Eggheads are Cunts….
“Scientists at Oxford University say 6,000 Britons could be spared an early grave if red meat products including bacon, steak and sausages cost 70 per cent more”
The interfering Cunts’ll discover that they wont be “spared an early grave” if they get between me and my bacon,black-pudding and cheese butties. I’ll knock their over-educated heads together until their big brains are as scrambled as the eggs that I usually have with a full English.
I can’t understand this obsession with wanting to keep everyone healthy so that they can live longer. They can’t afford to look after the old people now,so I can’t imagine what benefit there can be in raising the age of the average lifespan. Anyhow.not all of us want to be “spared” so that we can sit for years at the mercy of underpaid “care-staff” while we slowly deteriorate and crawl towards the final “Fuck Off,you old Cunt”.
I smoke,drink and eat whatever I fancy. I don’t need Oxford scientists to tell me that it’s possibly not the lifestyle that’ll carry me to an unwelcome birthday card from whichever dolt happens to be King by then (Mohammed the Magnificent,probably). I sometimes wonder if it’s almost a subconscious wish to make damn sure that I don’t reach the age of dependency.
However, back to subject, there doesn’t seem to be a day goes by without some study telling us not to eat this or that or a study telling us to eat what they said yesterday that we shouldn’t eat. Of course these fucking “recommendations” give the Govt. a perfect excuse to slap a tax on whatever people may enjoy…..”it’s for your own good”. Naturally the fact that most people are capable of making decisions without the need to be priced out of every “luxury” is ignored. In fact the only people who seem capable of affording these luxuries will be the chavvy benefit scum who always seem to be able to find the money to feed their multi-hued,on-the spectrum brood with endless take-ways.
Scientists should put their brains towards something useful instead of taking money from whichever Govt. department, minority pressure group or multi-national corporations dangles a bribe at them. They surely didn’t study for years just to come up with banal recommendations that even I,without the benefit of even a single GCSE or Govt.grant, could work out.
Fuck them.
Nominated by Dick Fiddler
Bang on Dick.
Every time one of these self important arseholes tries to make themselves look clever by spouting this bullshit, the government rubs its hands with glee at the tax they’re going to impose. To save us from ourselves of course.
Doing without rich food, booze and suchlike won’t make you live any longer anyhow. But it’ll fucking seem like it.
A middle aged woman goes to a health farm for a week. When she comes back she says to hubby…
“They said I have the tits of a 35 year old, the arse and thighs of a 25 year old.”
Hubby says “what about your 55 year old cunt?”
She says “they didn’t mention you once.”
If you drank enough tap water, it would kill you, thank fuck I don’t like drinking water.
Anything to excess will do you harm statistically, its all about balance, but life without the pig I cannot imagine. Fresh crackling off a roast loin of pork is worth the heart attack
Fucking typical the towelheads consider pork haram and unclean, a collective artery blocking cull the size of al-Bradfordistan would be a start.
Because they want to break down your family identity, your national identity, your racial identity, your gender identity and even your sexual identity.
Then you are an individual with nothing to identify with. You have no loyalty to anything. That makes you easy to control and easy to exploit.
Then you are fucked.
Cuntflap, I think you are, and it does…
Terrific Cunting Dick, as ever.
Still amazed they haven’t got round to taxing my Hash yet!
Thats the problem with this country. Experts say.
It wouldn’t be so bad if it was preceded with ‘experts know’ but it’s clear they don’t have any more idea than we do.
Quite right Moggie, and in a few weeks time what was said today will have been countered by “noo research says ”
I.m happy to take my chances with bacon butties etc they can all go and fuck a camel.
What a great cunting, one I couldn’t agree with more.
All this nanny state shite gets right on my tits!
This then gifts dullards compo excuses “Cos the government never said sucking uranium was dangerous in’it and then he doies of cancer!” because the nanny state is supposed to think for them!
Fucking ridiculous!
If I have a glass of whiskey I might get a glow on. However what would happen if I drink two litres in a single sitting???
Waking up in A+E the next day following an emergency stomach pumping, there I am in total wonder because no one told me that amount would make me ill!?! Who would have thought it!?!
Yesterday on my way back from Lutonistab ABBC 3 Cunties Radio were discussing the first world problem of diet Coca Cola addiction. Yes it’s a real thing apparently.
The fucking hand-wringing and tears like it was crack cocaine or heroin addiction was hilarious. Fucking weak-minded southern puffs!
“If you eat like fuck and don’t exercise you’ll get fat!” – well fuck me, I would have had no idea. Thanks!
“If you drink like a fish continually for years on end you could damage your liver!” – really? And there was me thinking George Best was just pulling a fast one!
“If you smoke like a chimney for 40yrs you could end up with respiratory problems in old age!” Ahhh, so that’s why you don’t often see 60yr old heavy smokers winning the Londonistab marathon against Sir Malteser Head (on one of his two weeks in the country to rack up a few more £££’s to take back to the US)!
This bullshit ranks alongside equally cuntish declarations such as: “Don’t repeatedly flick that rattlesnake on it’s nose as it will bite you!” and “Swimming with starving bullsharks while you body is cut all over and bleeding profusely may result in them eating you!”
Utter bollocks!
“Unsworth’s pork pies give you droopy tits.”
From “I didn’t know you cared”, IIRC.
Now we know what caused Treesa May’s problem (or at least, one of them).
As one of my wife’s great uncles said years ago , we don’t live longer , we linger longer.
I’m not cutting anything out ,having said that , I have no intention of becoming a fat cunt .
Good evening.
Neither have I that’s why I already am one! Saves time becoming one…
Guten Abend Jack! ?
Hello Rebel . Labour saving strategies ‘ey ?
As Kirk may have said after dropping an unfeasibly large captain’s log:
Linger longer, and prolapse.
Needless to say Sadick Kunt, mayor of London has jumped on the bandwagon today. In yet another London news TV interview he is going to ban fast food adverts on the tube from next year. Saves worrying about the 19+ murders under his watch I suppose.
Sorry 109 murders plus.
Funny as i was driving along today i was thinking about the obsession people have with saving lives at every opportunity from 40,000 dying because of diesel cars to the flu virus they should fecking stop now there are to many fuckers on the planet, we need more death and less birth for a long time.
Actually what we need is less births in undeveloped nations.
The west is failing to reproduce itself with a birth rate of less than 2 (in some cases as low as 1.3) and this falls right into the hands of the globalists and their lickspittle toadies in Governments clamouring that we need to import more and more scumbags, who have nothing in common with us – in fact despise us – in their Soros funded, Kalegi replacement program, to do all these mysterious jobs that no one else will do…?
The fact of the matter is that these human locusts descend on our nation for a free ride, offer nothing in return, bring their unwanted 3rd world habits, problems and ideologies with them, and then proceed to turn the area infected by them into the very shithole they “escaped” from (i.e. willingly left when there was no persecution in their own country).
It is economic and social madness.
Oh but that’s “waycist” isn’t it!?! No it’s common fucking sense, but any establishment cunt who dares speak against it is immediately ostracised by the quislings in George Soros’ back pocket, with the net result that no cunt in power says anything and the madness continues at an alarming pace.
You look at the so-called “human tragedy exodus” across the west, whether Middle Eastern bomb makers and sub-saharan Africunts into Europe or MS13 gang members from central and southern America heading into the USA, 99% (at least) of the cunts are able-bodied, fighting age men.
This is an invasion pure and simple, facilitated by complicit govt establishments and bankrolled by the globalist elite because they know that the more fragmented a society is, the less chance that there will be that one single cohesive group who could topple the cunts!
Hopefully with the popularist/nationalist resurgence across the West this madness will stop and we will take back the destinies of our nation’s and stick it to the globalists!
George Soros: you WILL be the first one against the wall YOU CUNT!
Hopefully the interfering auld cunt will be dead long before then! One can hope.
Top notch bit of cunting, Mr F.
I wish all these know-all cunts would do one.
The one that made me hoot was last year’s proposal by Wee Jimmy Krankie and her merry band that restaurants, bars etc would be made by law to serve reduced portions north of the border to tackle obesity. When asked if there would be an enforced reduction of price to match, answer I believe came there none…
If someone’s a fat fuck cos they stuff their guts with junk, why should everybody else suffer? The blimps will get blimpier whatever they do about portions and price, just the same as a pisshead will always find the dosh to get blotto.
This piece of research has been going around for at least the last 20 years and keeps resurfacing under many different guises. It is the result of research conducted by a certain Professor Martin Wiseman. Look him up.
Professor Wiseman is I believe Jewish and therefore he doesn’t eat bacon, sausages or processed meat. The first time I heard this drivel I realised that he is probably a bad scientist, forcing his religious beliefs on everybody else as well as not liking a good nosh up. What a cunt!
What the fuck am I going to feed my beloved dog if the prices go up by 70%? I do not feed it crap out of a can or kibble; dogs deserve better than pet company ready meals made of hoof. Those students probably don’t have a real life animal to look after, just a social media profile. Total bubble living cunts. May I suggest the cost of PHDs goes up by 70% so we get better research.
I hate professional “experts” full stop.
If they’re all expert in their particular field why do they have differing views?
The UK economy for example – those useless cunts dressed as experts at the Wank of England; every month they get together to discuss whether to put interest rates up. I don’t know how many cunts there are that sit around the table, but let’s say there are 12. If they were experts you would think all 12 would agree. But they don’t: there’s always 3 or 4 who disagree. In which case they can’t be fucking experts if they’re going against the consensus.
Everyone can call themselves an expert these days, but in reality they don’t know jack shit.
fuck ’em
I fucking LOATHE with a passion usually reserved for red-light jumping cyclists, cunts that try and tell me what I should or shouldn’t eat. Fuck right off you fucking finger-wagging cunt, I’ll eat and drink, (I’m teetotal so alcohol’s not an issue) what I fucking well like, when I like and a sandal-wearing cunt like you won’t make me change my fucking mind, so, fuck off or the only thing that’s going to beat you to A&E is the headlights of my fucking ambulance taking you there, you self-righteous cunt. Had some cunt harping on about the proposed meat tax that other day. Told them we should ban alcohol instead as I’ve never been attacked or assaulted at work by someone under the influence of a steak dinner…. Fucking self-righteous minority cunts.
Spot on Cunting.
This kind of bollocks has got progressively worse over the years. ‘Don’t eat red eat, you will start mooing and want to chew cud’….’Don’t drink carbonated drinks, your tits will explode’, blah, blah, blah shite.
The food and drink police are every-fucking-where!
Of course nobody should go apeshit frenzied with anything that is potentially (and THAT is the key word, potentially not definitely) damaging to your health, but for fuck’s sake, what a sad life it would be if we could not just bloody eat/drink the food and drink we like, even in moderation. Often they are the only small pleasures people have in an increasingly shitty and pressured world.
This kind of thing reminds me of the fucking militant midwives on the ward I worked on, telling new mothers whose babies were admitted with failure to thrive (they couldn’t latch on to the breast well) that they ‘MUST breast feed’ and ‘IT IS BEST FOR BABY YOU KNOW DEAR!
Fucking nazis in blue scrubs!
I used to stand there thinking ‘Ok right. So you just want the poor woman to continue to struggle on, guilt ridden because she can’t feed her baby, let the sprog waste away to the weight of an amoeba, just because tit milk is best while there is the option of nutritionally balanced, ready made milk and baby bottles just feet away.
It sure ain’t best when the kid’s not getting it, dipshit. Fuck off, you harassing bitches!
My parents are 77 years old, My Dad loves his beer, wine, ANY cheese, pizza and a whole lot of other ‘bad foods’. My Mum is a chocolate lover.
I think by that age you have fucking earned the right not to have some scaremongering cuntwaffle patronising you by telling you what you should and should not put in your own fucking piehole.
The reason is to squeeze as much tax from each individual as possible over their lifetime. That’s it.