Childhood in Rotherham

Police, politicians, social services and a whole freezer full orf snowflakes were warned that the following was likely to happen. Warnings were ignored. Then police, politicians ect ect were warned it was happening. Warnings were ignored. Then our friends above were warned it was escalating. Warnings were ignored.

Now after several years the scandal in one area has finally come to court and perpetrators convicted and sentenced. Heartfelt apologies from those with deaf ears sincerely delivered. No resignations though.

A breakthrough in society you might think, a determination to call a spade a spade? Some community leaders of the same ethnic background have observed that the perpertrators share their ethnicity and have been instantly condemned as “racist”. At least a promising start surely, light being shone in dark corners? Alas no, the abuse and degredation orf young girls by similar ethnic communities continues unabated across this once fair and gentle country. Warnings are ignored.

As an old India hand you might think me inured to most of the ills orf the world. I saw such sights as to kill all hope on Earth – endemic child abuse taking place beneath the cover of the surf amongst the floating turds orf the Bay orf Bengal, children for rent by the hour in the slums orf Calcutta, girls mutilated for the pleasure orf some fat Punjab in Lahore. Poor children kidnapped and put out to beg on the streets with deliberately deformed limbs prevented from healing to better monetise the injuries. The poor pray upon the destitute. Exploitation is normal.

As I read the following report on Sky News memories of the urchins smell and the fear in their eyes from India long ago hit me in the gut. Took most of a bottle orf me single malt to get me to sleep that night. This is going on now and it is beyond a cunt.

“Seven men found guilty of child sex abuse in Rotherham

One underage victim was “passed around” and raped by 100 men by the time she was 16 years old, Sheffield Crown Court heard.
Seven men have been found guilty of child sex abuse in the largest trial so far following the Rotherham abuse inquiry.
One underage victim was “passed around” and raped by 100 men by the time she was 16 years old, Sheffield Crown Court heard.
Another young victim became pregnant and had to have an abortion.
The case is the first major prosecution arising out of Operation Stovewood – the National Crime Agency’s massive inquiry into historical child sexual exploitation in the South Yorkshire town.

The defendants were found guilty following a trial lasting eight weeks.
The charges against them included rape, indecent assault and false imprisonment.

Those convicted of rape were Mohammed Imran Akhtar, 37, Tanweer Ali 37, Salah Ahmed El-Hakam, Nabeel Kurshid, 34, and Iqlak Yousaf, 34.
Another man found guilty of rape cannot be named for legal reasons.
Another defendant who was charged with offences of indecent assault and false imprisonment was acquitted.

So far, more than 1,500 victims of the Rotherham abuse scandal have been identified. The girls, who are now women in their 30s, were “lured by the excitement of friendship with older Asian youths” but then sexually assaulted and passed between men, the jury in the trial was told.

One of the victims told police she felt as though her childhood had been “snatched away.” Another said she had been plied with drugs and alcohol, taken to a location miles away from home and threatened with being abandoned alone if she did not have sex.

The court heard that after becoming pregnant the girl had an abortion because her parents were unsupportive. Prosecuting barrister Michelle Colborne said: “She suffered a great deal of psychological trauma as a result.” Ms Colborne also said that the five complainants in the trial were easy to target because they needed to be loved.

She said: “When they were in their teens, they were targeted, sexualised and, in some instances, subjected to acts of a degrading and violent nature at the hands of these men who sit in the dock.
“None of them had the maturity to understand that they were being groomed and exploited.” Ms Colborne added that the girls “believed sex of some kind or other was a necessary price for friendship”.

This investigation was set up in the wake of the 2014 Jay Report which revealed the shocking scale of exploitation in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013 and failure of police and social services to intervene.

Researcher Angie Heal previously described it as the “biggest child protection scandal in UK history”.

Nominated by Sir Limply Stoke

31 thoughts on “Childhood in Rotherham

  1. Hang every last one of them.
    Send their entire families back to where they belong….
    Then find EVERYONE responsible, politicians, police, journalists, social workers and hang those cunts too!

    Makes my blood and piss boil to think that our politicians are importing these scum into our country and not just allowing, but helping them to rape our women…
    Hang em all!!
    Fuckin traitors.

  2. The ones who haven’t absconded back to their former country will do half their sentence after being fed well, educated for free, and patted on the head by the in-prison Imam. Their duty us to ruin and corrupt the West and frankly, they’re slowly succeeding.

    • I heard about one of these pieces of human filth in Rochdale… Got done (eventually) for grooming and raping teenage girls while claiming every benefit he fucking could… Does three years of a nine (why only nine?) year sentence, gets out and goes straight back on his benefits…. This country in a nutshell…

      I agree with Deploy on this one… Kill the filthy smelly deviant cunts, and also kill anyone who aided them, turned a blind eye, gave them easy sentences, made excuses or apologised for/to them (see you, Lily Mong), and anyone who ‘loves’ these sandfilth scum should have to live with them… Put them up and pay their keep by law… That would change a few tunes, wouldn’t it? Snowflake scum…

  3. Sums up the state of this country. Supposed 1st world nation and 5th largest economy ra ra ra.. but no time or care for its own children.

    Stories like Rotherham can actually ignite piss in to a hellstorm inferno. If it did of course I would gladly cleanse this wretched country with it.

  4. Given how inbred these subhumans are, they must surely be related to a former bus driver who has a son who is the mayor of…

  5. Soon as they come out deport them and all their families Confiscate all their money houses cars ect to the state If they are not happy fight the case via Pakistan not from here Nick Griffin said this was happening 14 years ago and the powers that be threatened him with prison bet they are not so smug now

  6. All decency and common sense has been sacrificed on the high alter of political correctness, in an effort to make the filth fit in they have made them more isolated and entrenched in their backward animalistic ways, the twats want punishing the way they would be in their flyblown pox holes from whence they came, public flogging or amputation of their pox and clap ridden cocks. Absolutely disgusting chain of events allowed by our supposed rulers and betters, cunts to a man. Blair as usual is to blame the festering pustule.

  7. Never fear, there will be plenty of apologists for these cunts. No doubt the Guardian will be extremely quiet, especially their fucking opinion writers who will probably twist this shit around so as to make these pathetic cunts as victims, and that the fault lies with the “white men” establishment blah blah.

  8. Those filthy dirty amoral evil fuckers who committed these crimes should be locked up and the key thrown away.

    Those in authority who allowed this to happen should also face long jail sentences. Not fit for purpose.

    As for the scrote who cannot be named for legal reasons- why the fuck not? Anyone over the age of 10 knows the difference between right and wrong so name the fuckers. Name all guilty fuckers, including name and nationality.

    Perhaps when this cunt is released in order to give him a second chance he can be given a new identity at great expense to the tax payer.

    Seriously, what has happened to the poor defenceless girls in these instances should be a national disgrace. But it appears that political correctness and cultural enrichment are the order of the day, and a sacrifice well worth making.

    And how dare Tommy Robinson speak out on the matter. Far right racist scum. Send him to jail, doesn’t matter if there is not a legitimate charge.

    This country has swung so far towards Peacefuls, Eastern Europeans and snowflakes I feel ashamed to be English as nothing is likeky to chance for the better anytime soon will fuck off as soon as I can.

  9. This goes deep within their society and culture. In Rochdale a decent muslim man voiced his concerns to the imams and elders.’ Not our concern’ was the response. That speaks volumes for the rotten, corrupt values of this sect.

  10. A difficult to stomach but utterly warranted piece of cunting, Sir Limply. It’s hard to find words to describe this filth. They should be hammered into the ground with baseball bats and shovels, and the remains should have petrol poured over them and burned.
    This won’t happen of course, and when they’ve done (some) of their time, they’ll come out to become a parasitic drain on the rest of us; political correctness will see to that, and no doubt they’ll aspire to some sort of ‘victim’ status. We really, really are fucked.

    • Those responsible from the council, social services and police should be doing time alongside them. In fact they are worse because they were complicit in allowing the peaceful paedo’s to get away with it, a young girls right not to get raped doesn’t trump accusations of racism and some bacon dodging ragheads hurt feelings.

  11. Starve them until they agree to greedily devour bacon & sausage and make them use the pages from that joke book they live by to wipe their dirty arses, and if we are lucky enough that any of them snuff it inside, no paki burial, they are to be fed to the pigs so that their final journey will not be to Mecca and the virgins but through the pigs digestive system and exit by the arsehole.??

    • I like your style Bosshog.

      Clearly you have thought this through. Certainly no more than they deserve. Also feel Ron Knee’s solution to the problem also warrants merit.

      Fucking lowlife scum.

  12. Castration then deportation. Or hang them using a noose soaked in pig’s blood. Either is fine by me. These animals are below the level of even rats and cockroaches and even that’s too kind on them, and the police, councils, gestapo (sorry, I mean social services) and everyone else involved in protecting these vermin should be tortured until death. Tommy Robinson is a fucking hero for his efforts in exposing these monsters and the massive cover-up by the authorities.

  13. I wonder if the fair minded James O’Brien will be doing a phone in on his ‘show’ about how these poor men have misunderstood the British culture and so they are the real victims in all this.

  14. Apparently, we are now no longer allowed to call these cunts “Muslim” gangs?

    The world was a much better place without snowflakes.


  15. Islam is a retrograde religion. Its adherents believe that the words in the Koran are the verbatim words of Dog the creator of all things. I have lived and worked amongst muslims and know that even the most intelligent and sophisticated of them believe this to be true. They also believe that Islam is the one and only true religion, superior to all others and will one day dominate the world. You cannot rationalise with a muslim. They are not open to the application of logic or the acceptance of alternatives. They are ruled by dogma.That is why when push comes to shove muslims will support the destruction of British values and society in favour of their own. Islam truly is a cancer in our midst. It should be treated as one would a potentially fatal disease. The radicals, child abusers and fucktard mayors should be put down like the dogs they are. The normal laws and rules of civilised society should not apply this excrescence. I would like to see a law that categorises them as outlaws i.e they are beyond the application or protection of any laws. I would then buy a baseball bat.

  16. yeah – the media are required to use ‘Asian’ – let the public think it is the Chinks and the Gooks who are up to no good.

    Also, the widespread use of reporting restrictions prevent the gruesome details of these cunts activities being dished up daily to the public (unlike any whitey misdeeds) and the only thing reported is the conviction – this is now relegated to a page 3 or 4 story.

    The Authorities are clearly trying to bury the details of exactly what is going on in the Peaceful community and are lying to the masses – I just can’t understand why? To allow the huge influx of Saudi Wahhabism and mosque construction – why ffs? To keep importing peacefuls by the A380 load when there is clearly already a serious problem – wtf?

    • If you cannot change the will of the stubborn British people, then change the people. That way, you will get remain , remain , remain

  17. I found this site recently and in midst of feeling depressed by how screwed this country is thanks in the main to our own cunting population – those (and this is not only about Brexit ) who have turned ‘snatching defeat from the jaws of victory’ into a national trait to be encouraged —. I have been able to smile and titter again. I now don’t feel so lonely. 95% of the posts I agree with — 5% are so much further right than me that they make me feel like I must be a Catweasile / snowflake fan myself but hey I guess it’s a case of being a ‘broad church’ so to say? Anyway good stuff boys and hopefully one or two girls !! In the words of Mr Grace “ you have all done very well”.

  18. I was thinking about this cunt who cannot be named for legal reasons:
    1. He is too young to be named,
    2. He has paid for a super injunction.
    There are no other possible reasons as far as I know.

    A national scandal yes, almost as bad as Savile. And he was just one white man.

  19. It’s called “cultural enrichment ” We know its good for us. Our wonderful leaders have told us so.. It is to be encouraged . Our children tell us so, following years of indoctrination from our betters. I feel so proud to be a member of a broadminded liberal community where murder, rape and sexual perversion are not only tolerated but encouraged. Look too ! Our Parliament is gradually becoming further enriched with those wonderful people of such profound faith from far off lands
    I tell you gentlemen, it is a wonderful time to be one of the last Englishmen. Being bred out is soooo exciting.! I wonder what will happen next ? Bring on some more of that fairy dust!
    Bless you all my brothers ,May your camels thrive on the end of your cock .

  20. But surely they’re just misunderstood British Nationals?

    Oh and don’t dare say that “peacefulness” condones this kind of behaviour cos that’s just waycist.

    It’s cultural. Part and parcel of the enrichment of the UK. Live with it waycists!

    Anyone who dares breath a word about this and report the facts needs to be locked up in a majority “peaceful” prison for re-education cos they’re clearly waycist and don’t get the benefit of this wonderful cultural enrichment.

    In court, complicit judges need to make the “peacefuls” out to be the real victims and portray the young girls as basically “asking for it”. To think anything else is quite clearly waycist.

    The police need to ignore the go-to MPV 7-8 seater cars (as favoured by “peaceful” families to carry their state paid-for brood) when they contain at least 4 grown “peaceful” men and a couple of 12yr old white girls. Instead they must focus on nasty, waycist tweets that even hint towards “peacefulness” as being an evil cunt of a religion.

    Nothing to see here! There are no tanks entering Baghdad!

  21. What the public need to realise is this. That, without exception, all followers of that certain religion despise anyone who doesn’t subscribe to it. it’s this attitude that allows scum like those convicted above to treat young girls in such an appalling manner, to them they are worthless and there isn’t a thing wrong with their behaviour, they think all white women are slags and treat them as such and this has been proved time and time again in the courts. Is is really racist to assume that members of a certain religion seem to be prevalent in the systematic abuse of vulnerable children? Could it be that there are other white, black, oriental, jewish and even hispanic gangs out there abusing vulnerable girls in equal measure and we are simply targeting this one group? Yes, that must be it.

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