Another cunting for the EU.
It is showing it’s democratic principles by looking to sanction Hungary. Now Hungary may not be the most fair and decent EU country but it is a sovereign state.
It has taken a hardline stance against immigration. It has fucked off the army of lawyer cunts who spring up to defend the incomers at every turn to frustrate the rule of law by obfuscation and delay. (Well, uncontrolled immigration has done well elsewhere hasn’t it?) Others will certainly follow. And this worries the gnomes of Brussels.
By the way. Where would we be safer, Paris or Budapest? I think we know the answer.
The EU is an undemocratic bureaucracy that functions to serve the Germans principally with sops to other members. French farmers come to mind. It has no business interfering in domestic politics and this demonstrates it’s true colours.
Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble
Complete the following sentence with an insult of your choice;
‘the EU is a bunch of ‘.
Great posting Cuntstable.
The EU must of course punish and demean those who are seen to be stepping out of line.
What a lovely day (courtesy of Ken Dodd) it will be when the coin finally drops and the EU has to accept (and it will happen very soon now) that their member countries are totally fucked off, and that their political union dream is finally over.
My dental hygienist who I saw only last week is Hungarian. She told me she is furious with the EU for how they are treating her country, and how the immigrants are trashing it. She also said she hates Angela Merkel for what she has done. A lovely lady.
I look forward to the day when the sovereign nations of Europe rise up against the EU and the self-interested pricks who run it. For me, it’ll be an even greater day for freedom than the toppling of the Berlin Wall.
The thing I find amazing is that so many quisling Cunts in this country support this bullying anti democratic pile of dog shit!,
the Weak minded easily frightened fools! And it’s supposed to be the leavers that are lacking in intelligence?
Remainers are absolute mugs, the sort of cunts who say “ better the devil you know” ??? cluck cluck you Cunts…..
FTM…. excellent cunting ??
As a relative newcomer to the EU love-in shitfest Orban and the rest of the Eastern bloc have had a glimpse into their future by way of France, Sweden and the UK. No wonder they are beefing up boarders with a tsunami of cultural enrichment on their doorstep.
I wish we had a prime minister like this, who stands up for the peoples of their country against the EU thugs.
Unfortunately we have a pathetic spineless turd.
Jeremy Corbyn, a young man: Criticises the EEC.
Jeremy Corbyn, 1974: Makes a Steptoe & Son Christmas special.
Jeremy Corbyn, 1975: Votes to not join the EEC.
Jeremy Corbyn, 1975-2015: Chastises the EU on its unfairness, opaque dealings, and not being a friend to the working man.
Jeremy Corbyn, 1981: Slides down a hill on trays with Foggy and Clegg in Last Of The Summer Wine.
Jeremy Corbyn, 2016: As Labour leader, says he will vote to REMAIN with the EU Nazis despite the previous four decades of rhetoric.
Jeremy Corbyn, 2017: Says, in the General Election manifesto that Labour would give the electorate the Brexit they voted for the previous year.
Jeremy Corbyn, 2018: Says he wants to stay in a Customs Union. Perhaps, like with Nora Batty, he’s secretly in love with them.
He’s noticed how much they hate Britain so they’re his best pals now. Like Hamas, Hezbollah & the IRA.
Evening, RT Creamie.
He’s played the “neither this nor that” card for so long, nobody can guess his real politics except for, as you say, any enemy of Britain. How is he when he’s down at Sainsbury with the Flabbotamus?
“I neither want the Red Leicester, nor do I NOT want it.”
?? very good point well made RTC
Its because the cunts just put in an order for a few hundred thousand peacefuls… he can’t do any serious gerrymandering while in opposition so he’s got to breed those pesky English voters out. Look out for all those constituencies with a tiny conservative majority – labour voting enrichment is on its way.
Back in 2013, I had half a day of very warm relations with a gorgeous Hungarian woman – ships that passed at coffee-time, sort of thing. I now find that paprika has aphrodisiac qualities…
Eljen a Magyar ! (Long live Hungary !)… and may the eu be fucked into non-existence, contemptible, loathsome vermin that they are.
Half a day? Must’ve cost a small fortune!
Absolutely free of charge !! just a cunningly worded invite to squeeze something into her slot.
Fucking spot on. Some union eh? Slapping you into line when you don’t play ball
I would love farage or any prominent leaver who gets a tv slot nationally to speak to ask this. . and if anyone knows him please pass on
For 2 years weve had the constant stream of bile that we were low information voters or bigots who are short sighted and stupid… but i ask this.. when in 2 years did any fucking one of you have to justify voting remain? It’s all been 1 way. You voted to keep us in a union who uses it’s peripheral “just about managing ” economies to keep afloat your failed fiscal policies which are strangling the southern euro countries…..countries which can’t afford to keep buying the constant produce surplus of the northern States…stayrd who will not change their policies of overproduction and hegemony in Europe in a million years.
I will never forgive you your remain vote unless your a federalist. Otherwise I know your a group thinking non fact checking shit for brains
Never mind eu joint forces or single tax policy and single foreign policy which is coming. 2 years of immunity of scrutiny you cunts
States not styrd …..fat fingers
As if the swivel eyed lunatic hadn’t fed enough kool aid to the socialist /communist / Marxist at this years Nuremburg rally he now wants to eat his cake and have it. The man is a lying treacherous cunt attempting to walk a political tightrope by trying to convince the masses that he can do a deal with the EU but there his house of cards falls apart. Members of the EU cannot nationalise private companies. He is fucked right from the get go but his fawning bunch of hypocritical self aggrandising happy clappy sycophants truly believe this cunt can walk on water.
Had the vote gone 52-48 the other way would the remainers have given vote leave the time of fucking day with saturation (dishonest) TV and media coverage? Would they fuck.
What we are suffering are completely unprecedented, unsustainable levels of migration, more akin to an invasion. The negatives are many and obvious. The benefits are to the migrants and the employers looking for cheap labour.
The warnings won’t be heeded, we’ll go on being demonized as racists and bigots. But the end result will be a complete catastrophe. Combine a scenario of a further more serious financial meltdown leading to job losses, high interest rates and inflation, bringing major hardship across the UK and Europe, with further Islamic atrocities, a growing realisation that housing is unaffordable and wages depressed thanks to mass immigration, and you’ve got the ingredients for a major breakdown in civil obedience.
And all the time we have got the swivel eyed lunatic, his adherents and utter contempt for democracy and our country.
Its worth repeating the words of Caldwell. Its worth memorising the words too, lest we let this cunt into government and the ruination of England will be final and complete.
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the carrier of the plague.”
Cicero’s Prognosis, Millard Caldwell
Brilliant Cunto. Bang on the money in everything you say.
At the end of the day the Leavers will get the blame for absolutely everything.
Not the EU for being total cunts who will not budge an inch from their master plan.
Not the useless British government or their advisers who couldnt negotiate their way out of a paper bag.
Not the shadow cabinet who like the government said they would fully respect the result of the referendum, and that Brexit means leaving the single market and customs union.
Not the media (including the BBC) who have done everything they can to spread fear and dubious Remain propaganda.
Not the so called business experts and agencies who have got predictions so horribly wrong in the past
Not the Remainers, who have done everything to scupper the result of the democratic vote, insult Leavers with childish name calling, insulting the Leavers intelligence and to run the country down at every given opportunity.
Not the big multi national companies who have done everything to contribute to Project Fear (parts one and two) and the hreaten to take their businesses out of the UK.
But the Leavers. Decent, honest, people who want the best for their country by voting to take back control from a bunch of unelected nasty bully boys who would be happy to see this country finished.
Something wrong somewhere however happy to stand up against the establishment and be counted so long as we get the fuck out.
eat his cake and have it…… going a bit unabomber Cunto ??
btw , his manifesto spoke a lot of truth…the unabombers not Corbyns
Fucking sky are wanking themselves off over catweazel!!
Unbelievable shite!
I need a good laugh and Compo shuffling about on stage dad dancing did it.
Go ahead with your sanctions, you deluded, desperate bunch of cultists. Hungary, Italy, Poland, Austria and the like can club together and trade elsewhere, with economies that haven’t totally collapsed under the weight of a benefits bill to gimmegrants.
By the time those countries have a chance to leave, it’ll be too late for the poor bastards. Downtown Budapest will resemble Mogadishu, Islamabaåd, or East London.
True, they’ll have a fair distance to crawl themselves back out of the miasma. But at least they’re taking the right steps to safeguard that future chance, as opposed to just leaving both taps running full blast like the majority of the cucked cunt cuntries.
Sky are such plutonium grade Cunts!! Has anybody else noticed sky banging on about the leaders having live debates before a general election??
They’ve got a fucking campaign running! , why? Because they know that although he’s a proper Cunt Corbyn is far far better at it than the hunchback!
He would wipe the floor with her! It’s just another remainer friendly ploy to derail brexit…..
sickening stuff……..
Corbyn’s goon squad Momentum freely admit they are on a permanent war footing, forget Brexit, they make the right noises but the real prize is forcing a GE.
You clearly have a far higher opinion of Corbyn’s debating skills than I do Q. He couldn’t wipe the floor with a damp rag imo. Have you not witnessed his pitiful performances at Prime Minister’s Questions? Muddleheaded git rarely even comes close to landing a punch. Corbyn and May are actually pretty evenly matched in their hopelessness… Catweasel wouldn’t last 5 minutes if the Tories even half got their act together, and conversely with Labour.
Symbiotic scumbags rule ok!
At the last election may avoided head to head debates at all costs, it wasn’t by accident, she’s not comfortable with them, although he’s a useless cunt corbyn is a dab hand at shaking the labour money tree to woo the voters…
A decent PM would wipe the floor with steptoe unfortunately that isn’t May…….
Neither of them are any cop at head to head debates… getting Corbyn into the interview chair is almost impossible… neither stand up to scrutiny.
Where they both score higher is in set pieces like speeches, but out of their comfort zones they’re shite personified, dangerous shite in the case of Corbyn.
I have been saying for months there is a plan to derail brexit. It involves both liebooooor and Tories. They know if they fuck up enough that there will be an election. It will be rigged to get the communist cunts into power, by way of promising another eu referendum. All the brain washed student types will vote in doves to get them I to power. The vote will happen and be rigged. And we will not leave. The eu have helped this by not giving us anything. Torturous cunts the lot of them!
Agree 100% CC,its been a con from the word go.
Hotel California, you can can never leave!
So Corbyn sees a customs union as essential to a Brexit deal. Remaining in a customs union is not leaving the EU. So now it couldn’t be clearer, given the chance, Labour will keep us in. So much for democracy.
‘Twas always going to be thus – why else would Corbyn appoint arch remoaner Dame Kier Starmer as Shadow Brexit Secretary? And the six impossible tests they’ve set for any negotiated deal to meet… the cunts never had the slightest intention of carrying out the will of the people. Nobody did.
I wonder how long it will be before some charismatic iconoclast suddenly appears on the european scene and taps into the growing discontent ?
Depressingly accurate….,
I really hope civil unrest ensues..
The political class are absolutely taking the piss…….
labours brexit tests are a fucking insult to leave supporters, millions of whom are labour voters, also it’s so utterly transparent it actually insults the electorates intelligence…..
They are fucking laughing at us!
Spin those dumb Cunts any old line….. ?
Heaven help them if KFC run out of chiggun again…
He doesn’t it’s just fucking bullshit to try and force an election!! Labour will vote down absolutely any deal may gets to force an election…..
Boot on the other foot the tories would do exactly the same…..
Politicians are cunts!!!
I try to look at it from the point of view of the EU fascists. Why would I give Mavis a single tiny little concession? I’ve got the overwhelming majority of Parliament on my side and the overwhelming majority of the media, including the very powerful BBC.
Nah, I wouldn’t give her the shit out of my arse. Stretch it out a couple of more years and then a second referendum. It will be rigged of course, just to be on the safe side. If I can beat you British cunts down the likes of Hungary, Greece, Italy etc will fold like a cheap suit.
Welcome to the New Europe muggy cunts!
The EU are getting it all their own way, they only have to sit back and wait for BRINO to be rubber stamped by the remoaner majority in Parliament and the £40billion to roll in and Bob’s their fucking uncle for another 5 years.
Isn’t always that most, if not all politicians will say pretty much anything to hoover up votes that they think will deliver them to Narnia.
Labour (leadership) now stand for nobody other than themselves, a bizarre alliance of Commies, Socialists, Trots, Greens and Fascists.
Hilariously sort of tagged in with this unholy alliance are the Champagne Socialists from the media, education and judiciary.
The noise in the room is deafening. They all think they know what’s best and that they are all listening to each other, throwing in the odd sound bite here and there in an attempt to keep the alliance together, they send out Dame Kier to appeal to the metro’s and I think he really believes that they are behind him, I think they are too but I think they’re behind him flicking the V’s.
When ‘Jeremy’ came to power we were told he was a man of principle who’s political views had remained unchanged and was steadfast in his beliefs (isn’t that the definition of a bigot) amongst those views were those of his hatred of the EU, his voting record confirms this.
Personally I don’t think they’ll get in power but could be wrong, it’s tempting to think their message is getting across as it gets so much coverage by Al-BBCeer and Sly.
I’d never cut my nose of to spite my face and would hate to see my country ruined by these bastards, because they will ruin it but there’s a side of me that would enjoy watching the pain and suffering inflicted on the Champagne quaffing faux socialist London metro elite with their six figure salaries and gold plated final salary pensions.
Who’s going to pay them when the Commies have bankrupted the country, not generation Snowflake, that’s for sure.
Oh Jeremy Corbyn, oh Jeremy Corbyn
Not me either, this is part of the reason I left the UK. Having to pay for all this leftie nonsense (and be harassed by the tax man) then be told I am a privileged white cunt whose opinions are invalid by those in media/education because I’m a white male, well you bunch of authoritarian bastards perhaps i will take my ‘ability to pay’ somewhere else and leave you all to wonder where the money went.
Wish I could leave but I aint got the skills or money to relocate
How to silence your political opposition using this one simple trick.
By corralling basic conservative opinions and beliefs under the umbrella of “hate speech,” social media giants have invented a new ploy to censor conservatives while claiming they are not censoring conservatives.
Nationalism, patriotism, populism, and Christianity are all now being treated as “hateful” by Big Tech.
These companies then engage in a form of legalese where they assert they are not banning people for their personal or political opinions, but because of violations of terms of service.
But the truth is that merely holding and expressing nationalist, populist, patriotic or Christian opinions and beliefs is deemed a “violation” because such beliefs have been subjectively defined as “hateful”.
By broadening the definition of “hate” to include any argument that challenges far-left progressive dogma, Big Tech has created an environment where the expression of any criticism of sexual lifestyles or belief systems, even if it doesn’t target individuals, can be defined as “harassment” or “hateful”.
For those who are interested and have a spare 40 minutes or so, here is what Nigel Farage has to say about it.
Corbyn is a cunt.
Said it afore,say it again,there will be no Brexit,Maybot resigns/ousted,General election,Labour/Coalition wins,has fresh “negotiations” with EUSSR and holds 2nd referendum
What makes you think the result of a second referendum will be any different to the first? I suspect that more people who initially voted to remain have changed their minds than the other way round.
This may be offset by the deaths of older folk who are more likely to have voted to Leave than a younger person, and the eligibility of younger people who who have now reached an age when they can vote.
Interesting to know if on a second referendum the age for voting will be lowered to 16, thereby attracting new Remain voters.
Should remain still be an option on a second referendum!
Will there be the attempt to try and split the Leave vote by having a Remain vote with two other options?
Or will the result of the vote itself be rigged in favour of Remain?
Personally I do not want to see a second referendum, one was enough and it was quite clear for what people were voting for.
Leave means Leave. End of.
The EUSSR will make a few concessions on freedom of movement and that will be enough for loads of cunts to make them vote remain
Personally I doubt whether the EUSSR will make a single concession, especially on Freedom of Movement as this is the cornerstone of the now failing EU project.
Had they listened to the concerns of ordinary folk they should have made concessions years ago, if they had done so Brexit probably would not have been necessary.
But they are dangerous fools who ignored millions of European citizens and are now paying the price.
Time will tell what will happen. But I suspect things will not end well.