Les cunts

The French.

I was going to qualify this with “French Fishermen” but fuck ’em, the shruggy cunts all need a doing.

French fishermen have a grievance with UK scallop boats so what do they do? They start ramming our small boats with their larger ones, that’s what.

The French have form with this type of disproportionate response. In the 90’s, their farmers protested against meat imports (specifically, lamb). They stormed government buildings, attacked riot police with weapons as diverse as bottles, rocks, metal objects and shit (presumably not their own but who can say with that lot). They set fire to one truckload of British sheep, killing over 200 of them, poisoned 94 on another truck and slit the throats of fuck knows how many on another.

On both occasions, we – the UK – were adhering to the law but the frogs kicked off and turned to violence to get their own way.

How the fuck are you supposed to negotiate with cunts like that?

Next time the UK boats set sail for the disputed scallop beds, we should send a couple of Type 23’s with them. At the first sign of trouble from the Pastis gargling snail botherers, they should strafe the cunts and/or stick a Sea Wolf down their funnel.

Nominated by Thirkleby Spunktrumpet

66 thoughts on “Les cunts

  1. And we went into the union, to bolster their inefficient farming practices, short workdays and princely pensions… and what did we get in return? A few thousand spiv cunts located in the shitty of londanistan get to administer the finances for a tidy fee. No benefit to you, no benefit to me, no benefit to the country. Fuck em. Hard brexit now. Well mop up the spivs further down the line. Some reparations will need paying out.

  2. Its a pity the French army wasn’t made up entirely of fishermen and farmers fighting in WW2 as they might have stood a chance instead of being overrun and invaded by Germany with the Allies saving the smelly garlicy cunts.

    • The only reason French workers appear to be tough is that when they’re engaging in ‘industrial action’, the French police stand back and do nothing. When these tough guys are faced with any kind of opposition, they slink off with their tails between their legs. Like they did in 1940.

  3. The miserable cunts are still sulking over the Hundred Years War. We won on points mes petits escargots, get over it. They haven’t forgiven us for inventing soap either. And don’t mention the Maginot Line, or Mers el Kebir, or the Vel d’Hiver. Some decent cheese mind, and when my bike broke down in Dunkirk the totty in the Suzuki garage couldn’t have been more helpful. Whatever.

  4. Fucking Frogs – they get on their highest of high horses when it comes to telling fellow EU states to fall into line with EU policy (for the greater good and all that bollocks!), and yet they choose to ignore the “rules” when it affects them personally!

    And what do those cunts in Brussels do about it? Fuck all! And yet they’re quick enough to stick the boot in, and twist the knife when the UK wants something, not least the billions and a shedload of conditions we have to handover for Brexit!

    I suppose if the UK rammed French boats, the EU will be all over us like a ton of snail shit!


    • No doubt Mavis has already been on the blower to Macaroon, offering £billions in reparations for the minor damage to Frog fishing boats.

  5. For a moment I thought you were counting some of the lovely ladies that appear on my xhamster feed.
    But it was The French.
    Fuck them.
    And the boat they came on.

  6. I like fish. If I look up a poncey fish recipe it’s likely from a middle class remainer. It will insist I buy sustainable fish. If I splosh out on some eye wateringly expensive monkfish I am a naughty boy. Hang on. Why’s it unstustainable? Because the fucking organisation you support has ignored the advice of experts for decades in the corrupt pursuance of votes and back handers and allowed the Spics and the Frogs to hoover up every living thing in the sea. It stinks more than the fish you insist that fishermen chuck back. Stein did a prog where the Frogs were trawling fish he reckoned were 70yrs old and would be lost forever. Fucking madness.

  7. I have always loathed the dirty soap dodging cunts. When we used to take in foreign students we sometimes had French students. The cunts were always arrogant and NEVER washed for a month. After one of them left , i walked in her room and this stench hit me hard. She had left all her used Tampons under the bed. The old joke where do you hide your soap from a frenchman ? under a bar of soap is a very accurate description . Oh… and they have never produced one decent rock band. Cunts…

  8. Fuck the French.
    What good is a French ‘A’ level in Paris, when every cunt is speaking Arabic….

    • Problem is the Royal Navy has shrunk to the size orf monsewer froggies dick. Drop a missile doine their cunt funnel? Nice idea but which orf the two battle ready missiles we have are we going to use? And if we do use it how the fuck are we going to replace it and pay for it or indeed for the spot orf diesel to get any ships oit there? Jury rig a few sails orn a Type 23? Very ecological.

      Better to strike a bad deal with the frogs (May is ace at that) and buy some orf their white flags orf ‘em, run ‘em up then capitulate and say sorry. It is going to happen so get it over now and save a few quid. You know it makes sense.

      Another vital topic. Why can’t you bastard cunts use the letter “q” more in your posts? The “q” orn Yours Truly’s keyboard does not work so forced to resort to copying and pasting from comments above which in turn forces YT to read every bastard to find one – queer, quad, quim ect – not hard. Give an old cunt a helping hand you tossers.

    • My son has to pick one of the two languages he is currently learning for GCSE. He chose German. I asked him to reconsider and do some research. He will now be taking Spanish.

      Regarding the French, my own experiences have always found them to be friendly, courteous, kind and helpful.

      In my opinion you cannot judge a nations people by their politicians or a few hot heads. Most European people I have encountered in my lifetime have generally been pretty decent, have much in common and have their own problems like the rest of us.

      If we were top take the cunts at the EU and the conniving politicians out of the equation feel everyone would get on with each other a lot better.

      • You make a very good point Willie.
        ….there is a certain amount of satisfaction in calling them all cunts though ?.

  9. An excellent and amusing cunting TS …..
    never had much time for these cheese eating surrender monkeys!!
    Why the fuck the allies let general conk de Gaulle march into Paris behind his general leclerc is an absolute fucking mystery , it’s always given these snail gobbling Cunts ideas way above their station.
    These Cunts have never been and never will be friends of ours , they just happen to be our
    Neighbours, the kind you fucking tolerate but would never invite to your BBQ!

    • Fuckin hell de gaul was one of the biggest cunts in history …. typical Frenchman, running away and hiding, marching into Paris like he actually had any part in the victory, then turning on his allies like the ungrateful frog cunt that he is.

      • Very good point well made Deploy.

        DeGaulle really should have been a warning to history.

        Hey ho.

  10. Well said spunktrumpet.
    The French are all cunts, especially the fishermen, farmers and lorry divers.
    Every time they don’t get exactly what they want they resort to violence, whinging, striking, blockades and extreme levels of cuntitude to achieve their goals.
    The eu legislation is geared up to protect them so no point in relying on them…. hence the “nothing to do with us” attitude.
    Fuckin eih! Let’s send a couple of destroyers and send the garlic munching frog cunts to the bottom, the cunts could do with a wash anyway.

  11. Bastard Hell!!! It’s happening again. Me post won’t post. No mention orf moderation, just vanishes. Tried every which way – cut this, cut that but no go. What is going orn?

    • Problem is the Royal Navy has shrunk to the size orf monsewer froggies dick. Drop a missile doine their cunt funnel? Nice idea but which orf the two battle ready missiles we have are we going to use? And if we do use it how the fuck are we going to replace it and pay for it or indeed for the spot orf diesel to get any ships oit there? Jury rig a few sails orn a Type 23? Very ecological.

      Better to strike a bad deal with the frogs (May is ace at that) and buy some orf their white flags orf ‘em, run ‘em up then capitulate and say sorry. It is going to happen so get it over now and save a few quid. You know it makes sense.

      Another vital topic. Why can’t you ****** cunts use the letter “q” more in your posts? The “q” orn Yours Truly’s keyboard does not work so forced to resort to copying and pasting from comments above which in turn forces YT to read every ***** to find one – q****, q****, q**** ect – not hard. Give an old cunt a helping hand you ******.

      • Is some cunt having a laugh? Castrate me comment and it works. Hunky Dory. Bugger me. Who’d have thought the day would come. Sir Limply speak censored. A disgrace and a liberty. An outrage.

  12. Why wait for any trouble, just sink the fuckers. It not only makes sense but sounds like a shitload of fun for the RN.

  13. Les Cunts will defend and obstruct everything which is not to their benefit.

    Fishing rights.
    Farming rights.
    Air traffic control wages.*
    Port employee wages.*
    Rail worker wages.*
    Car manufacturing protectionism.
    Wine production protectionism.
    Cheese production protectionism.
    Foreign interests in former colonies.

    * Usually during UK holiday periods to maximise the effect of their disruption.

    So Les Cunts will protect and disrupt absolutely everything for their own interests…apart from their borders and a German army o’course!


    • Sorry, but I find that part admirable. I wish we were all more like that but this country in general just rolls over whilst those in power either drop their pants or actively help the cunts. Could you imagine the frogs letting someone like May off with betraying them?

      • Oh it’s highly admirable to cunt out your allies when there’s no threat of violence coming back t’other way as per our Entente Cordiale agreement.

        O’course not so fucking admitable when the fuckers coming over have Panzers, Stukas and Lugers are they!

        The are the country epitome of what is known in these parts as the “Scarborough Warning”.

        Basically an idle threat of bravado for a situation that is never likely to happen again. A bit like a well-meaning Uncle stating: “The next time he’s around here I’ll have him!” – knowing full well that “him” will never return.

        Just like Froggy in the 1920’s (when the Germany of the time was on the bones of its arse)…”Well I’d like to see The Hun do that again! If they ever try invading here again we’ll have them!”

        A few years later and couple of Panza Divisions go through the whole cuntry like shit through a goose!

        Yeah fucking admirable when it suits the cunts, when they know there’s going to be no comeback!

        That’s my point.

      • I won’t argue with that, but you can bet that there aren’t 17m people there trying to get their country run by another one.

  14. STOP PRESS! JEZZBOLLAH is at again. 9 vile anti semitic racist cunts are now on the NEC.


  15. I don’t know the figures but we have had a few run ins with your Jonny frog, and much to the striped jersey wearing onion dangling feckers we are way ahead on points,they really are a bunch of VAGINAS of the first water.

      • Funnily enough I looked into the Falklands earlier. Don’t know why but I looked up an article on American help for us brits during the troubles.
        A few wanted to stay out of it but Regan (a good friend of Britain, and proof that the pm should always have a good relationship with the potus) helped all he could with satellite whateverthefucks and fuel etc…
        Apparently the yanks were amazed that we took down the argie air force with 40 harriers…

        … turns out it was only 20.

        ….. mirages were they?
        (I might be wrong, I haven’t checked)

      • Yep super entard mirage i think they are called and the frogs carried on supplying the argies with ordnance to drop on us their nearest neighbours, says it all really.

      • Super Etendards rings some sort of bell but don’t quote me I’m usually wrong. Exocet was froggy tho wasn’t it? So much for the Entente Cordifuckingale.

  16. Manchester Citeh forward Raheem Sterling has withdrawn from the England squad to face Spain and Switzerland….

    Skiving little cunt… He’s shite for England anyway…

    • Yea didn’t vardy announce that he was quitting England to “focus on his club career”.
      … you mean they weren’t paying you as much.
      I don’t know shit about football but I can smell bullshite a mile off…

    • How can you say that Sterling is shite for England Norman?

      As a striker his main task is clearly to score goals, and has been rattling them in right up to and including the last goal he scored for England, which was…………….October 2015,
      some 27 games ago.


      Ah, think you may have a point after all Norman

      • Sterling has done the ‘too tired’ and ‘can’t be arsed’ routine before… Gareth Southgate should napper the little shit…

    • Sterling is shit as an out and out striker; decent forward or perhaps a creative midfielder; but ask him to score a goal and he hasn’t got a fucking clue!

      And who else have we got up front other than Kane? (Who seems to have hit a barren spell for both club and country). Who else is there in terms of a striker?

      Sterling needs to fuck off out of the England team – too much of a liability. Trouble is of course, if you criticize him you’re instantly labelled a racist because he ain’t white!


  17. One of the few things I admire about the French is their bloody mindedness and their willingness to take to the streets and fight the coppers. Paris 1968……heady days.
    Of course there’s also their food, their wine, their women, their bread, their cheese, their seafood, their whole “fuck you” attitude and their football team obviously.
    Other than that they are right cunts.

    • Good things the froggies have given us…

      King Cantona
      Asterix books
      Francoise Hardy
      Catherine Deneuve
      Anna Karina
      Sophie Marceau

      Errr… That’s it…

    • Better watch out Freddie, they eat frogs legs over there. Would pay to be wary of the French cunts.

  18. Fuckin yellow wankers, slightest show of aggression from anyone and they cower down and shit their pants then when the coast is clear they stab their allies in the back.!!

  19. Yep super entard mirage i think they are called and the frogs carried on supplying the argies with ordnance to drop on us their nearest neighbours says it all really.

    • Wasn’t it the stupidity of a Froggie pilot in a Mirage jet that caused the horrific crash of the Tupolev Tu-144 (aka Concordski) at the Paris Air Show in 1973?….

      • From drink addled memory didn’t the rooskies blame a French plane, then the frogs said there was no plane and blamed the Concordski pilot for pushing the plane beyond its limit. The Tu 144 was definitely riddled with problems and spent most of its short life delivering mail to Siberia or whatnot. Off topic ish but quite interesting

  20. When any Cunt tells me … ‘I didn’t know what I was voting for’ .. in the EU referendum, they can fuck off as I knew exctly what I was voting for. Figures mentioned, pre -referendum, mentions that it costs around £93 million each year for the Brussels EU circus to travel four days each month to hold their parlament in Strasbourg, France …give them their due the EU parliament MEP’s tried to stop this bollocks by voting against the monthly move as it is such an inconvenience and waste of money …, but the French Govt. put a ban on it and said it had to carry on as part of the EU constitution …..
    That was / is enough for me to realise what a fucked up, money wasting institution the EU shower of Cunts are … any accountable body or commercial business would knock this shit on the head at the first look of their finances after a couple of months.
    I’ve a German mate who loves to tell the tale that the only reason the French roads are lined with trees, is that the German army were able to march in the shade …
    The fucking French Govt. have a short memory ….

  21. Well, well. There’s a some good news on this front this morning…

    Apparently Les Cunts are going to send in the French navy to shore up it’s fishing fleet and protect it from the nasty fucking Anglaiscunts. Shame we can’t send many of ours to do the same as our dopey fucking government has scrapped them all and decimated the bloody navy. Brittannia rules the waves no more it seems. Perhaps the odd torpedo from a sneaky submarine? Worked on the Belgrano after all. French? Argie? Same thing. All piss taking foreign cunts.

    Still, good news on the Brexit front because after we’ve sunk a few of their naval vessels, we’ll be at war with the French – again – and we won’t have to worry about no deal! Napolean would be proud. We’ve been traditional enemies of the French, Dutch and Germans for centuries so why change now? Fuck ’em.

    Back to good old Victorian values. Send a fucking gun boat..!

    • It would all have been a lot easier if we’d simply brought back capital punishment, thereby forcing the EU to expel us instead.

  22. You have to hand it to the frogs.

    Every time the Germans so much as cough in their direction, they raise the French war flag (two white stripes on a white background) and immediately run and tell the neighbouring towns and villages to do the same.

    Repeat as required while heading in a westerly direction until at the Spanish border.

    You have to admire their total lack of bravery and vehement refusal to observe regular bathtimes.

    Les cunts indeed.

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