Please cunt the idea of Driverless cars. A bigger pile of mendacious drivel can only be found in the arguments put forward by the Remainers.Its all bullshit spread by those arrogant small dicked boffins in Sillycunt Valley.In 2012 Sergey Brin one of the cunts who runs Google said his company would have autonomous cars available for the general public within five years.”You can count on one hand the number of years it will take before ordinary people can experience this,” he said Well ive looked at my hand and it has 5 fingers but its been 6 years you opened your gob you greedy cunt. so wheres my fucking car?
Truth is these cunts only test their driverless gadgets on specially designed roads with virtually zero traffic or pedestrians..A couple of years back one of these contraptions drove across the USA,a distance of about 3000 miles.Its makers had a celebratory press conference where they gloated that the vehicle had driven 98% of the journey on pilotless mode.Only on 2% of the drive did a human have to take over.When pressed by a pesky journalist what conditions was the 2% driven under the answer was *only when the vehicle approached a built up area,or it was raining or a little dark”
Nominated by CuntsR-US
They’re out of their tiny fucking minds if they think driverless cars will be a winner!
There’s far too many imponderables to factor in, not least the number of dumb fucking idiots out there on the roads and pavements who’s unpredictability can never be calculated by even the superist of super computers never-mind a poxy little road sensing device shoved under the bonnet of one of these new fangled things.
Then of course there’s the issue of hacking. Car manufacturers made a big play a few years ago about keyless cars. But then completely overlooked the bleedin’ obvious when it was found how easy it was to override a keyless car with a small computerthingymebob, and car jacking became a way of life.
And what did the manufacturers recommend drivers do to prevent this? Put your keys in a metal fucking box! Brilliant! They spend billions on R&D, but forget about security and tell owners to put their keys in a fucking £2 box!
As a consequence I wouldn’t trust these cunts with their driverless cars because there will be some nerdy cunt with another of those computerthingymebobs just dying to hack into some cunt’s ECU whilst driving at 90mph down the M1 and causing carnage!
Oh and if these cars use Microsoft or Android operating systems god fucking help us we don’t get a BSOD!
Excellent points from NCFOM – when will computers become advanced enough to cope with human stupidity? Never. Asimov was writing about this stuff in the 1940s.
Hamid Abdel-Samad is NOT a cunt…
Another idea dreamed up by cunts with beards who live in cloud cuckoo land. When you think about it, driving is a very complex process – driving in London, the windy roads of Yorkshire or Norfolk, the snow of the Highlands. Can you teach your car to be courteous or be an Audi driver? In a crash situation, do you hit the tree to avoid the pram with child. All this stuff, the white human brain deals with very well (excepting darkie Uber drivers).
Cunts with beards think we’ll all drive battery powered cars too. CUCKOO! Cunts.
If we do get driverless cars sometime in the future.
Will it mean there will be no need to sit your driving test and Will anyone at any age be able to operate one.
I think about a 1/3rd of the UK population are on the roads without any relevant paperwork.
Unless, of course, they got it out af a date packet.
Itl match our driverless government,all drivers know the roads are a free for all nowadays,there will be carnage without a doubt but im sure Prince Charles will pen a strong letter to the RAC…….
Genuine question; how do they react when an emergency service vehicle on a blue-light run approaches them from behind or on the same side of the road? Can they detect the blue-lights and sirens? Probably no more so than the majority of cunts on the road.
Indeed ! And can a driverless car respond to an officers hand direction ? Or a column of frogs at a frog crossing ? Like fuck.
Well said sir. That’s the trouble with this country…… nobody gives a fuck about frogs.
The forgotten minority. ?
Keith Vaz likes to put your kind up his bottom.
On a serious note. I like driving, particularly in the countryside. Why would I simply want to be a passenger ?
Exactly, Asimple. I recently bought a new VW Golf GTI and fucking love it. When traffic congestion isn’t being a cunt, I love throwing that thing around, enjoying the acceleration, cornering, quick lane changes to get around some dithering fuckstick in a people carrier or bastard pickup truck.
Long live driving. Long live the internal combustion engine. Long live things I like and bollocks to nay sayers.
No ambulances or rescue helicopters either then? ?
The idea is to literally take the steering out of the hands of “mere ordinary” people.
A certain type of political/social engineering cunt has always hated the concept of privately owned transport, esp in the hands of common plebs, and uses environmental concerns as an excuse to campaign against it.
In fairness, the results of trying to develop a self driving motorcycle might be hilarious to watch…
BMW have started driverless bike trials already. See attached link.
But what is the fucking point of a driverless bike?
Bunch of cunts.
As stressful as the roads are in rush hour I prefer driving to public transport. Not only for the privacy and personal space aspect, but because I’m DOING something.. not just being shifted around like some helpless cattle rammed into a wagon.
If I had hacker skills I’d program every driverless car to lock all the doors and take a journey off the cliffs at Dover.
That I would pay to see – a waterfall of self righteous cunts disappearing into the channel.
However driverless cars manifest themselves, one thing is certain. A thick pile of new traffic legislation to take account of them must be written; probably favouring said DC’s over any other road users. The insurance position will also be interesting.
The priority should be riderless bicycles.
Great cunting.
Driverless cars are just another technological ‘upgrade’ that is TOTALLY unnecessary, not to mention sheer lunacy. They are an accident waiting to happen, quite literally……a ten car pile up or several children stuck to its mudflaps.
It is just so typical of the age we live in and how none of these scientific fuckheads got the memo that ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’. Not content with the low grade, old hat thing of an actual PERSON driving a car, it is now crucial we don’t even have to lift a fuckin’ finger to get from A to B in our own vehicles.
Umm, WHY???????
Even the laziest bastard surely can stir up enough energy to operate their own vehicle, surely? Or is the theory that this ‘Knight Rider’ bullshit is designed to pre-empt and avoid potential accidents before they happen or get in the tightest parking space that a reckless human mong could not? What happens when the computer bollocks fucks up in the middle of the flow of motorway traffic or on a bendy coast road? In scientific terms, YOU’RE FUCKED.
It is all such unnecessary bollocks dreamed up by some cunt geek who has run out of ‘Game of Thrones’ episodes to watch.
Lately, I also feel the same about fucking mobile phones. When I was a teen in the 80’s, did I NEED a mobile phone? No, that was what public phones were for, yet today’s yoof (and the older generations) think that their lives would fall apart without them. I swear the reason that some kids are constantly gawping at them is because the shite is instructing them how to breathe and walk.
Agree wholeheartedly. What does Technology (all kneel) actually do. It saves time and effort. And what does It save time and effort for? For enabling you to spend even more time buying and consuming Technology (holy, holy).
But it’s a tiny consolation to know that a good ol’ solar flare would wipe enough of this crap to make the rest unuseable – in seconds. So, back to Sun-worship, I think.
Yes, it’s a shit idea. One more thing the privileged few (face it, the average cunt on the street won’t have access) don’t have to think about, yeah, wonderful. Not like the general public’s brains aren’t runny pig shit already.
In the event of an accident who will be at fault? The car manufacturers or the software manufacturers??
The whole driverless car bollocks falls into the “Just because you can does not mean you should” category. Transporting yourself from A to B when and how you wish is a fundamental part of a free society. People who wish to diminish that in any way are the enemy of the people. End of. Cunts.
It’s about control. The more technology that’s crammed into cars the more we move towards authoritarian control. Think about it. For example, many of us use GPS systems in our cars. How long do you think it will be before your GPS data is used against you to prove you were speeding? Anyone think that will never happen? If it hasn’t already been done somewhere I’d be amazed.
Modern vehicles are moving towards “fly by wire” steering where there is no mechanical linkage between the steering wheel and the front wheels, only electronics and servos. Couple that with inbuilt wifi and an onboard computer and you have a vehicle that can be “hacked” and taken over remotely, Terminator 3 style.
A novel way to dispose of someone, turn off brakes and steering, set throttle to maximum and it’s goodbye person of your choice.
Some people claim it’s already been used…
Telematics already doing that really. Insurance firms judging how ‘good’ a driver you are and setting premiums accordingly.
No doubt has some benefits for younger drivers but how long before they insist on having the boxes in all cars or they’ll just assume you are a bad driver at set your premium on that basis
Whem my Volvo eventually expires from advanced old age and interstellar mileage it’s replacement will be a tidy Morris Minor or Wolsey 1500 or similar.
Let’s see the cunts hack that…
Planes have had the ability to land themselves for fuck knows how many years now but they still have pilots onboard, why? Because for auto-land to work you need almost perfect conditions, so in shit weather we obsolete organic humans have to bail the machine out of the shit.