Amber Heard, what a cunt !!!!!! I’ve absolutely no issue with equal rights for women etc but this twat is all over the news talking about getting rid of the term “man size” or “working mens club”, if she’s that into it why not take up a proper cause like the way women are treated as second class citizens within the muslem faith? or is that too much of a political hot potato, fucking cunt!
And another thing, there she is on the red carpet all dressed with her tits hanging out, “ooh look at me aren’t I gorgeous” until someone looks at the twat and then its “what you looking at”? She’d probably be at the front of the queue, kicking the fuckin door in for Harvey’s casting couch, to get where she wanted to be and then as soon as she’d pulled her fuckin knickers back on she’d be cryin “I’m a victim”.
Go and get fucked you cretinous cunt!!!!! Get in touch with the real world, take a look around at the shit that’s going on today, if you really want to make a difference spend some of ya fuckin money putting a roof over some poor womans head in Ethiopia, or better still go there and build it yourself!
Nominated by Phil Rhodes
Bet she’s got fuck all to say about the Women’s Institute, the fucking vacuous, hypocritical, pretentious cunt.
First night proper of the poppy appeal. 100 years since the guns fell silent.
Question time has 5 plus dimblecunt and only one wearing a poppy. The Tory. If the BBC cannot make it a prerequisite that anyone who appears on our national broadcasters main channel wearing a poppy they should not be allowed to appear.
If the cunts can’t make the distinction between celebration and remembrance they don’t deserve to appear on the country’s main subsidised broadcaster.
Fellow cunters, if your piss is not boiling you either don’t give a fuck or you aren’t capable of understanding what it does mean and why it should never be forgotten.
The Oxford dictionary does not contain sufficient words to describe my utter contempt and annoyance at the BBC.
Couldn’t agree more cunto, a friend and I went to the Imperial War Museum on Monday and I always find it a moving experience, especially seeing the WW1 exhibition. I wear my poppy with pride, in remembrance of those that gave their lives. I hate the fact the white poppy wearing sops have tried to take over and demean the red poppy by saying it glorifies war. Fucking cunts should start to learn about history.
But wasn’t that Tory a vacuous, er, um, er, y’know nonentity? It’s the usual freak show: Wimmin Corbynista harridan blatantly ignoring the 60% of her Brexit-voting constituency; the screeching helmet-haired SNP munter; some speccy work experience student from the FT.
Blimey, even Dave Spart (Mason : deemed too extreme even for C4 News!!) looked reasonable amongst that lot.
Cunts – all of them.
Yet again the only people mostly making sense were in the studio audience!!
has the Muslim Broadcasting Corbyn service banned the poppies or something?
I haven’t seen any on their yet, this is a disgrace from a corporation that should be answerable to the taxpayer, not some PC communist think-tank.
Stop press.
Phillip Green named as harassing, slimy cunt with a aging order. Could this repulsive reptile get any more fucking odious? Probably.
That should be gagging order. What a cunt I am.
Green is a lowlife , thieving, taxdodging pile of shit who bought his knighthood from his good friend Anthony Blair.
Chuck into the mix that other Blairite cunt Hain. I bet he enjoyed grassing him up today, the nasty little weasel.
What a trio of top class fucking cunts.
I assume the reason greasy Peter Hain named Green today was because the BBC had announced at midday that motherfucker Labour MP Keith Vaz, famous for expenses swindling and washing machines had bullied female House of Commons staff. Vaz seems to be protected. If he fell down a cesspit he’d come up smelling like Eddie Izzard. Green, Vaz, Izzard and Hain – all 24 carat gold cunts.
Any cuntery or large high value wealthy cuntitude generally has a fourbitwo hanging off the end of it. The legal profession runs on the cunts. Like scousers, offended by everything, ashamed of nothing.
Norman will twig this one straight away
Hymie dies and Ruth calls up the classified at the Manchester Evening News to place an obituary to inform his business chums.
What would you like to say askes the clerk. Hymie dead answers Ruth. Hmm, its a minimum charge and you get 5 words, same price.
Ruth replies. “Hymie dead Volvo for sale”
You will have noticed Cunto that nobody belly aches about the OVER representation of a minority, namely fourbitwos, in the Lords, the Commons, the legal profession, property, etc. No wonder AH wanted the fuckers out of the way. Imagine if the rag heads had the same over representation. One of the biggest fourbitwo cunts was Greville Janner the thankfully dead kiddie fiddling, boy raping pervert. If any of them warranted the Zyklon B it was that cunt.
Yes indeed Alan,
Strangely rarely cunted neither. I won’t go down the route that little fella with the tash did in trying to rid the world but there are more than one type or sort. I read Holocaust inc. by an American fourby and its quite true in that there is much more to be bad by perpetrating the event than existed originally when the offenders were young men. Fuck, Paul Mason’s awful fucking cuntish face along with four other ugly cunts just whizzes across my screen on QT. Made me quite sick. First question: lawyers and Phil Green’s dodging writs. Again, more fourbys at the root of the whole rotten lot of them.
How long will they keep dining out on it cunto? They’re like the blecks and the slave trade. The self flagellation goes on of the white libtard media and academic cunts. I read tonight that some fucking University or other are to pay reparations for slavery after it, and other academic establishments, received funding from slave traders fucking donkey’s years ago. This will be allegedly to fund bleck education, probably in libtardism. It’s absolute cuntery of the highest order. There’ll certainly be no benefit to greater society. No fucking Nobel prizes will be given out. I am an elderly white Englishman. I’m not fucking sorry for the plight of the blambo, I didn’t ask for it, I didn’t cause it and I can’t cure it. I’m certainly not going to beat myself up about it. I’m white British there’s nowt wrong with that so fuck off bleeding heart do-gooder whiteys, fourbys and sambos. Cunts!
In every walk of life, Jews invariably punch well above their weight.
After taking the inevitable dive off his luxury yacht,I wonder if he’ll also follow his “British” businessman predecessor, Robert Maxwell,by being buried in Jerusalem.
Buried in the Mount of Olives where it is believed Jesus Christ ascended to heaven. Such a privilege for Captain ‘Bob’.
Ah, Maxwell, a dead cunt. Allegedly had an Irish prostitute on board. He asked her for a toss off so she threw him overboard.
The cunt Maxwell was murdered by his fellow tribesmen in the Mossad.The cunts had been bankrolling him for years but had had enough of seeing their Shekels being pissed down the drain.Maxwell threatened to expose Mossads role in a software company theyd ordered him to set up,which sold programs full of spyware to western governments.Mossad hit squad climbed onto his yacht and next thing you know the fat,bloated,aging cunt is trying to do a Michael Phelps in the middle of the Med.
“the fat,bloated,aging cunt is trying to do a Michael Phelps in the middle of the Med.”
My error,apparently the fat cunt was trying out his swimming strokes off the Canaries in the Atlantic,not the Med.Thats the official line anyway.
Was it peter hain who used
Parliamentary privilege and named the fat thieving cunt!!
His new yacht unfortunately financed by dipping into a pension pot!! Is laughingly called “lionheart”? Should have been
Amber heard is a third rate actor , although a bit of a cunt Johnny depp was fortunate enough to get away from this twisted vile cunt…..
On his long crusade Richard The Lionheart knelt before his sword at Acre; about to storm the battlements. Sir Philip sunning himself on his journey round the Greek Islands.
Silly fucking tart. Do any of us become offended when “Woman’s Own” adorns the magazine racks at the newsagents? No we don’t; because we are not petty minded cuntheads with fuck all better to do.
No, Heard, you are not a crusader. You are a fucking talentless turd in a wig who has a guilty conscience for gagging on far too much gristly Hollywood hose to get to the privileged position you are now in.
Now fuck off and immolate yourself.
I would still smash her fucking back door in,
obviously she bat’s for the other team and Johnny Depp is no man’s man,
She is definitely a cunt though,,
What’s lacking with these cunts is scull dragging, a bit of clubbing neanderthal style
Have only ever seen her once, on Top Gear. She tried hard to impress talking about her Mustang car, and the number of big, powerful guns that she owned.
Just another latching onto the line of boring, tedious, misandrous, self opinionated “look how famous and powerful I am” empowering American women (after having got everything they can out of the men who helped to get them where they are in life) who feel it is their duty to speak out against insignificant male related nonsense. And actually think their are either making a difference or that anyone listens or seriously gives a toss. Couldn’t be more wrong in my opinion.
Suspect at the end of the day despite hating men as much as they supposedly do, these women still enjoy a good shag. Only disappointing that there are desperate guys out there who will fuck anything.
Nicely Cunted Mr Rhodes.
Radio 4’s ‘Wimminz Hour’ has been offending decent, right thinking, non-sexist people like me for fucking yonks.
So Amber can get fucked (I would… Duck Tape ® permitting).
I think she needs to go to the Dungeon. Meet the Gimp.
The good thing about an all-out, apocalyptic nuclear war would be, apparently, that Wimminz’ Hour disappears frpm the schedules for three days: that’s the signal for the END.
I know I’ve said it before, but if “Dame” Jenni Murray gets melted down into 5, 000 L of grease for chiggun (or deep-fried cockroach…) I shan’t feel to bad, evn tho’ I shall be vaporised.
“We shall all go together when we go” – Tom Lehrer.
I’d shit in her cleavage and smack her tits together. Cunt!
She looks like she would be partial to the Hot Karl.
You’re a true romantic Mr fistula!
Who ever said romance was dead…… ????
She’d love it. Then, her hair in a nice ponytail, round the back entrance and she’d be the Sweetheart of the Rodeo.
Should be seen and not Heard
Amber should be congratulated on getting over her Lesbianism…just shows that homosexuality is nothing more than a fad or mental illness. All she needed was a proper man to slip her a length,and Hey Presto,the homosexuality was cured…a valuable lesson for all Homos…they aren’t born “homosexual”,they are either mentally ill or (more likely) doing it for attention.
Now that Amber is up for the pump,I’d be prepared to let her into Fiddler Towers,a courtesy that I don’t extend to many. Normally I wouldn’t go as far as letting a recovering Homo in,but Amber isn’t yer normal ex-lezza,she might be the wrong side of thirty,but at least she hasn’t let herself go like most over-thirty women do. No droopy tits and I bet her bush is a carefully-coiffured,sweet-scented beauty,not some tangled brillo-pad previously used to scour a trawler’s bait-box.
No, I won’t Cunt Amber,she can come round and squat over my face anytime she gets sick of whichever effete actor-type is currently pretending to pork her,and fancies a proper reaming. She’d be well advised to take me up on my kind offer before the Gayness flares up again…Remember Gays, you weren’t born Gay,all you need to return to genteel society is to accept that your illness is most probably all in your mind and that you are really just attention-seeking.
Fuck Off.
Evening Kriddler.
We have a Gay couple living next door. I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t say no to a proper man slipping them a length.
Would you be up for it?
@ Mr Cunt Engine
It is a well known fact that Dick and Krav are one and the same person. An unusual case of Multiple Personality Disorder. They will deny it of course, but on at least one occasion Dick (or Krav) has signed off as “The Kriddler”…
No, I fucking wouldn’t.
I’d be terrified if I had The Gays living anywhere near me. The thought of them putting ladders up to the toilet window and wanking as they watch me having my morning shit is appalling.
Filthy-minded Perverts.
Evening, RTC.
No harm done Dick, I haven’t raised anyone’s hopes.
Just thought you might have liked the opportunity to cure them of their Gayness.
Do they dress up as women and have chemsex parties? You must live in a very down-market area of town if you have neighbours like that. I know that the Social has to house them somewhere,but putting all the disreputable types in one area can’t be a good idea.
I seriously fear for your moral well being and safety Dick. Your naivety does you no favours. You are a vulnerable adult. Be warned, the Gays are EVERYWHERE. Far from being confined to downmarket areas, the middle and upper classes are riddled with Gaiety. In fact the entire Royal Family, with the exception Queen Brenda, Prince Philip and Prince Edward, are all Gays.
Btw, no idea what my neighbours get up to in the privacy of their own Manor House (we are yet to be bestowed the honour an invitation to one of their chemsex parties) but outside you’d be hard put to tell them apart from the average common or garden Anthony Armstrong Jones in the street.
PS: I have it on good authority that Jack the Ripper – Prince Eddy, wayward son of Queen Victoria – was also a bender. Not that it makes any difference to ya.
I believe you’re too late, Mr Kriddler. The gaylords have already arrived in Northumberland:
They’ll be peeping in your window this weekend…
The areas mentioned are not salubrious locations or typical of Northumberland, Mr. Cunt-Engine. I have driven through them (windows up,doors locked) and noticed that they seem to be full of the kind of people of whom my dogs would strongly disapprove…lard-arses,mincers,coffin-dodgers,scroungers…even the odd fucking Darkie ffs. These are not areas that I would consider visiting socially.
Mr Cunt Engine, may I enquire as to the origins of your knowledge of gay cruising sites on tinternet?
PS. Probably best not to use the Pete Townshend excuse, presuming you are not a rich as fuck rock star.
From personal experience, alas.
Word to the wise…if Mr Fiddler invites you up to Northumberland to go for a “cruise”, he’s *not* talking about driving around in his Toyota Hilux…
I see. I must admit i’ve been to Alnwick 2 or 3 times and i’ve always considered it a beautiful place, as far away from sordid unnatural sexual couplings in dark places as you can imagine.
We are fucked!…….(up the arse!)
I remember signs to a place (seemingly) called Shitbottle. Sounds a suitable spot.
Evening Mr F.
Once you’d had your fill, would your lucky dogs get sloppy seconds or would Miss Heard be taking an accidental (and permanent) submergence in a local farmer’s slurry pit?
It would be Amber who had her fill. The amount that I’d chuck up the tart, it would be oozing out of her lug-holes…of course,she’d be ruined for a normal man by the time that I was done,but all thoughts of lesbianism would have been driven out of her head.
Evening Mr. Cunt-Engine.
I wasn’t born wanting dick,Dick.
I just love dick, Dick.
Amber Clitlicker is a misandrist psychotic slag and a total cunt… That about covers it…
What’s the difference between Concorde and Amber Heard?
There was only one cockpit in a Concorde….
I actually thought this was a joke at first, but it allears to be true – everyone’s favourite batty bald bogtrotter Sinéad O’Connor has today announced she’s converted… to Islam.
So after a lifetime of angst against the Pope and Catholicism, citing oppression and abuse on many occassions, she’s plumped for the most oppressive and abusive cult of them all.
What a stupid fucking cunt.
That certifiable Fenian cunt, Sinead O’ Kojak, is always crying wolf about topping herself…
One day it might be true… If fucking only…..
I think you mean Shuhadah Davitt ( or something like that )
Let’s have some respect for the religion of peace for fucks sake!
Religion always attracts weak individuals who can’t think for themselves and need rules and structures. There’s no more structured ideology than Islam so it’s hardly surprising that this fucked up druggie loser has fallen for this bullshit.
I look forward to her next album…..Shuhadah Live in Luton!
Even Bonio and U2 think Sinead O’ Kojak is a massive cunt… And that’s coming from the biggest cunts in Potatoland… No mean feat for O’ Kojak, that….
I once saw O’ Kojak in a Dublin pub in 1991… Surrounded by flunkies, arselickers, and about six of the cunts followed her to the bogs… She acted like she was a Motorway Mick Marie Antoinette… One of her ‘entourage’ seemed to take offence at my Joy Division T-Shirt and I told them to fuck off… I was then told by the landlord that I shouldn’t ‘upset’ baldy and her courtiers, so I told him to fuck off and all… To think the great Ian Curtis took his own life, but O ‘Kojak threatens to and never does… There really is no justice…
If I were the Pope, I’d be feckin relieved.
I wonder if the Imams realise what a total basket-case they have on their hands.
Her extra name is Shuhada Davitt…
I’m guessing it doesn’t mean “The Virgin”…
She’s on my dead list the stupid psychotic bitch. She ought to masturbate naked on her knees whilst burning to death. CUNT!
Skinhead O’Connor now a peaceful?
Look forward to seeing the gruesome hound with a bag over her head. Plastic one with a bit of luck
That Doctor Who the other night… We all know it was about Rosa Parks… Yeah yeah blacks are great and all that crap… But they just had to get in the Asian tart saying ‘I get called a terrorist when I come out of the mosque’…. As far as I know Mrs Parks was not a peaceful, and she’d probably have hated them… Funny about the Asian bird though… Funny how she didn’t mention Manchester, Westminster, or yet another grooming ring, wasn’t it? Fuck off BBC! Fuck right off straight to hell with knobs on, you cunts!
Skinhead O’Quaffer is as mad as a box of frogs. Why the fuck the media insists on affording coverage to some mad, raddled old bint who had a bit song almost 30 years ago is beyond me.
Another attention seeking bag of arse who can’t survive unless they have a ready supply of publicity oxygen. This fucking mutant is probably lining herself up for an appearance on Question Time.
I piss on her, the plutonium grade cunt.
She didn’t even write the fucking song, Prince did, another loony but that’s a different story.