Nick Clegg. A liberal cunt who wanted to keep the EU status quo so he would always have a job, whether it be in the UK Parliament or in some Commissioner of unelected cunting in Brussels, Luxemburg, Strasbourg or any other “Burg” that Messeur Junkett wants to piss up the UKs substantial contribution up the EU wall of fucktitude.
As that option looks over for Dear I Agree With Nick, open door immigration Cunting Clegg who left the borders open in 2010 in the name of Liberalism to let any old eastern European shitstain in is now leaving the sinking shit of England and heading for sunny California for a cushy job marketing more liberal drivel to a generation of cunts who can’t live without social meejia.
What a cunt.
Nominated by Speakyourmind
He won’t last six months.
There are a lot of guns and steaming nutters in California. Let’s hope Sir Nick meets up with a couple of them very soon.
The decline of Facecunt continues. And seriously, how the fuck is he now ‘Sir’ Nick Clegg?!
Services to treason, treachery and being a massive cunt….
Great bit in the paper today, Facecunt’s second in command Sheryl Sandberg whined about firms poor gender diversity in top jobs after she had hired this failed political turd. Clegg is a pussy whipped beta male mangina, but sorry Sheryl, is still a man… just.
Doubt it, I bet his wife’s got a much bigger dick than him, after all he’s a CUNT isn’t he?
Vice Prezza, Global Affairs and Communications, at Facebook. Just what is that, and why is the company keen to pay a no doubt exorbitant amount of pay to this cunt?
Smells fishy to me, and I can understand the accusations that Clunt’s sold out for thirty pieces of Yankee silver.
Fishy isn’t the word. They could have bought someone a lot cleaner to decorate their board meetings at a quarter of the price. Possibly there’s a Lebedev connection via the Standard, which worships Clegg. Interesting to see if the attitude changes when he’s buggered off.
The one thing that made me laugh was that Clegg announced his good news on the very day all those remain wankers marched through London – just shows every man has his price and perhaps even Clegg realises that the jiggs up for Mangeldbum, Gina Miller Campbellend and all the blue/gold flag waving cunts. Just a pity there wasn’t a downpour on the day, but it almost seemed like two fingers being held up by a leading remainer.
What a cunt to have to live your life making no mark and reliant upon others grace and favours to make your way. Like Adonis – putrid and effeminate foppish cunts. Shakespeare referred to them as “pratters” – more lip than a tribe of ni**ers.
Come on San Andreas fault , now’s your time !!
Good evening.
Just seen Bill de Blasio condemning the people who sent bombs through the post to Hillary Clinton, Obama, Soros and CNN, as terrorists.
This is the man that declared St. Patricks day “Jerry Adams ” day.
Oh the fucking irony .
Drop dead you fenian loving fuckcunt.
Hear hear Jack,
Watch how many hours it will take for the cunterati to declare it the actions of right wing Christian Conservatives.
On the bright side, as Barry Soetoro and the Cuntons avoided vaporising, China have opened sites all over the North to “re-educate” muslims, closed down mosques and banned beards. Gotta love them slanty eyed little cunts. The ideals of Liebour and the swivel eyed lunatics communist Nirvana. A light at the end of the tunnel perhaps?
China takes no guff when it comes to Islam. The bloke in our Chink fish & Chip shop has been informing the National People’s Congress what Islamists in this country have been up to, they’re no fools.
China’s not been Communist for decades of course, more billionaires per square inch than we have Conservatives.
Indeed, but its the kind of communism that best suits the Islington champagne sipping mushroom stroganoff munching type cunts currently known as the liebour party.
I was gonna post a rant of why I believe the bombs were fake and this is a hoax but instead i’ll just post this long forgotten blessed and cursed eurodance tune “I’m blue the fuckers didn’t die labe de dae die labe de dae die I’m really sad the cunts didn’t die”
Heres the link
First time didn’t go through because the bloody spam filter picks up 80% of what I write and blocks it as “your comment appears to be jam” Also fun fact clintons also supported the IRA they are not so happy when the bombs on the other foot ….
I wonder how many millions will have to die before Jezzer begins to recognise the error of his ways…
What a difficult choice ‘Sir’ Nick had before him! To abandon his, er, deeply-held principles…
“In an article in the Guardian explaining the move, Clegg wrote rather blandly about how he hoped to help Facebook “navigate the numerous challenges it faces as that data-driven technological revolution continues to affect every aspect of our everyday lives”. It was an article that was more remarkable for what he didn’t say. Clegg had nothing to say about Facebook allowing its data to be mined by Cambridge Analytica in order to influence elections. He had nothing to say about Facebook only paying £7.4m in tax in the UK last year despite recording £1.3 billion in sales. He had nothing to say about Facebook’s insistence it was only a “platform” and not a media company, despite the fact it has livestreamed 25 Major League Baseball games. All things against which he had spoken out against passionately in the past.” (continues)
Or more than a million bucks a year? Clearsighted, iron-jawed man of action that he is, it took him about five minutes to decide…Blair revisited. Persons not cunting this cunt are cunts. Even the Griniaud thinks he’s a cunt. Fuck him and the lies he shambled in with.
Too true Komodo. When the Grauniad turns on one of its own, the jig really is up. Cunts calling out a cunt as a cunt. Happy days!
How can you be so disrespectful Cunters? He’s only recently been knighted ffs! And don’t you realise his booky-wooky HOW TO STOP BREXIT was voted BOOK OF THE YEAR by PARLIAMENT!
Didn’t they tell him a knighthood is the obvious mark of a CUNT?
I expect his FaceFuck appointment is just the thin end of the Brexit brain-drain wedge. Who might it be next – Lord Adonis? Oh God please make it happen real SOON!
If I may correct you sir. Perhaps you mean cunt drain?
A million a year (if the cunt lasts that long). Sounds like a bargain. I don’t think even Bliar – the darth vader of cunt – would be a better Cuntning conductor than this debased, rancid whore.
Give him his due though. Which one of you cunts saw this coming? (this one didn’t)
A worthy nomination indeed for COTY 2018!
The cunt reserves at the British bank of cunt have gone down almost by a whole Lineker!
I like it. Lineker is the new recognised unit of currency in the cuntocracy.
Brilliant. What’s the exchange rate against the Juncker like?
I would say about 11/10 in the
Lineker favour with Juncker being slightly more of a cunt moving to evens when there’s a run on the Lineker.
If the Lineker is roughly akin to the Euro the Clegg is new version of the cent. 100 Clegg = 1 Lineker in the Cunt economy. The new directive is that Euros and Cents should now be referred to as Linekers and Cleggs by all cunters.
You have to love the Guardian cocksuckers. They call this magnificent award “ a rare parliamentary victory for the remain side.”
Are they having a laugh the cunts?
How To Stop Brexit…
Makes me think of Python’s much more useful title “How To Address A Bishop Without Farting.”
I’m delighted as this means we will hopefully see the back of this platinum grade wankstained fucking wife-puppet for a good long while.
Always found this metrosexual shemale a treacherous cunt the moment the other cunts started agreeing with him and then the tuition fees betrayal. (What should’ve happened is the closure of 10-15 Universities that continue to flog useless degrees to deluded snowflakes).
Just another gravy training tosser collecting his payoff for services rendered working for a company that makes Kim Jong Un look democratic.
All Brexiteers should stop using Fakebook immediately!!
I deleted mine many months ago. I realised I didn’t give a fuck about people’s cunt kids, cunt holidays, cunt weddings and general cunt dross. If your not paying for the product you are the product. I never got round to it before because I couldn’t be arssed. Then I saw some wanker from years ago, all smug soy boy faced about his wedding. Last straw for me, that and having cunts spy on what web pages I’m on. Can’t a man wank in privacy any more ! I think what social mejaaah has done is perpetuate narcissism on a level that is sickening. It has also made billions think it’s ok for the powers that be, and who ever else wills it to spy on you. Cunts the lot of them.
Fuck off Nick, no ones interested. FB has an agenda, no borders, no free speech and meanwhile sucking up data on users and skewing the agenda to suit themselves.
You’ll feel right at home you cunt!
Long time no read Sixdog unless we have been ships that cunted in the night and missed one another. Hear hear for the riposte by the way.
Hello Sixdog. What’s happened to Fred West, Skidmark, Mahatma Koat, Birdman etc? Are they among the secret police disappeared? We need every cunt on board.
Alot of cunters are either lost or secretly living in exile, veterans cunters such as myself just appear now and again to keep up appearances in a drunken pot smoked haze of mastiburtory regret to verify my sad existence but how you doing alan? everything good?
I’m fine Titslapper thank you. I had an attack of virtue and didn’t post for two years. The news and Albeebecera both boil my piss so I stopped reading news and watching telly. It made for a peaceful (in the proper sense) life. But Brexit is now being sold down the Swannee so my dissent needs to be heard. ISAC is the only place I can vent any kind of rage without being censored. Fuck that poxy minged cunt Gina Miller to hell and back then fuck her off there again. I’d hang the bitch and use her traitorous remains for fertilizer.
Fred’s son had a nasty accident according to Admin so he’s looking after him, Koat is still around – he posted on the Beebistan nom. As for the rest I don’t know.
Zackercunt is renting the wankers treachery, he needs Clegg to smooth out his anticipated problems with his numerous EU connections.
We should call this Cleggxit……the day this greasy little arselicker showed his real colours and sold his beloved EU for a big bag of Yankee dollars.
Typical remoaner scum.
Well he bent over and took the Conservative wrecking ball to his arsehole easily enough over university student fees.
Britain will “pay the price” of a no-deal Brexit because complicated new border controls may not be ready in time.
Oh shit! Quick, let’s have another referendum. We must….
Oh no…wait. Wait. It’s just a government watchdog.
p.s. Fuck off Clegg, you moon-faced, democracy-discharge.
This was from the National Audit Office. Guess where they are based? Yes, you got it – SW1.
Fuck me, Ian Dale (journalist /LBC presenter) ain’t half a wet dishrag… and he’s supposed to be a Conservative!
Not really in the same class as O’Shithead when it comes to wetness though.
Point of info RTC. Who’s O’Shithead?
If I may be so bold, James O’Brian – ex Newsnight cunt. Binned by ALBBC (although he claims he left) and now a cunt on the LBC radio talk show.
Allow me to introduce you to Mr O’Shithead.
Oh fuck! You’ve introduced some poor innocent cunt to O’Shithead. You realise what you’ve done don’t you?
I have avoided the cunt for 8 months now but he’s still in my head.
Now and again I get flashbacks and have to lie down in a darkened room.
@ Cunto
Have to say, if your clip of O’Shithead was my introduction to the man, I’d probably feel a modicum of sympathy towards him.
@ Ron Knee
Try the clip below, I think it’s more representative:
James O’Brian Ron, if you have to educate yourself on this pile of cunt wank have something strong on hand to counter you inevitable vaporizing piss.
Thanks guys
I consider myself duly warned and will stay clear of this bloke who is clearly a total wankstain
Not just wet but thoroughly soiled pissy wet blanket. Nonstop remoaning ultra cunt. Can’t go more than 5 seconds without a Brexit conniption fit super cunt. Wife won’t take his own surname on account of being a gargantuan cunt.
Possibly the most smuggy patronising liberal goliath cunt on radio ever.
Assume you’re referring to O’Shithead there Chunky… not Ian Dale.
Naturally. I was under the impression Dale batted for the other team anyway, thus will never have the joy of a belittling wife like O’Shithead.
This utter shit stain on British politics is well past his sell by date, since his popularity nose dived faster than the outed jimmy saville this absolute tool has been pimping himself around Brussels like a two bob rent boy, the fucking greedy little Cunts had his eye on a plum E.U. commissioners job for the last 2/3 years……
During the referendum campaign the Cunts at sky and the bbc used cleggs Spanish lawyer wife Miriam gonzalez durantez to spout endless EU bollocks on our TV screens …
If and when brexit happens I seriously hope these two chancers fuck off to Spain and are never heard of again……..
Sorry I can’t post FA due to my fucked phone but if anybody out there can I’m sure the ISAC faithful would have a good laugh… MEP mike hookems Facebook page …. a clip showing the sort of Cunts at Saturdays protest v v funny…….
Yeah, i’ve seen that, fucking hilarious. A bunch of fucking braindead weirdos who can’t answer a straight question. I particularly liked the cunt who didn’t want to live in this “xenophobic and racist” country so was going to live on Mars because “you can grow vegetables on Mars.”
Fucking hell, you won’t see any of those cunts on the BBC.
What a 24 carat cunt!
Also the stupid woman libertard who claimed that hadn’t lost the referendum?? Wtf! How fuckng deluded ……..
You can grow veggies on Mars… If you are Matt fucking Damon.
The book is much better than the film…
Here you go –
Mars isn’t racist and xenophobic, says expatriate retarded septic who wants to move there, but certainly isn’t considering moving back to the US. Wonder why? Christ.
Nice one Komodo ???
Last of The Summer Wine had a character called Clegg. It always makes me confused. A dithering, frail dinosaur who smelt of cabbage, surrounded by childish morons in a depressing comedy.
But enough about the Liberal Democrats’ convention.
Lol!! Oh so very well put!
Evening, old bean.
Evening, old pip.
What amazes me is where the knighthood came from. They’re not usually given to totally useless cunts. That’s why Beckham won’t get one. They’re usually given to those who have done worthy things (charity work etc) in addition to sucking cock. Clegg must have sucked a lot of cock.
Evening Sgt Maj. It seemed to be done a bit on the qt to me. I never heard about it until it was pointed out on here. Just seems a bit odd.
Services to what, exactly? It can’t be for just being a complete cunt, or everyone in the establishment would have one.
Evening Ron. He must have some serious dirt on someone. Maybe he knows who Prince Harry’s father is. He’ll now take his secret to the grave….
Prince Harry’s father? Mmm. Who could that possibly be…
I can’t wait to see what Meghan pops out. The mind boggles!
The baby will be very pale faced with freckles, big banana lips and ginger fuzzie wuzzie hair. They will always be applying factor 50 to it to stop it from burning. Strange niglet indeed. The after birth will look like a 5 pints of black and tan.
probably that Vincent cable is a dirty old cunt who likes a spot of cradle snatching.
Or he was having an affair with an MP from the Tower Of Mohammedlets,, and successfully covered it up from his wife.
same here. When was the investiture? I never saw anything on the telly. Was it in secret? Would’t suprise me. Was it announced in the Birthday Honours List? I don’t remember it being…must have missed it. Doesn’t it sound shit-Sir Nick Clegg. No ring about it. Now the move to Facefuck…that feeling…moves are afoot amongst the powerful.
2018 New Year Honours. For Services to Not Inconveniencing Cameron Too Much, I’d guess. Or possibly to Forgetting Where The Bodies Are Buried.
Well holding on to AF’s dramatic visualisation, I bid all you cunts a fond good night. Got an early start for Londonistan in the morn, so I’ll need my wits about me. Hopefully I’ll survive to be back on in a few days!
Night night Ron.
Don’t forget to pack your stab-vest Ron!
To paraphrase that most famous of 20th century English judges, Lord Denning: “Clegg is veneer all the way through…”
Does this mean Nick Clegg is going to fuck off to America and stay there?
Only, the Yanks got our hopes up with Russell Brand and Piers Morgan, but sadly those two cunts came back…
(pointless Miliband brother doesn’t count)
A thought for the morning…
My name’s Jafar
I come from afar
There’s a bomb in my car
Allan’s Snackbar !
I’ll get my burqa…
Well I’ll bugger me camel! Somebody else is awake at a shit time of the morning. Did you see me lovely nursery rhyme for the blambo muzzer school that got closed down? Doesn’t scan right though.
Little Goat Shagger
Has lost his swagger
He’s going to get bummed in the morning
He’s not alone
His sister is prone
There’s a mullah with a stiffy behind them.
I remember his rantings against Facebook He’s a Total hypocrite a proper cunt
Just like to add His Spanish Mrs is ok Clegg thinks he’s the new Ken Barlow If it don’t work out at Facebook Nick there’s always the Soap to fall back on
Cunts like Clegg would struggle to find jobs shoveling shit if they werent “well born” and well connected.From Cuntipedia:
“Clegg was born in Chalfont St Giles, Buckinghamshire, the third of four children of Hermance van den Wall Bake and Nicholas Peter Clegg CBE, chairman of United Trust Bank and a former trustee of the Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation
His paternal grandmother, Kira von Engelhardt, Baroness von Smolensk, was a Baltic-German noblewoman, and the granddaughter of attorney general of the Imperial Russian Senate, Ignatiy Platonovich Zakrevsky.
His English grandfather was Hugh Anthony Clegg, editor of the British Medical Journal for 35 years.”
Fucking well bred Cunt