David Cameron [24]

A full on Bullingdon-style cunting for the Pompous Pigfucker himself, who has indicated in a newspaper interview he would like to return to front line politics when the next Conservative leader comes along. He is not even a fucking MP now thank god, but he seems to think somebody ought to do the decent thing for him to get back to where he thinks he belongs. He was a fucking failure as a leader, as a *writer* he has failed to complete his autobiography. He is a bullying silly arse. This oily miserable heap of shit should never be allowed back into parliament, still less on the front bench.

It might even be a plus point to get Mrs May-Not to stay as leader. I hope the next leader is David Davis, or somebody else who hates his guts.

What if he gets his way? Will Osborne stop *editing* his comic and return as well – the gruesome twosome reunited?. A right pair of effete but arrogant cunts. No wonder he admired Mary Ann Anthony Blair so much.

Nominated by W. C. Boggs

63 thoughts on “David Cameron [24]

    • Seconded Ron.

      This country deserves better.

      Someone up to the job would be nice for a change.

  1. I would like him to return to the front line. Those shades will come in handy in Kabul. Pig abusing cunt.

  2. Please don’t Camoron. Nobody likes you. Please just fuck off and leave the people of this country alone you heartless, treacherous, disabled hating, working class hating, politically correct, multi culti cunt.

  3. The nerve of the Cunt. Has the real Bullingdon Club mentality of believing that they are our Masters and entitled to rule the Plebs no matter what.

    He only called for the Brexit vote because he thought that he would be celebrated as the Leader who settled the infighting within the Tory Party over Europe. When he realised that there was a chance of losing he launched Project Fear,a truly disgraceful attempt to intimidate the electorate through blatant scare-mongering. He also crawled around Europe like a beaten dog begging for scraps in an effort to fool the electorate into believing that he had won concessions. When the shit fit the fan and the lies from him and that bastard, Osborne, failed and he lost the vote,he fled into the night like a shoplifter out of Poundland.

    Yet now,after displaying all the character and backbone of a jellyfish,he has the fucking gall to think that he is still entitled to one of the highest offices in the land…fucking incredible. The man is fucking shameless.

    Plus the Cunt boasted that the “achievements” of which he is most proud are Ringfencing the Overseas Aid budget and overseeing the legalisation of Gay Marriages…..For Fucks Sake, a Conservative Prime-Minister of the U.K., and those are his greatest achievements.

    I detest the man.

    • The arrogance of this ham-faced bell end and his pet gimp Osborne know no bounds, a truly cretinous piece of entitled dogshit.

    • The nail has been hit on the head again, spot on Mr DF. Cameroon and his ilk do really believe they know best and have an almost genetic programming that the right to rule is theirs.
      Thing is the history of this isle tends to support that view. We have never benefitted from a revolution that got rid of the vested interests for want of a better word. Not that such a change benefits the person in the street, examination of previous revolutions, coups etc has shown how quickly the status quo is re established. Someone must have a better way, to see the pullers of strings crashing their pants would be something to see.

      • “an almost genetic programming that the right to rule is theirs”

        Think that’s more of an Eton thing. That’s what the place is for. And it’s very good at it. From the specimens I’ve met, you can’t return to the real world after being indoctrinated there. The alternatives you’re left with are ruling the world, or a good chunk of it, terminal alcoholism/drug abuse,or being an eccentric lone explorer completely disconnected from humanity. Unfortunately, if you’re a bellend, there’s nothing Eton can do about that, and how can it? Most of its entrants are bellends, and that IS congenital.

  4. One of the biggest political cunts of modern times. A lying, spineless, pig fucking degenerate. His mincing former sidekick George Osborne isn’t far behind him in the cunt hierarchy either. Another indication of his cuntitude is his friendship with the truly fucking awful Rebekah Brooks, a more odious fucking bitch you would be hard pressed to meet. I hope she gets raped by a pack of wild dogs.
    As for Cameron , the last thing we need back is the cunt who wrote into law this country’s pledge to give out billions in foreign aid every year .
    He can fuck off and die.
    Good evening.

  5. “The Heir to Blair” as he called himself. He wasn’t far-off. I prefer to call him Blair V.2. – another ex-public school boy, and another spineless waste of space, with next to zero experience of life in the real world, who thought he could lie and cheat his way to fortune & glory just like his predecessor, but, unfortunately for him, his mendacity was exposed very quickly and on June 23rd 2016 we terminated his political career.

    • Nah. He isn’t 1/100th the cunt Blair is. And he wouldn’t be thinking of inflicting himself on us again if he was as good as Blair at licking rich arses. Or working the lecture circuit…’A Conversation With Dave Cameron’? Cue scampering sounds and rapidly disappearing cloud of dust.

  6. An order for the immediate arrest of Cameron needs to be issued for historic sexual gratification with a deceased animal.

    • Breaking story….Peppa Pig is at a central London police station giving a statement of unwanted sexual attention by a ‘senior Tory politician’…more to follow

  7. If pigfucker thinks he’d be seen by the electorate as anything other than to blame for the disastrous mess we’re in today, then he’s even more deluded than I first gave him credit for.

    Like Blair with Iraq, Cameron’s name will forever be associated with deserting his country in its hour of need and failing to “implement what you decide”. Cowardice and treachery on such a scale can never be seen to be rewarded.

    Fortunate for the pair of them that Blair conveniently abolished the death penalty for High Treason in 1998.

  8. Technically we should be thanking this cunt for giving us the Referendum but that, of course, was the biggest mistake of his life and an illustration of his natural born arrogance. It never crossed his mind for one moment that the plebs would see right through him.
    The fact that he is mouthing off about making a comeback demonstrates that he has not learned the lesson. Does he really think the Tories are going to give him a nice safe seat to parachute in to? Fucking deluded cunt.
    My enduring image of the pigfucker will be of him standing behind O’Bummer when he was giving his “back of the queue” speech. He may as well have had a big sign above his head saying “BITCH”.

  9. Camoron’s shiny face resembles a freshly buttered baked potato.

    In the face of a mounting national debt, this is the complete cunt who enshrined into law the pledge to spend 0.7% GDP on foreign aid. What I don’t understand is what happens if (yes, I know fucking pie in the sky) a sensible Tory leader takes over from spineless Saggy May and rules to not honour the commitment. Does the government try itself in court and then impose massive fines for non-compliance?

    The mind boggles how on earth the cunt Cameron can work hard to institute such a wankish, piece of legislation which has a seemingly arbitrary figure of 0.7% GDP and really does no good whatsoever to every taxpayer in the UK, who needs to dig deeper to fund the folly. Who worked out that this figure was appropriate? A complete fucking freeze on foreign aid should have been instituted until the national debt is under control and we have a surplus instead of a deficit to start bringing the debt down.

    Insanity. Besides, his wife is a fucking minger and looks like Andy Fordham the darts player.

    • Can a future Government (with Parliamentary backing) do nothing to change or get rid of the 0.7%?

      Not that they’d want to, of course.

      • This so called ‘ring fenced foreign aid’ nonsense isn’t a “Natural Law” is it. Therefore, as it is a Man made ‘law’ it can be modified, or in this case totally re-hauled and forgotten about, as long as the right people with bollocks have the strength to overturn and delete it.
        Just think of Homosexuals worrying about a ‘ knock at the door’ in the 1960’s until they modified the ‘Man made law’ concerning their activities . . . There were no problems overturning that so called ‘Law’ and this is no different.

    • The coppers love the McCann case……a nice holiday in Portugal, courtesy of the taxpayer. They don’t want to give that up in a hurry. ?‍♂️

      • Fair enough Freddie… the cops deserve a break after investigating all those hate crimes… especially the poor officers who must be traumatised after watching that cardboard Grenfell bonfire video.

  10. Call me Dave should get on to his mates Cleggy and O’Bummer to wangle him a nice cushy job in the States. All the usual channels of scrounging off the taxpayer ( House of Lords, EU ) are closed to him on this side of the water.

    • He’ll never require and has never needed so much as a penny since the day Lord Gammon was shat out onto a silk blanket, swathed in satin robes and held up high so the peasants tilling his land could cheer and huzzah and praise their squire’s puffy, baconesque cheeks.

  11. Fuck off, you had your shot and you failed.

    The abject cowardice you showed following the referendum vote, disdain for common folk and leaving barely an hour after that decision was announced is the reason why we are here now.

    Would I have you back in politics?

    Only if it meant keeping B.Liar out of them! Under no other circumstances.

    Please feel free to fuck off you coward and pick up four white feathers on your way out!


    • They suffer from a recognised malady Rebel. Some call it the God syndrome and others refer to it as a form of Munchausen Syndrome by proxy. Camercunt, like B Liar and a couple of US presidents feel exonerated for any bad decisions they ever made and actually cant even see there was a problem. Look at B Liar and the WMD, the use of depleted uranium artillery shells, the dodgy dossier, the deaths of servicemen and the use of a cocktail of drugs they received on their way down the Gulf war. My Brother was the skipper on a minehunter and was told that everyone on board had to have the injection. The only 2 that didn’t was my Brother and his 1st Lieutenant – they defied the order and nothing came of it. Spookily 8 of the ships compliment have since died due to cancers of the blood. B Liar, when he finally put the one eyed clown in the hot seat had long since made his private business guaranteed to make millions when he left. He, like Cameron, think that by attempting to assume the power they once had, were they granted that power again, would be qualified and competent enough to cure the ills they themselves had caused in the first place. Cameron and B Liar don’t recognise the plebs would like to see them dead, indicted or locked up in the Hague – they simply see themselves as the only ones who could solve the problems they created and in turn the plebs would declare them heroes. A form of elevated cuntishness which very few could aspire to, never mind achieve it.

      • Dead right, Cunto.

        It is TOTAL self-delusion, narcissistic sociopathy of the worst kind.
        You or I would find ourself locked up in the local asylum, liquid and electrical cosh as and when…

        But politicians exhibit the self-same symptoms…it’s just par for the course.

        Sod them.

  12. The likes of him and Blair move about in a cocoon of 1st class entitlement, out of the fecking mansion into the hermetically sealed Audi down to the place in the country where they mix with like minded members of the same social class never meeting the lower orders for a bit of reality unless they employ an old bird that ‘does from down the village, I’m not against the class system but it would work better if ALL classes weren’t so insular.
    But Cameroon is a vagina.

  13. If he wants to enter into his past life again, then that is fine. Everyone should be free to do so but with a condition.

    He should not be able to pick and choose which elements he can revisit.

    We want the full story, perhaps on a Sky One special. I would give it a title such as “Cameron. Pig in the City” and show it after the 9pm watershed.

    There is a motto that applies to this spineless cunt.

    “You cannot remove the pig from the man. And you won’t get the man to remove himself from the pig”.

  14. News Headline tonight-
    Brexodus: Number of EU Migrants working in the UK plummets.

    Not in my fucking town it hasn’t.
    If anything, it’s multiplied in the last year, like an infestation of cockroaches. Visit my town you Fucking liars, it’s like Little Bucharest. Cunty media pissflakes.


    p.s. Cameron is a Grade 1 cunt. Dave “I won’t resign if Leave win” Cameron couldn’t wait to let somebody else clear up the unprepared-for mess and we inherit a craven, Remain-voting witch who bends over for any unelected EUrotrash like a cheap $10 whore.

    Stay sitting down with your silver spoon fags in Oxfordshire you tax-diddling, pig-fiddling, Clegg-felching cunt.

    • Don’t believe it either Captain.

      Fucking infestation where we are and no signs of it abating.

      Taken over great swathes of our town.

      • Ditto,
        Of course the uber cunts Channel 4 managed to find several families of Poles living in Scotland who are most unhappy that they haven’t been given a guarantee of citizenship if / when we fuck off out of Europe. Not a word about how their army of kids are being brought up by the state, in taxpayers schools, in taxpayers health and welfare. Oh no, just about what kinds of cunts we are for not giving them ghettos to infest and populate with Polski Schlepps and takeaway cabbage soup shops. And they all have Polski sky TV, the parents speak very little English but they all have the latest Apple toys and gizmos.
        Watching the unfolding cuntishness of the Brexit abortion I am changing my mind. Lets stop in, elect the swivel eyed lunatic with a landslide majority, ruling every council in the country, give the Scots, Irish and Welsh their own spending powers after doubling the Barnet formula and invite all nations unfettered access to our country, schools, NHS and benefits from day 1.
        Selfishly, I don’t have to stop here. I am versatile and able to move (within reason) anywhere I fucking like.
        Fuck this country – let the libtard Marxists, Communists, Muslims and every blambo and his dog take it over and run it into the ground. Its been going down the shitter like a greased turd since the 70’s with a few halcyon periods thrown in. I feel a poem coming on. At one time it was worth the effort.

        Goodbye to my England, So long my old friend
        Your days are numbered, being brought to an end
        To be Scottish, Irish or Welsh that’s fine
        But don’t say you’re English, that’s way out of line.

        The French and the Germans may call themselves such
        So may Norwegians, the Swedes and the Dutch
        You can say you are Russian or maybe a Dane
        But don’t say you’re English ever again.

        At Broadcasting House the word is taboo
        In Brussels it’s scrapped, in Parliament too
        Even schools are affected.. Staff do as they’re told
        They must not teach children about England of old.

        Writers like Shakespeare, Milton and Shaw
        The pupils don’t learn about them anymore
        How about Agincourt, Hastings , Arnhem or Mons ?
        When England lost hosts of her very brave sons.

        We are not Europeans, how can we be?
        Europe is miles away, over the sea
        We’re the English from England, let’s all be proud
        Stand up and be counted – Shout it out loud!

        PS – Something I said????????
        Let’s tell our Government and Brussels too
        We’re proud of our heritage and the Red, White and Blue
        Fly the flag of Saint George or the Union Jack
        Let the world know – WE WANT OUR ENGLAND BACK !!!!

      • 19/20 Excellent. Scansion could do with tidying. 🙂

        Seriously, good one. Should be set to music and played loudly on loop at stations, airports etc.

    • That was the job Auntie Tony was tipped for. I am very pleased he didn’t get it, I bet that has wiped the smile of the greedy old fuckers face.

  15. It’s the Wimminz World Cup next year. I wonder what would happen if Ronaldo or Messi decided to go trannie? Would they be allowed to play? Or they could just “self identify” on the day of the match couldn’t they?
    That would shake things up a bit.
    I mean, they wouldn’t want to be accused of HATE CRIME would they?

    • Next thing is that the fucking useless women footballers will want the same pay as the men.

      This equal pay for sports is really getting out of hand. If they want total equality let them play against the men and see how they get on.

      • Imagine if Ched Evans suddenly ‘identified’ as a woman and wanted to not only play but enjoy the post-match bath time.

        I’m sure it’d be as successful as that recent convicted rapist who ‘identified’ as a woman and was imprisoned in a women’s gaol.

        What could possibly go wrong.

  16. Subjudice but a certain black solicitor is up in court attempting to pervert the course of justice. Man she is one ugly specimen….

  17. The Harvey Weinstein of the pig farms…
    …Harvey Swine-stein….

    He did give us a vote but he lied and fucked off before implementing the decision.
    If he was a real leader he would’ve triggered article 50 and got the job done instead of pussying out like a bitch.

    What a cunt.

  18. One of the traditions of The Bullingdon Club is ‘pretending to ride to hounds’. Has the urge ever taken you Mr Fiddler after a few Bushmills? Maybe after the pub? There must be a country lane you could pretend to trot down.

    • I used to go hunting regularly, Miles, and still support the local Hunt.It’s a wonderful way to meet some “sporting gals”.

      • I had a good old natter about various things country with an old gent from Lincolnshire earlier this year, down in Essex. On fox hunting he reckoned it was all about sex, the foxes were collateral damage.
        Cunt halloo !!

      • The hunting fecking ban kicked a fecking great hole in my trade in parts of the country with a ripple effect in places of non hunting country, fecking townie cunts with their metropolitan ways.

      • I will freely admit to knowing nothing about hunting, the economics or the loss of livelihoods involved however I have always been against the killing of any animals for enjoyment/sport.

        I do think the Conservatives proposal to overturn the existing ban was a retrograde step backward, a major mistake, and that it will have certainly cost them, giving the impression of being arrogant, out of touch and elitist.

      • Since they scrapped compulsory archery, it’s England’s last martial art. Banning it was yet another reason for loathing Blair*. I actually wrote to an MFH expressing my sympathy at the time – and got a pleasant reply. I can even put a socialist spin on it: if the toffs weren’t chasing foxes, they’d be chasing us…

        *Even though he reverse-ferreted in 2010, saying he hadn’t known enough about the issue and wouldn’t have banned it if he had. Here was the fucking PM, responsible for settling a widely-publicised and contentious issue, and he didn’t know enough about it? Fuck me!

  19. Osborne and Cameron returning to frontline politics??
    It’s like the chuckle brothers but less entertaining if that’s humanly possible??
    I absolutely love this Etonian fop doodle has 24 on the door!!

    • At PMQ’s Osbourne always remined me of a ventriloquists dummy with Cameron operating him, probably not the first time Gideon has been fisted by an old Bullingdon chum.

      • Fucking spot on LL!!
        was it the dodgy Barnet?
        Swivelling eyes?
        or the pig fuckers hand up his arse that gave it away?
        Cameron’s like political syphilis
        You get rid of the Cunt but he’s s bound to return……

    • Unbelievable But true!
      The useless sack of Etonian shite looks like a colossus of political savvy compared to the hunchback of Maidenhead……

  20. That pigfucking piece of Etonian scum left us in the shit after the referendum… Instead of showing pair of balls and telling the EU to fuck off he instead showed a pair of tits and ran for cover… The Pigsticker-alongside those cunts Duncan Smith McVey and Gideon – also persecuted the sick and mentally ill… Still no official death toll on those declared ‘fit for work’ who either died or topped themselves… But they’re white and English… They weren’t here by illegal means, and they didn’t go up with some tower block shithole… So society at large -and especially the media – doesn’t give a fuck…

  21. If nothing else brexit has made the political filth rise to the surface like the absolute scum they are…..

  22. In the 1972 episode of Steptoe & Son, Harold (Harry .H, Corbett) bemoans the fact that the upper class wankers, the ‘Monty Python Mob’ have taken over his local pub…. He said with a look of dread, ‘The future ruling classes they are, mate’… How right he was….

  23. Fuck me and bugger me butler. What a fucking shower – bastard tories skulking in to No 10 to betray poor old Blighty. Me worst nightmares have taken me up the arse. It is a total sell oit to Jonny fucking foreigner. All the stench and rumours are coming true. May has not only capitulated but is back trailing a slime orf froggy fuck from every orifice. You may sell poor old Blighty oit but not in my name madame. Never in my name.
    A Brexit deal that gives all away to Brussels is what is afoot, we have become truly a vassal state and fucked by our own Prime Minister supported by her suppurating crew orf gutless arsemen. Have done a bottle orf Oz Shirez, a bottle orf Itie Apassimento and a bottle orf Thracian Mavrud this night and to bed with a bottle orf me favourite jocko single malt. Pissed and puking I bid you all night night and say to the world – go fuck yourself.

  24. Call me Dave should never be allowed back into front line politics The architect of the vote to leave the EU when He got the result He didn’t want He ran off to seek fortune elsewhere just like His predecessor Mr Tony Blair another odious cunt

  25. This cunt has just ‘outed’ himself as to be one huge talentless fuck-wit.
    Can you imagine, having all his money, and being BORED ? … Come on … just think about it !!!
    In a way this has warmed my piss to a level of cosiness, here’s me with a nice amount of savings and happy as a top notch cunt, sorting out all my hobbies –
    AND then reading about this ultra rich cunt being ‘BORED’ . . . It just shows you
    what a sad small minded cunt he really is.

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