Philip Hammond (7)

Philip Hammond is a massive cunt. Today, his treasury has announced, ‘official figures’ show that Treason May’s Brexit deal, will leave the economy 4% worse off than staying in the EU. And to add to that, 9% worse off with no deal. He then continues to cement his cunting arse on the fence though by saying “staying in the EU was not politically viable”.

So you’re saying, oh we need to leave the EU due to political reasons (politics, the subject every normal person fucking hates) but we’ll be worse off economically (the one thing everybody see’s as being important, money). What a back handed, two faced cunts move that is Phil you prick.

You’re figures conveniently don’t include potential future trade deals outside the EUSSR, so you’ve basically plucked figures out of thin air and said Brexit = doom, we’ll all be fucked, let’s stay with the EU cunts.

P.S. BBC you are also cunts for running this story which is based on bullshit figures, impartial, are you fuck!

Nominated by elboobio

43 thoughts on “Philip Hammond (7)

  1. What absolute bullshit!
    Spreadsheet Phil has been banging on and on for yonks about remaining in the EU. Everything he’s said is Project Fear personified – now all of a sudden he decides that it’s ‘not politically viable’ to remain. Make your fucking mind up you cunt!

    We’re forecasting economics 10-15 years ahead. NOBODY FUCKING KNOWS what any of the world’s economies will look like that far ahead. As I said in the referendum campaign when cunts were trying to tell me that nobody knew what would happen if we left, nobody knew what would happen if we remained either!

    And don’t forget that there’s not going to be a recession, just we’re not going to grow as quick as would might have. Could. Might. Maybe. What a load of bollocks.

    Surely to God this arsehole hasn’t got his eyes on PMT Mays job. FFS I rather risk Corbyn that this prick…

      • Likewise, thought it brilliant. I do think that many people are now seeing the government for what it is. Hate them. Apart from UKIP have always voted Conservative.

        NEVER again though.

        Nasty, totally uncaring, bereft of moral compass, spineless, inept fucking liars.

        Hammond in particular. Think betting machines. This is only his fourth cunting?

        Apart from Blair, the worst government I can ever remember.

        Named Hammond as one of my 5 COTY 2018.

        Not a vindictive person but will be glad when he expires.

    • They tried to throw the Election last year, that didn’t work. Now they’re trying to throw Brexit.

      Could be onto a winner this time… though not holding my breath.

      It might work though, as Corbyn has been sounding almost sane recently by comparison.

      Everything May touches turns to SHIT.

      • Of topic – just scheduled your Cox/O’Brien nom Tuffty.
        Suspect it got mixed up with the posting of the other Brian Cox (actor)? Not imminent I’m afraid – queue is quite big – but it’s there now

      • Thanks for doing it. I’ve been struck down by a nasty cold recently so I haven’t been doing as much scheduling as I otherwise would be.

      • Cheers Admin – much appreciated. The new version is more comprehensive anyway, so probably all for the best.

        Man flu OC? ? Get well soon!

    • Steptoe actually LOOKED like PM material on tv the other day. He even looked credible in a suit. Of course, don’t know what he smelt like. Not that I’d ever vote liebore…

      Hammond is just a smarmy douchebag.

  2. Ludicrous.

    This has all the signs of a desperate government who know that their time is short.

    What accountancy/economics/book keeping qualifications does Hammond actually have? Even a pleb like myself can see that once we reduce migration, there won’t be anywhere near the drain on this country’s resources. Plus, as the OP stated, what about the potential deals we could be doing with the rest of the world?

    It’s comedy gold, except it isn’t.

    Goodbye for now.

    • To answer your question, Hammond read Philosophy, Politics and Economics at University College, Oxford, where he graduated with a first-class honours degree.

      Bloke’s a cunt – that’s my philosophy…

      • PPE was, and is, Oxford’s answer to sociology.

        Pictures of The Maybot today show her looking REALLY desperate… The unbearable smugness seems to be melting away, leaving just the faecal / mucosal appearance of her face. And those cold, dead, fish eyes.

  3. Sometimes you just have to accept the simple truth.

    This is a cunt of such magnitude that the greatest collective of cunters ever assembled (and you are) cannot grasp or adequately describe, or can’t really even conceptualize cunt of this scale.

    This is the big bang of cunt and the background cunt will last as long as the universe. Thousands of years from now, the human race may have spread to the furthest reaches of the Galaxy. Earth itself may be forgotten but the residual cunt of this cunt will still be detectable.

    Death will not free you. Even if you find yourself in the hell of hells (coonstabistan) such space and time bending quality of the cunt generated that you’ll be dragged back.

    It’s basically what stops me jumping in front of a train

  4. This years xmas turd must surely be Phil mearse Hammond of perpetual gloom fame. What a miserable twat. He would put the mockers on a Lottery Win the cunt. It seems that all MPs these days are gifted with such fucking insight that they can predict with accuracy any outcome simply “because”. Well foreskin lugs, predict this. 1 Tories Chances under May’s Leadership ( which incidentally is shite ). 2 Tories becoming extinct in the near future ( because May is shite ) 3 May,s chances of a shag with Macron ( No, my error…thats odds on )
    Hammond is a boring cunt and quite frankly Im sick of hearing about this cunt. Fuck off you schizoid twat

  5. We can all say May’s sell out deal is dead in the water, but hold on , I bet most of you thought like me that the referendum of 2016 would be overwhelmingly in favour of remain . Look what happened, I was gob smacked when the result came in. As darling Harold once said. A week in politics is a long time.

  6. Off subject but Ryanair is proposing a ‘fat tax’ for obese customers.
    I think this is a great idea and I’d do it like this.
    A bit like the hand luggage size test, have a chair with arms at the check-in that passengers have to sit in. When they get up if the chair is still stuck to their arse they pay the tax.
    The rest of the queue behind them can all cheer and clap and shout “Pay up, you fat cunt!” making the normally dreary check-in experience a more light-hearted affair.

  7. If we stay in the EU and then one or more states become terminal economic basket cases.. did you factor that into your analysis, you cunt?

    No, you probably extrapolated on a business as usual scenario which is bullshit because we know for a fact that all is change thus rendering your forecast a big redundant pile of gobshite!

    None of these pricks forecast 2008. Not one.

    • And whatever happened to the immediate emergency budget that would be needed if we voted Leave? What happened to the house price crash he forecast that time round? What happened to the recession?

      Oh yeah – that was another shithead cunt of a Chancellor called Osbourne. Nearly as bad as this dickhead trotting out the same old discreditted shite.

      Don’t know about the rest of you but my rage is becoming incandescent…

    • “None of these pricks forecast 2008. Not one.”

      Too bloody right,even 1 week before it all went tits up every “expert” thought everything was hunkydory and these cunts expect us to believe they can forecast the state of the economy in 2033.And as for Brexit you dont put a bunch of EuroLovers in charge of negotiations, its like appointing Hitler head of the race relations board-basically their heart aint in it. Fucking Cunts.

      • I believe Blair (or a close financier friend) predicted it, and that is why he scaled out like a whippet on speed just before it happened, leaving Brown to enjoy the shitstorm.

  8. Frankly, I am sick to fuck of hearing what is ‘going to happen’ once this steaming pile of rancid horse shite which is the EU/Nazi Party get out procedure has finally finished (probably when I am drawing my 1p a week pension and painfully dragging my shopping bag on wheels to Poundland, watching a snail pass me on the way.)

    All of this ‘Mystic Meg’ prediction shite is doing my head in. NOBODY KNOWS what will happen……NOBODY!!! This is nothing but scaremongering tactics to make the great unwashed think that their considered vote to leave the EU was wholeheartedly wrong and we should all feel very guilty (and IT WAS a considered vote, not the brainwashed and blinkered vote that remoaners still keep spewing on about, patronising cunts)

    Basically, according to soothsayers like this festering gonad, if the country goes down the shitter, it will be all our fault and a curse on all of our houses. It is straight to ‘the naughty step’ for all of us (bloody ‘ell, that’ll be crowded)

    Until I see for myself exactly what occurs, I couldn’t give a shite what these doom merchants predict. They can stick their forecasts up their arse…..

    …..and fuck off.

  9. If all these smartarse economics experts can predict the future why don’t they borrow a load of money, invest it in the next big thing and make a killing? No, they never risk their own arse….. much easier to sit on it and make an easy living telling politicians want they want to hear.
    Hammond is obviously shitting himself. If Mavis falls he falls with her. Up against the wall with this pair of cunts I say!!

  10. Joshua Gardner, 18, who was caught on widely-shared social media footage waving a ‘zombie knife’ around as he attempted to attack another male in #Croydon in May, has been given a suspended sentence today at the Old Bailey.

    Cost to the taxpayer of bringing this aspiring architect to trial? Why did they fucking bother. Ah, nearly forgot the fact that the British legal system is nothing but a pathetic joke and simply way of being given eye watering amounts of money for a third rate service.

    Senior Judge D Lammy said the prosecution was clearly racist, that the defendant said he was very sorry and that in future he will ensure his stabbings are conducted in private (made that last bit up).

  11. It is as if Hammond is inviting people to beg to remain in the EU dictatorship, along with his friends like Adonis, the talking arsehole.

    Talking of arseholes John McDonnell has today called for a second referendum. The fucking witless bellend ought to have the guts to admit to his thick followers that if we stay in the EU, his wet dreams about taking back former nationalised industries is just a fucking crock of shit like he is himself.

    The BBC of course are creaming themselves at both these pieces of news. Has anyone heard the fucking Radio 4 daily serial written by Jonathon Coe? Brexit bashing at it’s childish worst. Makes Harry Potter sound like literature. Starts and ends with some old whore singing a lament.

    • Oh don’t get me started on Jonn McDonnell had a farm, the fucking cunt.

      I honestly think if I hear another person say, we need a second referendum, the red mist will descend and my next actions will be pure instinct.

      My blood boils reading some of the absolute bullshit that streams from some MP’s and remoaners orifices they call mouths. Fucking predict this, predict that. We knew few facts before the referendum, but the ones we did know were, the EU is run by unelected fucktards, we have no say on our resources, because they’re owned by the EUSSR, it costs a minimum of £39 billion a year to be in the club and any terrorist is allowed to stroll through our front door. Facts for remaining…….European businesses will do better. It was a fucking no brainer for the average Brit. They talk about leave not knowing what they were voting for. I think it’s more a case the majority of remoaners didn’t know. They still don’t, because Oberführer Junker and our own shitarse government won’t let the cat out the bag that we’re in the United States of Europe, the very thing we fought two world wars to avoid.

  12. Economic forecasts are to say the least only as accurate as the interpretation of forecaster.
    If you gave 10 economists the same data you would get 10 different answers.

    10 to 15 years from now in the EU we are fucked, 10 to 15 years from now outside the EU we are fucked, the only difference is whose doing the fucking.

    I think I would prefer to be fucked by the UK parliament not the cunts who are the EU mafia, and if we were in the EU and it all goes to shit we would go with CUNTS!

    Get out now before it’s too late!

    • An expert on the Daily Politics (or whatever it is called now) said that trying to accurately forecast the economy of this country in 10 or 15 years time is like trying to accurately predict the weather in 10 or 15 years time.

      Any long term forecasts and predictions are purely speculative and cannot be relied upon to present a true and accurate picture of what will be.

      Of course most people (but not all) can instantly recognise and dismiss the governments Remain propaganda however suspect there are many clueless Remain cunts that believe everything they are told by the government. One day they will find out they were lied to but for them and the rest of us sadly it will be too late.

      • Evening Willie.

        It’s the Leave cunts and those unsure that the Government is targeting. Committed Remain cunts don’t need any convincing.

      • Bank of England now weighing in. Saying that a no deal Brexit will bring about a recession and 25% knocked off the pound. Fuck off you set of manipulative cunts. First off, that’s a guess at best. And whilst the first week or two the pound may drop in value, it will no doubt recover very quickly as it’s cheap price will attract traders. Plus that makes no difference what so ever as it’ll be very short lived, so stop scaremongering you set of cunts. Secondly, they’re predicting a recession, of which they have never successfully predicted before, so not sure what crystal ball they’ve pulled out of their arses this time. Finally, recessions are brought on by what the banks do with our money, stupid lending to fuckwits who can’t afford or giving out excessive bonuses when they’re actually failing financially, absolutely nothing to do with whether we’re in the EU or not. I’m going insane listening to these pig fuckers.

      • Running up to the referendum the markets were so sure remain would win they were gambling on the £, it shot up on the evening of the vote so when the vote went the other way it looked like the £ had crashed, it did fall but from an over inflated figure due to speculation.

    • The EU will probably limp along just long enough to piss the £60 billion ransom payment May & Robbins have agreed to hand over, despite the fact that THEY OWE US!

      I mean, what the fuck have they been doing with the £10 billion NET annual payments we’ve been feeding them all these years? Has anyone seen an actual breakdown of the figures? What about all the assets and investments we jointly own in the EU? Bet that lot comes to considerably more than £60 fucking billion!

      They like to call it a divorce, so where’s our share of the ‘marital property’. We’ve poured £500 billion NET since 1973 – HALF A TRILLION…

      We are getting a right royal shafting and NO-ONE seems to be pointing out the obvious:


      • Divorce is the correct term. EU is the bloated nagging hog that spends all the money that we, the husband, worked for and then provided it in exchange for an occasional sympathy fuck.

        Only difference to real life is the EU has nearly 30 husbands.

      • For sure they owe us, housing 3 million EU citizens, now fair play some do contibute and are welcome but we have had to take a shit load of rubbish in the mix as well!

  13. As predictions go I wouldn’t let Hammond organ predict his own fucking birthday!

  14. Cunts like ‘Mystic Phil’ are all well and good making these great Nostradamusesque predictions about the climate outside the EU, but notice that few if any politicunts have braved their swedes above the parapet and contemplated what the position would have been had we’d remained within the EU for the next 15 years.

    How about?

    1. Progressively inflated costs to the net contributors to balance the books against the basket case economies crumbling into third world territory.
    2. Dumbing down of higher educational standards to ensure the overseas PG Tips cast can successfully obtain their degrees and keep the Unis afloat.
    3. Scrapping of the Pound.
    4. Migration of even more manufacturing entities to Eastern Europe and Turkey, resulting in the UK’s economy being third to Germany’s first and France’s second.
    5. Continuing mass migration and overpopulation of this island. A vast increase in homeless people, depressed wages, mass unemployment, dwindling tax revenues and an explosion in crime.

    Naw, haven’t heard this from any of these cunts. I haven’t made this up; it is merely a progression of what has already started under the EU iron wankpaw.

    • Hah!

      I saw some cunt on ABBC news from an energy company pushing these fucking things.

      “You see when you have a smart metre you adapt your usage strategy and therefore use less energy and therefore save money!”

      So there you have it. Use less energy and you’ll save money. Well who’d have thunk it!?!

      The best of it was you won’t save a fucking bean compared to the price hike we face year on year! Cunts!

      I wonder how our Neanderthal cousins managed without the aid of a smart meter…?

      “Well Unlogg I dunno about you but I’m strangely cold.”

      “Mmmm. We have fire but fuck me it’s running out. What on earth can we do??”

      “I dunno. Homo (snigger) sapien cunts over there put more wood on the fire but no cunt has told us what to do?”

      An extinction later…

      “Ted it’s freezing! Put the fucking boiler up you cunt!”

      “Fuck me! You’re closer…. alright, alright, alright. 21 degrees here we come!”

      A technological revolution later…



      “Do you think it’s rather chilly?”

      “Errrr, I don’t think so. Hive says we’re warm enough darling.”

      “Are you sure because Fifi looks rather cold in her cot dear?”

      “No Hive definitely says we’re A-OK!”

      “Well when I said Fifi ‘looked’ cold, what I actually meant was that she’s actually dead from hypothermia!”

      “Oh. Well that’s a bit inconvenient isn’t it. I wonder what the Google Medic app says??”

      And the circle is complete…

  15. In haste hence all I can say right now is …….that Phillip Hammond is a Cunt of the most Cunty proportions that he is lucky to even be called a simple Cunt and the moment an even more appropriate defamatory term is invented he will be up there with the top five ‘Cunts of the Decade’ waiting to enjoy ownersip of said description.

    Not exactly a cerebral post but the truth anyway!

    Good evening all

  16. Even the Brexit clusterfuck has some redeeming features. Say our economy goes tits up; we are all in the shit, pound worth less than a Zim dollar and so on. I can envisage two little things that may well raise the spirits of erstwhile cuntery. Not much point coming to England if money tree dead plus the cherry on top less of our money given to fuckwit projects in third world shitholes. Doubles all round what!!

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