The Miller cunt is now playing for the sympathy vote!
Must be the first time a gang of blind men and their guide dogs have committed such an offence. They are to be pitied more than castigated. If the dogs were not involved the men must have been guided by the putrid stench from the old hags fanny.
I bet Dame Keir Starmer is hoping lightning strikes twice – its decades since he had anything between his legs. Let’s hope they treat him like a lady
Nominated by W. C. Boggs
The female Tony Blair. Need I say anything more?
The clue is in “soon to be released memoir”. So the lying money grabbing bitch has got a book coming out. Why am I reminded of Fatboy Prescott and his bulimia and untold slebs and their tragic childhoods full of physical, mental and sexual abuse?
Fucking shameless liars the lot of them. Fuck off Miller you cunt.
So she’s on to her third husband, high maintenance, or bolshie in English, Daddy is the fucking Attorney General in Guyana, she’s doing a Law Degree at the time of this alleged gang rape, yet she chooses not to report it to the plod. Yeah right, the other one has definitely got bells on.
I think the aristocrat who was jailed for offering £5,000 to anyone who would run over this democracy hating banana gobbed cunt bugle overestimated the price. A good few would do it for free, seeing it as a kind of national service for the good of the nation.
Quality cunting dear fellow…
Very fucking sketchy on the detail.
I’d be interested to know if she reported the ‘alleged’ crime?
Like pretty much everyone in the world we only know Gina Miller as a fucking gobshite ‘seeker of justice’.
Surely she would have wanted to right this criminal injustice.
Or, maybe, god forbid this ‘alleged’ attack is as you say WC an attempt to garner sympathy and a prelude to yet more exposure where poor old Gina attempts to persuade any cunt that will listen that she’s not in anyway part of an elite and knows first hand what it is to struggle (when the trust fund drys up), oh and how could I forget she’s also British because she’s from British Guiana.
I know Bernard Manning would have something to say about that!
‘They’r black. We’re white. And does it make a difference?
You bet you bollocks it does.’
B Manning
Embassy Club
And ‘just because a dog is born in a stable doesn’t make it a horse’!
Do we have any idea of the identity of the attackers ? A “gang” is mentioned.
I am just wondering if it was “cultural enrichment” donated by some Bros.
Lack of any report to the police at the time leads me to suspect she was covering up some inconvenient facts… As a legal, she would understandind about making false statements and perving the course of justice, so was probably “easier” just to forget about it.
Until it was oh-so convenient to “reveal” it.
Is it tue that Vince Cable and his cronies are amending the Liberal Party Constitution to allow a “non elected ” person to lead the party£ And is it true that as reported in the DM on Thursday, that Gina Miller is to be positioned to lead the Liberal Party ? If so, then the liberal party deserves to slide into oblivion along with this lying lip gloss turd breath!
So didn’t report it to the coppers and didn’t seek any medical attention.
“I felt dirty and violated and spent days in my room alone.”
So no witnesses to the attack and no witnesses to the aftermath.
Oh per….leeeeease!
Does this bitch really expect us to swallow this fairy story? I have never heard such a load of bollocks in my life. This whore can’t open her gob without lying like a cunt. A congenital liar who needs to see a head doctor.
The report states that the attack left her feeling “dirty.”
Obviously sex mad….
All these sexual attacks on women seem to occur more to the celebrity elite creatives than any other group of ladies, perhaps they should try and avoid the path to public notice and adoration if its so rife with sexual assaults. I’ve been about for a while and ive never met a victim of it, but the way its reported nearly everyday you would think there wasnt a doorway without an assault going on
Just picking up on an earlier cunting about Anti Brexit Ex Pats and in particular Mrs Wilson from Mrs Wilson’s Boys.
Genuinely if I was asked to construct an ‘off the shelf’ anti brexit cunt it would be in this post menopausal’s cunts image.
Here she’s interviewed by the group that she helped found and the cunts answers are given as if they’ve had a pleasant chat over paella and San Miguel.
I particularly like the intro where she’s described as working between 50-70 hours to try to stop Brexit, I fucking love that, I love the fact it’s become an obsession that will finish her off.
Q3 is quite telling, on the basis any expat can get citizenship to protect their rights Mrs Wilson from Mrs Wilson’s boys doesn’t want to do that just in case she needs to return to UK, really….., she goes on to say she’s ashamed of what the UK is becoming, from a totally biased distance of course.
Like Gina Miller she seeks justice and is determined to route out the lies that apparently led to the Brexit vote, yet there’s not a hint of irony in anything these cunts say.
“History is not my strong suit.”
You can say that again Mrs.
I’m not sure who’s face I want to smash in more……Miller or this Wilson idiot. Christ, this Wilson cunt really is thick as shit. Fuck me!
Couldn’t you just smash them together, two stones etc
Ooops, wrong thread! What a cunt.
And this fucking reply to myself should be at the fucking bottom of this thread!!!!!!! Fuck me, and I’m not even drinking.
Apart from what she has to say – which is typical of Brexit opposing cunts who have a dog in the fight and think that somehow we can ever properly distance ourselves from Europe – which we cant – its a geographical fact, the hag looked like it fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch and twig on the way down.
It makes my piss boil that someone who upped sticks and fucked off from blighty for a place in the sun to wrinkle their coconut faces to melanoma levels has the audacity to complain that England wants to plough its own furrow. England has achieved fuck all shackled to the EU – only huge pots of money thrown at greedy cunts like the Irish and funding goat bothering sheep farmers in Eastern Europe. Anything south of Portsmouth or east of the tip of England is riddled with incompetence, a sense of entitlement and corruption at every level, the further east and south you go the worse it becomes until you reach the shores of the other side of the Med and Africa and that’s where it sinks into total full on corruption. I think Sue will have different opinions when her homestead is rifled by some blambo and she is given a few lengths of homeboy dick, which is likely now that Macron the French wop has twisted the arm of the Spanish PM to take in all comers from the shores of Africa. The unreported truth on what is actually happening in Southern Spain is there if you look. At the moment Sue complains about working harder for no extra money which tells me two things about this interfering cunt. She (and looking at it I have doubts on second thoughts) is so uppity like the Ghanaian cunt on her desire to wreck the democratic will of the people who actually live here and expressed their desire to leave the corrupt EU that the desire to “remain from Spain” has torn the old cunts personal Nirvana to such a point that the leaving of the EU is actually over gilded and lied about daily, but she cant let go of a place she doesn’t live in and her only beef is that if she carks it or becomes seriously ill she will suck on the tit of the NHS to repatriate her and her 5 cats and her husband (I imagine him to be as henpecked as Dennis Thatcher) back to blighty – apart from that her and her ilk have taken their skills to use in another country. For me, once you have done that I am afraid you are classed as “foreign”. We see the blambos every day pretending to be “British Asians” (what a fucking anomaly) but as soon as the blambo cricket teams arrive they sure as fuck aren’t British anymore. If I had upped sticks to ply my trade elsewhere I wouldn’t expect to have any more say in that countries future and indeed would attempt to integrate wherever I made my new life / home.
Get over it Sue – we are off. If not you will hear the furore from your house in Spain – that’s if the blambos haven’t ripped you a new arse and skinned your cats.
On the 24th of January 2017, following her High Court Article 50 spanner in the works win, Gina Minger claimed she was “not a politician” and would now be going “back to my day job”.
Krishnan Guru-Murthy: “Are you out of this now, or are you going to keep on…”
Gina Miller: “I’m not a politician, I’m going to go back to my day job, and it’s over to the politicians now… I know my case has been brought into politics, but I’m not in politics.”
Fucking gobsmacking!
The exchange took place during the final seconds of the debate below:
Duplicitous cow – typical libtard politician writ large.
And that wasn’t the only contemporaneous MSM appearance in which Minger pushed this lie. Remember thinking at the time: “bet you fucking won’t bitch!”
Btw, some posh cunt on the radio just now saying the Honours System has integrity… and: “If anyone deserves to be honoured it’s David Beckham.”
….for services to Osteology….
The thing is Cream Puff, why should anyone go to such lengths to keep us in a Federal dictatorship ???
There has to be some self interest ???
Sorry Ruff Tuff, I’ve just demolished a bottle of the good stuff and I should have addressed you as Mr Cream Puff. Where’s my manors ???
Never mind yer manors, where’s your spellcheck?
Evening Fenton… I mean, Mr Fistula. You’re probably unconscious by now… wish #MeToo was too.
Miller in it for self interest? Whatever could have given you that impression? She’s clearly only looking out for our best interests, ha ha.
Be seeing you.
This prize Cunt used to say to she wasn’t trying to deny brexit but was merely trying to see it done within constitutional parameters?? That it wasn’t be hijacked? She tried selling herself as some kind of moral/ legal guardian of the people? Anybody that believed that was either mentally challenged or a wonky eyed remoaner!
She’s now starting to panic , Expect this pseudo intellectual Cunt to completely unravel before March 2019……
Being……. ?
The UK doesn’t have a constitution, so what the fuck is it on about?
The University of East London.
Would this be the hallowed, ancient college formerly known as West Ham Tech? She is obviously academically gifted to attend such a notable institution.
The gang rapists were obviously from this academy’s version of the Bullingdon Club. High spirited coves don’cha know. Or perhaps just a bunch of multicultural pacifists for which the locality is renowned.
Gina Miller is a cunt. Ain’t got much more to say really.
PS I tried some of Jamie’s Jerk rice, it was shit. A pile of rotting cunts would have tasted better. I’ve emailed Gina Miller in the hope that we can sue Jamie Oliver for stealing our darkie heritage and tl use the funds to overturn Brexit.
I’d be careful if I were you B&W, she might take you seriously. I’m beginning to think that Mrs Miller is suffering from what our snowflake friends call “ mental health issues. “
Saw Gina on Question Time a while ago and I think she is a mad cunt.
This puts it better than I ever could…
The Kia Ora juice advert from my youth is obviously a metaphor for Brexit.
Great Norman. I also read all the posts!!! Most of which were not only hilarious ( and non pc ) but were obviously posted by ISAC members!
This cunt is not even worthy of a traitors gate necklace!
I’ve heard Guyana has lots of issues maybe she should take voluntary repatriation and make a difference over there.
No doubt her own country will accept her challenge to democracy and gift her a never ending vocal platform to rubbish their establishment.
What d’ya reckon?
I know fuck all about Guyana but it’s hard to believe they could be as soft as us.
Four migrants rescued from a rubber boat off the Kent coast today. I suspect their “families” will be arriving in rather more comfort and style.
Tottenham’s South Korean forward Son has avoided military service after they won the football in the Asian Games. The labradoodles are on him tonight.
On me ‘ead son!
I don’t see this cunt’s problem, she wants to stay in the EU, so carry on living in fucking Spain, it’s not them that’s leaving!
That picture is enough to make piss boil to volcanic levels…
That arrogant self appointed self representing banana gobbed cunt stood in front Parliament -our fucking Parliament – like she’s important and like she owns the place… Shimmy back up banana tree, you self serving slag…
I’d be careful about that photo. First time I saw it I thought “photoshopped.” I could well be wrong of course but it doesn’t look right to me.
Of course, when it turns up on the cover of her book I will look a right cunt. Which gives me yet another reason to hate this lying arrogant bitch.
Lily Allen has admitted to paying for sex with unfortunate strumpets.
One can only imagine the size of the industrial vat of Listerine these sad slatterns will have had to employ to wash the taste of Lily’s rotten crab-tasting minge out of their mouths…
Another load of bollocks designed to sell an upcoming sleb book. How can I make a headline? Oh yeah….. I licked the fannies of lezzer prozzies.
Are there such things as lezzer prozzies? I wouldn’t know but neither does anybody else, that’s the whole fucking point.
Bullshit, bollocks, just give me your money you muggy cunts.
Perhaps she’ll do the decent thing and Peaches Geldof her way off her mortal coil.
Her poor kids are probably fucked up either way.
The album has bombed (hurrah!), so the spazmotron is trying anything to get more sales and more publicity… This cunt would sell fish fingers that were made with her own fanny batter… There is no limit to how low Lily Mong can -and will – sink….
With apologies to the Everly Brothers….
Lily Mong, I fucking hate you
You damn disgusting state. you
And so, I beg you
Just fucking OD
Well, if it’s true (which I doubt, considering she’s a serial liar), she’d have to pay them… She looks like a mong who’s on the game herself…
Get this um bongo drinking slapper back to the cotton fields. It won’t pick itself…
Pointless trying to wax too lyrical to espouse my utter enmity and contempt for this Soros’s shrivelled cock sucking CUNTESS. Who the fuck is she anyway, and moreover, how did she get so influential? Though I guess I’ve answered my own question there with the Soros reference.
I hark back to a line from ‘Rosemary’s Baby’… “The Year is 1, Satan lives!!” I genuinely now believe that 1997 was ‘Year 1’.
The silly fuckwit “rape victim” is ramping up “Project Fear” again. Why doesn’t the ugly slimy cunt just shut the fuck up: