Adele fans

A quick nomination for anyone who is a fan of Adele. You absolute cunts. You buying this over rated McDonalds Test Driver has made her the richest cunt at 30yrs old.

Fuck me, are there really that many manic depressives in the world who want to listen to this cunt with a voice like a cat being fucked with a toblerone.

Adele is lucky cunt, like Victoria Beckham, that God put on the earth just to piss hard working people off.

But as long as there are cunts who can ‘identify’ and ‘feel her pain’ this over rated cunt will continue to sing about the blokes who blew her out like a wind sock owing to her problem with her feet…………….she can’t keep the fuckers out of KFC

Nominated by Dry Itchy Cunt

36 thoughts on “Adele fans

  1. There will always be fat ugly women who feel men have treated them like shit (rightly so for being fat and ugly), therefore she has a target market for life.

  2. It’s ironic that this cunting follows the Freddie Mercury piece. I bought an Adele CD years ago. I think it lasted 2 days before it went in the bin, every song sounding the same. At least Queen’s songs were worth listening to in their time. Where has all that talent from the 70s gone? I know they are literally dead, but, as Ruff Tuff alludes, all we have now is mediocrity.

  3. I will admit to quite liking her first hit “Set Fire to the Rain” – really quite powerful emotive stuff.

    however, she seems to have decided to stick with that kind of “oh woe is me” formula ever since then to the point where she sounds like yet another embittered metoo bint with 2 large portions of chips on her shoulders.

    And now she’s hit the big time she comes over with the usual “fuck you” attitude while her fans can’t see the fat for the flab as she gyrates like a horny humpbacked whale on the stage (specially reinforced to Earthquake standard)

    Pity the poor cunt that eventually ends up in her clutches, pinned to the marital bed while she sits on his face sucking him dry while farting to the song of “I will survive!”


  4. Excellent cunting DiC
    That picture says so much!
    Adele is a beacon of hope and inspiration for a generation of clueless talentless teletubbies……

  5. Adele fans are nothing more than hormonal,overweight SwampHogs who can’t get/keep a man. They prefer to think of themselves as “victims” instead of facing the fact that they are unattractive in every way and that is why they can’t keep a man. They should lose a few stone,tidy themselves up and stop whinging about some “lost love” who actually only porked the fat cow because he’d had a bellyful of ale and “Tubby” was the final option after missing his last bus home.
    Any man who enjoys Adele’s music is a poof or a chubby-chaser.

    Fuck Off.

  6. Dreadful bland muzac aimed at a dreadful bland nation,keep em fed on bland muzac and bland TV,nothing for you here plebs and your pesky voting for things we don’t approve of.
    I shall continue to vote for things they don’t approve of and help myself to reaaaaal music thanks to Mr P. Bay….

  7. Mediocre is a compliment for this salad-dodging, classless banshee. The “fans” must have empty lives, empty like a vat of spam recently attacked by their idle…sorry, idol. My favourites are:-

    “Rolling in the Cheese”
    “Let the PieFall” (theme from Spectre)
    “Set Fire to the Ham”
    “Chasing pancakes”

  8. If you could buy shares in this porky Tottenham slob I would , as she is going to be around for a long time.
    I see her as the natural successor to Barry Manilow who has cornered the market in dim, middle aged women who are “unlucky in love.” (ie deepy unattractive and thick as shit)
    Adele will grow fatter and older with her audience and be coining it for years to come.
    A fucking licence to print money.

    • Adele is a wonderful positive role model for nonentities worldwide and the morbidly obese. On the plus side, fatties tend to die earlier.

  9. Formula shite music, like most sounds these days.
    Give me a bit of punk rock anyday .
    Went to a cockney rejects gig last night.
    Can’t beat the mosh pit, sweaty men gyrating, rubbing up against each other, throwing eachother about. What a night.

  10. Apparently the shadow of her arse weighs more than the average woman……
    Fat sad pathetic life losers are attracted to Adele like moths to a flame…..
    Agree with FTF as inevitable as Adele’s waistline will increase so to will her fan base! The two are inextricably linked….
    I’m afraid we’re stuck with this wailing porka for many years?

  11. The whinsome warbling whale has tapped into the zeitgeist of our desperately bland and atomised nation. In an era where offence is taken so easily it’s a ripping wheeze to sing one note paens to getting fucked and chucked by drunk labourers or aspiring rappers

  12. “a voice like a cat being fucked with a toblerone.”
    Fuckin classic itchy…

    Yea she fat …. and ginger…. but I still would.
    …though I am still pissed from last night.

  13. A singing voice like Brian Blessed being anally raped by a sex-starved warthog.

    Her dirge lyrics follow the same hackneyed old bollocks. Well-nourished girl is dumped by her boyfriend. Ex finds himself a fit bird and bangs her back doors in. Adele stalks said boyfriend, whines about the heartbreak etc. then goes off to scoff a whole chocolate trifle.

    As Ruff Tuff said above, the corpulent whinger wouldn’t have broken past pub gigs in the past. Everyone took the piss out of Gilbert O Sullivan at the time, but listen to his lyrics of Alone Again Naturally. Knocks Adele’s facile whining into a cocked hat.

  14. I have a theory about modern music being bland shite, there are a finite number of different tunes and most of the good ones have already been done. Ed fucking Sheeran? Adele singing reminds me of whalesong, her rise in popularity has seen a huge increase in the mass beaching of pilot whales and dolphins. It’s fucking animal cruelty.

  15. Skyfall…

    “Let the skyfaaawwww, let it crumbaawww”

    Shit song, shit singer, shit film.
    Pity the fat cow didn’t accidentally eat Daniel Craig…

  16. It is part of the push for diversity and inclusivity. Like oversized models. Physically handicapped comedians. Is that a bad thing? Alexander Pope was a deformed midget.The great Samuel Johnson had tics and was like meeting a maniac by all accounts. Cut to the chase-the modern oddity is famous for their odditynessness. Whereas in the past the celebrity oddballs were famous for their work. This tv age I supppose. Fuck the present.

    • Stupidity really seems to be the new “intelligent.”

      Anyone who is genuinely intelligent is mocked, ridiculed, and usually pointed out as suffering from a “syndrome.”

      When my ex was given an introductory handbook on starting her PhD (cancer research), it stated within that “Research is knowing more and more about less and less.”
      Which is true. It is SPECIALISED knowledge.
      How long before our glorious leaders classify reearchers as “mentally ill” ? It won’t be long before all children are vaccinated against intelligence.
      Sadly, I have the feeling that this is being done on the quiet already, looking around at some people…

      I have also read that the Fourth Reich is now trying to coerce and bribe Switzerland. I hope they fail miserably, and that the Swiss tell them to FO&D.
      This might even be the point where homesickness finally beats me (I lived there for 8 very happy years); I would go back, sign up for rifle practice, and shoot to kill.

  17. This tuneless old whale wouldn’t even have found voiceover work as a 1970s K-Tel session singer. Ditto Sheercunt.

    We only had to wait a mere 15 years between 1963 (arrival of the Beatles) and 1978 (departure of the Pistols). That’s 40+ years now and c(o)unting of musical mediocrity. The revolution is L-O-N-G overdue!!!

    • There was hope in 88/89, with the Stone Roses… But, of course, they fucked up and left the path open for those Gallagher cunts and Albarn and his gang of school prefects… Joy Division also showed immense promise… But after the death of Ian Curtis, cunts like Bonio and Jim Kerr cashed in…

      • Primal scream and the verve were pretty good Screamadelica and verves debut album a storm in heaven were fucking ace imo recommend if you liked stone roses norm Screamadelica had a nice techno beat without sounding too pretentious

  18. Did she ever find that second note?

    Overrated is probably a complement as far as Adele and the Ginger Gremlin are concerned.

    Whining, belly-aching, the world is so shit and unfair…no wonder they do well in this cuntflake society.

    Kevin and Perry used to be a parody, now it’s a reality.

  19. Whichever corporate whore cunt writes the walrus woman’s lyrics is as thick as fuck… Rolling in the fucking deep?! If anyone rolls in deep water they fucking drown… Stands to reason… Stupid fat fucking cow…

    • I hate rolling in the deep possibly the worst song in existence what the fuck does rolling in the deep even mean? eating too many chips or mcdonald’s burgers wtf does rolling in the deep mean fucking hell

  20. I have have a drunken confession to make i like the song chasing pavements yeah i know i’m a filthy whore for it but fuck it lifes short y’know ?

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