Politicians [3]

I hate our cuntish politicians.

They allow hundreds of thousands of dirty sponging lazy as fuck foreigners into this country.

They give them our money for doing nothing, and do not care whether they have criminal records in their home countries.

They do not care if they cause problems, mess, are noisy or do not want to conform to the British way of life.

They give them priority over the British people.

Our politicians are working towards overturning the democratic result of the British electorate that is to leave the European Union that is Brexit.

They award a 1% pay rise to the essential services and people who perform vital life saving jobs, whilst being awarded something close to 10% for themselves.

They have longer holidays than the rest of the working population.

Many of them have two homes, the second of which they expect us to pay for. And they get generous expenses.

They tell us that we need to all live within our means and that austerity is the dish of the day whilst at the same time are talking of spending billions of pounds of our money on refurbishing the House of Parliament (plus another £60m or what the final figure ends up at on Big Ben).

They reduce the budget for the police force whilst at the same time strengthening heavily the fortifications around the Houses of Parliament.

Today (when most of us are experiencing major drug problems, young white girls being raped, stabbings and murders in our towns), a car crashes into a barrier outside the Houses of Parliament. The response time is immediate and seemingly the entire British police force turn out to arrest the single offender. Two minor casualties. Probably the whole fucking day will be spent covering the event by the desperate news hungry cunts in the media, more specifically cameras (of the different news channels) pointed at the same place with random people with not much to say do so, over and over and over again. Bored.

A car crashes outside the Houses of Parliament? So fucking what. What a shame the useless fuckers are all on holiday and what a fucking shame it was only a minor incident, and that for once the useless cunts inside the building experience a taste of the real life they themselves have orchestrated for the rest of us.

How I hate the useless fuckers in Parliament for what they are doing to this once great country whilst at the same time looking after themselves very nicely thank you.

Nominated by Willie Stroker

58 thoughts on “Politicians [3]

  1. Great cunting Willie. It is my opinion that the subject of MP pay is a bit ironic, in that I don’t believe MP salaries are anywhere near high enough. High enough for the high calibre of MPs we need to pilot this country out of the shit that successive wanky governments have dropped us in.

    We need to drop the number of MPs from 650 to perhaps 100. Pay the PM and cabinet members £250,000 – £500,000 a year. Have the strictest recruitment and vetting procedures. Ban them from having other employment outside their role as an MP. Reward them properly but demand life and soul from them. We should be employing the very, very brightest, sensible, hardworking and able with a clear pedigree for performance. Not the contemporary cunts that infest Westminster.

    Willie is quite right – “use fuckers in parliament”. By example, that hideous, massive-knockered, gobby, socialist idiot, Angela Rayner, doesn’t even possess a single GCSE to her name.

      • Go for it Cuntsince1066!

        Another excellent Cunting btw Willie… what an entitled bunch of useless fucks they are.

      • What is even worse is when they get found out and tossed out (or tossed off) in Westminster some of them return from the grave like the monsters in Hammer horror films. Take Lord Mangeldbum as a great example. Had to resign twice as a minister, gets a special promotion to the EU and a title (probably threatening certain ex Labour leaders with telling the world he was their power bottom if he didn’t get it), and despite all the money and titles the old motherfucker is still operating behind the scenes. Last month he had a wankfest barbeque and invited lardarse Tom Watson and 10 *moderate* Labour MPs to discuss *the future of Labour* (if they have one, which is highly debateable).

        Why is the treachous, disembling, shitty slimy dishonest old cunt still allowed to pull strings?. Another example like Dunkerton, Heseltine, Branson and Miller of brain dead old fuckwits still buying influence.

      • Rayner is in the lower end of the very lowest grade politicians that infest the House of Cunts.

        A titanic gob like one of those 1970s rubbish munching pigs-heads that you used to see dotted around Butlins.

      • Appallingly low calibre MP who has risen to Shadow Education Secretary despite not getting ANY qualifications at school. Typical Labour high quality.


        Unbelievably described as a possible future leader of the Labour Party.

        An excellent example of the ludicrous system of appointing and regularly reshuffling unqualified “never had a proper job” thick as shit ministers in charge of cabinet (or shadow cabinet) positions in fields which they have little or no experience (with the inevitable consequences).

        Fuck it up badly, and they get moved to head up a different department, so you can fuck up that one.

        No wonder this country is in such a fucking mess.

      • An argumentative cunt who’s a thick as pig shit!!! I saw her rambling on a few weeks ago and you would have thought it was a spoof!!

    • Bang on the money there Paul with regard to Rayner.

      Fucking Chav getting upt’ duff at 16 and proud of it as it ‘gave her someone to love and prove she could be a good mother’ mmmmmm that’s what they all fucking say, more like, excellent that’s my own council house in the bag and a life on the state, just like her scum parents before her.

      And isn’t it simply fantastic that little Ryan has followed in his mother’s footsteps by becoming a proud dad without employment at the age of 19.


      What a sorry state of affairs it is that this thing is fairly representative of modern day Labour and general looney left MP’s.

      We need a fucking war. Boom?

  2. It was always said “If you don’t vote, you can’t complain.” That may be true but complaining will get you nowhere.
    Anybody today, who thinks their vote makes a difference is either deluded or kidding themselves.
    The fix is in before the results are in.
    Then, when there is a reason to vote on something that might actually make a difference, Brexit referendum, the whole thing is practically ignored as if it never happened or treated as a minor inconvenience to the supposed elite.

    I fucking despise these self servers.

    Come the next election they’ll be swaning around on their tour bus, waving their manifestos, promising the promised land and yet again cunts will for it.

    I’ve got fridge magnets screaming “We can’t take anymore” as they strain under the weight of inquisitive correspondence from the taxman.
    Someone has to pay for the MP’s wage rise, home grown and foreign scrounging cunts.

    I might just ignore their rules and regs.

    Angry and fucked off of Tunbridge Wells.

    (I don’t live in T/Wells but they always say that.)

  3. Politicians, bankers, ‘financial services'(!) cunts. I wouldn’t wipe my arse on one.

    A lot of good cuntings on here recently. Nice one, Willie.

  4. Theresa May to take a trade delegation to Nigeria after a prince emails her about the huge Brexit fund his late father left her…

    • Maybe we should have a whip round and see if we can cobble together enough cash to persuade them to keep her…

      • Throw in a free pack of stock cubes and they’ll have her in the cauldron quicker than you can say “mutton stew “.
        Good evening.

      • Oxo makes a meal man appeal (so they used to say, but that was before the days of transgendering and little fairies twittering)

    • If you are not Jacksgallbladder then at least give credit to him on Sickipedia ya plagiarist.

  5. What is horrific is that long after they lose power, some of the troughing old cunts still have the temerity to try back seat driving. A typical case in point is that queer old peer Lord Mangledbum. Having twice had to leave office in disgrace, he held a party last month inviting “ten centerist Labour MPs” to discuss the future (if indeed it has one) of the fucking Labour party. What a busy old pansy he is what with that and Brexit. Of course that putrid old clown Heseltine is just as bad on the other side of the house.

    One plus point: silly old motherfucker Vince Cable is rumoured to be retiring, lets hope he fucks off completely and takes Mary Ann Mandelson with him.

  6. A Scouser phones the job center…

    JC…”Hello, you’re through to the Job Center, how can I help?”

    Scouser…”Eeerrrrm…I’ve been on the dole for ages, and I think I’m ready to get a job”….

    JC…”I’m sorry, could you say that again”…

    Scouser….”I said I’ve been on the dole for fuckin’ ages and fancy a job now”….

    JC…”Well we do have one position we’re having trouble filling you may be interested in.
    The job is at Spearmint Rhino. Your duties will include helping the girls change skimpy outfits, rubbing baby oil on them, helping them shower, things like that.
    Meals and drinks are included in the package and because of the unsociable hours a flat is included and the salary is two thousand a week.”

    Scouser…”You’re bullshitting me!”..

    JC….”Well you fucking started it”…

  7. The whole situation makes me wish I had paid more attention at school and joined the gravy train.

    Fuck the voters, fuck the British, fuck everything that doesn’t pay vast amounts of cash to me for doing fuck all because I am ‘connected’

    Will I represent you? Fuck that shit when there is serious cash on offer.

    You have a vote? Well I’ll promise you the moon and more if you vote for me. Do you think I will deliver, well more fool you, you cunt.

    That’s politicians for you.

  8. Cotbyn now thinks that ‘The Zionist lobby control Labour MP’ s speeches…..


      • If I recall correctly JHB used to do the 1pm show that the fat leftist munter Sheilagh Fogarty now presents.

        They need to off load the cunt JoB from 59 Whitehall Park Rd Chiswick.

        Can you believe the cunt and his wife take ‘Directors Loans’ from their business Scrambler Media, avoiding tax on circa £40k a year.

        Someone’s got to pay the mortgage of the £1.5m Chiswick pad.


      • Why is that up-his-own-arse poofter Steve Allen on every day? and for so many hours. I’d give him the 2 minute Thought For The Day spot. Couldn’t call it that of course as it belongs to the BBC but you could call it *There’s Nowt So Queer As Folk*

      • The Yewtoob comments page seems to have attracted more than its fair share of Corbynites.

    • I am imagining the reaction of this board if the Mormons had decided that Farage was an antimormonite on the basis of something he’d said, not even noticed at the time, five years ago, taken out of context and made into headline news, daily, for months.

      Sachs weighing in on this is to my mind proof positive that the matter is being intentionally inflated out of all proportion, whatever you think of Corbyn. It is also proof that SOME (make careful note of this: SOME) Jews are cunts.

      And if Corbyn had suggested that a group of Muslims didn’t get English irony, you’d have been cheering him to the rafters shortly before realising you didn’t get it either.

  9. MPs… can’t say they’re not representative of the people. Went for a walk in town this afternoon, streets overflowing with sub primate dross of every race, colour and creed.

    Our Liebour LGBTQ Liebour MP could not have been more representative! Just not of me, unfortunately.

    “Every nation gets the Government it deserves.”

    PS: Did clock one AMAZINGLY fit bird, so my stroll not an entirely negative experience.

    • Like a lot of fellow cunters I truly despise this leprechaun piece of shit.

      I cunted John Lennon several months back as I genuinely believe he would have been the World Chapion Cunt had the great Mark Chapman not done us all a favour.

      No question in my mind though that St Bonio is the living incarnation of Lennon.

      Another cunt that wants a world without borders yet lives in a high security high walled mansion and wants Governments to write if 3rd World debts with the use of tax payers money whilst massively ‘mitigating’ his own tax position.

      I’d like to put a full shift in on this cunt, a solid 8 hours kicking the cunt in his balls, stopping only for dinner.


    • He was once in Rome to perform at a charity concert. But he’d forgot his favourite hat. So he had it flown first class to him. He spent thirty thousand euros on that. Just so he could have his hat.

  10. Bonio should send them an invite to stay at his gaff.

    The third caravan on the right with a Ford Transit outside on the waste land just off the Industrial Estate down Gas Works Lane.

  11. Anyone see Maybot dancing a um bongo jig at a Cape Town school? They should have offered us a trade deal to save the embarrassment of everyone involved. At least Boris wasn’t there as he would have turned up full Zulu warrior regalia with shield and spear.

  12. Bono appears bitter that Brits wanna leave the EU.
    Bono is Irish.
    Ireland are in the EU and don’t look like leaving any time soon.

    So his point is what….?

    People take the piss out of the Irish for appearing dense apparently…..

  13. After seeing the photo of the bogtrotting cunt in a love-fest with Bushbaby, am I alone on here in wanting to stove that smug fucker’s face in with a 14lb sledge hammer?

    Bono goes where the money and power is. Any cunt that subsidises this foul prick’s lifestyle is an intellectually stunted cunt. You heard it here first.

    • I’d rather pay money to avoid listening to fucking U2.
      Bland, manufactured, up themselves, pretentious, soft rock cunts…

  14. Out of interest how long has ISAC been in circulation, what country did it start in and how wide spread are its cunters.

  15. A day of dipping in out of Radio 4 thoroughly endorsed Willie’s cunting. I awoke at 0550 hrs so on went the Today programme:

    On Lesbos, sand people are getting in a touch of stabbing practice so they can seamlessly integrate when they get to mainland Europe. Al-BBC gives a total fucking snowflake slant on this story. Not that shit skins are Cunts. Always have been. Always will be.

    The Northern Ireland assembly is now making history for leaving a country (province) ungoverned for the longest time. This because the politicians bicker over the pettiest details. It goes to prove that devolved government is a waste of time (see Sturgeon cunting, etc). The NI government dissolved over a energy plan that a 5 year old could see would fail. Cunts.

    Then today’s Trump story – the idiot has decided to lower flags again because of the Twitter storm. I beginning to realise what an utter tool he is. But he was elected because people were sick of Obammacunt and didn’t want Hillycunt.

    On to the PM programme:

    Why is the only ishoo for the Liebour party antisemitism? This party used to be credible and led by people for the people. Of course, when given power, they messed up, but at least they were capable idiots. Now they are totally oxygen-thieving cunts.

    We seem to be on a track to total ruin. The said 5 year old must be able to see that. All because of snowflakery influencing politics. At some point, the world will hit the buffers and it will be very messy, making WWII look like a picnic.

  16. The Common Sense Party will reform both houses thusly:

    1. No one without 5yrs of real work history – away from the Westminster Spunk Bubble, legal system and academia – will be allowed to serve the people as a commoner.

    2. No one who has served as a commoner will be allowed to serve as a Lord in the upper house.

    3. Periods of service will be capped at 15yrs for commoners and 8yrs for Lords, thus preventing perennialism as experienced in many “always voted Labour/Tory” gifting workshy MPs 25-40yrs of guaranteed work, paid for home(s) and cushy final salary pension for basically doing fuck all and loving it!

    4. Both houses will be reduced to 2 members per county: North and South.

    5. On key decisions a new system of voting will be required. This will based on your allocated at birth NINO coming into affect on your 18th birthday. Duplicate NINOs will be suppressed until the true allocated person is identified and the illegal using it ejected from the UK to whatever Shithole they hailed from.

    5. Said MPs merely exist to vote as a proxy based on the decision of their constituents – no matter how ill informed – our decision, you serve us, you have one vote (like everyone else) so fuck you! If we make a bad decision we’ll no doubt rectify that next time around.

    6. Any MP who doesn’t vote as demanded by their constituents will be fired immediately, their vote not counted and arrested for treason (are you listening Sourberries, Tarzan and Cuntosaurus Clarke).

    7. MPs will now have so much time on their hands – because of being mere proxies for the decisions of their constituents – that they may even decide to work together for the betterment of the public instead of their arse pockets. Any proposal – again – will be decided by the electorate. Good, common sense ideas will invariably pass. White elephant, palm-greasing, wastes of money – such as HS2 – will invariably be thrown out.

    8. Lobbyists and interest groups will be deemed enemies of the state. Any MP fraternising with either of the above will be fired immediately and arrested for…well, you get the gist.

    It’s still in the developmental stage but it’s shaping up nicely.

    • Slight problem with your point 6.

      Clarke’s constituents voted remain so he’s doing what you suggest.
      Heseltine is a Lord so doesn’t have constituents.
      Spot on fire Souberry as her electors were firmly leave

      • No the point is valid.

        They *will* do as their constituents demand and if that should happen to coincide with their own (agenda) beliefs then good for them.

        If it doesn’t and they have to eat a shit sandwich – where their (agenda) beliefs are concerned – then eat they will or be held for treason.

        That it the point do as we (the people) demand or get thrown out of your job and into jail.

        Only hard threats like these will keep the interfering, duplicitous cunts in line.

        The idea being that being an MP or Lord – to this bunch of perennial, back-handing, lying scum – becomes so unpalatable to this “type” that they seek employment elsewhere thus meaning that decent, honest folk will have to fill their ranks instead.

        What a fucking novel idea that would be, eh!

  17. Few years ago old guy frequented local. Cracking bloke. Been a Lancaster W/OP AG. Bumped into him in Oxfam buying book. He looked at me wistfully and said we were collecting stuff for poor starving Africans in the 20s. Nothing’s fucking changed has it. Now I’m a grade a coward, but never been such a cunt that I can’t look at myself in the mirror having a shave. Imagine Flabbot, having been eviscerated by Brillo Pad, having every self respecting Amoeba looking down on her, with the rest of us hiding behind the setee in embarrassment, she’s removing her facial wart hairs with her No No thinking how fucking brilliant she is. They’re just made of different stuff these cunts. Different fucking stuff.

  18. Britney Spears in her ‘later years’ . Kyle Minogue suddenly old. Madonna her looks gone from her. ‘sic transit gloria mundi’

    • Spears is now a skanky stripper at gay discos, Madogga is a decrepit certifiable witch, and I don’t know what Kylie’s up to now…. Have these daft slags ever heard of growing old gracefully? Obviously not….

  19. According to the BB of C, the Home Secretary looks like the milfmongous and extremely jumpable Keeley Hawes… A far cry from Amber Rudd, eh? And even more far removed from Abbott The Hutt… I’ll have whatever drugs are going round BBC HQ at the moment….

  20. Was accidentally listening to Radio 4 doing an inspirational and empowering (read propaganda) piece on some darkskinned entity from deprived background in Yorkshire gravel pit etc, who against all the odds had got good A levels and had been accepted by Oxford. To do Politics, Philosophy, and Economics (PPE). Why? Because he wanted to be an MP.

    Yes, it’s a career choice, and that’s what you do to get there. Most (New) Labour and Tory frontbenchers did it (though Blair did Jurisprudence rather than PPE) . You make influential contacts and work them throughout your career to your advantage and theirs. You learn the traditional ways of screwing the electorate from the top experts in the field. Your innate sense of superiority is massaged and confirmed by the egomaniacs who surround you. And any thoughts of experiencing outside the political bubble are tactfully wiped from your consciousness.

    And we vote for the cunts.


    The one thing I have picked upon since the Referendum is that DEMOCRACY is a sham in the UK; its meaningless, worthless and pointless. Our political system exists only to keep the corrupt ruling political classes in power. I saw in the last but one GE UKIP got more votes than the SNP and Greens combined yet UKIP got no MPs. I saw after the Referendum the Liberal Democrats plus many Tory and Labour characters like Blair, Ken Clarke, Anna Soubry etc openly advocating that the government should IGNORE the democratic wishes of the people. In the following 2 years I have seen the ruling elites of all flavours try every trick in the book to wreck Brexit and what it clearly meant (OUT of the EU and ALL of its institutions).

    Now reality started to bite and a certain realisation dawned: democracy in the UK is like three wolves and a lamb deciding what to eat for lunch. The Lib Lab Cons are almost just taking turns to run the country FOR THEIR OWN BENEFIT for a few years at a time before passing the baton to the others for a turn.

    Then the greatest realisation struck home. It finally dawned on me that ALL of the UK’s gun, knife, baton, tazor, spray, etc prohibitions, bans and restrictions have absolutely NOTHING to do with reducing violent street crime (its risen by an average of 20% a year since 1997 and the bulk of the bans). It has EVERYTHING to do with ensuring that we, the British people, simply cannot physically overthrow this utterly corrupt, immoral undemocratic cartel of career ruling class political elites. I think that after the borderline revolution over the 1990s Poll Tax crisis they, the elite, feared growing public discontent and decided to find excuses to disarm us so that they cannot be overthrown. Now in 2018 whenever I hear a politician say the treasured word DEMOCRACY I actually start clenching my fists.

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