Fluid gender

Ok cunters, here’s a chance to ‘declare your gender’.

A little confused? Fear not, all will be explained. It seems that students at Edinburgh University ‘welcome week’ (hold up, didn’t it used to be called ‘freshers’ week’? No, that’s discriminatory language against freshers) are to be ‘encouraged’ to wear ‘gender pronoun’ badges to indicate whether they wish to be referred to as ‘he’, ‘she’ or ‘they’ (‘they’??).

A written guide issued to students claims that ‘gender is fluid’ and that assumptions based on appearance can be ‘frustrating and harmful’; therefore the narrative that pronouns can be ‘assumed’ must be ‘challenged’.

So there you go, ladies and gentlemen SORRY there you go EVERYONE. Let’s see if we can broaden out this ground-breaking initiative to embrace the wider population, starting here and now. Now’s your chance to get with it and declare just how fluid YOUR gender is. Are you a ‘he’, a ‘she’ or a twatting ‘they’? (or perchance even an ‘it’; let’s have no discrimination against ‘its’!!!). Don’t worry about it if you’re a bit confused at the moment; remember, ‘gender is fluid’, so just pick one for now, and you can always change your mind next week if the mood takes you.

Now I appreciate that if you’re reading this, you’re probably of an age when boys were considered boys and girls considered girls, and vive la difference. Well welcome to the Orwellian Newspeak world of ‘gender politics’. It’s hard I know. Like me, you think it’s a total load of pretentious, pandering wank, but hey, that’s unprogressive, dude. It’s time to challenge your outdated, bigoted mode of thinking, time to liberate your consciousness and heighten your awareness dude. It’s a Brave New Snowflake World out there. Just write your pronoun of choice on a badge and wear it the next time you go out, secure in the knowledge that you’re hip, and absolutely nobody thinks that you’re making a complete cunt of yourself.

And don’t forget. Next time you’re introduced to someone (or something) remember to ask that all important first question, ‘what’s your gender pronoun?’ After all, you wouldn’t want to give offence. People have been strung up for less.

Right on, man, er woman er whatever….

Nominated by Ron Knee

42 thoughts on “Fluid gender

  1. “They” is not so new. I can actually remember my dear old gran referring to the son of her neighbour as “one of those” Of course I didn’t know what she meant but I was actively discouraged from having contact said person. Ooh! Suits you sir.

  2. They don’t call it Edinbugger for nothing. Gender fluid my arse. It’s all about poofery…….get hold of the new boys and mark out your territory. Gayboy seduction that’s all it is.
    That’s what passes for education these days. Fucking disgrace.

  3. I actually think that wearing gender badges is a good idea. It’s sometimes fucking difficult nowadays to tell the difference between boys and girls. University Challenge is a prime example of this. When they have a “Gender Neutral” name,I sometimes can’t concentrate on Paxman’s sneering putdowns for trying to work out just what fucking sex,if any, some of the contestants actually are.
    It’s not just students either. I used to sometimes see what I took to be a rather fat,tattooed skinhead type in a pub in my local town. Nice enough bloke,always spoke,and was usually accompanied by his girlfriend. Wasn’t until I saw the pair of them heading into the Ladies toilet and I made some remark to the barmaid about there probably wasn’t a johnny women machine in the Ladies that she told me that they were actually a pair of Lezzas.
    No, I think that anyone who is sexually confused should be forced to wear a badge at all times declaring their particular perversion. That way bars and cafes would know which cutlery and glasses needed special sterilization after use. Police would know to arrest any “badged” gentleman found within the vicinity of a public toilet. Men out drinking wouldn’t waste their time and money tipping drink down the neck of some clit-licker…..etc….the benefits are endless.
    In fact,the more I think about it,the better idea it seems. Make Degenerates and Perverts wear clear identifing symbols, and perhaps carry a laminated print-out of their undoubted criminal convictions which they would be obliged to produce on demand.

    Fuck Off.

    • This idea could work. Lesbians could wear badges saying ‘I like minimally invasive sex’ or ‘I’m a clit licker’. Gays’ badges could say ‘ I’m a bender’ or ‘I’m a shirt-lifter’ depending on their proclivities. It would do away with all that confusing hankies hanging out of pockets malarky as shown in Cruising.
      I’d wear a badge saying ‘If you’ve got a fanny we’re a match made in heaven’. I believe in getting straight to the point.

      • Allan, don’t wear your badge in the States. “Fanny” is the tradesman’s entrance. You’d be in a fog of patchouli oil and bottom-burgled quicker than you could say Tom Cruise & John Travolta are masculine men’s men!

  4. These bollock brained gender stasi or ‘progressives’ as they laughingly refer to themselves are a contradiction in terms. No wonder the hoards of peaceful filth take advantage when the future generation cant decide what fucking gender they are.

    • Yeah, while we can’t make up our minds whether we’re Arthur or Martha the peacefuls are getting on with fucking and popping out dozens of little Abduls.
      Do you think the peacefuls will be wearing these wanky badges? I don’t fucking think so.

  5. #GenderSolid

    Yet to encounter any cunt demanding a certain pronoun or whatever, but the day I do I will just refer to them as ‘you’ in a seriously sarcastic and mocking tone that implies what I really think of them (a cunt). It’s technically correct so the stasi will have nothing on me.

    • Apparently one of *these* types inflicted this on my cousin (living in London but from Oop Norf originally) and Uncle who was down visiting at the time.

      It was in one those posh burger joints who – for delivering a reasonably cooked bit of mince in a “Brioche” bun and 2 x 330ml bottles of Peroni (or insert other overpriced bottle of lager piss here) – expect a ransom of over £30 knicker + tip.

      The nondescript heap described itself as “Jules” and that their pronouns were “them, they and their”.

      My Uncle completely innocently said: “Oh, is that right luv?”

      At which point Jules placed the menus on the table and stomped off.

      My cousin left the £10 quid for the two bottles of piss consumed and left without ordering.

      Bemused my Uncle asked why and this was my cousin’s response: “Yeah Dad, you wouldn’t like a medium-rare hand-cooked burger with a white string hanging from it.”

      Needless to say the London Big Mac was a rare treat. Made with authentic British halal meat…

  6. Brighton council ( where else of course ) issued gender badges to staff at the town hall at a cost of £1800 . The bastard cunts are always saying how skint they are but find the money for absurd schemes such as this.

  7. ‘Cultural Marxism’ is a catch all term that doesn’t really say very much. No, the true evil today is ‘Cultural Darwinism’. ‘He is transitioning’ not far from saying ‘he is evolving’. And of course it is put forward by Progressives. We are ‘progressing’ once again not far from ‘we are evolving’.

  8. We talk about the Transition period from the EU. But soon (and I’m not kidding) there will be a forced transition period for kids leaving school. Forced to find out their true sexuality.

  9. I’m all for it. When the peacefuls finally have enough power to subject us all under the jackslipper of sharia law, gender fluid (or should that be gender flid?) cunts, fanny noshers and degenerate bumders will be the first ones taking a tumble from the belltowers of mosques, giving everyone else time to attempt an escape.

    • I’ll have no need to escape, Mr. Cunt-Engine,in fact I’ll probably be the one directing operations up the belltower. I’m in the process of transitioning to “Peaceful”. I’ve started fiddling the benefit system,spitting in the street,and lacking a sister I’ve bought a mini-cab from which I leer at schoolchildren and offer them drugs.
      I’ve also stopped washing, developed a sneery look and demanded priority in fucking everything. I shall call myself Sheik YerBellEnd.
      I anticipate a long and happy career as a Person of Peace as I root out any Infidel dogs who misbehave in my country.

      Fuck them.

      • Have you decided whether you’re going to transition as a Shi’ite, Sunni or a Shia filthbag, Mr F?
        Make the incorrect decision (according to your Caliph) and you may well be plummeting towards the ground alongside the gaylords…
        Of course, you could always go the whole hog (not that you’d like a hog) and blow yourself up in Parliament Square and then your 72 virgins would be waiting for you in the garden of Jannah. And they’d all have the face and body of Kelly Osbourne after a year long donut binge.

      • A Shitty one seems appropriate considering the smell. Didn’t actually know there were more than one kind. I shall them my new Peaceful Pals that I’m a Rabbinical Shite. That should solve the problem.

  10. Some gender fluid cunt stopped me just the other day, I said listen you fucking fringe, if I throw a dog a bone, I don’t want to know if it tastes good or not. You stop me again whilst I’m walking, and I’ll cut your fucking Jacobs off.

    Bricktop ?

  11. I identify as Hugh Hefner. Now give me 4 big-titted peroxide blonde wives and millions in my bank account!!!!

  12. At the fresher week…

    One bypasser wearing a label with his name and the assumed pronoun ‘it’ is collared by one of the earnest.

    “Oh, you don’t identify as male, female, or third person plural, but prefer the non-nominative ‘it’ “.

    “No, I work in IT you stupid cunt”

  13. Two women have been thrown out of the Girl Guide movement for objecting to its transgender policy. This states that someone identifying as female can be a Guide leader without parents or anyone else being made aware. This means you could wave your daughter off to camp not knowing that a cock in a frock has got access to bedrooms , showers, the whole shebang . I regard this as a gross dereliction of child protection responsibilities , it’s a green light for deviancy.

    • I dunno. The women’s only pool session I joined is working out nicely.

      They don’t mind if I go topless and they know the raging boner I get is because of the hormone drugs I’m on and not through oggling their naked bodies in the showers.

      Alas the breastfeeders’ “snooker balls in a pair of tights” knock it back to a decent semi but they think that’s because of my maternal instinct trying to push through.

      Women’s only aerobacising next week. I’ll be there in me boxers and Sports Direct £2 white T-SHIRT. I hope the others wear those nice Nike leotards where you can “read the lips”.

      I’m happy to identify as a 22yr old woman for those occasions. It’s mint.

      And don’t forget – based on the flake principal – if state it, it’s TRUE! Biology and physiology have no place in a “modern” society.

      So nurrrr!

  14. R4 this morning. Some fucker was sacked as editor of a student magazine for:

    Re-twatting a reasoned article from the Spectator and making the ridiculous statement that ‘women don’t have penises’

    Neither the article nor the statement followed the diktat of the Ministry of Truth in our (and the USA) universities.

  15. off topic but Brexit project fear story 2372…….. power blackouts in Northern Ireland if we leave the EU

    If we get a clean break ( Dick , I know your thoughts on this ) or if we as I expect get fucked over , either way there has to be a reckoning of what has transpired the last 2 years. for certain politicians/celebrities/media/big business/education……
    A fucking riot is justifiable even if it all went my way now , such is the fucking anger and disappointment in half my countrymen

  16. Just been reading about this girl guide shit and I really can’t believe it. If I volunteered to help out the guides and go camping with a load of adolescent girls they’d laugh in my face, tell me to fuck off and report me to the coppers.
    But some fucking pervert dressed like a bird just waltzes in there and they daren’t say no for fear of being labelled “transphobic “ or “a hater”. The world has gone fucking mental!!

    • It’s absolute madness, there seems to be a concerted effort to warp the whole of society. I just hope I’m still around when the backlash to all this fuckwittery and perversity occurs . It’ll be an awesome sight to behold.

  17. American rednecks in a nutshell texas style https://www.liveleak.com/view?t=uX70K_1537453032

    lol unbelievable stupidity of some people Its actually kind of a sad story in a way but the two fat hicks father and son technically were in their right according to state law, its a shame the victim was so bull headed and mind boggling stupid could of avoided the whole thing

    • In the States they have a legal principle called “stand your ground.” If some cunt threatens you (which the dead cunt clearly did) and you show him you are armed and give fair warning ( which the 2 hillbillies clearly did) then you are allowed to shoot the cunt. Looks an open and shut case to me. Fucking crazy Yanks!!

  18. Gender is not a fucking choice you get to make and anyone who believes otherwise is seriously mentally ill. Men have XY chromosomes, women have XX, so you’re either one or the other. Unless you’re a downie, in which case, your gender doesn’t fucking matter anyway, unless you’re going on The Undateables for my amusement.

  19. I went to uniy in the north to try and get laid (sometimes) and take drugs (first class degree). I don’t remember any problems, the girls were girls, the boys were boys and if you wanted to be something else I don’t remember anyone objecting. If I went back now and I was confronted with these options I would like to wear a badge that identified me as a CUNT. Nothing else just CUNT and I would demand that I was to be identified as such.

    • And the irony is that if you did, the humourless little snotwipes would ‘deny you a platform’ on the basis of sexism and misogyny. You can only say what you want to say and be what you want to be if it’s sanctioned first by THEIR orthodoxy.

  20. As an experienced medical practitioner I can confirm that there are only two genders , male and female. There are only two types of abnormality, namely rug munchers and shit-pushers. The rest of the so-called LBGTQ WTF brigade are made up of cunts who refuse to accept that they fit into the aforementioned categories.What really annoys me is that there is a group of NHS Consultants who,having failed the grade in mainstream medicine have created a bunch of non-existent disorders e.g. gender dysphoria so that they can set up “gender-reassignment “clinics in NHS hospitals (e.g. the Chelsea & Westminster (which just so happens to cater for the area containing the highest percentage of lefty snowflakes and remainders in the UK.It’s a bit like the police being unable to investigate trivial crimes like rape and murder because their priorities lie with dealing with serious matters such as “hate-crimes “ e.g. looking at a tranny the wrong way.

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