Ms Doctor Who

I well remember when the Doctor first appeared way, way back in 1963. It was a weekend in November, when the world reeled to news of JFK’s assassination, and what a welcome distraction it was from that awfulness. Shortly afterwards the Daleks put in their first appearance, and Doctor Who was on its way towards becoming an institution, dare I say a ‘national treasure’. I was an avid fan for years, even though it eventually went down the pan and was axed by Al-beebra in 1989.
Anyway, it was a case of ‘welcome back’ in 2005, and for the first few series, with Eccleston then Tennant, it really was pretty good. Unfortunately, Russell T Davies then the insufferable Steven Moffat got a grip, and started to use what was basically early evening family viewing to promote an insidious ‘right on’ identity politics agenda. The show’s been going downhill ever since, to the point where I’ve barely watched at all for the last three series.
Now fans will be aware that the Doc’s been a white bloke in every previous incarnation of his thousand year life, but according to Moffat, that’s not ‘progressive’ or ‘inclusive’ enough. The poor old Doc’s had his nuts cut off, and come October, we’ll have Ms Doctor Who, another nail in the coffin.
Okay, it’s just a show. Does it really matter? I think it does. I’ve got absolutely nothing against heroines. I love Wonder Woman and Princess Leia, but they’re, er, women. Of course in the world of Doctor Who, literally anything can happen, it’s fiction. But even a fictional universe must have an internal consistency to avoid absurdity, and a sex change Doctor is just one step too far even for this pc blighted travesty. There’s no going back now, I fear, and the next reincarnation will probably be a black lesbian.
While we’re at it, let’s put in another call for a black James Bond, or make it Jane Bond. What about a female Indiana Jones? I mean, all these icons are just white males, so it doesn’t matter, really. Let’s have a remake of ‘Shaft’ then, Matt Damon would be great in the role. What’s that, did somebody just yell ‘cultural appropriation’?
You mess with icons at your peril, and I hate the cunts who even think about messing with mine in the name of ‘diversity’.

Nominated by Ron Knee

The BBC are now going to make Doctor Who even more ‘diverse’… A reliable source has said that the new right on female Doctor (Jumpable Jodie) will take her two young gifted and black companions back in time to events that are ‘significant’ to their ethnic background’… One such story apparently involving the Doc and her brown buddies meeting Rosa Parks in 1950s Alabama… That’s real swashbuckling sci-fi boys own adventure, eh? The young’ uns are going to love that, aren’t they? That’ll give the Daleks and Sontarans a run for their money… So, it is now officially an ‘educational’ politically correct programme to tell us all how great black people are? Will Missy return as Mammy?! This is pure propaganda that would put Goebells to shame and the BBC are disgusting cunts…

Nominated by Norman

Jodi Whittaker as the new Doctor Who?

Good job Daleks don’t have cocks or she’d be royally fucked…

Nominated by Dioclese

Anyhow, this is more like it :

75 thoughts on “Ms Doctor Who

    • Apologies for hanging off your post KC. I see on the Brussels Broadcasting Cunts they are doing a special (as they always do) on demented cunts of all persuasions who require mental health guidance and help from kids as young as 6. They are whining like a premenstrual teenager that there isn’t “specialist help” available 24x7x365 regardless if its at school or home
      It then went on to highlight and interview the parent (note no apostrophe) because Dad had reared the half wit and then fucked off to rear another clutch of retarded fucks completely dependent on the state (ie you, me and most tax paying cunters on here) – oh no, not just when at a school with “special teachers” to mop up their every burp, belch and fart then go through book chapter and verse to a similar pile of cunts who were of course their “management” – literally every cunt who felt they needed a “report” of how dumb arsed Jane and John weren’t coping in reception class because they were classed as “in need of constant care and first class attention” to cope with their “trauma”. It didn’t go into massive detail – just the fact that the school headshrinkers didn’t think that Jane and John weren’t given enough special attention to nurse the little cunts through the cruel path of school and the undoubted shit we ALL received when snatched from our Mothers tit and dropped into the abyss of what most of us would describe as “growing up without our mothers tit” for 5 hours a day.
      And on it went to an almost sense of child abuse and there weren’t enough £30k a year social workers in every fucking school with multiples of that salary sat in some satellite office whining and moaning that their staff were underpaid, undervalued and of course overworked.
      I will end that bit of 21st Century “self entitlement” and we (the royal we – you and me) aren’t doing enough for this mamby pamby generation of snowflakes who require constant round the clock pity and understanding “we” aren’t giving them.
      I am of a generation who had Grandparents who went through the Great War as combatants and the 2nd World war as active participants having not only given up their own youth but were encouraged to give up their children for the furtherance of peace and an end to the Hun who had callously vowed a thousand year Reich.
      I loved my Grandfather with a love I felt for no one as losing my Father (his son) when he was 27 gave me the reason to love my Grandfather even more. A giant of a man and having received shrapnel wounds at the first battle of the Somme which could not be removed due to their proximity to his spine which would, on the risk of extracting them, ran the risk of him losing the use of the rest of his body with a poor prognosis for recovery (he spent 6 months recovering and recuperating at a field Hospital near Rheims) . He went back to the Western front, was involved in the Battle of Ypres and the second battle of the Somme. He was made a sergeant in the field and an RSM on his 22nd Birthday. He left the military and became a Police Officer being a Sargent in the old County Palatine Police. He left with his pension, time served and ended up as the Station Manager at Green Ayre station in Lancaster (later axed by Beaching).. I have rambled dear cunters but please humour me.
      My Grandfather left school at 10 – was a part timer in the local cotton mill, lost his Dad after a building site accident and his Mum of consumption 2 years later. All that “stress” through childhood and wars without a kind word from anyone apart from promises of a land fit for heroes – which never materialised. He told me of an incident that upset him more than gun, cannon or going over the top – he was 76 and had never relayed this story even to his wife (my Grandmother) and as his only boy my Dad was dead he was a bit weary of me asking if he had ever killed anyone or seen a person he had shot – all the dumb shit that kids ask. He told me his story. He had been assigned to a burial duty close to the front line on the Somme after a particularly brutal days fighting with many lost on both sides. The opposing sides were as close as 30 feet apart and both sides were burying their fallen comrades, laying them side by side and had made crude wooden crosses with the name of the soldier, his rank and regiment (these were the lucky ones who weren’t vaporised or blown to smithereens by Artillery / machine gun fire). Such was the rush to have them interred prior to the resumption of hostilities that could have happened at any moment out of 12 young soldiers who were to be buried 4 of them were still alive but having been pronounced beyond practical help as designated by the medical orderlies and having had extreme Unction said by the field chaplain my Grandfather waited for almost an hour listening to the final cries of men (children really – 18-20, no more) asking for their mothers until the last one breathed their final breath and were buried almost immediately and even before they were cold. My Granddad was 20.
      Snap back to me, sat on the knee of my beloved Grandfather who I loved more than life itself – tears rolling down his cheeks and I, feeling so awkward and helpless that the man I loved so much was reduced, to that day, as that young man, to just like a child, looking for some kind of absolution or understanding from his Grandson for something I couldn’t even understand never mind absolve or forgive him.
      When I read about those “poor” kids of today, mollycoddled and nursed through stuff they should have to experience to just make it in life I think of the words of My Granddad and his “story”. I don’t advocate anyone should have had to endure such tragedy and witness such carnage but I do wonder about what kind of soft arsed hand fed and reared cunts we are breeding today when we lost so many children who didn’t even have a pot to piss in, never mind someone who gave a fuck.
      Thank you for allowing me to reminisce – and probably make a cunt of myself to boot, but, If I was to do it anywhere, the ISAC family of cunts is as good a place as any.
      Regards and thanks

      • Deeply moving that mate. No word of a lie, you had me there with you. One grandad on HMS Ajax, the other merchant sailor torpedoed by U96, survived courtesy of HMCS Sherbrooke, Canucks who stopped and risked their own lives. Anyway, your story, not mine. Thanks again.

      • Conto, that had me on the verge of tears. War sucks and my experience of it is limited (was a REMF throughout my career). Thankfully, I came across young guys n girls with the guts to do dirty stuff. So, to some extent, we can sleep soundly. What would happen in a World War situation God only knows. Conscripting millenials, ethnics, gender benders?

  1. The new sonic screwdriver looks like a sex toy. Or maybe it’s just Steven Moffat’s battered-up, well used butt plug.

  2. Not in love with the idea of a female Doctor Who… But, as far as Jodie is concerned, I would…. I would, I would, I would, and then I fucking well would again….

    • Tut, tut Norman – never thought you would descend into such a smutty posting. Psst, if you get any dirt on her pass it along 😉
      Got an email today from United, asking if I wanted tickets for Utd v Valencia. I think “Fuck off” will see me off the waiting list 😉

  3. We all know that the Tardis is massive inside, so treat it like an Ark, all the peaceful ones , all the blicks, pikeys, feminazis and all the other cunts, round the fuckers up, herd ’em in, then launch the bastards off on a one way trip to far fucking far away .
    And still be home in time for tea and buns, hurrah !

  4. I think by offering roles of existing characters played by white men to women or effnicks is tokenism and patronising to them. Where is the desire to go and create innovative and original material ? Its just easier to band around the same old shite of “oh its 2018” or spout ‘diversity’ and dress it up being progressive.

  5. Wonder if the lady herself is bigger on the inside?

    I’d smash her like a Martian Smash Man smashing a big plate of Cadbury’s Smash….

  6. I can see viewing figures soaring, with loads of wheezing old gits tuning in for a pant at what’s the Doc’s now got in her pants.

    • After the regeneration from Capaldi to Whittaker the Doc should have grabbed her new tits and said, ‘That’s the first pair I’ve copped a feel of in centuries!’

      • Haven’t really watched it since the originals (and only then because of Louise Jameson, I’ll bet a few fellow cunters remember her and with a Kleenex handy….phew!!). Did once watch it for that hot old bint who was married to Fiennes.
        Glad to see Capaldi is now free of the noose…..hopefully to return from the lost years to reprise Thick of It.
        And yes Jodie is very dooable.

  7. Mrs Norman wants to see that ‘A Star Is Born’ twaddle… I, however, have no desire whatsoever to see Todger Gaga doing very bad Barbara Streisand impressions…. No ta…..

    • Never thought I would side with The Sulky One Norm, but Pogba is like a boil that needs lancing, take the hit in the wallet if need be but cant have a player who thinks he is bigger than the club.

      • Very true, Liberal Liquidator…
        What’s the difference between Pogba and a Black Widow?
        One is black, has long legs and is very poisonous… While the other one is a spider…..

        Pogba is a cunt….

  8. I’m not gonna watch this fucking shower! I would however like to dip my sonic screwdriver in her intergalactic Gary ……

    • Y’know Norm, the more I look at that picture, the more I’m coming round to the idea of Jodie in the Tardis but she needs some sort of black leather outfit.
      I hope the idea of cutting the Doc’s fucking cobs off backfires spectacularly on that insufferably smug ‘right on’ cunt Moffat. Imagine the irony of it; five million old guys tuning in to fuel their fantasies about bending delectable Jodie over the console, and giving the ‘v’ to the cunt.
      Moffat really is a cunt.

      • ITV Cymru News had some grim footage last night, thought it was Andrea Byrne swimming in the buff.

        Turned out to be a report on sea-lions.

  9. First of all the character should not be a doctor as that discriminates against spasos. secondly,how dare the BBC specify a person’s gender: An act of violence. Must be portrayed by a dual heritage, POC who is non-binary,trans, differently able,neurodiverse,Muslim on Mondays and gay on Tuesdays and cisgendered at weekends,oh and in a wheelchair,and be an asylum seeker after 9.00 PM.

    • Suckdick Khan to do jury duty next week, a chance to marvel at the diversity of Londonistan coz penny to a pound it will be a cultural enricher in the dock.

      • Suckdick will be sent home the first day. You can’t be a juror if you know or are related to the accused.
        I bet he is wanking himself silly tonight imagining himself as James Fonda in “Twelve Angry Men”, the ultimate bleeding heart liberal who is so much smarter than the plebs.

      • Fuck! I meant HENRY Fonda the cunt. While i’m here fuck Dr Who, fuck Star Wars and Star Trek, fuck Spider-Man and Batman, fuck Harry Potter and fuck James fucking Bond!
        Fucking kids stuff, give it a fucking rest.

      • There’s bin quite a few birds in the various permutations of Star Trek over the years that I’d like to fuck.

        All Star Wars can go to hell… and never seen ANY Harry Potter, thank God.

        ’60s TV Batman was cool…

  10. I’m amazed at the “Dr. Who” programme’s longevity. Although I haven’t any interest in it myself,haven’t seen it since I was a child,it’s apparent that other people do still care. I suppose the programme makers must be doing something right if they can continue to keep viewers watching,even if it’s just to ogle Jodie,or pick up on how many examples of “snowflakeness” appear in each new episode.
    I’d have watched if I’d known that Jenna Coleman was in it. Found a clip of her topless from some film on Youtube a while ago. Lovely set on her,if slightly droopy considering her age. However,I’m prepared to forgive the droopiness,it’s not like they’re “nasty” droopy,more like the kind of droopy that just results from gravity and not from being attached to a fat fucker,or even worse,some old biddy. No, a bit of droop on a nice set of wapps is alluring. Kelly Brook is another who falls into the same category…forgivable droop because the whole package just works.

    Fuck them.

    • There are a great number of Kelly Brook topless pics on google images, Mr F…well worth an ogle. Nips like the wheel nuts on a 1970’s Scammell.
      Have you seen ‘Piranha 3d’?

      • I haven’t seen it, Mr. Cunt-Engine,but I will. I see that she’s 38 now. It’s a shame that more women don’t take her as an example. Seems that as soon as most women reach 30 they just give up and let themselves go. Lazy trouts.

      • Fucking right, Mr F. It’s just damned laziness. I’m 46, 5’9 and 12 stone on the nose, same as I’ve been for the last quarter century, just from diet and excercise.
        I predict that once the house is sold and we’re divorced, the ghastly Mrs Cunt Engine will become fat as one of those cunts on “My 600 lb life”.
        I hope so anyway.

    • Got to admit Dick, the last time I saw a full episode it was in Black and White and I saw most of it hiding behind the sofa shit scared of the Daleks. I even went to the flicks to see the first movie. When I realised the set was moving like a coronation street scene at Jack and Vera’s where Jack slams the door and the whole fucking set shook (right after finding out Santa wasn’t real and that tooth fairy cunt was my religion obsessed mother leaving a tanner under my pillow – not even a shilling like my mates got) it kind of felt a bit too childish. I moved on to watching real scary stuff, the earliest I remember was a drama on ITV called “Mystery and imagination”. Now that was fucking scary.

      • Evening Cunto. It’s amazing how many grown people still watch something that is,essentially, a kiddie’s programme. Suppose it’s a nostalgia thing with most of them. Fair do if they enjoy it ,but I didn’t much care for it as a child, and really can’t imagine that the addition of Gays and Darkies will change my mind.

  11. Well I suppose a progressive outcome of this will be the legitimized use of the expression, ‘you’ve got a fanny like a tardis’.


  12. Doctor Who is clearly a vehicle for the promotion of white supremacism. Why else would they choose a racially pure female of Aryan Herrenvolk extraction for the starring role?

    She should find herself a nice SS officer to impregnate her and settle down with, imho.

  13. I have about as much interest in Dr Who as in Cuntination Street, that is a black hole sized zero. It became even more irrelevant as soon as got itself a botty boy for a writer. I will not knowingly tolerate any arts or culture created, written or scored by a Gaylord. It’s like that cunt Jonacunt Woss, as soon as I know it’s on or in there I switch off. It’s a waste of my head space and is cuntish in the extreme.

  14. Come off it. The Dr Who ‘reboot’ was pants. The whole point of the show was terrible sets, silly make up and costumes, gritty one liners and dashing attempts to save the day in the final episode of the story…..all for kids on a Saturday teatime.

    Full on production values, ‘serious’ acting, story arcs and stories with clever clever multiple layers is not the stuff of which Who is made.

    I’ve mentioned before I caught a glimpse of an early reboot episode by accident. Things made from plastic were attacking people. Some cunt was walking down the street and a wheelie bin started to harass them. It looked like a Monty Python sketch.

    Tom Baker was the best Dr. Followed by Jon Pertwee. The Master and the Brigadier were ace as were the Daleks and that cunt Davros. Peter Cushing gets an honourable mention because he was just brill. Everything else Dr Who was and is shite. The end.

  15. I gave up watching Dr Who after William Hartnel and Patrick Troughton’s era. Never liked That camp old cunt John Pertwee .

  16. Patrick Troughton was the Doc for me, but I think all his episodes were wiped. Haven’t watched it for years, though that Scottish sidekick with the long legs was cute. I truly think I’m in a Dr Who parallel universe now, where everything I was sure was true is now a myth apparently. Madness, everywhere madness!

      • Nothing is as progressive as a moslem dr who fighting for ISIS to annoy old fans of the show. Thats exactly whats being done here with the female dr who instead of a desert cult with suicide bombers dr who. We get a in charge feminist cunt dr who whos really concerned about human rights and all that shite

  17. Anyone else think this Kavanagh saga is just a desperate attempt by the Democrats to not lose control of the supreme court?

    • That’s exactly what it is Shaun.

      Yesterday in work I was sickened when the AL-BEEB Lies 24 presenter said (playing Devils advocate but knowing the response): “And is this enough to hinder judicial proceedings.”

      When some snowflake life experience of a fruit fly bint just said: “YES!” – while looking at me expecting an affirmative.

      Alas I said: “Do you know about the McCarthy witch hunts of the early 1950’s?”

      The vacant look on her face told me that history (and probably reading in general – away from the memes of FaceTwat) was not her strong suit. Either that or she wasn’t used to not being immediately agreed with.

      So then I said: “Have you seen the film Trumbo?”

      I could see her thinking: “That’s abart eleephants in’it?”

      So I interjected: “Yes it’s a really interesting film. About the presumption of guilt until proved innocent and condemnation through association without any need for any real evidence or facts. It’s quite sad really.”

      And then the clincher: “Except back then it was the leftists being persecuted for no good reason. But I guess that was ok too!”

      And walked off.

      She’ll probably spend all weekend trying to find me on (anti)social media
      Just to unfriend me.

      Good luck with that, cunt!

      Either that or is trying to work out what “condemnation” means. Doss cunt!

      • The kavanaugh trial is surreal like how is this going on still?! the way the democrats and the sanhedrin are treating Brett is truly disgusting

  18. It’s a load of old bollocks. Some old slag crying her eyes out trying to stitch some bloke up for something that allegedly happened 40 fucking years ago just because he’s a mate of the Tangoman.
    Fuck me who, at 19 years old, didn’t get pissed and get their cock out? Who didn’t grope some bird at a party? I don’t say it was clever but you don’t expect to get banged up for it 40 years later.
    This bloke is guilty of nothing more than being a mate of Trump. If he goes down he will be the very definition of a political prisoner. That’s something that any Yank will tell you doesn’t happen in the good old ?? USA. Well it does now cunt!

    • When I was at school and college I drank until I passed out. Most blokes and birds have.I also when I was 16 took all my clothes off and jumped naked on a trampoline.The point Is all teenagers are that’s doesn’t make everyone a rapist or pervert.They asked him whether he blacked out at high school!Everyone did!

      Funny how the Democrats never questioned Bill Clinton accusers.

    • I just think the Demo have orchestrated the whole thing.Senator Feinstein found out about the allegations last month yet kept quiet until just before the confirmation process.Reminds me of when Trumps accusers came forward just when the polls narrowed.

      Also they way they asked Kavanagh if he drank at college whilst wanting to bring an alleged witness who is a raging alcoholic to the stand.

    • Just the sound of that bitch’s voice and the manner of her delivery made my blood boil! Party politics at its most cynical. Kick her in the cunt until it resembles Lord Adonis’s head if ever I met him in a dark alleyway at night, or lock her up at the very least.

    • Indeed…

      Most odd that these “victims” wait best part of a 1 / 3 rd of a C to spill their bile. And, by Dog, she was a bit of a whiner… College kids having a grope in the halls, nothing more.

      As for the above pic, the one on the left looked quite “stimulating”…lots of nobbly bits for added pleasure. The chubby, boxy one in navy on the right suggested severe discipline, but the one in the middle…not too sure. Looks like her gravitational field displacement manifold could be a bit sore and weepy…

      I too think Tom Baker was the best, although Pertwee was my childhood intro to the prog. Wonderfully lugubrious voice.

  19. Not a Dr Who fan although I like the theme tune.
    I’d get in the Tardis with her and give her one though.

  20. The whole fucking shebang went south when the arse-ferret John Nathan Turner assumed the mantle of producer.

    He tried to reign Tom Baker in much to Baker’s resistance. Peter Davison thought he was a bum drilling cunt too.

    • Always liked Peter Davison… When he was dying/regenerating as the Doctor he kept getting distracted by Nicola Bryant’s tits… Top man…

      • When you think about it Norman, there’s been some decent fanny in the Tardis over the years. Sadly, all we can do is think about it

      • Oh aye, Ron… Off the top of my head…

        Carole Ann Ford
        Anneke Wills (stunning)
        Wendy Padbury
        Katy Manning
        Elisabeth Sladen (RIP)
        Louise Jameson
        Mary Tamm
        Lala Ward (Get in there, Tom!)
        Sarah Sutton
        Janet Fielding
        Nicola Bryant
        Michelle Ryan
        Karen Gillan
        Alex Kingston
        Jenna Coleman

        Notable absentees include Pearl ‘The Black Lezza’ Mackie, Catherine ‘Angela Raynor’ Tate, and Billie ‘Paloma Faith’ Piper…

      • Missed a couple… Debra Watling and Caroline John… Caroline was particularly tasty as posh totty, Liz Shaw… And Kate O’ Mara was milfmongous as The Rani….

  21. The ‘diversity’ of Doctor Who now is sickening… Just Jodie and Bradley Walsh should have (and would have) done… But, no, those BBC fuckflakes have to have not one but two chalkies in tow and hogging the screen and the scripts… Think the nausea and irritation caused by Bill The Wonder Horse Black Lezza, only twice as bad… Doesn’t matter how gifted an actress Jodie might be, or how sexy she is (as fuck)… This will be the chalkies’ show, not her’s… Those BBC scum will make sure of that…

    • Read Bradley Walsh and thought am I seeing things. Fucking Jesus, they can’t be serious. The Tele is just one incestuous gang bang. I saw him on some cop programme. He can’t act. That’s it, he’s hopeless. She is a lubricious looking bugger tho.

      • Agree about Walsh, Tony… He was crap in Corrie as Danny Baldwin… No wonder Johnny Briggs quit the show….

    • Norm: I loved to hate on United when Bacon was there, but boy do I miss him. United have really lost their way and arse faces like Pogba and Moanriho are tarnishing United’s legacy and reputation on a daily basis.

      You’ve been around long enough to know there is often a momentum shift in football. Something changes and a club sets off down a certain path. The path United are on now ends with parting ways with Moanriho. Everyone can see it coming, it’s only a matter of time. It’s painful to watch.

      I’m watching the early game right now. Wet Spam who have been crap all season so far are beating Utd 2-0 at HT. First goal was offside and the second was a deflection. Even so, Utd haven’t offered much. Lucrapku hit a post and that’s about it. The style, swagger and dismantling of teams like Spam has gone. The sooner Utd clean house the better. We want Utd back – and that’s coming from a Spurs fan. Cheers – IY.

  22. I would use the TARDIS to go back in time to prove that silly bint Dr woman in the US is lying about the judge.

    Fat slapper (virgin spinster) Shiela Fogarty on LBC would not hear a word said against her yesterday….

    Do not worry love. Only blind chubby chasers would touch you.Would need a harpoon gun,mind.

    • Sheila fucking Fogarty? That Ginsters-Positive, right-on foghorn?
      Makes my fucking ears bleed if I tune into her by accident.

  23. There’s more chance of me watching Who than ever,
    as long as Davros has his way with her.

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