Vince Cable

Memory failing, Vince ?

Yet again, I find myself having to nominate that senile old Limp Dim fart, Vince Cable. He’s always been a miserable, whiny voiced twat. But since the referendum he’s thrown himself fully into the realms of insanity with his increasingly ridiculous, doom laden warnings of what will happen when/if the UK finally leaves the EU. Well, last night (Thursday 25th November 2018) he delivered what I consider to be the piece de resistance of Brexit doom prophecies.

According to Vince, Brexit will bring about the end of Strictly. Apparently, the reason that Strictly will have to end is that most of the professional dancers are not British. That’s true. However, it’s also true that most of the non-British dancers are from non-EU countries, and that our immigration laws are such that they would not be affected by the end of the worl…err…Brexit.

As demented, desperate Brexit scaremongering goes, this one is right at the top of the shit pile. I see it as a sign that Cable’s last remaining, hair thin grip on reality has finally snapped, and he is now clinically insane. Even IF Brexit brought about the end of Strictly, who gives a fuck? It’s a TV show for Christ’s sake. A TV in which overpaid, attention seeking, zzzz list ‘celebrities’ dress up like faggots and compete to see who can make themselves look a bigger prick than usual. The world will not end if it’s cancelled.

Yes, the few million people who actually watch that shite will be upset, but they’ll get over it. And the tens of millions who DON’T watch it, and don’t give a flying monkey’s fuck about the show, will carry on as normal. Nothing bad will happen. And let’s face it, shows like that are ten a penny. There’ll be another load of ‘celebrity’ shite along sooner or later.

For Cable to suggest that our leaving the Fourth Reich will bring about the end of a show that the vast majority of people in the UK neither watch, nor care about, is yet another sign of how desperate remainers are becoming. This isn’t just scraping the bottom of the barrel, this is digging deep beneath the barrel. Especially Cable who, let’s not forget, is the miserable cunt who claimed he could bring down the Tory/Lib Dem coalition government that HE helped create, with his ‘nuclear option’ then remembered that the Lib Dems are against nuclear weapons.

What little credibility he had has long since disappeared. Retirement can’t come soon enough for this cunt. His brain retired years ago. And in any case, Strictly wouldn’t have to be cancelled, for the simple reason that there are LOADS of professional BRITISH dancers.

Nominated by Quick Draw McGraw

37 thoughts on “Vince Cable

  1. And why are they shipping in foreign fucking dancers in the first place? There must be plenty of British dancers who would give their right arms to appear on this shitfest. Maybe the foreign cunts are marginally better but I doubt that the old grannies who watch this bollocks would know the difference.
    No, the BBC , like Sir Vincent himself, love cheap foreign labour. Cable can go and fuck himself the arrogant, treacherous cunt.

    • What’s the fuss? British dancers could be made up to look like foreigners if that’s what’s required.

      Besides, we never had a problem with all this bollocks when the Black and White Minstrel Show ruled the airwaves, and that was yonks before we joined the EEC! And don’t tell me Cable didn’t have a crafty winky-wanky-woo or two whilst ogling those white English Roses being sexually assaulted by the Oriental looking gentlemen wearing matching white lipstick and eyeliner, dirty old cunt.

      • Good point ruff….
        We could invest in some racial realignment surgery. Like Michael Jackson in reverse.
        ….or maybe best not to give them ideas before they start offering it in schools.

      • Evening Deploy.

        I hope the Government have had the nounce to stockpile lots of kiwi boot polish!

  2. I think ol’ Cablecunt’s mental faculties are slipping in his old age… If he even had any in the first place.

    • The only mental faculties that the cunt ever had were the equally spasticated cunts that the twat went to uni with.

  3. Cable talking through his arsehole as always, but the most ridiculous crap is spouted to make sure the snowflakes shat their panties. Last week it was suggested more anti-depressant tablets have been prescribed since Brexit (this reported in Osborne’s London comic The Standard) – it might be the 123 murders since January this year, and the Pitkinesque (Norman Wisdom) little big man performance or lack of it by Shortarse Khan that is more responsible for this, or the greasy face of Mary Ann Starmer, or the constant camp pleading of Antony Blair. After enduring earbashings on radio from the Soubry creature and the hideous Adonis, I have felt a need for the Prozac myself.

    But Strictly Come Mincing – trust the faggots favourite to be used in the remoaner battle.

    • Can’t he just fuck off back from where he came? Transylvania.

      Vince Cable: Fighting against democracy for his eleven Democrats. What a sorry-looking apologist he is. I’ve laid better looking Cables in the shithouse.

    • Isn’t he dead yet. A fucking political non entity spouting utter bollocks. Sorry Vince I didn’t realise the world revolves around strictly.

      The quicker he joins his old limp dum mate Ashdown in the prostate cancer ward the better I’m afraid.

  4. This traitorous cunt needs his neck stretched.
    Continually spouting..

    “Brexit can, and must be stopped”.
    How democratic.

    “Vince Cable’s face…it can and must be punched”.

    Lib Dems…the air guitar of politics….

    • The Liberals have always been a bit shady. Remember in the 1970s when Jeremy Thorpe was asked by an MP colleague what they should do about The Homosexual Bill, he shrugged and replied, “Pay it”.

  5. I dont want to slag dementia cos my poor dad passed away with it earlier this year but im sure this tufty haired old cunt has developed it,he is clearly demented,all he whines on about is second refurendum,his party are a cult of sellouts, misfits,nerds and yoghurt knitters,i just laugh when i see him,hes almost as nutty as A C Grayling,I was on a YTS in the 80,s at the electric board,5 of us there were ,all ok lads aside from one oddball,yup he became a lib dem local councillor……

  6. Was indirectly called right wing this morning by someone who voted to remain. Someone who I know and quite like as a person. A pleasant enough chap. He has a Spanish wife.To be fair he started off this part of the conversation by saying he voted Remain and considers himself to be left wing.

    Told him that I do not consider myself right wing or racist in the slightest. I told him that as a local taxpayer for 25 years I expected my son to be given priority at a local school (that both his sisters attended) over someone who had just arrived into the country, cannot speak the language, and has not contributed financially into the system.

    Told him I do not want people being admitted into the country who have a criminal record.

    Told him I do not want people being allowed in who have nothing to contribute or a skill to offer that the country requires. Against unlimited freedom of movement.

    Do not want money wasted on a European army when we have NATO.

    Do not want unaccountability within EU parliament or with the EU budget.

    In essence told him I not opposed to the EU in principle and if democratically elected and financially transparent could and should be fantastic for everyone but not what we have today which is neither of these things.

    This does not make me right wing, racist or extremist. What it does make me is a common sense independent thinking individual, who is deeply concerned as to how weak leadership is adding yet more power to the EU project thereby leading to the demise of democracy and erosion of standards of this once great country.

    Agreed Vince Cable should fuck off somewhere else and expire.

    • Such reasonable points would be flagged as hate speech on any other site.

      ….did you just say you “liked” someone who regards themselves as left wing.
      I’m civil to them (mostly) but I wouldn’t say I *urgggghhhh* *shudder* “like” them.?

      “Like” them to fuck off maybe …..

      • There are at least a couple of people that I know of who voted Remain.

        Unlike most Remoaners however I am able to put out a logical and well thought out argument based on facts and personal experience plus listen to an alternative (albeit flawed) point of view without resorting childish name calling and insults.

        Forgot to mention as a far left Remainer, he said that Theresa May’s Brexit deal was the best thing for everyone.

        Speaks volumes and tells us everything about Theresa May and her European mates pile of shite deal.

      • Fuck me Willie, the cunt sounds psychotic! Advise you take out a restraining order.

        Mind how you go…

      • I have nothing against remainers. ..fair play to em.
        ReMOANERS … are … on the other hand … all cunts.

  7. Vince Cable is yesterday’s nobody. Last years thing before he arrived.
    A typical liberal fascist, he knows what’s best for the peasantry, and if they don’t agree, well, they’re just knuckle draggers. Just fade away you old twat.
    As for Strictly Cum Gargling ……. Fuck off.

  8. He really is a silly owd cunt, I am suprised he hasnt come out with his old chesnut about predicting the financial crash, what a cunt anyone with a gcse grade f in maths could work out that the studid yank banks leading 125% mortgages to people without a fucking dime and good old lemon bros gambling $40 on evrery dollar they held…. cunts, but this is going off topic.
    Vince ‘we need a peoples vote’ cablecunt should remeber that his party lost most of their vote because they were trying to reverse brexit as soon as the result was announced.
    Onto strictly, all those non british dancers are on good wages so will have no problem getting visas, especially as it is on the fucking BBC (cunts) and i must say that some of the female pros are fit, I know Olga and Flavia have moved on but still the one the comedian guy snogged would get my vote, craking tight little arse

  9. I can’t believe Cable made it past that sting a few years back when he said he could bring down the government (and Rupert Murdoch) single handed with his ‘nuclear weapons’. He’s always been an odd one.

    What’s white and shuffles across the floor? Cum dancing.

    Goodbye for now.

  10. The LibDems seem to have more loonies in their ranks than UKIP and the Corbynistas put together. They have from day one disregarded the referendum, and the shocker for me was on the programme about the EU parliament they went with AC Grayling to persuade the EU to make the terms so tough that we would stay in. The anti-UK stance of this position didn’t occur to any of the cunts.
    Cable is merely pathetic. Served only as whipping boy in coalition and serves no purpose at all now.

    • What have the Limp Dumps and yer average phone box (remember them, anyone ??!) got in common ?

      They’re both totally fucked, and smell of old wee.

  11. Great job, Quick Draw.
    Cable has always been a cunt, he’s just extended it a bit to become a ludicrous cunt.

  12. ???
    Bravo quick draw….
    “His brain retired years ago.”
    …one of my favourite ISAC lines of all time.

  13. Brexit gets more and more appealing by the day doesn’t it?

    Apparently we’ve all changed our minds about brexit.
    I think this little sweetener may turn a few back.

    ….that’s if it wasn’t bollocks and if anyone had actually changed their mind. Which they haven’t.

  14. Seems to have lost the plot, but then you only get the plot if you reside in the rarefied air of planet Westminster and Islington (north). Why is the fact that a majority of voters voted out so fucking hard for these cunts to cope with. Fuck off you cunt and to paraphrase Shakespeare “cry havoc and loose the dogs of Brexit”then we can set the dogs on the quisling scum that appear to have lost sight of the fact that in a straight past the post vote the one with the biggest number wins. Not that hard to grasp surely? these cunts are always banging on about bringing democracy to every shithole this side of the fucking dateline.

  15. Cable is a fucking hopeless, decomposing old cadaver.

    I am sure that the media only wheel out the half dead old cunt when they need another dribble of nonsense from his mouth to upset the proletariat.

    A dependable cunt, no mistake.

  16. Cablecunt also warned us that Brexit will lead to a shortage of Guinness. He failed to mention a shortage of thieving Irish pikey scum for some reason.

  17. This sanctimoniuous cuntstain will do anything to make the fuckwitted snowflake pant-shitters of this country push to overturn the referendum result.
    “Strictly Cum Mincing will finish”. Well thank fucking fuck- another bonus from leaving the Fourth Reich..
    I’m sick of telling Mrs. Zilla that I have better things to do of a weekend than to watch a load of preening z- list fucktards of various colours/disabilities/sexual orientations licking eachother’s ringpieces.
    Like watching a load of lezzers lick eachother’s ring pieces on youporn.

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