Today let’s give a great big religion of peace, culturally enriched fuck off to the cunts that flew two planes into the World Trade Centre in 2001, especially the king cunt, Mohamed Mohamed el-Amir Awad el-Sayed Atta and his illustious leader Usama bin Mohammed bin Awad bin Ladin.
I’ve been up the old World Trade Centre. One hell of a building and can’t imagine what it must have been like to be up there when a bloody great jet flew into the floors below you, leaving you stranded with no hope of rescue and with the choice of being burned to death or jumping. At least when it collapsed they were spared the choice.
The picture is one I took in New York earlier this year of the memorial for the dead at Ground Zero. The squares are the exact footprint of the old towers. It brings it home to you just how many people were slaughtered in the name of Islam as you read the names chiselled in the surround.
I was in Santorini on holiday at the time. One of the Americans staying with us had a son whose office was in the first tower hit. It was two days before he managed to get a message through to his parents that he wasn’t in the office that day. Kinda makes it feel more real, doesn’t it?
So fuck you Islam, fuck your so called prophet and fuck all religions everywhere come to that if they can lead people to do things like this. Cunts the lot of you.
Welcome to the 21st century – and you certainly are welcome to it. It’s a fucking shitfest…
Nominated by Dioclese
It’s extremists. It’s radical Islam. Innocents are radicalised.
Fill in whichever apology the cunts come up with.
Wahabi is orthodox. Iran, on the other side of their pathetic ‘my god’s better than yours’ divide is also orthodox. Isis follows orthodox Wahabi lines. The Taliban are also pretty mainstream.
So what is radical? Extreme?
Public executions and maimings? Killing of apostates and homosexuals? Enslaving non-muslims? Forbidding discussion or dissent? Blowing up other muslims at mosque? Forbidding education and rights to women? Hatred of just about everything? Jews, Westerners, Easterners? Murdering a Glasgow shopkeeper who you disagree with?
Burning books? Destroying artifacts? Murdering the innocent? Persuading suicide bombers through the lies of scripture?
All of the above are justified by their scripture. So, let’s not have ‘extreme’ and ‘radical’. Let’s not propagate the fiction of a religion of peace. It isn’t and never has been.
The threat to civilisation is orthodox Islam underpinned by liberal bullshit and labels of phobia and’ far right’.
And as Dio says. We should remember this date.
Yeah but they were poor Muslims forever under the heel of the Great Satan and the oppressive Crusader, no, hang on, hang on, they were wealthy educated Saudis living the life of fucking riley. Just a particularly ‘orrible strain of their particularly obnoxious religion.
We interrupt this cunting with breaking news:–
Rejoice! Carney staying on at the B of E.
Saved! We are saved!
What a useless fucking tosser that man is.
Sums up the calibre of those who employ him.
He’s going to “steer the economy safely through Brexit.”
What’s not to like?
The cunt couldn’t steer a pedal car into an aircraft hangar. If he wasn’t so irremediably useless he’d make a perfect avatar for the bottom end of mediocrity.
Yeh like the captain of the titanic!! I wouldn’t trust that Goldman Sachs rent boy with the whip money up the pub!!
Fucking establishment cunt!!!
The only good thing about Mark Carney is that he was my gateway into IS a cunt .com. If I didn’t deteste this fucking wankstain and puppet of the elite so much I would never have found my number one website.
Brilliant fucking news. Where would we be without this Goldman Sachs puppet and EU propagandist?
Cunt should have been sent packing back to his libtard homeland two years ago.
What does this overpaid cunt actually do other than give some bogus economic forecast every month as well as pondering what do with interest rates should inflation rise and fall?
Every prediction he has given has been way out, upsetting the City, and generally making the economy a whole lot worse! And yet he gets paid for this guess work, nothing better than those cunting weather forecasters who don’t really give a shit about what they say other than when the next pay cheque is due in.
All those fucking “experts” and advisers wanking off at the BoE, but doing what exactly? Looking at stats and pretty graphs and wondering whether to follow a Keynesian economic policy, Hayek or Smith et al, and still manage to fuck it all up.
Nice job for little or no accountability
This is the most appalling, sexist act.
Why no lezza eggand ?
No intelligence required, current cunt has already proved that.
I’ll never forget my wife’s last words….”Keep pounding me with that big black cock, my husband won’t be home for hours”….
On the subject of religious fuckwits, a red heifer has been born in Israel, apparently this is a sign that the third temple should be built and that we are in the ‘end times ‘ when the ‘Messiah ‘ will return . The heifer is to be examined by a bunch of balloon heads, sorry Rabbi’s, ( beats working for a living ) in order to determine if it is red all over, it has to be completely red to be declared fit for slaughter, a requirement before the temple can be built. Of course before its construction can go ahead the Dome of the Rock would have to be demolished, that should be interesting.
The Middle East is infested with religious numbskulls , the sooner it’s vapourised the better.
Good afternoon.
A bad case of ginger hair dye, no doubt, eerily coinciding with Trump’s bowing to the redneck fundies over the ICC. Too bad the Israelites haven’t twigged that they don’t get raptured during The Rapture, just the Southern Baptists.
The ‘red’ cow farm:,7340,L-4681306,00.html
Plenty more religious ritual bollocks there, and btw, after going through all that the poor beast’s throat will be slit according to kosher (=halal, Islamophobes) practice.
Fucking religiously demented savages.
Europe aint been the same since it abandoned the old pagan Gods and adopted the 3 Semitic religions Judaism,Christianity and Islam.The Greeks and Romans were extremely tolerant in matters of religion-you could believe any bullshit you wanted as long as you respected other peoples Gods.Thats why they “persecuted” the Jews and Christians-the cunts were spoilsports,wanted every cunt to adopt their view of the world willing or not.The Christian cunts even destroyed the books of the pagans-99% of the Greco-Roman wisdom went up in flames and it took Europe over 1000 years to reach the living standards enjoyed by the ancients.
While we are (rightly) cunting the peacefuls for their part in 9/11….can we also spare a cunt for the hollow headed buffoons that think Osama and his merry bunch of cave dwelling camel jockey goat fuckers actually orchestrated it all by themselves?
Now where did I put my tin hat…..
Police funding: Met chief ‘disappointed’ by police pay rise
Cressida Dick said she was “extremely disappointed” by the decision to give police a 2% rise, against the 3% recommendation of an independent board.
I suspect those living in London are “extremely disappointed” by the sharp increase in stabbings, murders, moped related crime and crime figures generally Cressida.
You’ve gone too far this time Stroker. Lucky you’re not living in South Yorkshire. Or are you…?
South Yorkshire Police tweeted:
“In addition to reporting hate crime, please report non-crime hate incidents, which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing. Hate will not be tolerated in South Yorkshire. Report it and put a stop to it.”
Now that’s what I call policing!
How about looking at someone in a funny way?
Not the nine o’clock news. Constable Savage.
Or wearing a loud shirt in a built-up area
But only during the hours of darkness surely.
Memory isn’t quite so good these days. Is it still illegal to be in possession of an offensive wife?
Yes, I think so.
All actionable I’m sure. You two better watch your step.
When I win the lottery I’m going to spend a tidy sum in having Arthur C. Clarke reincarnated just so that I can commission him to find out if Cressida Dick really exists. I mean, the Metropolitan Fuzz/Scuffers/Rozzers can’t be so short of talented officers (cue guffaw) as to make her the most suitable person to appoint as, er, um, what exactly is that she does again?
I’ve got nothing against our Islamic friends or their strange cultural practices. I don’t mind their Sharia law, their cruelty to animals, their enslavement of women and unbelievers, their fondness for fucking children, their pastime of pushing benders off high places…..they can carry on killing each other all they like. I have a very right on liberal attitude to the religion of peace. It’s their country they can do what they like.
So pack your bags, get on the Infidels’ aeroplane and fuck off back to whatever shithole you come from. Don’t worry I won’t be coming over there with my fucking bible and fancy Western ways, taking the piss and telling you what to do. Ain’t gonna happen Abdul. So gather up your slave wife and your brainwashed brats and get the fuck out of my country you fucking savage. Ok?
But Islam is a religion of peace……
Well argued FtF. These fuckers screw up their own countries and then move to affluent European countries. Then they want the same laws here that failed in all the muslim countries. They just don’t get it. And it’s becoming obvious that they don’t believe that they have to abide by British law. I honestly believe that within the next 25 years or so there will be a Civil War here between the British and fuckwit muslims. Cunts!
Unfortunately we have somehow elected a government, opposition party and national mainstream media to aid and abet their backward medieval ways. It might be a case of ISAC and Sir Nigel of Farage holding back the barbarians at the gates.
Count me in Liberal.
I don’t think you can count on Sir Nigel to be defend us against the saracens.
But Islam is a religion of peace……
OK BBC spokesperson of non-specific gender-fluid persuasion, where is our Krav?
May all who died that day rest in peace.
You’d think that 9/11 … or 11/9 as normal people would say … would’ve made the west turn on those barbarians and tell em to stay in the fucking desert and sewage where they belong.
Instead Blair and the other lefties let em all in, kiss their arses, give them special treatment, exemption from the law, permission to rape our girls, torture animals and blow us up….
Complete capitulation. It’s pathetic.
…if anyone sees Tony Blair, or any lefty in fact, please kick the cunt in the nuts. …. they’ll probably write you a cheque, give you their house and let you have a go on their wives and daughters.
…or is it only OUR money, housing and women that they’ll give away? …
It seems the right to offend and the right to be offended is a one-way street DtS, white, male, Christian and straight conservatives getting the shitty end of the stick.
They don’t have any nuts to kick, DS
Yeah, but it was Saddam wot dunnit, he weren’t a proper peaceful, he said bad things about Dubbya’s daddy, and besides, Islam is a religion of peace. Not a lot of people know that.
PS: James O’Shithead this morning saying overwhelming majority of mainstream media is pro Brexit, explaining why cunts don’t care if we don’t get a deal…
My life is so much better now that I haven’t heard that prize cunt’s bullshite for a few months….
Can’t believe the cunt is still brexit, brexit, brexit on his show!
You’d think he’d give up and find something else to whine about.
Hard to believe I know, but he’s got worse!
Mainstream media pro brexit??
Oh really o shithead?
Yeh the bbc and sky are wonky eyed leavers! As of course is the mirror, independent , guardian, evening standard , observer and times!!! All rabid leavers!
All EU hating brexit attack dogs!
Daft Cunt…….
Seriously deluded cunt, that’s for sure.
He also says EVERY SINGLE prediction he’s ever made about Brexit has come true!
Indeed, every normal cunt, whatever their ethnic background hates and fears the goatshaggers. Except, of course, the libtards who never have to go anywhere near the cunts. Strangely the said candle carrying libtards are opposed to all the core values of the peaceful culture yet they lick their arses. Ask a libtard about this glaring contradiction and all they can say is “raaay-sist.”
Who, you or me cunt?
Islam isn’t a race cunt that’s why you invented the term “Islamophobia” cunt. Didn’t you know that cunt?
Oh, just fuck off cunt. It’s like talking to a retarded child.
How many times???
BLAIR ISN’T A LEFTY! He’s a selfservative, a globalist, and he works for global corporates and dictators. He’s a fan of strong government by an elite. He didn’t even complete his final term as MP for an area devastated by de-industrialisation, and I have yet to hear the term ‘working-class’ fall from his lips. Cunt yes. Gigacunt, teracunt, yes. But not a lefty.
Nuke Iraq and Iran
Libya, Syria. Pakistan
With a nick nack paddywhack, give a dog a bone
Why don’t peacefuls fuck off home?!
Might have known those Swedish cunts would bottle their chance to change things and do fuck all… They were fucking useless during the war and they are fucking useless now… They deserve to drown in a tide of camelbuggering rapeugee human filth…. Cunts! Cowards and cunts!
My thoughts entirely.
Me too…….
spineless Cunts ????
Viking ferocity was clearly a myth. Limp wristed, blonde fannies.
17 years today eh? I remember watching it for hours on the telly and thinking……..fucking hell, the world has just changed for ever, those primitive cunts have just fucked themselves.
Over those 17 years the peaceful population of the UK has doubled.
Shows you how much this cunt knows.
Yea I was the same. Remember saying to my mate that this was the start of ww3.
Little did I know that our politicians would win a couple of battles then surrender, hand the gains over to Isis and surrender their own countries without a fight.
If it ever does kick off the lefties all need shooting for treason.
It’s the first thing I would do if ever civil war broke out. The perceived enemy can wait, I’d be off Pol Potting all the lib fuckers (and that includes all those just following orders for the pension) , just to make sure this never ever happens again.
Someone (whose name escapes me) once said: “The enemy is anyone who will do you harm, irrespective of the flag they fly or the uniform they wear.”
Never a truer word was spoken.
great news !! JOS has a book out in November!! not sure what it’s about yet but probably along the lines of what a kind considerate person he is and how anyone who supports BREXIT is no doubt a knuckle dragging moron and racist as well. something like that .
Titled Mein Kampf
Runaway blockbuster Christmas bestseller guaranteed!
He probably thinks that christmas is islamophobic ….
Mein Krap, more like…
I don’t know how O’Shithead gets away with it. Even his snowflake fans must get bored listening to his repetitive whining for three fucking hours day after day. I imagine this book will be more about him than anything else and I guarantee the cunt will have his picture on the cover. I will wait until I can pick it up for 40p at a boot sale. When i’ve read it I will use the pages to wipe my arse with, get my money’s worth.
London’s darkies need to pull their fingers out if they’re going to bust through the assumed landmark of 200 murders this year.
Come on guys, you can do it!
I dunno Thomas, there are only so many architects to go around.
Last time I went to London it looked like a cross between Addis Ababa and a 1984 PG Tips advert. There appeared to be hundreds of thousands of surplus-to-requirements trainee architects that could be gotten rid of.
Fucking London, eh? What a revolting shithole.
Avez vous un cuppa ?
It’s funny when they talk.
Good evening.
Not sure whether to post here or on the Serena Williams nom.
For the sporting connection obviously.
Posting on Serena Williams nom would be an insult to the chimpanzee community.
I should’ve said this yesterday…
Serena Gorilliams!
Maybe we should ask the Krauts for another Blitz?….
Tommy TCE, they put the DEAD in deadline.
More than 50 % of London’s population is of foreign origin, that’s a statistical fact and that’s not counting the untold illegals.
Eventually the only white British people you will see will be rich fuckers or poor cunts who disappear at 5pm for their long journey home on the sardine special.
On this day, a day of unfathomable terror, distress, and mayhem, we should show a bit of compassion by remembering that not all Múzlems are terrorists. Some of them are rapists.
Think I am right in stating that the BBC has made no mention today of the anniversary of the 9/11 atrocity, on either the BBC news or on the BBC news website.
Happy to be corrected if wrong.
I think your right WS, but when there is Grenfell and Windrush to hand-ring about what’s 3000 lives?
The Prophet Mohammed ( shithead b his name ) is the epicentre of the international goat shagging cult that seems to worship paedophilia and beheading any poor fucker of a normal disposition. What sickens me more than this bunch of camel fucking sand rats,are the hordes of politicians fawning around there ring pieces and inviting the filthy scum bags into a civilized society. 9/11 should have been the bugle call to action, but alas, the call to prayer is the only sound to be heard in most cities of the UK now. I am of an age that predates all of this political shite, and in my world non of these fuckers would draw breath. How times have changed. And ( off piste I know ) that piece of dingle dangle from the crack of Merkels fanny needs shot of! PM !? PM my hairy fucking arsehole.
1: day it took GMP to arrest A 15 year old football fan who tweeted racist word at Premier League footballer….
24: days with NO arrests by GMP since BBC linked incitement to murder at Didsbury mosque to 22 people’s murders in Manchester….
468: days with NO arrests by GMP since
The Sun ran same story…
GMP: Cunts!
I remember the memorial gig in NY for the 9/11 victims… The Who owned that event (one of their last gigs with the Ox), and Macca came up with one of his worst ever songs (no mean feat), with the diabolically shite ‘Freedom’… Quite amazing that nearly 20 years after one of the worst terrorist attacks and mass murders in the western world, that the problems with these murderous camelshagging barbaric human filth are worse than ever… And I blame that Obama cunt for that…
Yesterday my imaginary god told me that I couldn’t eat pork chops for my tea… I promptly told my imaginary god to fuck right off…
To the tune of the ‘Banana Splits’ theme tune…
Fuck Allah!
Lal-La-La La!
Fuck Allah!
Lal-La-La La!
Anyone have Fenella Fielding in their dead pool?
Arguably one of the sexiest voices ever, Fenella…. I still love her Morecambe and Wise appearance… Oldham Athletic!
Bin laden family actually very good friends with the bush family I hate Islam gooks chinks as the next man but bush did the twin towers to get the war in Iraq started to get the oil
Hello. We have a bona fide nutter on board. Welcome.
are you looking in mirror
The arch cunt Anjem Choudary to be released on licence in October. As he is such a relentless gobshite hopefully he’ll be back in within a week.
They’re releasing him early cos he poses a “genuinely dangerous” threat to public safety, according to Prisons Minister Rory Stewart today.
Choudary remains a “deeply pernicious, destabilising influence”, whom MI5 and police would have to “watch like a hawk” to stop him inciting further violence, added Rory Stewart.
This country is finished.
Lucy Powell Mp wants to make moderators legally liable for all posters hate speech on online forums.That is me fucked then :p
I’ve just cunted the odious Powell, Shaun… What with her, Burnham, and the Glazers my outlook in Manchester isn’t promising, pal….
And that cunting Poet at that one love concert.
That cuntess Powell is a double for Milibollocks in a wig.
Fenella Fielding dead at 90.
September 11th 2001, I remember it well. I was in the Emma E Booker Elementary School in Florida reading “The Pet Goat” to the children. Somebody whispered in my ear about this terrible attack but I carried on reading for 20 minutes because I wanted to see what happened to the cute little goat.
Hold on!……that wasn’t me that was George fucking Bush!
PS the goat was gang banged by peacefuls and ritually slaughtered for Ramadamadingdong.
I love a happy ending.