Julian Assange [4]

It must be about time to cunt Julian Assange again, and add one to his surprisingly low score of cuntings (3). The pallid shitstirring Australian phony has shafted his friends, stolen data and is still evading justice in plain sight. It’s not as if his release of gigabytes of mildly sensitive classified material has actually changed anything other than get him the odd headline, though perhaps it did contribute a little to Trump’s election victory by adding a small turd to Hillary’s bouquet of shite. For all the publicity, and for all the adoration of the flaccid-left snowflake tendency, he’s been pretty fucking useless at doing what he says he’s trying to do.

And there he is, still squatting in the Ecuadoran Embassy – the only place that would have him after jumping bail (not his money, but his friends’) and running for cover. The Swedish rape case has been dropped, but the fact remains he broke UK bail conditions while it was current, and while he was being detained with a view to extraditing him. So the police have a legitimate interest in feeling his collar.

To cut to the chase…or in this case, the stay-put. After having been treated very honourably by the Ecuadoran staff, given apparently rent-free accommodation, Internet connection to pursue his self-aggrandising schemes, and even a cat, the Embassy decided that it really couldn’t permit a political propagandist to operate from diplomatic territory, cut off the internet and later made some rules for Assange to follow as a condition of its restoration. These included not behaving like a 14-year-old in a tantrum (admittedly Assache always behaves like this), keeping his room clean and looking after the fucking cat, por el amor de Dios.

At which Assange announces that he is going to sue his voluntary hosts (six bloody years, they’ve had to put up with him) for breach of his human rights. Apparently, he’s in captivity, and not being accorded the respectful attention to which he is entitled.

But he isn’t. It’s entirely his own choice that he’s there. He is absolutely free to walk out of the front door. Granted, he’ll be captured within seconds, and possibly imprisoned (genuinely) for the bail offence, but I am quite sure the Met will observe his human rights to the letter, and what happens later, if he is right about the US wanting a little chat with him regarding its state secrets, is no concern of mine. He’s a cunt, and a cunt’s just desserts are long overdue to him. Which might well involve karmic rape.

And it would save us several million in policing the cunt.

Nominated by Komodo

41 thoughts on “Julian Assange [4]

  1. What a lovely articulate cunting Komodo. If they forcefully marched the cunt out onto the street there would hardly be any diplomatic fall out. He needs bouncing into the gutter like a nightclub drunk, por el amor de Dios, to pinch your very nice turn of phrase. Shoulda looked after the cat. CUNT!

  2. Posted this about a week ago.

    Julian Assange is to launch legal action against the government of Ecuador, accusing it of violating his “fundamental rights and freedoms”.

    Allowed sanctuary at the Ecuadorian embassy for several years as they were concerned about his “fundamental rights and freedoms”.

    What Assange is now doing is otherwise known as biting the hand that feeds him.

    Interesting to know exactly what his options will be, as it would appear by his reckoning that his “fundamental rights and freedoms” are now being violated both inside and outside of the embassy.

    If Assange is incapable of flushing the toilet occasionally and keeping his surroundings clean and tidy (as most guests would be expected to do) surely the hospitality afforded to him can simply be withdrawn and he can just be evicted.

    Taxpayers have already paid more than £12m of their hard earned money wasted on this Australian individual, the British government deeming it perfectly acceptable to place up to eight armed guards outside the Ecuadorian embassy in order to arrest him if he leaves.

    How he has the affront to sue the embassy for the kindness and hospitality, and who is expected to pay for it? Surely not the British taxpayer.

    They should just kick the ungrateful fucker out, and let justice take its course.

  3. Total yewman rights snowflake bollocks.
    If the Yanks want the cunt let them stick their secret service agents outside and wait for him to show his arse. Let’s not pretend they are not walking around the streets of London,
    armed to the fucking teeth. Why are we paying for this farce?
    I don’t suppose the Ecquadorian taxpayer has ever heard of this wanker , let alone aware they have been paying to keep him for six fucking years. I don’t give a shit about his yewman rights anymore than I give a shit about that camel driver who got chopped up last week.
    He’s a foreigner in my country and costing me money so get his foreign arse somewhere else and be fucking quick about it.
    I don’t give a fuck if he lives, dies or wins the fucking lottery.
    Get the cunt OUT!

  4. Did wonder what the cunt’s shite looks like – orf white and whiffing orf Gorgonzola I presume. A snowflake vampire with smelly feet. Easy to get the cunt oit orf its room, just lob some garlic up there and hammer a stake up its arse.

    Delicious though that the cunt cost its fellow virtue signallers the sureties they posted to keep it oit orf jail when it refused to attend bail hearings. That also would have infringed its human rights. Can the undead have human rights? That’s one for a Human Rights Tribunal.

  5. I see some cunt has taken a swipe at our Old Testament Allies at a Synagogue in Pittsburgh.

    The sad thing is, other than lip-service, the unpopular press will barely cover this and when they do it will be with a thinly veiled “Well, they brought it on themselves!” tone.

    While I would equally condemn a similar attack on a Mosque, the amount of outcry in the “peaceful” loving lamestream media throughout the western world would be deafening.

    Alas as it’s our Old Testament Allies, who don’t want to replace us or behead us for not following the teachings of the Torah (unlike “peacefuls” and the Koran), there’ll be barely a whimper.

    If it turns out to be a right-wing fuckwitt then you can guarantee the big story will be about him, his Trump brainwashing, and how nationalism is baaaaaaad, rather than focusing on the atrocity itself and the public support of that community.

    If it was a “peaceful” then you can guarantee the big story will not be about him, how he was misguided because of Trump’s rhetoric, how nationalism is baaaaaaad, and running to show support for the “peaceful” community, rather than focusing on the atrocity itself and the public support of that community.

    That’s because people of both Old Testament Ally faiths no longer matter in the unpopular press, only “peacefulness” matters because that serves the Globalist agenda of Soros, et. al., who bankrolls propaganda outlets formerly known as news agencies.


    P.S. It’s funny how when Trump was making up huge ground in the mid-terms (as the Democrats self-imploded following the Kavanaugh debacle) that two so-called “right wing” nut jobs decide send pipe bombs to Trump’s biggest detractors on the left and in the media, and now this atrocity. Curious timing as it does nothing but damage Trump’s mid-term aspirations – as it gives great propaganda fuel to the lamestream media to promote the usual “Trump/Republican bad, Killary/Democrat good” mantra – and bolster the Democrats’. I’m sure it’s all just a (convenient for the Democrats) coincidence. Just saying…

  6. At least the Cunt got a blowjob or two off Jemima Goldsmith before he fucked off into the Ecuadorean Embassy costing her the bail money that she had provided. Nicely done, Julian.
    Wish some Cunt would put me up for free for 6 years while I sat and watched porn on their internet.

    Fuck Off.

  7. For some reason our Government has chosen to piss over £12million of taxpayers money down the shitter watching out for Mr Assange – armed, highly trained officers who could otherwise usefully be deployed elsewhere, gunning down peaceful scum like Anjem Choudary or cunts wearing white poppies, for example.

    A couple of plain clothes officers equipped with tasers, one at the front, one round the back, should have been more than sufficient to keep tabs on a flake like Assange.

    As for his ingratitude, I would imagine anyone cooped up in the Equadorian embassy for 6 years+ were bound to lose a goodly number of their marbles – even more so a hyperactive, narcissistic cunt like Julian.

    Why don’t the fucking Equadorians simply chuck him out?

    Very little makes sense to me anymore. Apart from ISAC.

    • Beats me why the fuck we’d even bother with the cost of a couple of Tasered-up Plods. £12m would’ve filled a lot of potholes.

      Surely the thing to do would be to remove the coppers and let the cunt swan out of there anytime he’s ready to. I wouldn’t even re-arrest him – cheaper to give the cunt a fast taxi straight to Stansted. The CIA , Mossad or the FSB will soon rendition him into some Middle Eastern shithole mountain cave to spend his remaining years.

      Result? No further expense of protecting him or the inevitable claiming of legal aid from the poor sap UK taxpayers!

  8. Seeking political asylum? Like cats? Want your own room with a balcony? Require very short term occupancy? We have what you are looking for. Apply in person – Consular Section, Consulate of Saudi Arabia, Istanbul, Turkey.

  9. The Eric Von Danken of “little green men” Assange is in the same category and only bettered by Enid Blyton.

  10. One of the funniest things over the past few years, was watching a string of thick, left wing celebrities putting up a surety for his bail, only to then watch the selfish, arrogant cunt lose them the money they had put by breaching his bail the first chance he got. It’s a testament to how stupid rich lefties are that they didn’t see it coming. Of course he was going to breach his bail, he’s a fucking coward. Furthermore, he’s an arrogant, egotistical, messianic twat, who only has friends for as long as they’re useful to him. They second they have served their purpose, he fucks them off.

    Now the Ecuadorians seem to be getting a little sick of him. He is, by all accounts, a dirty bastard, who thinks it’s somebody else’s job to clean up after him, bring him food, clothes etc and that he the absolute right to use Embassy resources, such as the internet. The fact is, Ecuador owes Assange nothing. When they allowed him to claim asylum, it was to score political points against the UK and the US. Now they’re beginning to find out just what an ungrateful little shite Assange is. I don’t think it’ll be too long before they finally decide to show him the door.

  11. Arrange is a fucking coward.
    If he’d just manned up and faced the music years ago, this would all be behind him and he could continue with his life.
    Instead he’d rather impose 6 years of imprisonment upon himself and who knows how many more years to come.
    What an idiot.

    ….and we should be sending the bill to Ecuador, the cunts.

    • Evening Mr Sausage, how goes it?

      If Assange had manned up 6 years ago, he’d be serving a life sentence in Guantanamo right now ?

      • I’m not great ruff…
        Dying of man flu mate. I’ve been in bed all day with hot shivers and cold sweats… hideous.
        How are you?
        I guess you’re right, the yanks wanted to “speak” to him didn’t they!

      • Sorry to hear that Deploy, man-flu is a massive cunt, you have my utmost sympathy. I’ve been having trouble remembering words recently, hope it’s not an early sign of dementia… Otherwise ok.

        Yes, definitely something fishy about Swedish rape charges against Assange. Imo, a cunting ploy to get him extradited to the U.S.

        Made me laugh when all those dumb Libtards lost the bail money they put up. Cunts.

        Wishing you a speedy recovery…

  12. I wonder if it’s still possible to claim Sanctuary in a church? Although I suppose you’d probably be better off just admitting guilt and going to prison. At least you’ll meet a more honest class of sausage-jockey in the prison.

    Fuck Off.

    • Ended in 1623 Dick, contrary to what some cunts still believe.
      We don’t need robbing towel heads, particularly selling cars, there’s enough pikeys and sharp suited honkys doing that.
      Speaking of pikeys I am just watching the ring walk for that gippo cunt Fury’s cousin (aren’t they all “cousins”) Hughie. Cunt even has a wiki page and strangely he must have been shit up against a wall and hatched by the sun as his parents only mention his jail bird dad Peter. Pikeys are notorious lovers of their mothers and in Cumbria that’s literally!!
      Fighting in Bulgaria – and if you think you have seen some big cunts in the crowd in the UK these Bulgarians are different gravy. The place is packed to the rafters and the crowd can only be described as “hostile” – no fucking wonder mussies aren’t welcome over there. I have only met and got to know a handful of Bulgarians and handful is the right word. You have to make sure they are knocked out cold or dead before turning your back on one. We had one in Djibouti who knocked out 4 Africunts trying to relieve him of his wallet – not a scratch on him. 😉

      • Not to be fucked about with. They do a bloody good car wash round here, there’s about three sites, and the Amazon deliverers you wouldn’t mess with. One Bulgarian had his own delivery business. Wonder why white British fuckers don’t do theses jobs. The proletariat are cunts. I don’t mind Bulgars.

    • I’d bet anyone that there won’t be another referendum. No way that they’ll make that mistake again. Why would they? No point risking an even bigger “Leave” vote,when they can just sit back and let B.R.I.N.O. take care of the problem.

      Evening, RTC.

      • Evening Dick.

        I agree, the UK Remain Establishment /EU have BRINO in the bag – why would they risk another kicking? Even if they tried to fix the result by making 16 year olds eligible, along with expats who have lived abroad for more than 15 years, and even EU citizens who have lived and worked here for 5 years, they could not guarantee a win.

        A more likely scenario is that the final ‘Meaningful Vote’ in Parliament will be a choice between a ‘Bad Deal’ as negotiated by the Government, or ‘Remain’. Obviously Remain would win by a huge majority and the result would be spun as a great victory for the people and Parliamentary Democracy, blah blah.

        Then what?

      • Then what,indeed?…..The E.U. have already said that it’ll cost the U.K. an extra £5 billion a year in lost rebates if we decide to stay in. I suspect that it’ll be a lot more humiliating than that.
        We,the “People”, will bang our gums together for a while and then accept whatever our “betters” have imposed on us. Too many “Leavers” have too much to lose..jobs etc. to actually indulge in serious “civil disobedience”. No, we’ll moan like fuck,but we’ll accept it.

      • It’s what I predicted would happen if Leave won… only quite a lot worse. Whatever happens, the EU will ensure we pay dearly, even though imo it’ll implode in the next five years anyway, so fuck them.

        If I were made Prime Minister tomorrow, I wouldn’t hesitate to press the button.

    • Signed it yesterday.
      Part of me would like to see a second ref just so we can watch them get trounced all over again. …. imagine the tears!

      • A job for man sized tissues, the likes of Owen Jones and O’Shithead blubbing like a pair of wet noodles would be a beautiful sight.

  13. I went to look at a fresh Hilux pick-up today. When I spoke to the salesman he had a Geordie accent and called himself Dean,but when I got to the garage, I was greeted by an what was obviously a Middle-Eastern gentleman. It’s blatant deception. I was forced to take a test-drive while “Dean” prattled on about the vehicle. Obviously I didn’t buy it, but my inherent good manners prevented me from asking if it had come direct from Libya,and did it still have the mountings for the Oerlikon Cannon in the back…well,my good manners and the fear of being held captive for the next 5 years chained to a radiator a la Terry Waite.

    Fuck them.

    • Evening Mr Fiddler, you cant be too careful especially when dealing with foreign types and large amounts of money.

      • Too right, L.L. It used to be that a few shiny trinkets would distract a Darkie,or a few dirty postcards would distract a rag-head. Not now,unfortunately. The buggers have got the scent of White Man’s Gold and the desire to own that which doesn’t belong to them makes them a tricky foe. I always keep my sovereigns in a money-belt when in town and jab any suspicious characters with my silver-topped sword-stick if they get too close…especially street-urchins since I saw that film where the avaricious Fagan sent out children to rob Gentlemen Of Substance.

      • No fracking up near you Fiddler? You could live like a 13th century Earl on the Fiddler estate from the proceeds and even buy the pubs you are banned from, if you don’t mind minor earthquakes that is.

      • No fracking,but I have high hopes that my attempts to sell cow-shit as a viable solid-fuel to some of the local incomers will soon come to fruition. I saw some Western film where they used buffalo turds as fuel on their fire,so I can’t see why a bucket full of skitter straight out of the byre shouldn’t power their Swedish solid-fuel multi-ranges in much the same way. Might have to stir a drop of diesel in to brighten it up,but I feel sure that I’ve stumbled on to the next big thing in home-heating systems.

    • It could be worse, Dick…
      You might end up chained to Terry Waite.

      Oh well, early to bed and up with the cock, as they say.

      • Fuck,what a dreadful thought, HBH. Imagine having to spend years listening to that whiny Cunt preaching 24/7……the bugger would probably attempt to sexually molest you too,if he’s a typical God-botherer.

  14. A brilliantly presented and well deserved re-cunting Komodo.

    I think it says a lot about the cunt Assange that he a) Skipped bail and cost his “friends” nearly £300K and b) Is trying to sue his hosts (of 6 years!) because they would like him to clean up his cat’s shit (allegedly).

    Fuck the pasty faced cunt.

  15. Yes, what a cunt this feeble puff is, nothing a decent dose of novichok agent couldn’t put right.

  16. Paste face scrounger. I bet his shits are funny because he never gets fresh air.
    Pricki leek cunt

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