Matthew Wright [4]

Emergency cunting for that pompous lefty anti Brexit egotistical cunt Mathew Wright on Talkradio,he interview ed Gerrard Batten this afty regarding him using Tommy Robinson as an advisor,he constantly spoke over Gerrard,cut him up ,tried to smear Robinson,all the usual msm tricks these remainer bastards use,dragged Robinsons convictions up,used his real name aka Stephen Laxley etc etc…….these msm remainer attacks at Tommy and Ukip are soooooo fucking booooooooring now,Wright is getting like O Brien,his ego is far bigger than his his cock size…..Batten schooled him off though and Wright didnt like it,another one for the celebrity death bus….

Nominated by Smasher

51 thoughts on “Matthew Wright [4]

  1. Can’t stand this smug fucking bastard. Does he still do that shitty morning show on the telly? Nothing but cunts talking bollocks as I remember.
    A very punchable face.

  2. This fuck weasel was moaning yesterday about having PTSD linked to early mornings and anxiety over the presenting of his shitbag TV show. Thank fuck O’Shithead has gone, imagine these two cunts feeding off each others distaste for democracy and Brexit.

    • Thank fuck O’Shithead has gone…

      I’ve just prematured in my pants….gone ? what you mean ? I turned off over 2 years ago …please please please tell me hes caved/quit/sacked/hanged self ?

    • He he, nice one krav.
      Born and raised there unfortunately, that’s why I now live in Spain.
      Harlow is one massive shitpit full of cunts now.

    • We were in Essex earlier in the year. Motoring around we ventured into Harlow , we left without stopping.
      Grim , and full of cuntish looking cunty types.

  3. Wright, O’Shithead, Owen Jones – all hatched from the same egg… fertilised using gobs of bukake jizz lifted from a broken shit smeared Virgin trains lavatory seat.

      • Somebody right this moment is probably experiencing that very scenario on the commute home Creampuff. And paying thousands for the privilege.

      • Evening Cap, evening LL.

        My wife paid over £7,000 for a season ticket to Londonistan this year – foul scenarios are indeed a daily occurrence.

        She has also fraudulently reclaimed over £800, but please keep that under your hats….

        We’re having chicken kievs tonight.

  4. There’s something creepy about his sneer and giggling demeanor. He’s like the ‘simple’ son of Annex Soubrey and Tony Blackburn.

    Best not apply for that DBS licence, Wright-e-o.

  5. Similar thing happened when Batten was invited onto Politics Live to discuss Brexit, he was immediately assailed by a mostly libtard panel headed by Jo Coburn… makes for grim viewing… though Batten conducted himself well under the circumstances. Thought at one point he was going to nut the lying Labour harridan he was forced to sit next to! Check out the fear and loathing below…

    • I saw that program, Coburn said “yes we will come back to brexit” but never did.
      Would love see a majority right wing panel and one little leftie snowflake get fucked over – can I choose owen jones ?

  6. Thank you very much admin for posting my emergency cunting of this very very smug self absorbed cunt of a presenter,hes been telling every cunt on air how his missus is finally pregnant,its probably Kevin O Sullivans beans thats been fired up her anyway,the impending birth is making this vulcan eared cunt peacock about on air like Savile in a room full of eight year olds,and awwww that laugh of his,he really grinds my cogs this cunt…..

  7. It is easy meat for these fucking cunts who ride our airwaves, they can call people neo nazi, far right, racist and get away with it.
    I doubt they would use same tactics with the peacfuls, btw – whats happened to ramjam chowmein, I saw a report that he is out on licence.
    I like how gerrard batten turns the ‘islamaphobic’ smears back on these cunts by saying Islam is a ideology.
    I just wish we had a stonger force in this country to push back on this religion, it is not right that we should have to pander to such an outdated backward load of shite….. How can any religion in any country in the modern world have a death penalty for blasphemy.
    Breaking news – another boat load of scum plucked from the channel , claimimg to be from Iran (i guess they are all under 18) that makes a total of 101 this month.

  8. Every where, TV, radio,papers.
    Tommy is being put down by the lefty cock sucking libtard fuckwits.
    The press seem to have a way of describing people they don’t like, by describing past history as an introduction about the person before naming them. ( Or naming them twice in Tommy’s case).
    Cunts like Wright, and there are many about,
    Think there, oh so fucking right all the time, the smarmy looking cunt needs a holiday in Afghanistan to let off some steam.

    • It’s 5 am and all the cunters are asleep, teeth gnashing as they have nightmares about Branson and Chucklebutty. I could not get back to sleep after a particularly bad dream where Corbyn and the SNP formed a coalition. Woke up screaming and upset the dog. Don’t watch the so called BBC before bed. They insist on reminding us at every opportunity that Tommy Robinson is NOT HIS REAL NAME! Therefore he is a racist! Well what does that make sir elton bum and Stormzy then? I second every negative remark ever made about the guardian reading cunts made on isac. I would write to points of view if it wasn’t for the restraining order. Cunts.

  9. I don’t know how this squinty-eyed plagiarist still manages to draw a wage in media circles!

    So anything this cunt says on anything is about as believable as the reviews of the plays he *DIDN’T* see and formulated his lies from other review sources.

    Anything to add Matthew, you plagiarising, lying cunt?

    No, didn’t think so, so shut the fuck up!

  10. He apparently loves very old British motorcycles, so something of the masochist about him too.
    Jug eared wanker…

  11. Wow…..a Police story to warm the cockles of my cock tonight.

    The Met have taken to using squad cars to run down suspected moped thieves regardless of whether the riders are wearing safety helmets. Result? Such crime is down 44% surprise surprise.

    On next Monday’s Show……Matthew Wrong questions the morality of this practice with guests Owen Jones, Polly Toynbee and Shami Chavabutty.

    On Tuesday Dame Cressida Cock announces a cessation of this tactic after pressure from the ECJ Human Rights Division…..

    • Been watching the clips on line of the constabulary knocking the scroats off their hairdryers.
      It seems to be working, the percentage of robberies is down since they’ve started steam rolling the fuckers.

    • I’ve also very much enjoyed watching the cunts getting knocked off their bikes. Shame they can’t run the twats over afterwards though.
      …. but I guess that would be waysist….

      • Maybe the border patrol can ‘bump’ the Iranian dinghies coming over from France back out into the Channel. Preferably into the path of a P&O ferry.

    • Assertive action, and already a massive improvement.

      Next on the agenda: “peacefuls”!

  12. He reminds me of a turd, one of those turds that won’t flush away. what an unpleasant little shit he is too.

    Talkshite and get paid for it.

    Radio is a cunt in this case.

    Hmmm Pirate cunter station……

      • Never heard of the cunt before. It’s great not knowing who any of these bellends are as if I ever meet one, I can simply say ‘Sorry pal, didn’t realise you were famous, how sweet does your shit smell?’

    • PTSD was something that applied to people who were in my previous line of work. Now every snowflake cunt can get it. Utter cunts.

  13. Fucking lefty cunt.
    If Tommy was fighting against white grooming gangs that gang raped Muslims they’d call him a hero and they’d be crawling up his arse.
    Coz it’s muzzies raping white girls he’s waysist….

    Fucking trators. I hope cunts like this hang one day.

    • Speaking of enrichers, DS, I see that another 5 have been sentenced to 31 yrs of porridge for running a fake Bangladeshi visa scam and defrauding HMRC of 13m. in the process.
      That cunt I nom’d a while ago for defrauding Kensingston & Chelsea of 100k+ by claiming to be a Grenfell resident got 6 yrs.
      Mmm, wonder how long they’ll actually serve?
      It just goes on and on with these cunts; they take us for mugs.

      • I do often wonder if they’re due to be deported upon release.
        You’d think that common sense would prevail and that they’d be taken straight from the prison to the airport and banned permanently from returning…..
        What’s the chance they’re just released and allowed to continue acting as cunts and fucking our country?

  14. Oh, and I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again – Tommy is a hero for fighting against radical Islam and all the abhorrent practices which are contained in it. The guy should be knighted not demonised by the Establishment fuckwits. If he ever runs for office he’s got my vote in a heartbeat.

  15. Did you see this lefty fucktard cunt has said he suffered PTSD from doing the Wright stuff! Cunt!. How fuckin dare this limp wristed cunt trivialise what is an awful condition afflicting people that have really suffered, ex services,victims of rape or paedos. What traumatized this cunt? Did Starbucks forget to sprinkle chocolate on your cappuccino ! Fuck you, you fuckin needy attention seeking z list sack of cunt !

  16. I must apologise once again my ignorance comes to the for , who the feck is this cunt i know not. One thing guaranteed though I can be sure if he is a nom on ISAC then I have no trouble believing him to be a cunt and i have been educated again by the chaps at ISAC

  17. Supercilious, grinning, girly great, simpering left-wing anus. Probably a closet dung-trumpeteer. Certainly looks like one. A face deliberately conceived for repeated poundings with a 14LB sledgehammer.

    Why do these cunting TV producers deliberately raise the blood pressure of the population by givings cunts like Wright repeated exposure to the nation? A solid-gold kind of cunt’s cunt.

  18. Sadiq Khan needs to be Novatexed (semtexed and novachalked). This pigment shrew midget mudslime cunt is banning food advertising in TFL. This will really cut crime..

  19. Matthew Wright is just one more thick lefty twat in an occean of thick lefty twats. I think they know normal people hate them but can’t help demonstrating their oh so right on views to other libtard wankers such as Boy Owen, Lineacre, Chuckoneupmebutti etc etc etc

  20. As a general rule of thumb, I treat anybody I meet with the name Matthew (especially trendy shortened variants like “Matty”) as a total cunt before they even open their mouth. For some reason they get upset whn I refuse their offer of a handshake with “no thanks, mater- you’re probably a cunt”.

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