplexy for ugly cunt rent-a-gob Jess Phillips, make Yvette Cooper and Harriet Harman ill and definately make the old queens of New Labour a bit queer.

  6. The thing is these “types” want to own both sides of the same coin, e.g., let’s just say there’s a frump-zilla, triggerly-puff feminista type gets radgy (which is most of the time) and some bloke decides to give them one upside the head. Do you:

    a) Step in as it’s the decent thing to do as no man should hit a woman – even wimminz “types”.

    b) Walk on by because it has fuck all to do with you.

    If you do (a), triggerly-puff’s immediate response (as she’s wiping the blood off her face) is that she doesn’t need a man to fight her battles and that it was sexist to assume that she did thank you very much!

    If you do (b) then triggerly-puff’s immediate response would be that all of the men walked by because they agree with violence towards women.

    Fucked if you do. Fucked if you don’t.

    So the only rational thing to do is to avoid wimminz full stop. Not to be confused with women who think wimmenz are off their rockers as much as the men-folk do!

    • Thank Dog men still have the advantage of physical strength. We fuck with the natural order at our peril.

  7. And speaking of equality…

    Remember when us norms said that just by declaring oneself as a man or woman – irrespective of biology – was a load of old bollocks and could lead to some potentially worrying situations (men in women’s changing rooms, etc.)?

    How we laughed at the sheer insanity of it right?

    Wrong! A safe house for women who are victims of male abuse, in Anchorage Alaska, is under investigation by the local authorities for refusing to permit entry to a man who identified as a woman.


    I saw an interview with one of the safe house workers on Fox News and the “man” who turned up was off his (metaphorical) tits – on booze and/or drugs – and had quite clearly been in a fight.

    Just the type you want in close proximity to women who are terrified of violent men!

    O’course the shelter is baaaaad for discriminating based purely on the antiquated science of biology rather than the much more reliable modern phenomenon of gender identity.

    “Inmates” and “Asylum” comes to mind.

    • That’s the maddest thing i’ve ever heard of (but it’s still early I suppose)
      This bloke is just taking the piss. A good fucking kicking would sort the cunt out.

  8. Excellent post WC B
    I saw a bbc news segment a few months ago regarding schoolgirls being harassed by men, like your gobby four eyed black girl the main protagonist was a particularly unattractive four eyed muzzie heifer who claimed she was sexually harassed on a daily basis? Even my wife laughed when the muzzie moose claimed car after car pulled over and propositioned her on the short walk to school? The sympathetic Cunts a the bbc never asked her if she had reported this to the police? Or if any of this daily sexual predation had been caught on the 1000,s of cctv cameras that exist? Why? Because it was a fucking bull shit fake story!, the only time a car ever blew its horn at this dreadful looking beast was probably to get the fucking lump out of the road…….

  9. Womens rights?! that is old hat now, nowadays its trans rights and human rights for peaceful terrorists and I’m sure robots will eventually have their rights organization in the the next decade arguably the better of the two as well

    We will all be laughing when female trans islamic robots get their own rights organization going

  10. If this nomination is over a month old, then I too saw that ITV segment and the 15yo spokeswoman beast flattering herself that anything but the fucking kettle would whistle at her seismic arse. Worse still, they got the frailest, most meek young boy they could find in an inner city comp to say something along the lines of ‘this harassment is bad and men need to be good’.

    Goes without saying that men perving on schoolkids are cunts of the highest order. But the tone of that news segment was the familiar implication that ‘all men’ are fair game as potential paedos and sex offenders. Judging by the number of slutcunt wimmin teachers who I read about having sexual relations with their pupils, I think it’s high time society stopped treating the 50% of adults equipped with an oozing axe-wound as the angelic, good part of society and indtead accepted – equally – that there are deviants and ne’er-do-wells amongst both sexes.

    Women’s Equality Party – cunts literally and figuratively.

  11. These modern ‘ strong ‘ women make me fucking weep, first sign of conflict and it’s ‘boo fucking hoo ‘ Let’s start a twatter campaign and hire a fancy lawyer that ticks all the right diversity boxes. Sad cunts, not like the proper strong women of old – Boudicca ‘s the name , slaughter’s the game, and good old Elizabeth the 1st.Threatened by almighty Spain, does she burst into tears and retire to her room ? Does she fuck, she dons a tin hat and tells them to fuck right off .
    Modern women ?
    Pah !!
    Good morning.

  12. Back in the 1960s I had a certain grudging respect for SCUM (the Society for Cutting Up Men). At least they were relatively honest and up front about their aims and intentions.


    If these crooked thinking Wimminz Equality Party cunts want to be equal I suggest they self-identify as Men and be fucking done with it.

  13. Most of these Equality for women types are either Lesbians or Mingers. The Lezzas actually want to be men,and The Mingers are furious because they can’t get a man.
    They aren’t helping their cause by Gayifing men either.The “modern” man is unable to pork one of these Fuglies whereas yer “old-school” man would have supped a dozen pints,thought “Fuck it,as long as I do the bitch from behind, I won’t have to look at her” and chucked a length up even the grossest of Swamp-Monsters…..and the cow would have been grateful for it too.
    The Lezza-types are actually sexual predators. They enjoy spreading their depravity to the most innocent,hence their love for “barely-legal” schoolgirl types. In common with their “male” colleagues, they have a taste for sweet,young meat. Only the poorest and ugliest Gays have partners of the equivalent age,the richer or less-ugly the Gay, the younger the “husband or wife.”

    These dreadful harridans who are protesting just need a good kick up the Cunt to put them back in line. Women, whether Gay or not,are like horses or dogs,they need a firm hand and discipline. Animals need to know who the boss is,and women are the same. They will be happier knowing their boundaries,and it is the man’s duty and birthright to teach them their rightful place in the pecking-order.,,,Spare the rod,spoil the woman.

    Fuck them.

    • Indeed Mr Fiddler, it would take a brave soul to tame Sandi Toksvig founder of the WEP or the equally rampant bull dyke, Bernard Balding.

  14. Would like to be a young man today. You would get lifted (arrested) for farting. About stabbing in london it is lawless was driving near croydon when 3 trainee architects were pulling wheelie and driving on the pavements on their mopeds. I was hoping a 18 wheeler would appear around the bend. Prick

    • I used to laugh at that song by the blambo Lighthouse Family “Lifted.” Yes, I thought, it is cuz you is bleck! Cunts.

  15. I used to be fairly supportive of women’s rights and even irons rights but the pendulum has swung so far in the opposite direction that both groups just annoy the tits off me now.

    • The pendulum has indeed swung too far in the other direction. I have always been in favour of equal rights for women… but they’ve had equal rights, pay, etc, since the 1970s, and STILL they bleat on about it!

      What they’re really demanding is to be MORE EQUAL than men.

      As Orwell would have put it: ‘some sexes are more equal than others…’

    • “I used to be fairly supportive of women’s rights and even irons rights”……….suprisingly enough, I never was.

  16. There was some bloke in a frock on the telly the other day, having a debate with some wimminz about some shite or other, before turning it off, he came out with the classic line ‘ we’re all women ‘. Hilarious, I almost left it on, but thought that the ensuing uncontrollable laughter might precipitate a hernia.
    The freaks are taking over.

  17. Notice how all of these feminist rights cunts are usually munters, bull dykes, lardy slags, diesel dykes, rodental looking skinny shrews, Olive On The Buses look-alikes, or anvil faced Merkel-esque frumps?…. I’ve yet to see an attractive one… And, no, I don’t include sundry Tinsletown celebrislags who use these ‘feminist issues’ as a self serving ‘Look at me!’ way to get publicity and virtue signaling points…

  18. I saw some shite on the BBC about schoolgirls being sexually harassed by men, the main protagonist was a 4 eyed muzzy moose would claimed she was harassed on her short walk to school on a daily basis? According to her men in cars continually pull up and proposition her? Apparently it happens all the time?
    The question that I wanted the Cunt bbc reporter to ask ms moose was “ have you reported this to the police?” “ have any of these incidents been recorded on the 10000,s of cctv cameras on our roads?” I can guess why they never asked her that because she was talking shite!
    Of course their are unsavoury lowlife men that behave like that but nowhere near the amount people like her would have you believe!
    I saw another young lady complaining a few weeks ago that men stare at her? All the time? , to be fair she was reasonably attractive and so a lot of men would probably do a double take, same as women do when they see a good looking bloke…… WTF
    The fucking bbc never question the legitimacy of their wild claims, it must be true because a woman said it seems to be the case, and of course all men as we know are sexual predators……. ?

    • It’s probably what she is telling herself, while she shafts herself with her 12″ Mega Phallus, which she pinched from Ann Summers during the half term break. I can see a film here – Schoolgirl Hardcore Fetish

    • If she was a Muzzy,she was probably closely related to the worst culprits for harrassing young schoolgirls….possibly her brother’s taxi which was pulling up so that the driver could proposition her.

    • Afternoon Q – great post ? – my thoughts entirely.

      Well remember my mother emphasising the importance of never believing unquestioningly everything I read, hear or am told…

  19. Echo. Anothe version of Alexa. She kisses him before she goes off to work. Left holding the baby. The usual incompetence-in the kitchen, doing the housework. Echo reminds he must take the child somewhere. Off he goes hurrying back in the rain. More housework before ‘Laura’ returns. Sits down for a well-deserved rest. Echo-‘Laura says she love for all you do’. Contented smile on his face.

  20. Someone on here the other night said we ought to return to the nineteen fifties. We are light years from the 1950s.

    • 1850 would be more preferable. No lardasses, no darkies of any kind, no social meeja, no council scum, no benefits for multiple squalling brats, women knew their place, benders kept it under wraps, anyone declaring themselves to be a transbender justifiably put in a straightjacket and given electroshock therapy.
      No movies or lesbian fisting porn though, so not all a bed of roses.
      All in all, it sounds great.
      Er…if you were rich. If you were poor, it must’ve been terrible.

    • That was me, Miles. Maybe not the 1950s but at least a saner time. Read the Telegraph today and my piss was vaporizing. Also watched a film starring Thora Hird in an era when men were men and women were women and a doctor would pay a house visit and there were no darkies. And people knew each other, looked after each other, etc, etc

  21. Yes Sgt Maj in the 50s the man would leave the house maybe with a kiss and ‘love you’ to the missus. She would take care of the baby and the house. In the ad I referred to the woman leaves the house without saying anything. The man looks after the baby and the house and is told that he is loved by a machine. I said we were light years from the 50s. We are billions of light years away.

  22. It had to be the FUGLY, fuckwit Duke that no one in their right mind would whistle or touch with a 30 foot barge pole moaning about wimmins rights… More than likely fucking jealous of their good looking mate… Cunt!!

  23. Equality until it doesn’t suit and then your being a sexist masoginous pig, ffs I once spent a week working with a female mechanic and I’m now qualfied to say equality is bollocks, needless to say she,s no longer a mechanic the that…..fuck of back to burning your hubbies dinner….

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