I was in our local pharmacy earlier to get a prescription made up. Unfortunately I had to share the confined waiting space with a couple of totally wasted specimens who were in to get their methadone hits.
I’d say that the notion of applying some soap and water either to themselves or their manky clothes was utterly alien to either of them. Both smelled as though they’d just fallen off the back of a Council dustcart, but oddly, each had a very shiny and expensive looking smartphone. One was trying to put a date onto the calendar, and was relating the story to the other. It seems that ‘the cunts’ from the DHSS were due to pay him a visit concerning some disputed money to which he was ‘fucking well entitled to’.
Entitled my arse. It’s a fair bet that neither of these useless scratters has ever made a single meaningful contribution to society in their miserable lives, or ever will. It will always be ‘take’ as far as they’re concerned, and guess who’ll be picking up the tab?
I would not cross the road to piss on either of these cunts if they were on fire. That would just take the pleasure out of a good piss.
Nominated by Ron Knee
Dope smokers are cunts.
Goddammit, I never thought I’d think this way, as cannabis is a rather pleasant recreational drug. Unfortunately, 99.9999% of the people who use this drug are workshy motherfuckers who use it as an excuse to marinade in their own filth whilst doing nothing more creative and “out there” than watching fucking TV or playing games consoles.
I’ve enjoyed it, don’t get me wrong. It’s fun. But like most fun past times, there’s a time and a place. On the tab of the taxpayer is not the place. Every waking minute is not the time.
So like it or not, western civilisation is changing it’s attitude and the process of legalisation is well underway. For years dope smokers have wished for this, their every effort hampered by old school lawmakers and well meant but utterly idiotic celebrity representation (like george micheal the chump). Who knew all we’d need is a few sick kids?
Before you know it, most of the country will quite legally be on their lazy fat arses. All the billions in tax will pay for it all. Of course, at first it will all be “medicinal” and therefore thoroughly acceptable.
No-one seems to consider that we’re a country of self obsessed fuckwitted idiots already and giving us dope will exacerbate the situation. You think our country is full of cunts already? You think we’re lazy now? Worried about ruskies, the EU or islam walking all over us?
Just wait, duuuude, until we’re all chillin’. Just fucking wait indeed.
Nominated by Cuntflap
Don’t get me started them fuckers get free bus passes in Scotland and they can bring a friend for fuck all. Fucking talking through their nose cunts. Worse than imminegrants cunts
Legalise all drugs and sell them through Chemists. The tax would be superb and the prisons would be 20% of what they are now.
It will happen. In the future it’ll all be legal.
I don’t mind that. On one condition. If you want to join the undead then you register. On doing that you are marked as a user. Should you become ill with gangrene/circulatory problems/heart conditions/pulmonary infections/mental issues/care and attention required because of your dependency then on signing you have also signed to join the bottom of any waiting lists for treatment relating to your addiction. That way, a useful, working. contributing member of society doesn’t have to queue behind you and your smack addled brain. Alternatively a private healthcare which you pay for on joining the undead which treats all your self inflicted maladies.
NO driving licence, NO licences to operate any moving vehicle, NO job or career that is reliant upon you performing your duties as required. NO job that puts the public in danger of any description. Best identified with a cross on your door so that emergency services can stay away should you go round the fucking twist and decide to decimate the people you live with. Want to live in an underclass? Anyone who can convince me that a human can be a useful and safe member of society under the effect of ANY mind altering substance – I am all ears.
Never took you for a teetotaller Cunto!
No RTC, indeed I’m not. Its done in my time, usually in one night, I dont drive a car after it, I don’t expect anything that happens to me to be anything other than my fault. I stopped hitting people long ago and as an ex aggressive drinker I realise the error of my ways although I only ever gave grief to the Naval regulators, shore patrol or Gendarmerie and only ever spent a little time in detention. I suppose my post is slightly tongue in cheek and not a little hypocritical but that’s the problem with youth, its wasted on the young. Would my gallon on a Friday night result in poisoning some other cunts as ketamine, coke or heroin? I think not. We can drink in moderation but I haven’t met a moderate smack head or a casual dope user I would trust behind the wheel of a car, bus, taxi or train, or indeed a loaded weapon.
I hear you Cunto… though have a feeling we may be talking at slightly cross purposes. Imho, alcohol remains a drug every bit as destructive to the individual and society as any other. But each to his own.
PS: Come to think of it, you’re probably right: I’m not “a useful and safe member of society…” ha-ha! ?
No RTC, not at all, I couldn’t agree with you more. Alcohol has ruined not only the lives of those who take it – it takes the lives of those who have to live with them. So many institutions were founded to keep men (particularly) off the devils brew. Most towns and every city had a temperance movement, Methodists have the abstinence of alcohol amongst their strongest tenets. Portsmouth and Plymouth had Aggie Weston’s and homes just to keep sailors / bootnecks off the ale. A near relative of mine – in fact the whole of his side of the family are fucking pisscarts. I also agree – anything taken that impairs or harms is just as bad as any other.
99.53% with you on that Captain.
No way on Earth would I say it’d be easy, on the contrary, it’d be an administrative nightmare. Though booze is far worse a drug and anybody can purchase that as long as you look 16-ish. Buy as much as you like, get out of your face, let the vodka poison your reflexes and destroy your senses, then go to your taxi/lorry driver job the following day. Same problem.
Incidentally, not only don’t I do drugs (‘cept for booze and tea), I think they’re for losers, the ruination of society.
In a hundred years everything will be legal. The first countries that put this on statute will reap the benefits but it won’t be the UK. We’ll still have overcrowded prisons stuffed with dealers, East Euro trash/Africans standing on every corner flogging their watered down shite (cut with washing powder or brick dust or fuck knows what) to anyone who can pay…ANYONE, and finger-wagging, religious cunts as politicians warning us of the dangers of drugs. Psh.
We’ll never defeat it so why not flog it ourselves thereby controlling it, making the cunty dealers unemployed, and watching the tax flow in.
Maybe that’s the plan cuntflap….get a large majority of the country stoned as fuck and well just give up fighting their cunty behaviour
Ron… I wouldnt loss on the cunts if the were on fire….and allergic to piss!
Had to switch doctor surgery because of these cunts. I phone and phone for an appointment which is never fucking convenient….sit for 45 mins in a germ infested waiting room and then what do I see? Junkie after junkie walk in and get seen right away… confused I asked the lass at the desk and she reveals that to prevent them bothering other people or vomiting in the waiting room they come in when they like and are taken right away. Meanwhile Fucking areswipe face Squinty is trying to juggle work/ life commitments and wait like a cunt for an antibiotic.
Oh and I’ve caught God knows what fucking Asian flu from every other cunt there….. junkie cunts . Just check out San franciscos needle programme and shoot up places…. to see what their streets are like now…. fucked
Fuck me squint just drop a big turd in the waiting room and you will be seen next. When in Rome ya cunt
Aye cuntan… might just try the “when in rome rule”….drop a massive maximum decimus meridius turdius right next to the kids pathetic play area …should shorten the queue a bit
Ooh… for a moment I thought this Cunting was aimed at me! Maybe it is.
Actually I stopped smoking dope 35 years ago. Since then I’ve stuck to baking it in cakes or consuming it raw.
Can’t abide druggies… and that includes alkies.
My name is Alan and I am an alcoholic. Legalising the lot is probably the best way forward. JS Mill said:
“That the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others. His own good, either physical or moral, is not a sufficient warrant … Over himself, over his body and mind, the individual is sovereign.”
So if getting hammered is what people want to do that’s ok but as has been said they get no hospital, doctors or services because that harms the tax payers investment. Alkies and druggies though aren’t sovereign individuals, they’re fucking slaves to what they think they need and like paedos are utter shitty selfish bastards. I quit drinking 27 years ago. Now I’ve got a son aged 37 back with me who started dope after his mother and I broke up because her new bloke smoked dope. Recently his mother died and drink has got the better of him. The result is an adult child who started mood altering any unpleasant experience from the age of 16. Every problem was brushed under the haze. So now at 64 I’m parenting someone who hasn’t much of a clue of how to deal with anything because he’s always avoided it. Fortunately I know exactly what he needs to do to get off the roundabout and he’s prepared, because I’m his Dad, to listen. Like Ron, I’ve seen the scutters in Chemists, one going off his nut because I was “pushing in” when all I did was put my signed repeat prescription on the counter. We now have more methadone addicts in the country than heroin addicts. For me though, alcohol was the worst narcotic of all. It takes an alcoholic further and faster to places he does not want to be more than any other drug. I’ve smoked dope, I’ve taken LSD. Not cocaine as it was prohibitively expensive back then, crack hadn’t been invented. Getting hammered these days ain’t what it used to be; it’s much worse. There is no way of getting a junkie or proper alcoholic to use or drink less. Outfits like Addaction are cunts. Money for nothing. They’re a joke. Some alkies can function and drink for years, others like me just get further down the bag and do something about it. I’ve known many to die. Curiously there’s a hierarchy among the cunts. The alkies looks down on the coke addict who looks down on the heroin addict who looks down on the crack addict. They all look down on the glue sniffers. Yes alkies and addicts are self obsessed cunts. (Self obsession, particularly through social media, is the modern curse.) The trouble is they treat themselves like shite and do the same to other people. I now think I’m an ok cunt and I’m prepared to show that regard to you. Would you like to join me in the Serenity Prayer……..?
Moving post. I wish you well and hope your son is able to steer and navigate in this life . Good luck .
Moving stuff Alan.
Puts you as my sort of cunt too. I have worked with guys who kept a serious drink habit in check and performed to all intents and purposes just fine. Catches up with you in the end. I cant think of an ex Navy oppo who isn’t a hopeless pisshead. Thing is – most of them see it as some sort of a badge of honour. Until I read stuff about your boy and the effect it has on you it dawns on me that something as accessible and widely used as alcohol is a fucking killer. It pares its abusers down to the lowest denominator and still wants to kick you when you cant take any more. Go easy my friend and I hope a light eventually appears in your darkness.
Ruff I thought all dope heads were luvvys. Yous got a secret were you once a cunt eh innit
Some of us were hippies, and I took my first toke while in HM Forces. Luvvies prefer the Colombian product, I believe.
You bin taking the wrong kind of drugs Mr Cuntancurou s. Suggest we get together for a few Psilocybe cyanescens…
I’ve recently been reading about Timothy Leary and Richard Alpert aka Ram Dass RTCP. Very interesting stuff. Leary was portrayed as an evil joke figure. The US establishment did a big number on him. He really panicked Nixon, which admittedly was easy to panic. I came out quite liking Leary. And I listened to the Moody Blues “Timothy Leary’s dead…..”
Leary was a genuine free thinker Alan, much maligned and feared by the U.S. Establishment. He never really appeared on my radar at the time (late ’60s) though I highly rated an album he recorded with Ash Ra Tempel in 1973…
What is it with you cunts who have an almost encyclopaedic knowledge of music and musicians? That’s another evening spent reading up on some cunt who got mentioned on here 😉
I think much of the appeal of dope will disappear if it’s legalised. (I did a fair bit of it in my youth, and ultimately couldn’t be arsed with it, the effects diminished with time) Anything that gets it out of the organised crime sector and maybe manages to ensure that it’s just dope, not shoe polish, rat poison or catnip, has to be a good thing IMO. Smack needs a bit more thought, though. I incline to the public execution of the suppliers and highly secure work camps for the users. I would also become brutal with the middleclass partygoers whose ever so amusing little nosecandy habit pays for multiple murders in S. America, and gangsta bling here.
And these rock stars that are smackheads are cunts… No financial worries, more fit birds than George Best and Sean Connery combined, don’t have to live with chavscum, peacefuls, or eurofilth, private healthcare, travelling the world, doing something they actually enjoy for a living… Yet it’s ‘Oh, I can’t handle the pressure! The fame is too much! Heroin seduced me!’ and other such shite… My old man worked his bollocks off for over 50 years and I never once heard him moan about his lot or feel sorry for himself… Yet cunts like Keef, Townshend, Clapton, Page etc can’t deal with being megastar rich as fuck fanny magnets?… Fuck off!
Hear hear Norm,
Led Zep’s Jimmy Page is in some kind of wrangle with Robbie Williams about building an underground pool in his posh pad in some Londonistan luvvie paradise he bought for £17.5M.
Apparently Page is a bit of a recluse these days and “only does what he wants to”. Fuck me – I am a double recluse then. I wont do fuck all I don’t want to.
I got a mail about tickets for United in February against Liverpool at OT. A “VIP” package no less and an “early invite” specially for me. Match tickets, programme, 2 hours free booze and nosh plus blankets and hot drinks served at your cushioned seat in the Sir Bobby stand. NO private box, NO 5 course meal and after party with an ex player – just a seat in the stand with a blanket and a brew., The cost? Just a midgies under £1700 per person!!!!!!!
Words…………………………fail me.
Aye… Like Clapton… Shagging Pattie Boyd, one of the best guitarists in the world, a member of the monumental Cream, and he gets hooked on that shit…. And I feel sorry for Keith Richards’ kids… Brought up on and off by two smackheads (him and that Pallenberg slag)… Their daughter eventually went to live with her grandmother (Keef’s mum) because they were so fucking useless and strung out… Said young lady stayed with her grandmother for 20 years and grew up a normal and decent human being… But it was no thanks to those two junkie cunts….
I always laugh when some cunt with a straight face says i need Marijuana for my illness to kill the pain etc etc, Bollocks , their are prescription drugs that do a far better job than dope. Its just an excuse to indulge in as much weed as possible and not get your collar felt, or get it for free on the NHS. just like that Irish dope head that attempted to bring a suitcase full of weed from Canada to feed her brain fucked kid. Oh she cried my boy needs it for his condition, yeah right , by the look of him it looks like he’s been force fed class A drugs all his short life.
Addle headed cunts end of
I did weed when i was younger but all it did for me was make me sleep. I did lijke Ecstasy for a while, Cocaine did nothing other than make me vacate my bowels in a crowded Pub. I had to throw my pants out the bog window . I went in that pub 6 months later to see my turd hammocked pants still clinging to the roof top.
So my experiences with drugs other than the odd mind expanding type has not been very pleasant . I’m quite happy now to stay on the booze.
You have to admit, the E’s were something else back in the day. I used to buy them by the 50 and work through the batch fairly rapidly. I still think they are the best bang for the buck and am rather tempted to search out a new supplier after all these years.
I do remember the serotonin impacted Mondays though to this day…
FF I have thrown a few pairs of expensive boxers in the dumpster when on the cider. Plus I have redecorate a few times walls too cunt
That made me smile. Cider is a very popular drink and is seen by the snowflakes as a new soft fizzy drink. In the Navy, a sailor who had descended into apples wasn’t worth a wank. It was the last step before alcoholism. His 2 tins a night were never enough and when his mates had put a few aside for channel night found said apple supper was a right pain in the arse. To the point I haven’t had a glass of cider since the trawler racing weekend in Brixham when I got catatonic on some apple based hooch. I lost a weekend out of my life completely. Never been that way before or since. Worse still I was in rig, making a cunt of myself and the Navy doing fuck knows what. Cider is bad medicine but I still smile when I see snowflakes necking it back like pop.
Agree Cuntflap. Were going down the same route the Romans took in an orgy of reckless abandon. Its all become so right on and acceptable to be a cock in a frock or anti social druggy cunt. And don’t get me started about all the self entitled chav scum outside Primark and KFC being goaded on by SLY News about how much Philip Hammond should be giving them in hand outs.
My name is Alan and I am an alcoholic. Legalising the lot is probably the best way forward. JS Mill said:
“That the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others. His own good, either physical or moral, is not a sufficient warrant … Over himself, over his body and mind, the individual is sovereign.”
So if getting hammered is what people want to do that’s ok but as has been said they get no hospital, doctors or services because that harms the tax payers investment. Alkies and druggies though aren’t sovereign individuals, they’re fucking slaves to what they think they need and are utter shitty selfish bastards. I quit drinking 27 years ago. Now I’ve got a son aged 37 back with me who started dope after his mother and I broke up because her new bloke smoked dope. Recently his mother died and drink has got the better of him. The result is an adult child who started mood altering any unpleasant experience from the age of 16. Every problem was brushed under the haze. So now at 64 I’m parenting someone who hasn’t much of a clue of how to deal with anything because he’s always avoided it. Fortunately I know exactly what he needs to do to get off the roundabout and he’s prepared, because I’m his Dad, to listen. Like Ron, I’ve seen the scutters in Chemists, one going off his nut because I was “pushing in” when all I did was put my signed repeat prescription on the counter. We now have more methadone addicts in the country than heroin addicts. For me though, alcohol was the worst narcotic of all. It takes an alcoholic further and faster to places he does not want to be more than any other drug. I’ve smoked dope, I’ve taken LSD. Not cocaine as it was prohibitively expensive back then, crack hadn’t been invented. Getting hammered these days ain’t what it used to be; it’s much worse. There is no way of getting a junkie or proper alcoholic to use or drink less. Outfits like that promote moderation are cunts. Money for nothing. They’re a joke. Some alkies can function and drink for years, others like me just get further down the bag and do something about it. I’ve known many to die. Curiously there’s a hierarchy among the cunts. The alkies looks down on the coke addict who looks down on the heroin addict who looks down on the crack addict. They all look down on the glue sniffers. Yes alkies and addicts are self obsessed cunts. (Self obsession, particularly through social media, is the modern curse.) The trouble is they treat themselves like shite and do the same to other people. I now think I’m an ok cunt and I’m prepared to show that regard to you. Would you like to join me in the Serenity Prayer……..?
Excellent, informed post Alan. I quit drinking about 12 years ago. Much agree with your take on drugs in general and alcohol in particular.
Bless you RTC. I joined the AA, but for the car I’m covered by Ford. I took my son to meetings in a local town full of Scots (and Poles). I’ll leave it to you to guess which one. I told him the meetings were full of Jocks but if he had to sing Flower of Scotland to get sober he’d have to fucking well do it.
My experience of drugs come straight out of the fields of pick and smoke.
30 years of highs and lows.
Sniffed gas, sniffed glue and sniffed knickers .
Popped pills, dropped acid and canned some tomatoes.
Took it in the arm, took it in the nose, packed it in the mouth.
Prescription, illegal and not even sure what it was that I was taking.
Then I decided, enough was enough and I left the police force.
Been drug free for over five years now.
“Then I decided, enough was enough and I left the police force.” Lol good stuff being a narcotics officer is too tempting a job to not steal from the evidence room
I feel like this cunting is partly directed at me but thats fine i’m more rehabilitated nowadays im not the mess I was years ago. I haven’t even had a drink in a month and a half but might have to celebrate tonight with that fat cunt Merkel resigning, Bolsanaro winning and Trump repealing the 14th Amendment Cheers cunts
I enjoy a beer at the weekend. A 4cer of real ale, maybe a wee nip to chase it (if the mood takes) along with a nice ruby or Chinese whilst watching a good flick at home on me telly.
If I’m away on Monday then Saturday night is my last beer, Tuesday then Sunday night. I’ve not been properly pissed for over 20yrs. I enjoy a beer, I don’t enjoy getting pissed (nor the sair heed tha’ day after d’ya ken).
One of the more worrying trends I’ve noticed over the last couple of decades is the willingness of GPs to hand out prescriptive drugs which can become addictive very quickly and when the quack finally decides enough is enough then they’re left with a craving that will either be fulfilled illegally through drugs or legally through excessive drinking.
The number of cunts on Temazepam, Diazepam, Seroxat, Tramadol, etc., and some at the same time is staggering.
I’m not on anything (thank God) but I know folk who have been on them for extended periods of time and the longer they’re on them, the higher the dose they need, the bigger the crash they suffer when they come off them.
This is why you have the likes of Wacko Jacko and Prince casting off their mortal coils when the big 50 has barely struck.
So it’s not just your Kyle scum crack addicts and pot-heads who are druggies, there’s a rake of “norms” equally addicted to shit dished out willy-nilly by quacks too.
These people may function for now but take away that chemical crutch and who knows…?
Yep I am getting drunk today just poured myself a large Mint julep and i’ll have a old fashioned with lemon might even have a gin cocktail too but I dunno this Mint julep is rather large lol hahaha have to pace myself here
Evening guys
Just back from a few days away in the Smoke. Nice to catch up with the views on here as usual.
Evening, old pip.
I see Fiddler has started his Halloween japes a few days early this year……..
The rascal.
Good evening.
Good for them!! The province has had enough shit from religious types without letting the mohammedans get a toehold. Cunts.
These fuckers are dressing to show solidarity with Yankydoodle nutters. Or taking the piss. Who knows?
However, when a peaceful fucker dresses in full letterbox regalia to show solidarity with Isis, the Taliban or Wahabiism and it’s hatred of, and violence towards civilised values, that’s ok.
I used to smoke the mowie wowie constantly for years. Quite strange how I did a physical job, mixing cement, carrying driveway blocks, digging, had a couple of sneaky joints at lunchtime and was able to spend the afternoon heaving paving slabs about.
Then the labour job giveaway and banking crash came and I couldn’t get work anywhere. Quite soon I was in the trap of video games and getting stoned. You just lose all energy and motivation.
Before long I thought ” If couldn’t get stoned I’d be really, really bored”, which, after deciding that that might actually be a good thing, made me quit.
Took ages to get a job but I was so fucking bored I had to keep trying. Eventually I got one and decided to lay off the spliffs since.
Now I only take some drugs … for medical purposes of course … *aherm* *sniff* …
But I work hard, pay my taxes, and if I want to enjoy myself at the weekend, that’s my choice.
Saying that though, if I designed my own society ALL drugs (apart from medical drugs of course) would be illegal …. alcohol included.
I think it’s about moderation. If you can control yourself and pay for it yourself, along with your other bills, fair play. Enjoy yourself.
If they can’t control themselves, pay for it, or live a normal life, maybe some stern intervention involving cold turkey, NOT free drugs.
We can barely handle alcohol in this country, really don’t think we have our shit together to be allowed free access to ganja or anything more.
A psychedelic experience of mushrooms or DMT at a propitious moment in a persons life, under good setting and guidance ideally in nature, that I’ll get behind. I have no use for any substances any more, but there’s definitely a place for that kind of experience. DMT will certainly get you questioning things, that’s for sure! Mental.
Strongly concur Chunky. We found a rare crop of Hyphaloma Cyanescens mushrooms in the local park in the early 1980s – a truly mind-blowing revelation – must have gleaned more personal insight in one week than in the previous 25 years put together. Doubt I’d be half the cunt I am today without them.
Now rebranded as ‘Psilocybe cyanescens’, I think. Very confusing nomenclature, but much of the good stuff is now under ‘Psilocybe’. The blue colour is due to the oxidation of psilocin, so you know it will do you good.
Psilocybe (formerly Panaeolus) semilanceata grows on grassland anywhere, but sparsely, so in addition to a bracing autumnal walk to collect it, bending and stretching exercises are built-in. It’s very healthy stuff, and up there with cyanescens and cubensis, as far as the proportion of psychoactives goes. Keeps you awake, though.
Always a good idea to keep some Valium handy…
Talking of Drug-dealer scumbags, if you were arrested after smuggling £2500-worth of drugs into a festival, how long would you get or how much soul your fine be? £10k? £5k? Alright, £2.5k – the amount of the drugs?
None? Wow! Ishmael Osamor is a lucky bugger then, isn’t he? He only received a two-year commoonity order and 20 days of rehabilitation.
Oh shit, no, sorry…wait up. His Mum is Shadow International Development Secretary Kate Osamor and he’s a…. wait for it… Labour councillor, so that’s alright.
And I could be guessing – just by the surname – that the misunderstood whippersnapper is an aspiring architect type…?
Obviously nothing to see here plod. Look over there, there’s a gammon who’s encroached 1″ over a single yellow line, who’s begging to get a ticket.
He looks like he could be waycist too and voted for Brexit so you better take the mace, tazer and nightstick. You can’t be too careful with these 70yr olds.
Pishflaps well said
Junkies = CUNTS
cunto. Your post on corporate football and you mentioned Keegan as well. Linked in my mind with a news item when Keegan was Newcastle manager. Some young kids had won a competition to visit St James Park. A corporate bod showing them around. Anyway Keegan turned up: ‘Have you let them run on the pitch?’ ‘No’ ‘Miserable sod’. Let the kids run on the pitch. Liked him for that. Come to think- yes even the pitch is corporate. (an emblem of it). It’s too neat and tidy, manicured. Like ‘Corporate Rock’ it doesn’t breathe. The crowd doesn’t sway as in the old days. Is there singing anymore? I feel for you real fans. I hate what has happened to football. Thanks.
While he was manager at Manchester Shitty, Keegan opened a kids football club right behind our house… And I have to say that Kevin was a top bloke… Had time for everyone and he never acted the cunt… My mum – who liked him in the 70s – flirted with him, but Keegan took it all in good humour… Even as a red and a bona fide Bertie hater I couldn’t fault the man…
But other ex-England bosses don’t come off so well… In Teddy Sheringham’s autobiography Teddy tells of how he ‘idolised’ Glenn Hoddle when he (Teddy) was youth team player… Until the day he met Hoddle and Teddy (in his own words) said ‘I realised when I saw him up close what a cunt he really was’… Join the club, Teddy with the disabled people who also despise this ‘Mr Nice Guy’ cunt…
Norman Alan F. But he was taken up with that Mystic Meg woman who was supposedly helping with ‘sports psychology’. He became a believer. He made a mistake. I think he apologised. He certainly paid the price. My anger at the time was more focused on Blair. ‘He must go’. I thought he was/is a good pundit. Southgate made a little sojourn into the bigger scheme of things during the this last world cup. About ‘bringing the country together’ (as black and white players are a representation of the country). It goes to their heads.
Yes it was in line with Hindu belief for him with Blair’s ‘He must go’ the next morning on Breakfast tv. In the afternoon he was gone. Intant Karma. Some commentator at the time rightly said ‘are we going to ban hinduism-millions and millions of people believe this’.
Why couldnt all junkies be more like the late,great American writer William S. Burroughs?The old boy was a heroin addict for over 50 years,right up until his death at the age of 83.He never complained or blamed others for his addiction and all those years as an addict he wrote some great stuff.My favourite anecdote about Burroughs is from musician Al Jourgensen:
“We hung out at Burroughs’s house one time in ’93. So he decides to shoot up heroin and he takes out this utility belt full of syringes. Now, I have no idea how an 80 year old guy finds a vein, but he knew what he was doing. So we’re all laying around high and stuff and then I notice in the pile of mail on the coffee table that there’s a letter from the White House. I said ‘Hey, this looks important.’ and he replies ‘Nah, it’s probably just junk mail.’ Well, I open the letter and it’s from President Clinton inviting Burroughs to the White House for a poetry reading. I said ‘Wow, do you have any idea how big this is!?’ So he says ‘What? Who’s president nowadays?’ and it floored me. He didn’t even know who our current president was.”
Pity he didn’t take an old needle and OD Clinton up the arse.