Peter Willsman

Peter Willsman of Labour’s National Executive Committee has made a right cunt of himself ranting like he’s read one too many copies of Der Sturmer….

Notice the typical anti-Semitic trope about Jews controlling the media – “they can falsifiy social media very easily.” If this rant was aimed at any other minority – especially one beginning with the letter ‘M’ – then Willsman would be booted out of the Labour Party quicker than Owen Jones can invent a phobia.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not defending Israel or indeed Jews in general. However, the nightmare cult of identity politics says that only a member of a particular group can decide what is prejudice against said group. Even the law says that a hate crime is one perceived to be motivated by hatred by the victim or any other person. The only people who are not allowed to decide about prejudice appear to be Jewish folks. I am not pro-Jews/Israel so much as I am against hypocrisy and identity politics.

Why is it that the people who are so loud in proclaiming their own virtues are often guilty of the very thing they complain about?

‘Anti-racists’ who hate… well, everyone really.

‘Anti-fascists’ who use fascist tactics – violence, intimidation, suppressing free speech – to prevent anyone hearing views they don’t like.

Islamic clerics who whine about made-up ‘Islamophobia’ whilst holding views about Jews that would make Heinrich Himmler blanch.

Bonio going on about giving to charity whilst (allegedly) engaging in decades of tax evasion.

Christian preachers who go on about the bloody Bible and condemn anything vaguely out of the ordinary in sexual relationships whilst engaging in acts that would make even Dick Fiddler of this parish raise an eyebrow.

Whether Hillsman and the rest of the far left are really anti-Semitic is beside the point. They have broken their own (bullshit) rules. If Trumpy (utter cunt) is a racist for criticising Sadiq Khan and disliking some of the violent verses in the Koran makes you an ‘Islamophobe’ then, by the same logic, the whole Corbynite left is anti-Semitic to its rotten core.


(Disclaimer: any logical inconsistencies, poor spellings or grammatical errors can be explained by the fours beers I’ve had in the last hour).

Nominated by Cunt’s Mate Cunt

82 thoughts on “Peter Willsman

  1. And I’d be willing to bet that even his views are nowt compared to über-cunt Naz Shah.

      • It looks reminiscent of TV footage from the dusty streets of Gaza with the funerals of the latest martyrs killed by the Israelis. Just needed a few wailing burka-clad crones and some gun-toting ten year olds in adorable child sized suicide vests.

      • The sheer volume of them all congregated together chills the blood, don’t you reckon, LL?

      • Not wrong TtCE, I saw footage of thousands upon thousands of them celebrating the end of Ramadamadingdong in a Birmingham park.

      • Yeah… but they was lovely boys… used to buy their mothers flowers and that…

      • Like the one who used to train young lads at cricket at his local club in Bradfordistan. “salt of the earth” – “genuinely nice guy, quiet and honest”. Yet the same cunt straps a fucking bomb to himself, takes a train to Londonistan, gets on a bus and takes 17(?) poor cunts with him to the waiting virgins on the other side. Fucking virgins in Bradfordistan or even the whole of the muslim world – they would have to be bald of pubes or straight out of the womb to sate the cunts who have blown themselves up on that little promise. How, why or what drives perfectly sane people to commit such atrocities? The perfect military man stays on the edge and that brings out the best in him – any cunt who is willing to give his own life for any reason other than bad luck or poor soldiering is a foe that really cannot be beaten – particularly when they live amongst us. Partition and separation is the only way – and I don’t see that happening – rather the other way around – not “the meek shall inherit the earth” – the fucking muzzies and the mud coloured will take it – look around and see it already happening.
        Fuck them all.

      • The social system that has evolved since 1945 (with good intentions) has ensured that the ignorant and stupid (or ‘farmyard animals’ as the wife calls them) would fast outbreed the sensible. Bigly!

        Add to that mix the unprecedented influx of Muzzies, Flabbotts and sundry other alien cultures and it’s no surprise we are where we are today.


      • The social system that has evolved since 1945 (with good intentions) has ensured that the ignorant and stupid (or ‘farmyard animals’ as the wife calls them) would fast outbreed the sensible. Bigly!

        Add to all that the unprecedented influx of Muslims, Flabbotts and sundry other alien Cultures and it’s no surprise we are where we are today.


      • You wait. It will be the fault of the police and probably systemic institutional racism.

        By the fucking way. If I have to keep logging in I am going back to Mumsnet.

        (You don’t log in to access this site so why are you trying? – Admin)

      • I bet you wouldn’t find a single one amongst that crowd who uses soap. The overpowering stench of freshly fucked goat, shit and curried farts would knock you over at 100 paces.

        Filthy cunts.

      • Admin.
        You know what I mean. I have to enter my details just to answer this.

  2. He looks like a wrong un. Like a cross between Adolf Hitler and Danny DeVito.

  3. In my humble opinion with the possible exception of Margaret Hodge, Kate Hoey and Frank Field, all Labour MP’s are cunts. And the Labour front benchers all TOTAL cunts.

    Would like to say a special thank you to my local Labour cunt MP Sandy Martin for voting to Remain when the Labour party on their manifesto stated clearly they would support the result of the EU referendum, and when 72.4% of the Ipswich electorate turned out to vote, only 41.7% voted Remain compared to 58.3% Leave.

    Also he could not even be bothered to reply to a polite email I sent to him (when first elected Ipswich MP by the narrow margin of 1.7% from Ben Gummer). Cunt. Ben Gummer always responded to my emails, and usually in great detail.

    Even Margaret Hodge had the common decency to respond to an email I sent to her within the last two weeks. She also wrote to my next door neighbour who contacted her on the same subject before I did.

    I am sure some Labour MP’s are ok as people. Any spring to mind?

    • “…every parent’s worst nightmare” that should have read.

      Damn this fucking dementia!

  4. “The only people who are not allowed to decide about prejudice appear to be Jewish folks”

    I think that they’ve actually got themselves more than covered on that front,bellow is a copy of the IHRA definition of Anti-Semetism…….

    In the spirit of the Stockholm Declaration that states: “With humanity still scarred by …antisemitism and xenophobia the international community shares a solemn responsibility to fight those evils” the committee on Antisemitism and Holocaust Denial called the IHRA Plenary in Budapest 2015 to adopt the following working definition of antisemitism.

    On 26 May 2016, the Plenary in Bucharest decided to:

    Adopt the following non-legally binding working definition of antisemitism:

    “Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.”

    To guide IHRA in its work, the following examples may serve as illustrations:

    Manifestations might include the targeting of the state of Israel, conceived as a Jewish collectivity. However, criticism of Israel similar to that leveled against any other country cannot be regarded as antisemitic. Antisemitism frequently charges Jews with conspiring to harm humanity, and it is often used to blame Jews for “why things go wrong.” It is expressed in speech, writing, visual forms and action, and employs sinister stereotypes and negative character traits.

    Contemporary examples of antisemitism in public life, the media, schools, the workplace, and in the religious sphere could, taking into account the overall context, include, but are not limited to:

    Calling for, aiding, or justifying the killing or harming of Jews in the name of a radical ideology or an extremist view of religion.

    Making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews as such or the power of Jews as collective — such as, especially but not exclusively, the myth about a world Jewish conspiracy or of Jews controlling the media, economy, government or other societal institutions.

    Accusing Jews as a people of being responsible for real or imagined wrongdoing committed by a single Jewish person or group, or even for acts committed by non-Jews.

    Denying the fact, scope, mechanisms (e.g. gas chambers) or intentionality of the genocide of the Jewish people at the hands of National Socialist Germany and its supporters and accomplices during World War II (the Holocaust).

    Accusing the Jews as a people, or Israel as a state, of inventing or exaggerating the Holocaust.

    Accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel, or to the alleged priorities of Jews worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations.

    Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor.

    Applying double standards by requiring of it a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation.

    Using the symbols and images associated with classic antisemitism (e.g., claims of Jews killing Jesus or blood libel) to characterize Israel or Israelis.

    Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis.

    Holding Jews collectively responsible for actions of the state of Israel.

    • Fantastic read and a well researched piece Dick. I confess I was never aware of the existence of said plenary and its declaration, and the wordage is certainly food for thought. I immediately have recalled at least 3 televised speeches from the bearded ones own mouth ( I refer to Hamza ) that ( under the defination you cite ) would require prosecution before a court for antisemitic and hateful statements, and calls for the extinction of the race.!
      Good food for thought Dick.

      • Apparently this is the Declaration that has caused the Labour party such trouble. Certain members are unwilling to accept it in it’s entirety. I must say that there are one or two phrases in it which would cause me to wonder.

        Watson is now calling for it to be adopted

        Tom Watson: Labour faces ‘eternal shame’ over antisemitism | Politics ……/tom-watson-labour-antisemitism-eternal-sham…
        22 hours ago – Tom Watson, Labour’s deputy leader, said the party should adopt the full IHRA definition of antisemitism

      • Just begs the question why isn’t Christianity protected to the same level as the j3ws enjoy? Not that I have anything against them personally as I have only ever had passing experiences of them in the funny head coverings and ringlets on the kids at the local Grammar school and the blokes in black suits and hats. Oh, and Volvo estates for some reason, they love Volvo estates.
        A little titter on the subject. Hymie dies and his wife thinks she better put an advert in the Manchester evening news to let his friends know and as a mark of respect to a local trader. She calls the MEN and asks for the classified dept . The clerk asks what she would like in the ad. “Hymie dead” she replies. Well its a minimum 5 words and its the same price as 3. She pauses for a moment and replies “Hymie dead Volvo for sale” 😉

      • Jewish is not a religion. Judaism is traditionally the religion of the Jews and is no more protected in British law than Christianity or any other major religion.

        Most UK Jews are not religious, they tend to be secular, like most Christians are only nominal in this country.

        Btw Cunto – have you thought of updating your remarkable “100 reasons not to vote for the oxygen thieving swivel eyed cunt that is the Liebour leader.” recently?

        Fucking awesome.

      • No more protected in law, perhaps. But just check out the CPS =effectively a private police force.

        Basic question: I can cunt Romania. Why can’t I cunt Israel?

        But answer comes there none. Thanks in passing to DF for listing the statement we all have to endorse or risk being beasted by a minority religion.

        Oh, and I see we are advancing the proposition (below) that Jewish isn’t a religion. No-one’s attacking it as a religion, as a matter of fact. It is attacked as an identifier, setting the Chosen People apart from the goyim. Notably the Muslims and Christians who have the temerity to claim property rights in Israel.

        It isn’t an ethnicity, either, is it? Despite the notion that the vast majority of Jews share their mitochondrial DNA with the biblical tribes – this being a major condition of calling yourself Jewish: maternal heredity.

        Jewishness would appear not to exist at all, in fact. So what’s all the fucking fuss about?

        Incidentally, I’m pissed. In dryhopped lager veritas.

    • All very reasonable. But as Jack the Ripper wrote on a Whitechapel wall in 1888:

      “The Jewes are
      the men that
      will not
      be blamed
      for nothing.”

      • There’s been much debate amongst scholars and researchers down the years as to the graffiti’s actual meaning considering the ambiguity of the words. In one book author Martin Fido notes that the writing included a double negative, a common feature of Cockney speech. He suggests that the writing might be translated into standard English as “Jews will not take responsibility for anything” and that the message was written by someone who believed he or she had been wronged by one of the many Jewish merchants or tradesmen in the area.

      • @ Asimplearsehole

        In answer to your question, it’s not the interpretation I would put on it.

        Then again, I’m not really sure what I think about it.

        Whoever wrote it was of course correct, in that Hitler & the Nazis certainly chose to believe that the Jews were “not to blame for nothing.”

        Big time…

        A regular little Nostradamus!

  5. I see Corbyn has finally admitted the Labour Party has a problem with antisemitism.

    That being the case what I would really like to know, was Shami Chapati paid for ‘that report’ and if so will she be paying it back and will she be hanging her head in shame and giving up the peerage she definitely earned for writing it.


  6. Sorry CMC meant to say great post and your blog on Who’s Left / Right is a great piece?

  7. They’re just following the teachings of Labour’s new prophet Karl Marx who thought that Jews were evil capitalists that needed to be treated with violence. But for the life of me I cannot understand why anyone in Western society thinks better of muslims than Jews like Labour does. Jews aren’t blowing themselves up in our public places and running people over with lorries. Jews aren’t raping hundreds of thousands of young British girls. And I’ve never seen a Jewish priest calling for his followers to destroy the West like Muslim clerics are free to do.

    Also if that whole thing about the Jews controlling the media was true then why whenever shit kicks up in Gaza do all our news agencies just start crying about the poor innocent peacefuls there? But it’s nice to see extended coverage of Gaza because Israel tends to put on a pretty good fireworks display.

    • Careful, you’re using reason and logic! That’s not allowed in their little safe space hugbox identity politics utopia!

    • Corbyn and the Hard Left cultivate the Peacefuls cos they’re anti West and vote Liebour by default.

      300k Jewish voters compared to 3 million+ anti-semite Peaceful voters? It’s a no brainer.

      • Not just that. Jews have differing opinions, they don’t vote as the Imam tells them. Also they don’t tend to be totally corrupt, peaceful style.

        Fuck me I am still logging in. Mumsnet here I come.

        (WHY are you logging in to a site that doesn’t have a log in? – Admin)

      • We all are Cuntstable… the situation must be worse than the blitz!

        But we’ll get through it Cuntbubble old boy – we’re British, after all.

        But if you really have to desert us for Mumsnet, please leave us your rifle, there’s a good chap.

        Be seeing you.

      • Sorry boys. Am involved in a discussion on PMT and curtains. You are dead to me now.

        And Admin. You don’t have to keep telling me I don’t have to log in. You know what I mean for fucks sake.

  8. Wildman is a very special type of cunt. He is full of hateful cuntishness that defines many across the Momentum cuntery.
    What is worst about these cunts is that at a time when we need some strong leadership, which is often formed by a strong opposite such cunts are allowing the cuntservatives off.


  9. That was a pretty rational cunting for four rapid pints. I can agree with a great deal of it as applied to double standards in general. However, if Willsman is really objecting to the convention* that only the victim can define his victimhood , I have to take a deep breath and sidle off in his direction. The debate which sparked all this off is, fundamentally, about a foreign state being protected from criticism by British political party, partisans for the foreign state having defined the offence.

    *Actually, I doubt he’s that bright.

    • You’ve hit a very pertinent nail right on the head, Komodo. Said nail being the notion that whether or not a particular crime has been committed depends on the perception of the alleged victim. Unfortunately, that sort of dangerously stupid thinking is very much in vogue with legislators, particularly as regards so-called ‘hate crimes’.

      That said, I have a great deal of sympathy for Israel tempered only slightly by the wish that it would box a little more cleverly when dealing with certain situations.

  10. “One political party left”…’re forgetting that Rebel Without A Cunt plans to set up a new political party just as soon as he wins the lottery,..rather hurtfully he has yet to offer me the post of Minister for Minorities.

  11. Where do Labour stand on the Belgians and the Swiss ?
    Windpipe hopefully.
    Belgian and Swiss cunts.
    Good evening.

  12. I’m coming to this cunting late and being honest I’ve not read all the comments above, however, all I’ll say is that most anti-semitism is driven by pure jealousy (across all sectors and faiths).

    The way I see it is that if a Jewish person is successful and then they look after their own then that makes them a good person in my book.

    Your “peacefuls” – if you remove the successful bit, as they’ll neither work nor want in the most part – also look after their own (gang together to oppress real Brits, give false alibis, etc.) and no cunt bats an eyelid.

    I have no problem with our Old Testament Allies because they’re not likely to blow me or mine up any time soon.

    The heralded and lorded “peaceful” scum on the other hand…

    Why??? I mean WHY??? FFS!?!

    • Last I heard it was called the Common Sense Party.

      Signed up months ago…

    • It’s the Common Sense Party.

      Appeaser Treason May should be praying a big EuroMillions win does not befall me otherwise I would take over the cuntry armed with knowledge, fact, oh and Common Sense.

      All these OxBridge fucking MPs, never worked a day in their lives, with more degrees than a compass and not an ounce of Common Sense between them!

      Red or Blue.

      Left or Right.

      All total and utter cunts (with very few exceptions).

      And I’d eradicate the current upper house of Cunts immediately and replace them with bi-annual elected representatives who HAVEN’T served in the Commons previously. All with the mandate of “Does it make Common Sense?”.

      And not some fringe concept of Common Sense, pure unadulterated logic based Common Sense.

    • I signed up years ago, and when Rebel gets the keys to no.10, all I want is to be British ambassador to Mauritius, with Rachel Riley and Susanna Reid as my assistants.
      Not much to ask….

  13. Problem is the Hard Left have been frothing at the mouth pro Palestinian and anti Israel for decades. The usual suspects picket LP Conference every year and have their swivel eyed guest speakers at fringe meetings then pass the bucket around to “Support the Palestinians”. Part of Hard Left culture. Palestinians = victims, Israelis = oppressors and thus their world goes round.
    Yours Truly deeply suspicious orf the media shite storm around in my book a relatively minor question orf semantics just at the time when Tereeza the Apeeza is making a largely unreported sell out fuck-up orf Brexit. Jeeza is just incompetent as usual but our hunch back Prime Minister’s antics are taking poor Blighty to new lows orf shame and disgrace.

  14. I’ve never totally understood the belief that Jews will do anything for a pound.
    If this was true, surely there’d be a gift shop on the way out at Auschwitz….

  15. I have Jewish mates, have worked for a couple of Jews in my time and have always found them decent people. Have a good sense of humour and will make fun of themselves and keep to themselves, don’t go round blowing innocent people up, chopping heads and clits off and generally being violent angry cunts.
    I went to a funeral in Golders Green some years ago, a road sign said Golders Green 3 miles, and someone had written underneath, but to you my boy 2 miles.

    • Good stuff Fenton.

      We all need someone to blame for our inadequacies. I blame myself.

    • Know quite a few Jewish lads from Cheetham Hill and Prestwich, and they’re top blokes…Give me the four by twos over those peaceful camelfucking kiddie grooming benefits sucking terrorist loving ‘Me no speaky English! I give you one pound (for something that’s worth a fiver)!’ human filth any fucking time….

      • Many years ago, when I first came up to Manchester I lived in Sedgley Park, a Jewish area , and worked at night to make ends meet for a Jewish taxi firm. The secular Jews were good people. The Hassidics were a bunch of arseholes. Though none of them tried to kill me or went around grooming the local children.

    • I love that !

      The best I have to offer from round Cardiff is a direction sign to…

      “Splott pool”.
      Appropriately, this is on a brown background.
      I have no desire to find myself up to the neck in splott.

  16. What I don’t understand about Socialist scum is that Israel was founded on socialist principles and is now flourishing.

    Question:When is the next Gazan gay pride?

    • Which makes a bit of a cunt out of those who claim that socialism never works, doesn’t it?

      Still, even I am aware that a hard-right coalition implementing apartheid is the real way to go, and to hell with the scruples.

      Gaza can have our local Gay Pride, and welcome, if it wants it.

      Have they arrested Bibi yet?

      • Israel a Socialist state? Fuck me – must be the only successful Socialist cuntry in the sorry history of Socialism… EVER!

        Strange then that Corbyn and the Hard Left should seek to vilify it so obsessively – you’d think they’d be singing its praises from the rooftops!

        Funny old world.

  17. Cunt is the spitting image of Harry Enfield’s “you didn’t want to do it like that” character.

    All he needs is the flat cap.

  18. Demi Lovato (who she?) speaks out after suspected overdose…
    So, she (whoever it is) survived… What a surprise, eh?…
    No publicity is bad publicity and all that…
    What a media whore and what a total cunt….

    • Her new album “One in the arm and two up the nose.” will be released soon…

      No publicity is bad publicity.

      The same gushing media cunts would happily see ordinary folk pariahed for their weak minded disgusting habit.

      If you’re a catterwallering, easily parted from their clothes media whore then you’re instantly a hero, someone to look up to, etc.

      Get bent!

      • Because you confess to being “thick as pig shit” Cuntstable, I have done a little research for you:

        Apparently Demetria Devonne Lovato is an American singer, songwriter and actress. After appearing on the children’s television series Barney & Friends as a child, she received her breakthrough role as Mitchie Torres. She is currently a fat attention seeking tranny cunt with fake boobs.

        Hope that helps. Am now off to spend another hour signing in…

      • RTC
        You shouldn’t have gone to all this trouble. I still couldn’t give a fuck.

  19. O/t:

    For anyone interested, the failure to save user details when posting is apparently a WordPress problem, and is affecting other sites using WordPress.

    On with the cunting.

    • Actually it’s a problem with the settings on your PC / laptop / phone.

      I have all three and it’s never a problem. You just click on the empty box or enter the first letter or press the down arrow and the options pop up from previous posts, usually just one.

      • I get the automatic ID options on this computer but have to manually fill in on my laptop. I know notheeng of why that should be although I am as thick as pigshit.

    • I use Linux and Firefox, if that’s even relevant, and can’t get the box on either of two PC’s. But it has developed just as recently on other WP sites

    • What is it with these fuckers? They have a genuine message re Islamisation and uncontrolled immigration but seem to fuck it up by glorifying Hitler. Cunts.

      • Just like Darren “fucking” Osborne it puts the “peaceful terrorist cunts” argument back years!

        Years we don’t have before we’re all frog-marched down to Ali’s Snack bar!

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