Yet another cunting for May, if she survives the week.
Has any politician ever been so out of their depth? Ever?
She took on an already fucked up Home Office and managed to make it worse. Some feat.
She called an election where she went round saying ‘strong and stable’ like a twitchy, wooden robot and managed to make Corbyn and his band of nasty, incompetent, Marxist, Anti-Semites look credible.
She used craven appeasement as a negotiating tactic with the gnomes of Brussels.
She tried to sell N Ireland down the river before twigging that the DUP wouldn’t wear it. Thus looking completely stupid.
Last week Raab had to go to Brussels to ‘unagree’ some ridiculous legally binding appeasement negotiated by her chosen incompetent Whitehall Remoaner Oliver. Which she will have rubber stamped.
And she has achieved the seemingly impossible. After 2 years hard graft, and at the eleventh hour, every fucker, of all political hues and opinions on the EU, without exception are opposed to the silly cow. How the fuck is that possible?
Truly cunt of the decade. She should win the Chamberlain prize for her utter inability to negotiate or inspire.
Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble
Listening to Maybot speak right now….. I am hearing the terms ”implementation period” and ”backstop” way too much…..
“ Backstop” is the new buzzword, straight from the Civil Service mafia.
Meaningless drivel.
It’s an extra-large (PM-size) butt plug, which is what The Maybot desperately needs; how can she possibly be Strong & Stable with all that verbal diarrhoea spraying out of her hole, trickling down her legs, and lubricating the soles of her “Bugger me in Berlaymont) high heels.
AS witnessed, she is wobbling and sliding all over the feckin shop.
If the guys in charge of IsAC run a ‘Cunt of the Year’ for 2018, May’s got to be about 1-10 fav. I’d say.
Having said that, she deserves a VC for having the guts to get within half a mile of that pisshead rat Juncker, never mind letting the cunt nibble her ear. What odds on Juncker for CotY guys?
PS Great cunting, CC
May is a frontrunner for COTY…… and so is the repulsive communist shit stain that leads the opposition.
Who won last year? I voted Maybot but she’s got to be nailed on this time. Fucking up a country doesn’t go unnoticed.
It was Theresa May, by a cuntry mile:
Believe she’ll win by an even bigger margin this year…
Evening RTCP……
surly all bets are off for COTY 2018 , mays home and hosed . Having easily defended her crown and with brexit / implementation period / back stop still to be agreed only a fool would back against her pulling off the treble, she’s a seasoned veteran who knows her way around, a consistent performer in cuntitude, its gonna take a monumental effort to dethrone the CUNT!!!
Nice work on the cunting CC ?
Evening Q,
Agree – she’s got COTY 2018 in the bag.
That apart she’s a jinx, a Jonah, Queen Midas in reverse… as Tim Montgomery said on the radio this evening, “there’s no bad situation that she can’t make worse.”
What a fuck up!
Hear hear Ron although I do have a tad of sympathy for the old crooked woman.
In effect she is taking the shit, fireworks and limelight from Boris and the Mog plus the Tories who want out of the EU. If she did step aside or were hoofed out like Maggie it would necessitate the exposure of those who are happy for her to stand and take the flak.
Emergency cunting for ITN – the headline news is the blambo who got an earful from the bloke on the Ryanair flight. Exclusively interviewed by Nina Fucking Nana the 134 year old (she looked it) whined she cant eat or sleep since her ordeal. Mopping her fucking mushroom sized hooter without a tear in sight it came as no surprise that she was a “Windrush” import. How big was that fucking boat? That’s at least 200,000 up to now. Angling for a hefty payout from the Irish dwarf and his airline the old cunt is in for a big surprise. The flight was on Spanish land and the Spaniards have given the old shrug of shoulders and that couldn’t give a fuck attitude that the Spanish have down to a fine art. As for the guy who kicked it all off? The cops and authorities are powerless. Tough, the guy should get a mention in despatches at least.
Hear hear Ron although I do have a tad of sympathy for the old crooked woman.
In effect she is taking the shit, fireworks and limelight from Boris and the Mog plus the Tories who want out of the EU. If she did step aside or were hoofed out like Maggie it would necessitate the exposure of those who are happy for her to stand and take the flak.
Emergency cunting for ITN – the headline news is the blambo who got an earful from the bloke on the Ryanair flight. Exclusively interviewed by Nina Fucking Nana the 134 year old (she looked it) whined she cant eat or sleep since her ordeal. Mopping her fucking mushroom sized hooter without a tear in sight it came as no surprise that she was a “Windrush” import. How big was that fucking boat? That’s at least 200,000 up to now. Angling for a hefty payout from the little Irish fucker and his airline the old cunt is in for a big surprise. The flight was on Spanish land and the Spaniards have given the old shrug of shoulders and that couldn’t give a fuck attitude that the Spanish have down to a fine art. As for the guy who kicked it all off? The cops and authorities are powerless. Tough, the guy should get a mention in despatches at least.
Juncker is just doing his job, albeit half pissed, ………fucking us up the arse! Mavis is the cunt here for bending over and holding her bum cheeks apart for easy entry. The girl who just can’t say no.
Aided and abetted by his Kraut boy toy Selacunt.
Hold that thought while having yer tea!
So Comrade Corbyn talks of having a customs union with the EU yet wants to nationalise everything if, God help us, he got in power even though EU rules forbid doing so.
Fucking idiot.
Now….. I don’t care for the Saudi cunts, but ditching any arms deals with them is dumb given that all will happen is that the Yanks, Ivans or take-away boys will swoop in and happily take the money instead. Better we get the blood money than any of those cunts. Right?
By the way the SNP are also annoying douche-nugget cunts.
Yes PMS – just sitting here watching the SNP in their yellow lanyards – traitorous cunts. Why in fucks name the cunts aren’t told to fuck off back to their talking shop in Edinburgh – given overnight independence and let them fund their own country without the Barnet formula or a currency. Cunts. Welsh – Ditto, Paddies – ditto. Fucking sick of these capstans hanging round the English necks like trinkets we cant afford.
Cunto you are a knob head of the highest degree.
Can these cunts give it a rest about those 700,000 cunts, jabronis, students and other worthless maggots?
I got into a row with a braindead cunt at work today who thought this protest in London was “inspirational” . I said I thought the cunts all needed a good beating. The last weekend before the clocks change,very good weather and they can think of nothing better to do than clog up the streets no doubt dropping rubbish everywhere. I bet there was a fucking designated safe space and vegan flapjack stall every hundred yards. Christ on a crutch,I thought lobotomies had been illegal for years.
I planned to go, but opted out when I found out that I wouldn’t be able to get a chilled salted caramel soya latte anywhere along the route. What a cunt.
Good riposte there Mary Hinge. Haven’t seen you out this way before. A talented bit of new cunt I wager. Keep up the good work 😉
30 000 maximum, and most of them were probably Iron fucking Curtains.
-“What do we want?”
-“Korrh~va, Korrh~va!”
-“When do we want it?”
-“Dooshka-dooshka, schlbicka dobray dobray.”
Politicians have condemned “vile” and “violent” language used against Theresa May over her Brexit negotiations.
Simple solution for Theresa- stop fucking about, stop sucking up to the EU, stop lying and just implement the democratic result of the referendum and get us the fuck out. When democracy is blatantly ignored, what did the cunts in parliament think would happen?
Theresa May has said she is prepared to “explore every possible option” to break the deadlock in Brexit talks.
Simple solution- just fuck off and let an appointed Leaver who will do the job that she has failed to deliver.
Theresa May says 95% of deal is done.
Is it really Theresa. 95% of a worse than shit deal for the UK, the remaining 5% is yet more UK capitulation obviously.
Stupid bitch. Am I allowed to say that or as a Leaver should I be thankful for the farce she and her advisors have cooked up?
Didn’t you get the memo Stroker? We’re supposed to all lie on our backs and let the EU piss in our mouthes!
No, clearly didn’t get the memo Sinister.
Not keen on anyone pissing in my mouth, and that even includes Mrs Stroker. Will get extremely truculent with anyone who tries, especially Barnier, Juncker, Tusk, Selmayr and all the other cunts at the EU.
This country has had it- fucked over by our elected bastard politicians. Hope those responsible rot in hell for what they have done to this once great land.
Useless fucking cunts.
If there was any true, they would all pay.
No worries WS, I think…
Can’t imagine any of the Berlaymont Barmy-Army being able to piss into a pot, even if it were 10 yards wide.
As for Junckunt, he’d just fall in head-first…
Share your extreme frustration Willie, but I reckon 95% of the deal was done even before she became Prime Minister. The remaining 5% was probably agreed upon at the time Article 50 was triggered.
The only thing that hasn’t gone entirely to plan was the Tories not losing the Election to Corbyn last year.
It’s just a fucking charade.
Another terrific Cunting btw Cuntstable!
My heart weeps for her (sarcasm)
I am off over to the Menin Gate on the 11th of the 11th at 11 to pay remembrance to the fallen and the act of the Armistice. I also will lay a wreath at the grave of my Grand Uncle who died on the 1st Day of the Somme offensive on the 1st July 1916. He died before 8am after having gone over the top at 07.45. His Battalion orders were fudged (in the words of the War office) and instead of going over the top at 14.00 as was originally intended he and his pals regiment the 7th Yorkshire went over in the second wave. The first (A Southern regiment) were mown to pieces and the records of the time at the Yorkshire 7th Historical museum in Leeds show and testify with some authority that 1 German machine gunner was responsible (by the act only I use the word “responsible”) for the 197 dead that occurred within 15 minutes. Not a single man turned or refused to march forward. Due to another fuck up by the War graves commission my Grand Uncle was not identified immediately and his Mother was told by telegram he was “missing presumed dead”. His dog tags bore his Christian name John. To his family he was known as Jack and when the War Department buried him in Fricourt British Cemetery less than 500yds from where he fell with his pals they omitted to inform my Great Grandmother that indeed her son had been found and buried in a grave that bore his name. I only found out after listening to my Grandmother telling me the story of her Brother Jack who died on the first day of the Somme in 1916 and that nobody had ever visited the place where he died. I and my Son Jack will put that right this year. 100 years since the end of the “War to end all wars”.
Apologies for the preamble. The Great War (not named as the First World War until the 2nd World war was regarded as a global conflict) is a hundred years ago and the combatants long dead. The Second World War is approaching that stage where the combatants and survivors become fewer. I hold no grudge against anyone in particular. As an ex Serviceman who served under 2 flags I am aware of a soldiers role.
What I cannot stomach or tolerate is the complete and utter ignorance and disregard the cuntish generation bred since the 90’s (mainly) – the millennial and Generation Z cunts.
I expect May to stand up to the Euro bullies and remind them that for this country they would be under a Nazi regime that would have seen our lickspittle youth forced into conscription, mud coloured cunts hanging from trees and the assorted transgender / lesbians /homosexuals / deviants / anarchist / faux communists in extermination camps.
These cunts have no fucking idea what previous generations went through to give them what they have now. History lessons are more concerned with Uncle Toms cabin than reading about their own countries history and how these privileged cunts got where they are now.
I will leave it to JS Mill to finish my tome (apologies for the ramble)
“”War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself””.
Ah mon cher Cunto c’est nostalgia n’est pas?
Mais oui, l’avenir est toujours mieux quand on regarde en arrière mon ami.
Je n’ai toujours pas de regrets. Hier était un endroit plus facile à vivre, peu imported.
Oui. Je suis d’accord. Bonne chance, Cunto.
No argument from me, cunto.
Alas, too many of today’s ‘yoof’ are ignorant of anything that can’t be digested and disposed of in the same moment. It’s not all their fault, of course; they can’t be held responsible for the failings of their teachers and our politicians. That said, precious few of them seem to be willing or able to pierce the veil of cultural marxism and find the truth that lies beyond.
Fucking hell cunto; well said!!!!
Cunto. I went to the Menin Gate and heard the last post with my mum and dad when I was 14. I had a cuntish youth subsequently and a few cunt moments since but I have never forgotten hearing it and seeing the mass graves. Very well said. Nothing to add except a salute and God Save the Queen.
Excellent post cunto …..
Did not the Welsh, Scottish and Irish die the same as the English , you Yorkshire cunt.
Dont think anyone is saying otherwise. But yes it is appropriate to remember it was not just ‘the English’ what won the war’ ( copyright John fucking hypocrite tax avoiding Lennon). Black Watch first over the Rhine. Inspirational as fuck.
Very well said sir. I have been to the Menin Gate a couple of times, a very moving ceremony.
“Those who sacrifice liberty for security end up with neither.”
Benjamin Franklin
Cunto you are 100 percent on the money.
Well said.
Cheers Krav and Freddie,
Praise from an ISAC legend 😉
Most of the brave and decent people like your uncle who made the ultimate sacrifice for this magnificent country have unfortunately long gone. But it is imperative they must never, ever be forgotten.
I was born in early 1959. Nothing to do with rose coloured glasses, life WAS better then, far simpler than today. Less materialistic possessions but very fond memories of that time and the people. I can remember when the country was a nice place to live, the people were polite, had good manners, respected and got on with each other.
England is turning into a country with an abundance of ignorant, stupid, selfish, greedy, rude, shameless people who feel nothing but self entitlement.
Unfortunately I think it is too far gone now to save- too much damage has been done and is irreversible, past the point of no return.
To the brave men and women who gave up their lives for this once great country R.I.P.
Cant add to that Willie. Hear hear.
If and when the next war comes, I doubt any cunt will fight. To bussy with lgbtqrstuvwxyz. I don’t think I’m the only one who has grown fed up of seeing this country car crash to its end. I hope that something changes I realy do, or our forefathers died for nothing. Fortunately no one will be needed if and when a war comes, it will be over in 30 min.
No need for a war. The Trojan Horse is already here.
The Trojan Horse has been here for a long time.
Between the imported filth and the fifth columnists we’re thoroughly screwed.
I was listening to Sir Nigel’s programme earlier and he came up with 2 statistical facts I wasn’t aware of :
1 In Scotland more people voted leave than voted for the SNP.
2 In London more people voted leave than voted for Suckdick.
Very interesting I thought.
Here’s another statistic you will never hear from Sturgeon. Over a third of SNP party members also voted to leave the EU. This made them the largest Leave party per (membership) head than any other in Scotland. These members believe independence works at all levels and that includes independence from Brussels.
Where’s Mr Dick Fiddler? Keeping a low profile if he was on a certain Ryanair flight.
Now that post made me smile LL. I can imagine our fellow cunter knowing he couldn’t be lifted for the poor choice of words, letting rip at the old cunt – did I mention she was on the good ship Windrush? Fuck me, I can’t look at another jigaboo without thinking of another put upon Windrush voyager. Cue Lammy and Dianasaurus Abbopotamus requesting the Spanish Chargé d’affaires or Ambassador to pitch up and explain themselves. If they think the blambos have a rough ride over here they should try some parts of Barcelona, Madrid or the capital of the worst bunch of dark criminals in Europe, Marseilles. They would regard that outburst on Ryanair a warm friendly greeting.
I FUCKING HATE HATE FUCKING HATE that fucking gob spitting, remainer coach hiring, pronouncing ‘Giroud’ as ‘Jirood’ red shite, scouse cunt CARRAGHER. CUUUUUUUUUNT!!!!
You know when you visit a public lavatory and there, as if displaying somebody’s posthumous evidence after a heavy night imbibing red wine and Guinness and splattered on the pan the glistening purple faeces sticking, not washed away even on flushing, unwilling to budge despite bleach and scrubbing, clinging on like it’s been shat out by Satan, sculptured by Jackson Pollock and baked by the fires of Hell.
Treasonous May is that horrible, awkward, irremovable turd.
One thing that would help stem the tide of fuckwittery seen among the half wit youth would be closing down itv 2 and E4 the home of 90% of the putrid crap reality shows the youth worship.
Fuck me. I don’t post for fuckin months then it doesn’t fuckin appear. What the…..
What the fuck! Now it’s on?
Once again Rees Mogg nailed it for me at PMQs. Pointing out that it is not an extension of the implementation period but an extension of negotiations. She didin’t answer to that.
Rees-Mogg? I’d vote for him, the sharpest bastard knife in the drawer
Forensic mind he has.
Off cunting but:
I have learned 2 things today.
1) Brexit is a threat to the provenance of the fish in fish&chips.
2) Science is threatened by brexit.
On the first – For fucks sake. Give us a break..
On the second – why should scientific collaboration suddenly stop? We seem to manage it with the Yanks, Indians, Japanese and Chinese. Are they in the 4th Reich?
Doomed. We’re all doomed.
Brexit being proposed as a threat to the fishing industry is laughable. The industry’s been continually shat on and used as a bargaining chip with Europe since Heath first gave our territorial waters away. Getting out – though too late to undo all the damage – would be welcomed with open arms by the industry Fake news from the remoaners.
On the second – spot on. Except that it would be so much more convenient for the multinationals’ profit margins if we stayed in, as usual. These are major players in research. And the answer, as with everything else, is to make a better product at a better price than the EU. Shouldn’t be hard – just cut the bureaucracy.
SNP are cunts !
20 cuntings? Fucking hell she must be coming up close to the record! Gotta be a shoe in for COTY 2018!
The more this drags on, the sorrier I am for May. I don’t think she wants to sell out completely; she wants some kind of a decoupling from the EU, if only because anything else will make the Tories unelectable for decades as they tear each others’ throats out. Also the EU has vays of makink you stay which she is learning as she goes along. She’s not pretty, she’s not charismatic and she’s not unduly clever. But she’s tougher than some cunters think, she is at least familiar with the leverage she can exert – not much, true, but do I see anyone with more? – and she’s shown surprising indifference to the remoaners to date.
It’s not what I voted for, but if it works it’s a small step in the right direction. Which is to get this nation off the globalist tit.
Think I get where you’re coming from, but the bottom line is our rhino skinned ‘leader’ is, and has been, entirely ineffective. She always talks a good game, makes fine speeches, but simply saying things doesn’t make them happen. If May had delivered on just 5% of what she’d committed herself to since becoming Home Secretary & Prime Minister, she’d likely now be lauded as the greatest PM since Churchill – more successful than Churchill and Attlee combined in fact!
As it is she’s a monumental dud – all talk and no trousers. Without the lack of effective opposition she’d have been toast long ago.
I think I get where you’re coming from, too, and I sympathise. But I can’t blame her for declining the hard exit under WTO rules and trying to soften the blow for the extremely heavyweight corporates and financiers who actually run the country. The failure, I suggest, is not May’s so much as the inability of our political process to override minority interests with money. Maybe Farage could have done better? But he stepped sharply away from the plate. Gove? Johnson? I might believe in JR-M if I thought he realised that a huge reconstruction would be necessary after a hard exit (which I still endorse, don’t get me wrong), and was capable of selling it to the country along with an inevitable hiatus in the economy. I don’t, though. The hard exit remains an option, in any case, and rightly or wrongly I think May is still capable of taking it. What happens after that, since two years have been wasted in not planning for it, is anyone’s guess.
Sorry, rattling on. Conclusion: May’s the best available, bad as what’s available is.
If May is the best available, then this country really is finished. It is anyway imo. Good in the short term for Corbyn and his ludicrous shadow cabinet, but they won’t last 5 minutes once reality kicks in and the shit finally hits the fan.
It is clear as fuck that May was parachuted in to replace Cameron as she couldnt be held to the ‘promises’ Cameron made if the vote went to leave, which of course it did. He job was to engineer the UK staying either in the EU or within its influence. On her first day she employed the code phrase Brexit means Brexit. This was deliberate. Let me explain. No one voted for Brexit they voted to leave the EU but that instruction was deliberately replaced with the instruction to deliver ‘Brexit’ whatever the fuck that meant. But that was the point, by substituting a clear and concise instruction with a wooly concept which could mean whatever you wanted it to mean… get the picture. No one who voted to leave the EU should use the phrase ‘Brexit’. This plays into the hands of those who wish to muddy the waters and dilute the clear instruction which the voters gave the government as a result of the referendum. Mays coded message was that Bexit can mean whatever we ( the politicians) want it to mean That has always been the game plan and we are seeing the results as we speak.