Lee Furlong

An obscure cunting with more than a hint of Scousism.

‘A British tourist accused of spray painting his name on a historic landmark in Thailand could face 10 years in prison.
Local police said Lee Furlong, 23, from Liverpool, has admitted defacing Tha Phae Gate in the city of Chiang Mai.
Video appears to show a man spraying “Scouser Lee” on the gate, part of which dates back to the 13th Century.’

Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble

71 thoughts on “Lee Furlong

  1. The graffiti is obviously unfinished, the words ‘ is a cunt ‘ are missing.
    Good afternoon.

  2. Not so much obscure as well merited, CC. I hate anti-social behaviour of all kinds with a passion, and this is the kind of shit that boils my brain. It’ll serve the cunt right if he does get slung in the chiller, which by all accounts are shiteholes in Thailand. We put up with too much of this type of contempt for others here, and no doubt we’ll soon see a campaign to ‘Bring Lee Home’ if the stupid fuck does get banged up.

  3. Aye wouldn’t say obscure CC , I hate these cunts. its fucking vandalism no matter what way you look at it or however much they say they are “tagging” something whatever the fuck that means. A fucking eyesore from our past that we had nearly grew out of has had a revival due to the influx of our eastern and Mediterranean friends who think this is cutting edge stuff the silly cunts

    Id bet my fellow cunters a bottle of Kraken if they can read any graffiti scrawled around our cities these days ? unless of course we have a couple of cunters from the former soviet bloc ?

    • When “we” start making heroes of cunts like Banksy we ask for all we get. 10 years in choky? The cunt should be placed in stocks and stoned to death.
      Thailand is essentially a shithole with beaches and sunshine. Thai are essentially Chinese with lower morals. On the one hand you can fuck anything with a pulse of whatever age or gender that suits your fancy but fail to pay your bar tab or insult a slope eyed bent cop and you will do serious time in places with walls, all manner of deviants, locked in square rooms 10 or 20 to a cell, food is dependent on having money to pay for it or someone outside prepared to bring it in for you and to a man are all in there to fuck with you, mentally and physically. In England we call them jails – nice little 2 man gigs with lavvies, 3 square a day, drugs, visitors and not all that well policed – in fact more like a kind of 2* all inclusive. In Thailand the scouser will find out what his arse was really meant for – either the shite they serve up who cant afford carry outs will give him the Aztec 2 step or some guy called Jenny will ream him a new ringpiece. His cheeky scouse humour (aren’t they all cheeky humoured) will earn him no brownie points nor do him any favours. He wont have much to say with a lifers beef bayonet stuck in his gob.

  4. Make it 20 years.

    Useless fucking twat.

    Today Liverpool FC have made two new signings – a Japanese lad and an Italian. Klopp says they should fit in well with Liverpool”s style.
    Their names? Nikamota and Robatelli.

  5. Haven’t seen this but I did see that wonderful story back in August:-

    The List is an art project by a Turkish “artist” inflicted on the people of Liverpool naming 34361 migrants, I mean, refugees who’ve lost their lives attempting to reach benefits, I mean Europe. It’s an installation that was torn down twice in the Summer.

    It’s now been daubed with the words “INVADERS NOT REFUGEES” and will now not be repaired. This has made the Guardian angry but me happy. Of course, placing names on a wall is art however graffiti by concerned locals isn’t.

    Anything that makes The Guardian irritated brings me joy and tickles my beanbag.

    • The Guardian is just a rag for smug Metropolitan Remoaner cunts who are stupid enough to hand over two quid for it.
      Evening Cap’n.

      • Two quid? You can buy two bottles of Stowford Press cider in Tesco for less than that!

        Evening Ron.

    • Livershite is going down the pan quicker than an oiled turd.
      The latest piece of “Art” to infest the old tobacco warehouses on the Albert dock, now known as the Royal Albert Docks (grand name for a bunch of disused warehouses until the dim young rich cunts made it so fucking “current” to live in such overpriced shitholes) have today added literally 5 blocks of rock piled on top of one another painted 5 different colours by some raghead “artist” outside the equally cuntish Tate “modern”. I know fuck all about art but in my tender youth I could have given you “unmade bed” look like a well organised 5 star hotel compared to my steaming pit back in the day. Never had much time for Liverpool – a place where I went a couple of times a year for footy and always came home down the East Lancs with a few less windows on the coach homebound.
      Whilst I am here isn’t that bake off thing on channel 4 the biggest load of cuntishness to come out of the idiot box in a while. That Sandy Toxic bird looks like she is going down with something terminal. I cant believe anyone pays her to do absolutely anything. I wouldn’t let her near my baking and the other three equally useless but well paid “presenters” are stealing money under false pretences. Why is it this country can produce so much absolute dross and so many dim cunts lap it up? (me included until I found the remote)

      • Remember taking my young son to the Tate Modern a few years ago.

        One of the “exhibits” was some different types of shit in a box.

        My son said “that’s not art dad, just some poo in a box”.

        Suspect that is what most people thought of the exhibit. Shit.

      • Fuck me I was channel hopping last night and stumbled across GBBO by mistake. Not really my thing but couldn’t help but notice that even this bastion of Olde England is now infested with ‘diversity’.

        There are four contestants left. One is a very hot Asian babe who doesn’t seem very good but may well win it because the ridiculous Hollywood fancies her. A nondescript Indian bloke. Some very shortsighted bint with a squint and finally one relatively normal personage, also female.

        As for the presenters…..Hollywood still sports the pornhub sunlamp/ jeans with shirt out look that was dated 5 yrs ago; there’s some nancy boy mincing around in a headache-inducing blouse, mascara and jet black hair thinking he’s Alice Cooper, and two old biddies; one is South African the other Scandinavian I believe.

        PS I’d shag Nigella in a heartbeat

  6. 9 cult TV show comebacks.

    According to The Sun, the following programmes could be returning (or have recently returned) to our screens once more thanks to production company Thames TV.

    Blockbusters with Simon Mayo and Liza Tarbuck
    Crystal Maze with Richard Ayoade
    Who wants to be a millionaire with Jeremy Clarkson
    Supermarket sweep with Rylan Clark-Neal
    The Generation Game with Sue Perkins and Mek Giedroyc
    The Price is Right with Alan Carr
    Blind Date with Paul O’Grady
    Surprise Surprise with Holly Willoughby
    Streetmate (never heard of it) with Gogglebox “star” Scarlett Moffatt (never heard of her either)

    Missed out Blankety Blank.

    Think cult comebacks should read “cunt” comebacks.

    Shit the first time round, regurgitated, dumbed down shit with highly dubious untalented cunts the second.

    Is it beyond the realms of possibility to produce some original programmes for those who have an IQ that stretches into triple figures? Apparently not.

    Really do need to get out more.

  7. Paul O’Grady? Has that Scouser knob ever been cunted on here? I think I might take the job on some time

  8. Paul O’Grady is indeed a massive cunt.

    Meanwhile did anyone see Bobby Gillespie (lefty anti Brexit pop singer) on ‘This Week’ last week? Fuck me, how thick and humourless can you get? Bonio eat yer heart out. Made previous guests like Big Narstie and Monroe Bergdorf look halfway intelligent…


    Miserable dork.

    • Yes, I saw him Mr Creampuff.

      Without doubt the most miserable and uncharismatic cunt I have EVER seen on TV.

      His contribution to the programme was negligible, in fact a waste of his and everyone’s time.

      Hopefully he will do the decent thing and fuck off back to Scotland tout suite.

      • Gillespie has always been a cunt… His piss poor Stones tribute act was laughable… ‘Loaded’ is just ‘Sympathy For The Devil’ slowed down… Only one in Primal Scream who had any talent was Mani… Still about, but at a loose end as it looks like the Stone Roses have disintegrated yet again….

    • Christ to refer to Gillespie as a cunt is to flatter him. My fucking cricket bat has more to say for itself, and a good deal more charisma. About as interesting as a week old shit, and as much use.

  9. we have cunts down here in the south as well lol. some fuckin numpty got his drone stuck up a tree on our local golf course. a 150 year old oak. he returned after dark with a chain saw and cut the fucker down!. not sure whether his drone survived lol.. he’s been caught and hopefully gets 6 months at least..

    • I’d be happy to make the punishment fit the crime for that one.And plant some acorns in the well-rotted fragments.

  10. It always pisses me off when you get stupid British tourists doing stupid fucking things in extremely strict and intolerant countries like Thailand, Singapore and Saudi Arabia.

    They never bother to think about the laws over there, and even when they do they still think it will be “a good laugh” to break some of them for the lulz. And then when they get caught they whinge on social media telling the world how draconian and savage these places are, and “please bring me home” appeals to their fucking MPs or the media etc.

    Personally they should stay locked up and suffer the consequences, even if it means having the shit kicked out of you every day by other prisoners and/or the prison guards. Those countries don’t give two-fucks about human rights, and quite right too.

    Fuck ’em

  11. So cheeky boy Lee goes to somebody else’s country, taking his scouse pikey culture with him, and starts fucking the place up.
    Fuck me, does he think he’s a do-as-you-like-give-me-house-and-benefits immo in the good old UK ?
    Sorry Lee, you’ve made a cunt of yourself in the wrong place. You don’t get a council house and a social worker in Johnny Foreigner’s back yard.
    Still, as you’ll probably be a trannie by the time you get home you will fit in nicely. I’m sure Prime Minister Corbyn will give you a nice cushy job if he thinks there might be a few more snowflake votes in it.

  12. The European Commission has told Italy to revise its budget, an unprecedented move with regard to an EU member state.

    The Commission is worried about the impact of higher spending on already high levels of debt in Italy, the eurozone’s third-biggest economy.

    Italy’s governing populist parties have vowed to push ahead with campaign promises including a minimum income for the unemployed.

    The country now has three weeks to submit a new, draft budget to Brussels.

    The Commission said the first draft represented a “particularly serious non-compliance” with its recommendations.

    Go away and do what we tell you to do.

    Unelected fucking cunts.

    • Here’s hoping that for once the Eye-ties find a forward gear on their tank and tell ’em to fuck off. Sick to death of those unelected cunts in Brussels throwing their weight about.

    • This is our future in the EU. Unelected bureaucrats telling an elected government what to do. How the fact did we get here and, more importantly, how the fuck do we get out?
      Obviously voting isn’t going to change anything.

    • Of course if this was France they would tell the EU to fuck off and mind their own business!

      The hypocrisy of some of these more powerful EU states is bewildering, and yet totally lost on the likes of the BBC and The Guardian, both of which will choose to ignore such negativity, or will manufacture it in such a way to be a mere minor disagreement.

  13. Oh dear.

    Thailand not keen on benefits of cultural enrichment? How awfully backward of them. Never mind, hopefully David Lammy will make a BIG fuss and SHOUT a lot in the House of Commons on Mr Furlong’s behalf and get him back to Blighty in time to open his presents on Christmas day.

    Ah… but wait a minute… there’s a snag: Lee Furlong is white. So Lammy won’t touch it. The unfortunate chav will have to rely on Lady Thornpiggery’s good offices instead… unless he’s got an England flag in his mother’s closet or once drove a white van… Maybe gormless turd Dame Kier Starmer will ride to the rescue, his disastrous stint as Director of Public Prosecutions in Gordon “bigoted woman” Brown’s fag-end New Labour Government will hold him in good stead…

    Great Cunting CC.

    • Now let’s be fair to Mr Lammy, The Right Honourable Member for the Islinton Dinner Party, there’s not much mileage to be had in this case from the BBC chattering classes.
      He had a friend who died in Grenfell you know ? I look forward to young Lee spray painting that on the cunt’s headstone.

  14. Not the foggiest who this pimply little shithouse is. Having, however, a pair of reasonably working eyes for someone my age, I have proof-read what it was attempting to scrawl. “Scouser Lee” it is NOT – “Scousser” is the first line then apparently it was disturbed just after beginning the second line with a “B”.

    I am fully aware that any Scouser attempting to communicate verbally is always unintelligible but I had forlornly hoped that, at the very least, they might be able to make themselves understood using a crayon.

  15. I bet the Cunt is a football fan. Probably got a season ticket at Anfield that he bought with his benefit money and “earnings” from petty theft. Give it a week or two and his family’ll be blaming the local police,setting up a GoFund Me page (which they’ll pillage to pay for fast-food,cannabis and lottery-tickets),and expect the UK taxpayer to pay to get him home….probably expect some “compo” out of it too.
    I hope that the Thais lock the thick,ignorant,benefit-cheating (he’s bound to be,he’s a Scouser) Waster up for years,it’ll save us having to pay for the parasite.

    Fuck him.

    • ‘It wozzn’t him! It wuz dem Chelsea fans, like…. An der bizzies were also to blame, like…. It’ll take him years to get compo, I mean ‘closure’… And if you want a cathedral etc…’

      Let him rot, the fucking daft cunt…

  16. I hope that Lee Fur Long translates as massive huge CUNT in the local Chinkie dialect. And you’ll get the shit “Ah but he was being a lad, he didn’t mean any harm” from the useless git’s mother. A new one is about to be ripped for him and I look forward with glee to the family’s anguish in the days to come. And Paul O’Grady is a puffy, tranny, bleedin heart scouse cunt. I’d shit in his porridge.

    • I’ve just spoke “Lee Fur-long” into my translator and it came out with “Oval Groove Fur”!

  17. I dread to think of the pathetic, flimsy punishment our justice system would hand out if Johnny Foreigner came over here and did that. There ain’t much we can learn these days from third world shitholes….but how to treat criminals is one of them.

  18. FFS!! Tango man comes out guns blazing over gender identity!! He’s really gone for the jugular on this one, the libertards are in meltdown, he ain’t putting up with gender and non binary Cunts!! According to lady gaga ?? “His policy is driven by ignorance” ?
    Well love your music is followed by exactly the same thing…… Talentless Cunt……..

      • Although sometimes the don can sound a little silly other times he comes up trumps !!
        I absolutely love him going to town on the gender and binary BS!! I really don’t give a flying fuck how you want to live you life, but don’t make me use bullshit language that I object to……. just fuck off …..

      • Big Don is a shoo-in for President in 2020 and the Republicans will do well in the midterms just coming up.

        The guy is a nutter but jeez we’d have him here as PM in a heartbeat given the useless alternatives. Wouldn’t we?

        You read it here first…..

  19. A bloke is in hospital dying and surrounded by a nurse, his wife, son and daughter.
    Struggling for breath he says:

    “My dear wife I want you to have the hotel and the surrounding office blocks, they are yours. *cough* My darling daughter you can have all the flats by the railway station…..take care of them. *cough cough * My only son, the houses and apartments along the riverside are all yours. “
    *cough cough eeeeurgh*
    And then he died.

    The nurse turns to the wife and says “ I didn’t know your husband was such a wealthy man”. She says :
    “ He wasn’t. He’s got a fucking paper round.”

  20. A bit of Waugh- (definition of a Snowflake?) ‘But these young people today have such an intelligent knowledgeable surface, and the crusts suddenly breaks and you look down into the depths of confusion you didn’t know existed.’

  21. More (Owen Jones?) ‘He simply wasn’t a human being at all. He was a tiny bit of one unnaturually developed, something in a bottle, an organ kept alive in a laboratory. I thought he was a sort of primitive savage, but he was something absolutely modern and up-to-date that only this ghastly could produce. A tiny bit of a man pretending he was whole’.

  22. Cop this cunt…
    Another snowflake expecting special treatment… She calls the rail staff ‘unacceptable’ but I suppose it’s alright for her son to be disruptive and act up on trains (and I bet he fucking has!)?… If her kid is so ‘overwhelmed’ by railway stations and trains he shouldn’t fucking go on them or in them… Nobody gives a fuck when an ‘ordinary’ working person gets treated like crap at a train station, do they?…. But cunts like this get carte fucking blanche, and this is only the thin end of the wedge… Special treatment for ‘special’ people, while the rest of us can go hang? Fuck off!


    • An add on to the previous post… This nation disgusts me now…. If someone gave you stick, you’d give it back.. If you had an axe to grind, you’d get it out and grind it… Out in the open, say your piece, done an dusted and that was that… But now it’s go on social media, cry like babies, and grass, grass, and fucking grass again…. Run hide tell, I believe they say… Everyone from swivel eyed perpetually offended knobheads, to cunts like Kev/Dave/Mick/Jack Monroe, and ‘my kid should get special treatment’ cunts…. The nation that faced down Bonaparte and Hitler, now a land of grasses, mardarses, and narks…. Sickening….

    • On the one hand…yes. On the other, it used to be possible to get on any damn train you wanted if you had a ticket. And on the third hand, if she had no option but to be two hours early for the train, and knew the station would send her autistic sprog into paroxysms, why the fuck didn’t she kill the time in a quiet cafe outside? On the whole, I find for the prosecution, but with the caveat that all railway companies are cunts too.

    • Similar snowflake in London was arrested after obstructing a stop-and-search of a black yoot and claimed it left her with ‘multiple injuries and PTSD’. Meanwhile another law abiding ‘jack the lad’ rough diamond aspiring architect was stabbed to death last night.

      • In day’s gone by there were jobs you knew to be dangerous, coal miner, heavy construction etc etc architects and engineers would considered safe and well paid professions , how times have changed…….?

      • The yoot she was advising was found to be carrying a blade as it turns out. What a fucking surprise.

        No doubt for cutting out his architecture blueprints

    • Who pitches up at a station 2 fucking hours before the train is due to leave, especially with a cunt who gets overwhelmed” in such an environment? If he was “overwhelmed”, well whose fucking fault was that? Hers, stupid cow. Of course the cunt was trying it on. Obviously bought cheap off-peak tickets, and thought she’d get them both a free upgrade to a more expensive peak-time service. Well done to the staff who spotted it.

      • Overwhelmed? Yeah, i’m overwhelmed by the sheer cuntitude of whining , pathetic “special” cunts.
        Of course this bitch was trying it on.
        How come there were no autistic kids when I was at school? Because they got a slap instead of being turned into poofs by their soppy as fuck mothers.

      • Cunt was definitely trying it on… Like the opportunist slag who took her ‘special’ (ie: e-numbered up spaz) kid to a cinema late…. Brat spazzed it up and tantrumed and mumsie makes a fuss about her special cunt having to have her own way all the time, so modern parent cunt gets a private viewing of film with her mong…. The staff should have tasered the little fucker….

      • I’m special needs too!!
        I especially need these fucking Cunts to stay out of my way!!
        Pandering to these absolute imbeciles and their ( special diagnosed off the Internet ) offspring is truly sickening!!
        Every Cunt appears to have something wrong with them
        “ Little Johnny doesn’t like it when the train goes choo choo”
        So he must have choo chooism?( a rare one in 3 billion people symptom) Or maybe he’s a fuckin cry baby twat With a clueless overbearing mother?

  23. According to the Liverpool Echo -“Furlong is alleged to have told police that the group found the can of spray paint in the street and they* did not realise it was illegal to spray paint the wall.”

    *An equally pissed and cretinous woman was with Furlong, and apparently contributed the ‘B’ underneath his installation piece.

    Incidentally, some gender confusion here. When I googled the name, this appeared –

    Disambiguation clearly needed.

  24. Whenever Liverpool gets a mention on the telly, it usually comes with that old black and white footage of that Beatles concert, the one with girls screaming hysterically in disbelief, at the sight of four scousers working….

  25. The James O’Shithead quote of the day:

    “There are none so blind as those that cannot see.”

    No shit…

    • Widely defined as “Understanding cannot be forced on someone who chooses to be ignorant”.

      Was he referring to himself per chance?

      • You misread it Willie (easily done).

        O’Shithead said: “those that CANNOT see,” not “those that WILL NOT SEE.” He misquoted, thereby making a complete prat of himself.

  26. What a complete twat. Then again he is Scouse so… (apologies to any Scouse cunters here)

  27. Rita Ora: ‘I was obsessed with online comments’
    Pop star (for want of a better word) Rita Oral has spoken out about bullying online, saying women are often targeted because of the way they look….

    Or if they’re attention seeking exhibitionist brothel fodder euroslags, who flash every part of their anatomy, act like a slut, whore themselves to the media at every opportunity. and encourage young and impressionable girls to be slappers… What a fucking cunt….

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