Sue Wilson who was originally from Britain but decided to bugger off to Spain, no doubt for her own self-enrichment, and a group of other ex-pat fuckwits are launching yet another court bid to try to overturn the democratic vote of over 17 million of us.
Why? Because the old cunt wants to have her cake and eat it. This country wasn’t good enough for her and the other wankstains, so they upped and left. The trouble is that when we leave she and her shithole friends *might* have to leave their suntraps. Might, you notice, just like one day Peter Mandelson might fuck Harriet Harman, or Cliff Richard might marry Madonna, or Keith Vaz might give up expenses fiddling – not likely to happen but cunty Wilson wants to try to keep her options open.
If the old cunt was that worried by Brexit why didn’t she shift her arse out of Spain on 23rd June 2016 and come back home to vote?. Because she, like all the other self-entitled self obsessed heaps of shit didn’t think Remain could lose. Well they did Sue, dear, so off you go and fuck yourself. If the pampered Ms Wilson does have to come back to Britain I hope they find her a dirty flat on the shittiest council estate in Britain so she can enjoy even more *diversity*
Nominated by W.C. Boggs
Don’t blame the bitch for fucking off out of the madhouse but she ought to have some respect for those of us who are stuck here, won a referendum and are having democracy stolen from right under our noses.
No, not this self-serving cunt. Instead she trots out all the remoaner bullshit about the Irish border, economic disaster, 2nd vote etc. Just look at the shit she is wearing in the photo.
She doesn’t give a fuck about this country, she is just terrified that she might be dragged back here.
Besides , does she really think the EU cunts are going to kick her and her money out and have to take back all the parasites, pikeys, criminals and child refugees they have dumped on us? They may be cunts but they’re not fucking stupid!
We all know the self-interest of the leading remoaners, pretending they care so much about us, but this bitch is so blatant i’m surprised she has developed the bare faced hypocrisy of a professional politician so quickly.
I hope the recent influx of goatshaggers in Spain find her villa , steal everything she’s got and burn the fucker to the ground.
Fuck off you slag! We don’t want you back you cunt!
Great response. Nail hit truly and squarely on the head.
She looks like Danny Boyle in a shit wig.
Not about expats but Rod Liddle’s article about the People’s Vote in the Spectator is well worth a read. That man is a brilliant journalist.
Yeah, i’ve read that, fucking brilliant! I particularly liked his demolition of Pantsdown and Soubry and the description of the fragrant Mrs Blair as “his grasping Scouse missus.”
Fucking loved it. I might even forgive him for being Millwall. Well, they can’t all be cunts can they?
I know it’s not the point of ISAC to become the Rod Liddle Appreciation Page but I agree with you Opinionated and Freddie.
Rod deserves the highest honour that can be bestowed on a member of the human race for his week in / week out fearless attacks in the Sunday Times on Political Correctness and the insidious rise of immigration and extreme Islamism. No I do NOT mean the discredited nonsense handed out by Brenda twice a year but HONORARY CUNTSELSHIP of ISAC!
I’d go so far as to say that Rod’s column in the Sunday Times the week before the Referendum confirmed in my mind to Vote Leave and that opinion has grown stronger by the day ever since. Thanks Rod for still thinking the same way.
I can overlook his Millwall affiliations because (a) it’s as close to an old fashioned non gentrified part of Londonistan as you will find and (b) he’s really a Geordie and actually spends a lot of his time there well away from the malign influence of our capital city.
Perhaps that’s why his opinions make some sense.
Although if Admin were open to setting up a separate Rod Liddle Appreciation Page… ☺️
Thanks for heads up OC
Excellent piece by RL …..
nice to see Some of ISAC favourites
Getting lambasted in print…..
All this talk of a new centrist ( anti brexit) party starting up has got me praying that it acts as a modern day pied piper attracting all the despicable RATS in to one unelectable party!
Bottle job chuka and soubry definitely have lofty political ambitions which dwarf not only their talent but vote winning abilities too……
If you choose to live abroad good luck to you, I have friends in both France and Spain that have chosen to do so and I applaud their endeavour, some have applied for citizenship others confident that there is no need as things will be okay, but none are crying for a people’s vote/ second referendum under the guise of deeply caring for a country THEY choose to leave….
As previous poster said this selfish old bag just wants to have her cake! And there’s thousands of these Cunts! In the not so independent was a story of a man who had lived in Germany for 24 years!! Who was demanding a vote , the prick was bleating how his democracy had been stolen?
Epic Cunting Mr Boggs!
With dried up cunts like Wilson making the case for a No Deal Brexit, who needs UKIP?
I know quite a few expats in Portugal and, with very few exceptions, they are utter cunts, brexit
They thunk they know better than nit just all of the British people they left, but also the natives. They mostly think they”re cunts, and rightly so.
“Oh lets all build a new community away from the things that make me feel inferior but I can’t admit it”. “Huh how come all these people turned out to be cunts, am I a cunt?”
The thing about these cunts is that they are actually fairly typical Ukippers. However, having decided to live abroad, completely separate from the locals usually, they have become Remoaners. And like all Remoaners it is purely self interest.
Well said Cuntstable, Commissioner Strapon must be proud of you. Of course these cunts are Ukippers, that’s why they got their arse out of here in the first place. But instead of putting pressure on the British government to look after them they side with the miserable traitors who fucked this country up and caused them to leave in the first place! The more I think about it the more I hate this Wilson shitbag and her friends.
Fuck them all to hell!
Can you actually buy those EU sweaters with the stars round the collar ( to show the hangman exactly where the noose goes perhaps?)
Anyone seen walking in public wearing one deserves to have dog turds fired at them from a giant spudgun…
Yes, there’s a shop called Traitors’R’us. Very reasonable prices ( subsidised by the EU, the British Government and the House of Lords ) You can also buy framed photos of your favourite pin-ups……..Soubry, Thornberry, Miller,Allen Flabbot etc.
Highly recommended by Gary Taxdodger I hear
Giant Suckdick Khunt in yellow bikini balloon now flying over Londonistan to protest unprecedented rise in violent crime under Khunt’s so called stewardship.
Suckdick’s response? “Yellow isn’t really my colour”.
Yeah right – let them eat monkey dust. Long may the stabbings continue!
The Trump blimp was given some prominence by the BBC. I only found Khan coverage by going deep into local news and finding an Evening Standard article.
So no bias there then.
SLY covered it briefly:
That blimps fucking excellent
Even got the crook on his beak!!
The only thing missing was a noose which they should have wrapped around his neck before launching it!!! The Cunt……..
Morning Q,
Agree, though that ballon is nowhere near as hideous as the real thing! Should have had a bumming mini Mohammed on his back. Along with the noose.
PS: ABBC must have read Cuntstable’s comment, cos they’ve now covered it…
Afternoon RTC
That would have been a nice touch! ?
It’s on sky news too
Khans trying to laugh it off but I bet he’s oh so slightly annoyed!!
As he considers londistan his domain …..
Say what you like about her rotten anti-democracy opinions and her ghastly dress but this woman was outstanding in George & Mildred.
Just what on earth do these bastards think they’ll achieve.
The sense of self entitlement these cunts exhibit is much worse than that of Snow Flake Millenials.
What kind of person believes they can force a legal move to overturn a vote which legally they weren’t entitled to vote in.
Fuck me they’ll be campaigning to remove Trump from office next….
Btw did anyone see Brillo’s awesome slap down if the mighty Owen ‘MGBGTV8’ Jones?
He said. ‘I admire how you do JC’s work tirelessly and so far, with out reward.
Everybody close to Mr Corbyn still despises you, it’s so unfair.
Maybe adding to your McCarthylite litany by calling Mr Field a bigot will make them see sense’
I do hope so.
I remember, not long after the referendum , hearing some Scottish bint on the radio whining that because she had lived outside the country for 15 years she didn’t get a vote. On and on she moaned about her democratic rights etc.
Guess where she lived?……that’s right, fucking Brussels. You don’t need me to tell you who she worked for do you?
The bloke pointed out that she hadn’t been entitled to vote in the Scottish independence referendum either and asked if she had whinged like a bitch about that. No, she said.
End of interview. Fuck off you slag.
Some may scoff at the prospect of this country’s demise without the leadership of our colleagues in the European Union, but the spectre of doom is already beginning to cast its shadow. There are fears of running short of vital supplies of medicine, of pensions not being paid, of goods being delayed at Dover and Calais because of documentation problems. I have been unable to buy Dandelion and Burdock at Sainsburys for six weeks. Our future remains uncertain and I believe it’s time to re-evaluate our decision to callously betray our friends in Europe. We must admit our mistake and beg them to allow us to remain part of the EU, under any conditions they care to impose.
There are worse things than being labelled surrender monkeys. I am already on my knees. Who will join me?
I shall. The prospect of being unable to have one’s Merc cleaned by a Romanian car washer is clearly unacceptable and the effect of our guestworkers departing may well be a housing surplus, with a catastrophic decline in property prices. And what will happen to the little man who supplies me with tasty kiełbaski myśliwska?
Hang on, does that mean I won’t be able to get 8 cans of Zywiec to chill out with on an evening? Well that’s it, I’m convinced, Brexit must be reversed.
With you all the way Allan – better to live on our knees than die on our feet!
And if that tax dodging pontificating hypocritical Paddywood and Potatoland gobshite, Bonio, says one more thing about Brexit and Britain leaving the EU once more… Doesn’t the multimillionaire bogtrotting gnome cunt realise, it is a British matter?… That the British people voted for it?… It is nothing to do ‘wid Oi-urlund’ and even less to do with ivory tower tax dodging celebrity areslicking gobshites like him… So I suggest old dog biscuit and his horrendous mastiff-esque wife fuck off to one of their tax havens (Amsterdam and Monte Carlo being just two of them) and leave British business to British people… Savvy, you bogtrotting cunt?…
Jesus this hideous creature looks like a slightly more masculine Eddie Izzard. All that’s missing is a pink beret.