Sir Philip Green [2]

The Philip Green gagging nonsense and the Establishment reaction to naming the cunt.

They are lining up, cunts one and all:

Overturns rule of law blah blah
Abuse of privilege blah blah
Hain ‘arrogant’ blah blah (compared to Green ?)
Political Witch Hunt blah blah.

What really worries these cunts is the fact that money and privilege can be overturned in parliament from time to time. This wont do don’cha know. If rich people cant use money to fuck over the plebs and enrich the (London) judiciary where will it all end?
Hain has been a cunt for as long as I can remember but just this once he is on the side of us nonentities.

Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble

44 thoughts on “Sir Philip Green [2]

  1. Fuck me Cuntstable… this is a tricky one. EVERYBODY knows what a mega-Cunt Sir Philip Greed is… in fact nothing much short of bankrolling ISIS and buggering a three year old boy could make him a bigger cunt in my eyes.

    So no surprise he’s been accused of a few run of the mill billionaire businessman types of behaviour.

    But Hain, for different reasons, is an equally loathsome Cunt in my book. The fact that this 3rd class apology for a politician has again sought to virtue signal his name back in the limelight is enough for me to find him the greater Cunt in this instance.

    Idle, freeloading Cunt!

    And he’s also deprived me of the sweet dream that beardy Branson was about to be exposed and receive his comeuppance!

    What was it Hain said on the 3rd of November 2014?

    “the Lords are an archaic anomaly which fuels disillusionment with British politics. It exists purely on a democratic deficit which has been allowed to evolve unchecked for centuries.” Ha!

    Recall a fellow Cunter saying words to this effect:

    “There is a special place in Hell reserved for Peter Hain. The slimiest creature that has ever slithered on this planet. News of his sudden death would be most welcome.”

    Could not agree more. Now bring on the anti-semites…

    • I did put a stop press on the original cunting when it came out, that Hain had an interest in a legal firm involved. This wasn’t taken up by Admin.
      To look at Hain. He was born in Nairobi and schooled in South Africa. No horny handed son of the soil then.
      He campaigned long and hard against Apartheid yet didn’t go live in RSA when the savages took over (Sorry, when they got majority rule)
      He has made a UK living as a creepy Labour apparatchik. He is a slimy cunt along with Green.

    • Afternoon, RTC.

      I’m genuinely interested, why the “bring on the anti-semites”? I’ve never seen you use “bring on the islamaphobes” or “bring on the homophobes” etc.
      Aren’t we always complaining on here about people trying to close down any discussion by just making the accusation of “Racist”?

      🙂 .

      • Good afternoon Dick.

        Sorry, I thought I was opening up the discussion. Should come clean though, antisemitism has long been one of my little bugbears, so I probably was being a tad provocative. It’s the Devil within Dick – sometimes I just can’t help myself! Sincerely hope I haven’t offended anyone.

        We all have our crosses to bear…


        PS: I apologise for apologising.

      • I shall retire to Der Fiddlerbunker to consider if now is a good time to launch Operation Sea lion while the Tommies are distracted by the Brexit question….just you wait until you have the fragrant Frau Merkel and I on your doorstep demanding afternoon-tea.

        Herr Fiddler.

        🙂 .

      • I met Sir Philip at the harbour in Monte Carlo and Peter Hain at a party for Lord cashpoint at a well known north London Jewish school: Michael Levy.
        Impossible to determine who is the biggest cunt! However,at least Sir Philip has generated jobs for the country….

      • JFS, perhaps, Krav? Lord Cashpoint’s its president, though he’s rarely seen outside Israel these days, and has never voted in the Lords.

        Re Green and jobs, debatable. He took BHS off the Stock Exchange when he bought it in 2000. He was already contemplating flogging it off again in 2006 (after his dear offshore wife got a £1.2 Bn dividend), so it doesn’t look as if creating employment was then – or ever – a particular concern of his. BHS was simply a commodity to be traded. He ran it into the deck, creamed off the pension fund, and flogged the remains to the first conman to knock on his door.

        Hang the cunt.

  2. He’s a vile (sorry for usage of that word Norman), odious little toad who makes Mike Ashley look like Jesus.

  3. Phil Green. Another cunt I have thought long and hard about before finally nominating in my COTY 2018.

    A nasty piece of work. Greedy, selfish, amoral, self important bully boy scum. Money and self importance is the only thing he cares about.

    And amazingly only nominated on ISAC twice? Don’t believe it.

    Fat cunt.

    • I have cunted Sir philip greencunt multiple times it just never got past the admin or my cunting had too omany antisemetic references to the greasy fat heeb of a cunt the way philip green can escape justice is truly unbelievable willie

  4. Green and Dominic Chappel (who likes to be known Hyacinth Bucket fashion as “Cha-pell”) are both as slimy as slugs that have been bukkaed by Mangeldbum and Adonis, but Hain is quit down to thir level – the boy who dug up cricket pitches in 1970 now looks a bloated cunt basted in his own self-importance – another malodorous turd shat out of the arse of New Labour. By the way never call a kid “Dominic” – he will automatically become a cunt whether of the Chappel or Grieve sort will be up to breeding – or down to it.

  5. The Philip Greens of this world will always thrive. They are protected by their own kind, courted and rewarded by politicians, immune to the justiciary whom they can buy and sell and pocket the press with a swift phone call to their handler.

    Green is one of many such types, no better, no worse than ( as an example ) the likes of Branson et .al .

    It is the establishment at its worst, and ,until we learn to stop supporting the Party’s that allow bottom feeders such as this to thrive., then we will continue to hear of scum like this for all eternity.

    Is Green a cunt? Of course he is.!

  6. Peter Hain is just as much of a cunt as Philip Green. If he’s so concerned why doesn’t he disclose ALL the people in the Houses of Parliament who have NDAs?!…

  7. This was never a cunting of Green. He is beyond cuntitude. The cunting was of the Establishment, money, lawyers and privilege. And by inference, fucking London.

  8. Actually, I quite like the way that the bare faced cunt operates.

    I’ll get my coat…….

  9. I was The Ladykillers last night. A blessed relief from Brexit betrayal feelings. When Peter Sellers has to do the deed he baulks at killing her in the living room ‘not in front of the parrot’. Peter Sellers, that other great Jewish actor Herbert Lom also played a great part. Jews in the arts. I love the American Songbook basically written by Jews. I love classic Hollywood in many cases written produced and performed by Jews. In science, medicine they are very successful in all spheres of life.; A very gifted and brilliant people. Cut to the chase-the problem comes with being too successful. Yes too successful especially in the business/political/ legal worlds. Cut to the chase again-there are too many Jews in High finance, to many Jewish banks, too many Jews in the media, in Academia, too many jewish lawyers. There aren’t enough Jewish plasterers, Jewish joiners, Jewish toilet attendants.

  10. I repeat this is not the FAULT of the Jews. It should be really talked of as a sociological problem. I don’t hate the Jews. There is no Jewish conspiracy. Or Jewish network. Really (as Chesterton said) for them to succeed they have to fail. My point about Jewish joiners. They need to become part of the ‘common people’. Enough.

    • IOW ‘integrate’. There is the root of the proposition. With your own private and exclusive network, you have an instant advantage over your environment. Add that to flexible ethical standards (applying primarily to your fellows, less so to others), a Central European work ethic, a dominating tiger mother and a trading tradition, and I am surprised there are any poor Jews at all – though there are.
      (GOOD TASTE / PC WARNING for what follows)
      Like ’em or loathe ’em, no-one’s yet succeeded in getting rid of ’em. You can’t join ’em*. You just gotta beat ’em.

      *Not without jumping through a lot of hoops for a rabbi and passing the exam. Takes 10 years or so.

      • Maybe we ought to go and see a rabbi komodo. Like those celebrities that got into trouble-Brando, Gibson, Gary Oldfield-they were all told to go off and see one. They clear up any misunderstandings, misconceptions it seems. Maybe we out to go and see one. I’ll set it up.

      • My impression is that while that might do your grandchildren some good, approval of your existence will be restrained for the first couple of generations. (as with any enclosed community such as a Highland village) The Blair option is probably easier – puppy-like subservience to the seriously loaded, regardless of religion, morality, personality etc., and pounce on the scraps thrown your way. With the added benefit that you don’t need to observe weird dietary restrictions and wear a silly hat, if only in public.

    • Mr Plastic I agree. I have never had any problem with Jewish people. I have found Canadians difficult over the years for some odd reason . I am sure Canadians are fine I must have just personally met with a bad overall batch. As far as I can see it the Jewish people are very bright and therefore successful and therefore hated by many — plain and simple jealousy. I don’t see them blowing people up or being anti social. I think in so far as their religion is concerned it’s no more bat shit crazy than any of the others. Of course the snow flakes and catwezle hate the Jews because they have the audacity to defend themselves militarily. Unlike the soft west the Jews are not stupid — if the Palestinians decide to send a rocket over to murder a Jewish child the Jews decide to obliterate the Palestinians caperbility of doing this again anytime soon. Sure this results are disproportionate casualties on the Palistinian side ………… but so cunting what I say! Don’t sent fucking rockets over to kill innocent people end of. If we took this stance over people beating up our police or cutting off the head of one of our soldiers in the street then we might not be in the utter shite we are in.

      Anyway nuff said for now. I say call for Dick Fiddler to be in charge of UK Zero tolerance policy.

      • Miles please. An honest reply. Of all people to dislike CW Canadians! Aren’t they universally loved? They always come out so civilised set against America. I think even Mr Fiddler would have job cunting Canadians.

      • Yes I know Miles it is rather odd I completely accept. I do know one Canadian I like very much but I just can’t help that all the others have been utter cunts. I am sure it’s just a freak of statistical random misfortune — I must have some sort of magnetic pull that cunt Canadians cannot resist. Furthermore I have never met him but that Mark Cunty at the BOE is a right cunt and Mr Fiddler would certainly cunt that one— the high priest of Project fear cunt that he is. Anyway perhaps I am due to meet some fab Canadians over the next 30 or 40 years that I might be lucky enough to have left on this planet ( if I keep taking the vitamins and cut down a bit on the Ale) so I will report back on the same subject in 2040 or something.
        I know all this is not very related to Philip Green himself ( who I don’t know enough about to feel moved to say anything much about) but the main point for me is that it seems hatred of Jews boils down to a great deal of gelousy. The other thing that gets my dander up is when people turn their turdy noses up at “ the Jews “ is the fact that at least the Jews are on our fucking side against a far greater threat from nut jobs who take their own particular fairy story a bit too far thinking if you are not one of them then you must die.

        Good morning Miles and have a good day!

      • Also Good morning RTC – have only just read your post – anyway Tip Top! It’s good to know you are not the only one who thinks ‘straight’ when all around seem to be guzzling the ‘soma’ ( I think thats what George Orwell called it anyway) and the country seems to head with ever increasing velocity down the u bend. Certainly feels good to get a dose of these posts each day to feel a bit more chipper.

      • Morning CW – great to have you on-board.

        Btw, think you’ll find ‘soma’ was Aldous Huxley, if memory serves…

      • Oh yes RTC that’s right it indeed was Aldous H. Thanks for the pointer — been long a while since I read Brave New World. I think I mentioned G O because i have it in my thoughts from time to time that we are almost in — if not there already, his idea of 1984. Ministry of Information i. e.The BBC etc etc.

        Anyway ta muchly …….

      • Indeed, we’re well into Orwell territory today. ‘Newspeak’, ‘thoughtcrime’, ‘doublethink’… the ‘BIG LIE’… it’s all happening…

        Hate Crime is only the most recent step into the abyss.

  11. I would happily swap each of those polluted with the rabies of perpetual offence for ten nice Jewish boys or girls in a heartbeat.

    Come to think about it, ALL of them for a single Jew (as long as it’s not Jeff goldblum – he’s an intergalactic cunt. Had me cheering for the aliens in independence day).

    Phillip green is a cunt of course, but in cuntitude compared to hain it’s like comparing a sparrows fart to the fucking asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs.

    • independence day fucking worst movie ever how the bloody fuck was it so successful?! goldbum was fine in jurassic park and the fly but all around hes usually a shite actor apart from those films I’ve seen him in

      • Independance Day succeeded by virtue of spectacle, primarily the sight of the White House and other Yank landmarks getting blown to bits.
        Randy Quaid’s pisshead fighter pilot steals the film off Goldblum and jugears Will Smith…

  12. I had a Jewish plumber a few years ago. The myth that my tribe don’t do manual work is untrue. No one ever complains that there are too many Asian doctors….

    • Wow Sir Philip Green, Monte Carlo…you do move in high circles Krav.High exclusive circles…which makes my point again.

      • Yes but there are too many asians krav…. though i’ll take the oriental ones over the middle eastern ‘asians’ any day of the week

      • Let’s not forget that the Sephardic Jews *are* ancestrally Arabs, before we get carried away by the contrast. (And the ones I’ve met seem a lot more sympathetic than any Ashkenazim from MittelEuropa)

    • I hope I don’t offend but I have just made the Krav connection ( I did some about 10 years ago and one day might get back into it). Anyway I think the fact you are on this site rather proves the point I was making. We are ‘as one’ so hence I just don’t really get the anti Jew thing — I can’t as a complete non Jew get what some people are on about with it! In fact I find any anti Jew endeavour or theme a useful litness test and it makes me immediately approach with great caution!
      So if I am right about the Krav meaning then we certainly need you on our side!! It’s cunting well essential in my humble opinion. If only the west were prepared to do the same and stand up properly when it counts.

  13. CW I do hope you can get help with your anti-Canadaism. Maybe talk to the Tourist board they might be able to help you. And what am I thinking of course there are Canadian cunts-Justin Trudeau and his zealous transgender agenda-one of the biggest cunts on the planet. Well at least we had an airing of views which was initially in danger of being shut down.

    • There has to be at least 7 million Cunts in Canada, cos that’s how many voted for Trudeau at the last election.

      I have a Canadian cousin. He’s the biggest crashing bore you could ever be unfortunate enough to meet.

      • Yes I must get some sort of help. Anyway pleased I was able to help keep the conversation going even if we are a long way away from Mr Green.
        Mind you I wonder if he might have some Canadian family connection somewhere.

        I’ll get my coat ………

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