I never thought I’d find myself defending that lisping prick, Jamie Oliver, but my nomination means it’s unavoidable. Snowflakes.
Jamie Oliver has just brought out a new product for the consumption of his fans. He’s called ‘Jerk Rice’ (appropriate for him really), and fuck me if it hasn’t caused much anger and offence among snowflakes and other assorted brain dead assholes. “CULTURAL APPROPRIATION”, they’ve been screaming to those who can be bothered to listen to their hysterical bollocks.
Brent Central MP, Dawn Butler has been leading the over emotional shit flinging against Oliver, along with such culinary greats as Levi Roots and Rusty Lee. “It’s an insult to Caribbean people” claims Rusty. Levi says that it lacks vital ingredients to be able to accurately name it jerk chicken, and believes it was a mistake.
Here’s my problem. We’re supposed to live in a multicultural society (which none ever agreed to or asked for. It was forced upon us by Blair and his minions). To me, multiculturalism is all about sharing in, and learning from, the many cultures of the endless stream of foreigners who are invading our shores. That can’t happen if dicks like Butler, Lee, Roots and the army of offense taking non-white sections are constantly whingeing whenever someone from outside their culture dares to adopt a part of that culture. Which means the claim we live in a multicultural society is a lie.
So, if I choose to eat jerk chicken, or any Caribbean/African dish, does that make me guilty of cultural appropriation or even racism? According to Butler, Lee, Roots and their followers, it does. To those from a minority who have a brain that actually works properly, such as the soon to be Mrs QDM and her family and friends, it does not. I’ve been to African weddings where I was asked to dress in traditional African clothing, and not one person was offended by me doing so. Some of the other guests, including the families of the bride and groom were pleased that I had dressed in such a way.
As usual, it’s one rule for them and one rule for white people. There are literally millions of non-white people in the UK who wear western clothing and eat British food. A lot of them also play cricket, football and rugby, three sports invented white, British people. So, by the logic of the offensive takers, they too are guilty of cultural appropriation. And I would go further than that. By crying like three year old girls that a white man has had the audacity to ‘appropriate’ their culture, they are guilty of something far worse. Racism. Let’s face it, those who scream ‘cultural appropriation’ wouldn’t be quite so worked up if Delroy Adebayo started selling his own brand of Yorkshire puddings, or black pudding.
Not a single member of my missus’s family has taken offence at what Oliver has done. None of their relatives and friends have taken offence. And I would hazard a guess that most people of Afro Caribbean descent couldn’t give a fuck either. In fact, they’re probably having a good laugh over how shite Oliver’s jerk rice is.
I’m sick to the back teeth of jumped up twats taking offence at every little thing, and making an issue out something that most sensible people couldn’t give a flying hippo’s fuck about. They need to decide, quickly, whether or not we do live in a multicultural society. If we do, then it’s ok for people to dip into the cultures of others. In which case, they need to shut the fuck up. If we don’t, then they need to stop wearing western clothes, playing western sports and eating western food. If they don’t, they’re guilty of cultural appropriation.
Nominated by Quick Draw McGraw
Cultural Appropriation
Of all the nonsense churned out by generation right-on this has got to be the most fuckwitted.
So, what is it?
Othello unless played by a bona fide ‘Moor’ Yep
The singing voices and styles of say, Eric Burdon, Amy Winehouse? Yep
The Bluesbreakers from all those years ago? Yep
Thai Chilli potato crisps? Yep
Whatever shite that cunt Oliver calls ‘Jerk’ Apparently so
Anthony Hopkins as Hannibal? He isn’t American so yep
Any cunt wearing a sombrero who isn’t a Mexican? Definitely
Africans in suits? Ghandi in a suit when he was a lawyer? Has to be.
A white man grooming under age girls? Obviously
Fusion cuisine? Don’t even think about it.
The roman alphabet applied to unwritten African languages ie all of them. Yep.
The Mikado written by a couple of whiteys. Yep
Madame Butterfly. Certainly, how dare the cunts.
The whole of modern technology, engineering, education applied to Africa. Cant deny it.
I haven’t even got to me blacked up singing pollywallydoodle all de way.
You see where I am going with this. Nothing shows how fucking mule brained stupid these cunts are more than ‘Cultural Appropriation’
Here endeth the cunting
Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble
Poor old Jamie Oliver launches a new packaged rice product, and calls it ‘Jamaican Rice’. No big deal, you’d think. But for his sins, he gets lectured at and harangued by crackpot MP Dawn Butler, who asks ‘do you know what Jamaican Jerk actually is?’. Apparently, Jamie’s committed the unpardonable crime of ‘cultural appropriation, which according to unhinged snowflake Butler ‘has got to stop’.
Honestly, are the taxes I pay actually going towards this looney’s wages and expenses? Has she really not got anything better to do than waste time on this deranged pc crap? This is still (notionally) a free country, and Oliver’s free to call his product ‘Jerk Rice’ if he wants to, with being harassed by some self righteous arsehole who just can’t wait to take offence, even when there’s no offence actually offered or intended.
For the record you tosspot, I don’t know what ‘Jamaican Jerk’ looks like either, but do I know what an actual fucking JERK looks like, and you fit the bill to perfection. You’re nuttier than my Gran’s fruit cake. Why don’t you get a fucking life, and stop acting like a kid having a tantrum? What a wankspanner.
Nominated by Ron Knee
Beyonce has blonde hair
Beyonce is also a cunt…
And an enormous arse…
(His name’s Jay-Z…)
My word it must be tiring being these people, looking for offence in every little thing. Any chance to stick it to whitey I bet, the fucking sad little cunts.
The cultural appropriation lot normally reply that we are hypocrites, and say if a Yank opened a fish shop in nowheresville Oklahoma selling deep fried roadkill that we would get upset at this abuse of a fine English tradition. Uh no actually, I couldn’t give a flying fuck what he does.
Dawn Lardbutt is a professional racist shit stirrer with a background in diversity and yoot issues. She doesn’t give a fuck about black people or their culture. Like her heroine, the mighty Flabbot, she seeks publicity and notoriety and fatmouth Jamie just happens to be the convenient vehicle for her to ride on.
She’s also as bent as a nine bob note. Lardbutt was investigated for claiming for a second home which is exactly the same distance from Parliament as her first home. Somehow she got away with that particular bit of “cultural appropriation.” Must be a nice second home…… we paid £2600 for new central heating and over 2 grand for a whirlpool.
If you watch Parliament on TV she sits as close to Catweazle as she can and is always in the shot, nodding her head in agreement with everything he says.
Make no mistake, Lardbutt is a bitch on the way up.
Surely the packet should say “Jamie Oliver, punchable jerk”…?
I saw that and commented at the time how utterly ridiculous Dawn Butler was. Daft racist cow.
Do not particularly dislike Jamie Oliver, other than the fact that his brand puts out far too many items. His food to make is great (if you can afford the ingredients) and think he is imaginative and prepared to try and do something to improve school dinners for children. Perhaps publicity driven but admired him for at least trying to do something. State schools desperate for money so unfortunately cutting back wherever they can- school dinners being an obvious candidate.
Another “titillating” story today.
Aretha Franklin bishop sorry after ‘groping’ Ariana Grande
The bishop who led Aretha Franklin’s funeral has apologised to Ariana Grande after being accused of groping her on stage.
Images show Bishop Charles H Ellis III (who is black) holding Ariana high above her waist, with his fingers squeezed around the side of the singer’s chest.
“It would never be my intention to touch any woman’s breast,” he told the Associated Press.
Dirty fucker.
Must admit not realising before now that Ariana Grande is clearly a racist. Something else she will need counselling for.
Perhaps Dawn Butler would care to comment on this incident, or is it only racist when done to a black person?
The dozy fucking bible basher not only got a bit of tit but made a racist joke, saying when he saw her name he thought she was a new item on the Taco Bell menu. The snowflake twitterati have gone apeshit apparently. They want this cunt’s balls on a plate with a side serving of Donald’s cock.
‘It’s been going on so long her corpse must be sloshing around like soup in there’
Fucking hilarious Cuntflap, proper pissing myself at that?
24 toasters from Scunthorpe,
100 pink Cadillacs from Detroit…
Personally, I reckon Clinton, who was on the platform as well, was egging the bishop on…
Urethra Franklin was her urologist’s favourite soul singer. She was a slack bint. Her dad was church leader, a mate of Martin Luther King, and he was disgraced over pervy shenanigans with ladies in the congregation. Aretha herself first got up the duff at 12 and popped out two picaninnies by the age of 14. Her PR team kept that quiet. First lady of soul, she was the original slapper, sang about respect and had fuck all for herself with four kids with different fathers.
As far as I can see, there are only two reasons why cunts can be perpetually offended by stuff that barely concerns them, or is meaningless, and that is because they are either overcompensating for having fuck all to really moan about, or it’s to try and offset shit that goes on that would rather be left unreported. Jamaican heritage is important when it comes to some fat cunt mockney flogging some bland tasteless crap to twats, not so when it’s a factor in the London stabbing culture. Khan and cunts like him are quick to jump on anything that resembles islamophobia, not so quick to recognise the religion as a common factor with all these rape gangs that seem to be a weekly occurrence.
Whatever happened to balance?
QDMcG nails it completely: this is a multicultural society – to the despair of most of us – not an integrated one, in which such complaints would be treated with the contempt they deserve. In a multicultural society, you have the implied right to preserve whatever you brought with you on the refugee boat (ie nothing but memories) and insist that your tribe’s folkways and cuisine be isolated from anyone else’s.
In an integrated society, you’re British. You have the benefit of railways, internal combustion engines, science as a whole, and, should you so wish, fish and chips (invented, I believe by the Belgians, but culturally appropriated by us). As a very partial return for which we only ask that we have the free use of the cuisine which you probably borrowed from someone else anyway, as that is the way cooking works.
My local chipper is run by Iraqi Kurds. They sell fish and chips. Waaaah! Cultural appropriation!
I heard somewhere that fish and chips might be Norwegian. I know for sure we didn’t invent them though.
Bloody sure the Kurds didn’t, anyway. Their chips are crap.
Not only idiots but racists as well….
fuck them……
My granddad fought, and was imprisoned by, the Japanese… My great uncle was at Anzio, and my nana’s house was bombed near Salford docks during The Blitz…. Yet these utter fucking cunts are losing sleep and getting all upset over what a packet of rice is called?!! A packet of fucking rice?! What’s next, Pot Noodles? How about the Pot Noodle in the black tub? Surely they’ll find that offensive?….
They make me fucking sick and each and every one of these ‘offended for being offended’s sake’ bastards should be wiped of the face of the earth before they destroy it entirely… People died so they could live in a free world… But what do they do with it? They get offended by fucking trivia, by absolutely bloody anything, stuff that in the grand scheme of things means absolutely nothing… And they spend their time dictating what people can or can’t do or say… And by doing this they are also spreading racism and fascism…. These cunts are creating a new apartheid and social media is the worst thing that was ever invented…
And Dawn Cuntler should be certified and in a rubber fucking room, the demented, dangerous cunt….
Yup. The more whingeing about trivial slights that ANY minority group produces, the more the rest of society will inevitably dislike it. That’s where true racism gets its impetus.
I am partial to Pol Pot Noodles.
It doesn’t take much to wind the blambos up – as for the Jerk Rice, I don’t give a toss. Dawn Lardbutt is a cuuuunt, as is Flabbott and Bananagob.
Jamie Oliver remains a most punchable jerk.
A bloody top-notch rant, Norman! I wish I’d written it.
Ah bless… Apparently the EU in Brussels are going to name a town square after Saint Holy Jo Of The Blessed Cox…. Well, nobody can say they don’t honour their ‘own’, eh?…
After all, Cox loved Europe, loved the EU, adored those ‘vulnerable’ and ‘lovable’ migrant chappies, and she had little to no time for British poople, voters, families, or pensioners…. So she fits the EU hero bill nicely… However, if it were still World War II, Saint Jo Of The Blessed Cox would be known as a collaborator… That’s what they called those who willingly helped the enemy…
Well, if they start that game there’s no end to the possibilities:
Blair Boulevard
Soubry Street
Lineker Lane
Adonis Avenue
Grayling Gate
Heath Highway
Mandelson Motorway
Shame that we’ve already got Traitors Gate.
Remember seeing a photo a while ago of a street sign (in Leicester, I think) for ‘Urban Grove’. Some smart cunt had painted a ‘T’ in front of the ‘U’…
You forgot Lily Alley.
And Fanny Izzard, Damon ‘Poundland Ray Davies’ Albarn. and Benderdict Cuntberdinck….
Always liked James (the band)… But when Tim Booth said that the result of the EU referendum was ‘the worst day of his life’ he went way down in my estimation… Ah, Timbo… What a cunt you are… Same goes for those cunts, Madness… For all their ‘Britishness’ they want us to stay in the EU snakepit and they openly hate Brexit… So they can now fuck off and all… What’s their next single going to be called? ‘Nightboat To Londonistan’?…
Correction: Mandelson Marmite Motorway
Dawn Buttlard wears white woman’s clothes… except when she’s appropriating Asian women’s clothes that is.
Doubt she’s graduated to white man’s soap yet. Or toothpaste.
However, for the sake of anyone unfortunate enough to find themselves in her vicinity, I would hope she’s appropriated plenty of white man’s ‘SweatBlock Clinical Strength’ antiperspirant /deodorant.
Hey Dawn, get out of that car.
Yes, that car that you’re in.
Get out of it right now, you culturally appropriating uppity bitch.
Your lot haven’t invented anything (except, of course the splendid George Washington Carver…imagine a world without peanut butter? Shudder…)
Necklacing and carjacking are African inventions although they appropriated the technology from the West,
I hope you’re not appropriating English irony there Cuntstable…
Off topic, there are some cunts in Creepy crawley at the moment trying to get signetures for the “people’s vote”!!!!!! Some divvy bird said to me that the United Kingdom could never be independent as we are a small island and would go bankrupt ……. I pointed out iceland and what they done to the bankers and they seem to be doing well, her reply was that they have fish!!!!!!!!!!!! Just looked at the cunt and couldn’t even be bothered to say anything else to it because you know they won’t take anything in
You should have pointed out to the snowflake bitch the similarity of her thinking to that of Napoleon and a certain Mr Hitler. Then asked her if she had any idea what happened to that pair of cunts.
I take it you didn’t sign?
Nah did I fuck…….. I pointed out the fact that I could have an Irish passport and the fact that my kids are half frog didn’t stop me voting out……… She was speechless
I’ve said it before we NEED a fecking good war to clear the decks of all the detritus that has washed up here and the dried up jizz thats morffed into our home grown wankers. Give them something real to worry their sensitive pretty little heads about as the next wave of bombers drones overhead, wankers of the first water , cunts to a man.
And in other news.
US cutting aid to Palestine an ‘assault’ say Palestinians.
Why the fuck the USA was funding terrorism and attacks on Israel in the first place is a mystery to me.
The US needs to just get the hell out of there as it is. They should wipe their hands clean of the conflict and completely pull all funding from both Israel and Palestine.
Agree. Then nuke the lot.
The point was usefully made by a Hamas official (describing the frequent contacts behind the scenes that Hamas has had with Tony Blair, here : https://www.middleeasteye.net/columns/who-stands-benefit-attack-jeremy-corbyn-113002342 )
“I can understand that the Israelis regard Hamas to be a terrorist organisation. Reciprocally, we Palestinians regard Israel to be a terrorist entity. This is how people on opposite sides of a conflict like ours tend to identify each other.”
Given the vastly greater damage done by Israel to Gaza, repeatedly, there’s some basis for agreement with that. Note also that US aid – about 1/10th of its headline aid to Israel, which ignores its military collaboration and support – goes largely to UNRWA (helping not only Israel’s refugee Palestinians, but those in neighbouring countries) and to the Palestinian Authority to equip it to prevent ‘terrorism’ by Palestinians.
Trump is being a cunt. Again.
The appropriately named Juncker and his band of suffocating, superstate creating cunts are as big as threat as either of those arsewipes. My remaining hope before I cark it (well, other than winning the lottery, spending some time in the ‘company’ of some bit-titted women, smoking some decent happy baccy, drinking lots of fine malt whisky, and spending more time in the ‘company’ of more bit-titted women) is to see the Eurostate cunts and their ideas cosigned to that dustbin of history we sometimes hear about. Fucking hell, we’ll need a fucking big bin.
Sorry this was meant as a reply to Freddie’s post above timed at 1.56 pm
Well if they feel that strongly about cultural appropriation they should stop using the internet then. And bin their smartphones. And stop watching their TV or Netflix or whatever it is they watch. They should stop using all the white man’s inventions and move back to the mud huts because otherwise they’re guilty of ‘cultural appropriation’ simply by living in the modern world.
If Halal chicken is slaughtered in the traditional Muslim way, does that mean that one volunteer chicken, has return to the coop wearing a rucksack….
How can you strap a rucksack to a chicken anyway?
You can’t. That’s why they give the chicken a big SUV to drive like fuck into the henhouse.
Somewhere else in fragrant Brussels for the dogs and gimmegrunts to shed a load.
Maybe once her husband has been done for diddling, he’ll become the next Man in the White Frock.
Sorry, meant as a reply to Norman, 12.55
Shouldn’t that be Stabby Jerk Rice?
Yeah but Jamie Oliver is still a cunt though.
Being South Welsh, and sometimes getting behind the wheel, I had the misfortune to end up in Llantwit Major this afternoon, where completely unbeknown to be, they were having a ‘Pride’. As in, Rainbow flags adorning every main-street shopfront, plus seemingly a field-full of action (I didn’t venture far enough to investigate). Tons of ‘families’ out for the day, with kiddies bedecked in ‘Rainbow’ iconography, be it draped in flags or have it stencilled on their person somehow.
A few VERY telling slogans foolishly endorsed in shop fronts that ‘Love Is Love’ and that it ‘Wins’. No prizes for guessing where this ‘love is love’ nonsense is going… I think there’s even an official term for that lot now, ‘MAP’s. As I push an ageing gay 40, I realise how much I hate everything the Rainbow flag stands for, how it is synonymous with the absolute filthy degenerate depths of those that call themselves today’s ‘liberals’. I am a true, proper Libertarian. These pretenders to the throne are the most debased, dissolute, maladjusted freaks imaginable. I sometimes just want to keel over and die at the fact they are calling the shots.
PS. I wouldn’t take Rusty Lee’s opinion on anything. She did one of those still then commercially viable knock-offs of a contemporaneously popular record, Denise La Salle’s version of ‘My Toot Toot’. A stupid song to be sure, but one million times better than the utterly degenerate filth that the blambo girls extrude from their orifices these days.
It’s a rice dish marketed by a jerk. Seems pukka enough to me…