Owen Fucking Jones. Has there ever been a more unlikable little shithead? Fresh from crying over Trump’s visit the cunt and his army of snowflakes are trying to get Nigel Farage sacked from LBC by starting a twatter campaign targeting companies who advertise with LBC.
Apparently Farage is “far right” aka he doesn’t agree with the fairy. This is after Jones recently interviewed a woman on his Youtube channel who identifies as a communist, Ash Sarkar (Someone cunt her for good measure). You couldn’t make it up. Hopefully the companies tell him and fellow travellers to fuck off.
Nominated by An Irish Cunt
You would think this pink, pinko cunt would have more fucking empathy and self awareness than to engage in this kind of neo-McCarthyism.
It was McCarthyism after all which allowed for the societal and institutional discrimination against both Commies and Gays.
What a colossal cunt.
I’m a bit confused regarding the whole McCarthyism thing. I mean, how can a senator make a speech to the House of Congress? Does that happen in US politics?
I think I”m a little more confused than you are…… just by the cryptic nature of your comment. Explain
Well, Joe McCarthy was a senator so I’m confused as to whether it’s possible in the US for a senator to speak on the House of Un-American activities committee. You know, given the House and the Senate are different branches.
It was merely analogy. I was alluding to the manner in which leftists like Jones attempt to…… Well, in the words of Wikipedia “The term is also now used more generally to describe reckless, unsubstantiated accusations, as well as demagogic attacks on the character or patriotism of political adversaries”
Minus the patriotism part though.
But he certainly attempted to launch demagogic attacks on political rivals (Andrew Neill for example, in order to get Andrew sacked)
Better pray he doesn’t meet Andrew Neil in a dark alley one night… while he’s out touting for business.
I bet Neilly would fucking reem him.
If I was Neil I’d don a pair of marigolds and subject the snivelling cunt to a severe anal fist fucking and keep going till he was dead.
I think the act to which you refer is called being ‘Lubbocked’
This cunt is a gift to those that oppose the left. A complete wanker whose every utterance loses Labour votes. Long may he prosper.
He has called the swivel eyed lunatic out and did a Judas Iscariot on him many many times. It seems now that Brexit is looming the little shit shovelling cunt prefers being in bed with Jezza instead of sleeping on his bed of Marxist nails. The fruitcake little cunt will only debate on his terms – the Sky interview was proof that the poof cannot withstand debate or criticism and he has that art of turning every subject into a slight against his chutney locker burgling chums – or the LBGTQUINGBFDZCA stazi. Along with that other insufferable cunt Paul Mason they are really under the impression, and have professed as much, that the Tories will collapse, as will Liebour and it will need a band of cunts who will step in and govern ( I think the Russians tried that and it didn’t end well for Russia or its people) in the vacuum left behind. If the right wing (and I number them as about as popular as a blambo at a KKK meeting) are the bottom of the pile – cunts like Jones and mason could limbo dance under the right with a snake on top and still make it.
The left confuse and annoy me in equal measure. I read today online that the “white working class man” is an anathema simply because by his very nature he cant be set aside from coloured working class men and ends up as defining anyone who declares themselves as such must be regarded as “racist working man”. Mason declares that he wants nothing to do with anyone declaring themselves as English – he would like the word removed from use.
The fucking dross that Jones and his gnardiu fellow columnists serve up is so out of kilter with life they would have us believe that kids are still being stuffed up chimneys and the white man must doff his cap to the mill owner on his way to work.
The only way that socialists / Marxists / communists can survive is attempting to sell us the dream that their way would be Nirvana but not one of the cunts can ever explain why it has never worked anywhere successfully for any length of time.
I only have to see the manchild Jones and I automatically grit my teeth. He wrote a book called Chavs – amongst others – and makes his living taking the fucking piss out of the only people likely to buy his books. His Oxford educated Sheffield bred Welsh connection and the fact that both his parents are active socialists, his father being a Marxist, makes him an even bigger cunt.
His musings are generally word salad and littered with the usual left wing Trotskyesque vocabulary of the fight for the working classes and the struggle of the masses firmly under the jackboot of the ruling elite. His Dad must be proud of the little cunt – but at least his male bloodline will die – unless the manchild turns straight and pups a bird – about as likely as me climbing Everest.
I would be quite chuffed to have Owen locked in the cellar at mine and when you have had one of those shit days just go down and beat the living shit out of him.
I leave you with a Thomas Sowell quote
“Socialism in general has a record of failure so blatant that only an intellectual could ignore or evade it”
Socialism is the philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy . It’s inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.
(Winston Churchill )
He is so ripe for a mental implosion. Not sure if my money is on him or James O’Bollocks though, tough call.
One of them will surely become the first notable public facing career orator artisté to top themselves, due to all their bollocks being immortalised on the web to remind them what utter wank drivel fountains they once were (assuming some moment of clarity).
I honestly can’t understand why any media outlet would give bandwidth to this jizz-slurping little shitstain. If he was my son I’d strangle the little cunt.
Live on TV.
Then piss on him.
A dose of tar & feathering should do it.
I hate this cunt with a seething passion. Nothing much to add to that really. He’s a nasty, vindictive, snobbish, upper middle class soyboy who thinks anyone right of Lenin is far right. I hope to fucking god he dies before me because if he does I’ll be celebrating with a bottle of Thatchers when it happens.
Quick little addendum which forgot to add – his only worthwhile contribution to this planet is the funny moments where Andrew Neil has ripped the shit out of him.
One away from the esteemed Wall of Cunt…
Probably needs his own throne, only fitting for this limp-dicked mangina queen.
Perhaps we’ll give him a wall of his own?
There’s certainly enough drivel there to do so. Maybe call it the Owen Jones Wall of Infamy?
He’ll be in my hometown of Brighton this weekend. He’s here every year for the Pride March. I can only hope that one of our many kebab shop owners lynches him, ties him up and gives him a free flying lesson off the top of the i360…
only problem with that CMI is apparently fairies can fly! ?
Everything about this absolute cunt makes me tick, very few people irritate me to the point of wanting to put my fist thru their front teeth….
Would certainly be one of the few good contributions to our society by our peaceful friends
You won’t see the snivelling little cunt out of his safety zone. He’s safest amongst fags and Chattering classes of Brighton and North London. Now, if the cunt ventured into my manor I don’t think his safety could be guaranteed.
He’s always yammering on and on about how amazing and peaceful Muslims are. So I would personally like to challenge him to go to Saudi Arabia, the heart of the Muslim world, and start shouting in the street about how much he loves dick and getting it shoved in every hole. Then after they send his severed head back we could hopefully put it on display on Tower Bridge to serve as a lesson to all the poncy middle class queers about the reality of the peacefuls they so vehemently defend.
Well said that man,HAA,HA,HUHOOAAJMMM. very happy now.
Owen Jones should stick with those ” finger of fudge ” adverts that he starred in in the 1970, as an adult they will have even more relevance to him.twit.
Not one nice characteristic, pretty much everything I detest all in one person.
The Groaniad made flesh…
A rancid, rotting, professionally abused ringpiece.
I detest this cunt with a vengeance.
I don’t know this little cock-womble but I have seen the dreadful Ash Sarkar who was mentioned in the cunting above. Don’t look her up on yoochoob if you’re bereft of a nearby Gin as you will piss blood hearing the anti-British, anti-Brexit, anti-white, Gina-like polemic projected from her over-educated, over-privileged cakehole.
There is an splendid ten minutes of her and Piers Morgan shouting at each other about Trump where she’s asked plenty of times, “Did you protest when Obama visited?” Naturally, she didn’t. The breathtaking arrogance of this wretched cunt and future MP is astonishing.
Cunt in excelsis Deo:
Sorry Cap, got wrong video – this is the Sarkar /Morgan one:
Sarkar said “i’m almost literally a communist!” In that curious transatlantic snowflakespeak that doesn’t actually mean anything.
She later clarified “ there are more pressing problems than the abolition of private property.”
Of course there are darling, especially as you’ve got a shitload of it.
Jones and Sarkar, a pair of idiots, full of contradictions and funny as fuck…….a bit like Steptoe and Son.
Ash Sarkar. Literally a cunt.
The intolerant left again,a fucking mentalist and a shit stabbing spaz mong……
I see that gobby cunt Billy Bragg has been mouthing off about how us peasants should take more swarthy peacefuls into our homes. I don’t suppose he will be putting any of the cunts up in his £1.5 million manor in Dorset. Hypocritical fuckin cock sucker.
Billy Bragg… Piss poor Ewan MacColl impersonator and concorde conked champagne socialist Arthur Mullard sound-alike cunt…
Love it Norman…”Arthur Mullard sound-like”
One more time for the road?
Here for your viewing pleasure, live on Sky News, is cry baby Owen throwing his toys out the pram and running away from Julia Hartley Brewer.
Seen that before, absolutely hilarious stuff….. childish Cunt
JHB can give me a telling off anytime she likes.
First Viewing for me. Excellent stuff that Ruff Puff. Nice to see the little tosspot take a hissy, and on television too! Fucking waste of ejaculate!
Appologies Ruff Tuff!
No prob Asa – didn’t even notice till you brought it to my attention!
Yep, that Sly News interview sums the little runt up
Brexit was caused by Austerity & the Bedroom Tax – nothing to do with EU, immigration or sovereignty!
Another example of “they didn’t know what they were voting for the thick cunts!”
When a vote goes against the Establishment (extremely rare) they have to find a reason.
It couldn’t be because people looked at the issues on the table and made up their own minds. Oh no…fuck off! It must be because the other side cheated, or lied, or had the help of the Kremlin or, in this case, were actually voting for something else. Now get back to voting the way we told you and stop fucking about.
What do you think this is……a democracy or something?
Well now we know that leaving the EU wasn’t what 17.5 million people voted for… and seeing as Austerity has been reversed… it surely now follows that Brexit should be cancelled, so we can all get on and live happily ever after, no?
Just read that article. Full of dubious correlations. I am reminded of the fact that 99% of road accidents involve people who eat potatoes therefore it is indisputable fact that potatoes cause road accidents.
So areas of low academic achievement caused people to vote as they did. Nothing to do with those areas being as such due to high levels of immigration by people of low academic achievement in the first place. Oh no.It’s austerity not immigrants afraid of losing their benefits and right to reside here instead of In eastern Europe. As you say, bollocks!
Owen Jones is a raving shirt lifting fruit who makes me look butch!
Typical left wing fasicst.
Good news, fellow cunters; there are four less goat-bothering peacefuls in Bradford:
No doubt hounded to their deaths by the racist, fascist police force.
O yes. What I think was the father of one of them expressed this thought on R4 News: ‘What were the police doing chasing them at 5 a.m.? They should have backed off…:
Well, it’s a good question. They couldn’t possibly have been doing something illegal, after all. Not at 5 a.m. A time when there is a general amnesty from the speed limit and the police ought to be tucked up snugly in bed. Cunt.
(My sincere condolences to the tree they crashed into and its bereaved seedlings)
Cheered me up no end. The cunts.
How many virgins do you get for destroying a tree?
Their job I suppose. Well a few quid saved in benefits and court time not all bad then.
Sweet Jesu Thomas, Truly good news.
Rather a shame they didn’t total the car into a full mosque.
Wait a minute…
(Starts stopwatch)
57, 58, 59….60!
Four more have illegally arrived and taken their place.
Ha ha, nice one, Cap’n.
I wonder if, when these damned immigrants turn up and they’re placed in a shithole like Bradford, they think “Fuck me, I left Kandahar for this?”!
Ah! Saw that yesterday and wondered if they might be peaceful cunts – Bradford and all that. Thanks.
How does a cunt like that afford a brand new beemer…?
I await the vigil/T shirts and chariddeeee single!
Oh, and Jones is a self-promoting oxygen thief who thinks ‘the workers’ will adore him because they need a soft in-tell-ek-chual wanker to speak for them. They don’t and they don’t. If his sort aren’t first against the wall* come the revolution, I would hope personally to make sure they’re second. Socialist my arse.
*Blair and pals head the queue
Jones is your typical fascist, lefty poove, beloved of the BBC and snowflakedom in general, in himself an insignificant little cunt, but capable of causing major mischief via the “news media”. Hopefully he’ll get his comeuppance soon.
Speaking of the BBC, Jenny Murray came out with a pearler this morning on womans hour ( how sexist is that ? ). She said “If a woman prepares a meal for the family, is it exploitation ? ” No you silly fat bitch, it’s called being normal, something that would appear to be alien to you, lazy cow sat on your arse all day, get a proper fucking job.
Good evening.
I was going to venture the suggestion that Jenny Murray probably has a serf or three to do all her domestic chores, but looking at her I rather suspect that she’s eaten the lot of them, the uber-pudgy, fuckwitted cunt.
No doubt a remainer fully exploiting EU freedom of movement; Polish nannies, Romanian housekeeper and probably some Bulgarian Boris on gardening duty.
The fat sow wastes (and continues to…) tv licence-payers’ money by being ferried to “work” in some limo or other, with her pooches.
I bet they’re obnoxious, yappy little cunts. Just like their owner.l
This wretched little fuckface is well up there as one of my top ten despised people of the moment. But one instance where I have found myself agreeing with him (I feel dirty just saying that) is that it is Western foreign policy that is more responsible for Islamic radicalisation than the made up ‘boogeyman’ entity they call ISIS or the like. We as a country are as much a warmongering state as any other, quietly and subtly raping, destroying and pillaging and 3rd world shitholes the world over, in order to secure our future and our seat at the big boys table. Places like Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria don’t interest us because we see them as a threat, or we care about the welfare of their people it’s because it has strategic value, or value in natural resources or money.
But I’ll get back on topic, everything else that spews out of this horrible little gobshite’s mouth is complete and utter warped nonsense and I’d love to give the cunt a good kicking.
That’s a load of bollocks worthy of Jones himself! If you think this country is so shallow and evil, fuck off and live in the EU.
You are perfectly entitled to disagree, although I’d encourage you to watch your fucking tone. We don’t cunt the cunters on here.
Yeah, you don’t cunt a cunt man. I’m new here, but that much I’ve picked up. The Ghost made a valid point IMO.
Tbf Pedantic Cunt he has a point. Our politicians are always doing this shit.
And here is some recently discovered footage of snowflake fanny Owen Jones in his childhood… Not changed much , has he?… The fucking cunt…
Looks a wee bit too masculine for “Moaning”
I see the boy Owen’s nemesis Tommy Robinson has been described by Sly News & BBCUNT as far right as you can get and refuse to let him talk unless they can catch him ranting at reporters. I’ve listened to him many times , I know he’s not articulate but speaks absolute common sense in layman’s terms. The way he has been treated makes me hate mainstream media with a passion. Tommy must have massive balls to stand up for what he thinks is right ,constantly being attacked by the establishment ,I have the highest admiration and respect for the bloke.
James O’Shithead described Tommy this morning as “having a criminal record as long as your arm…”
Considering O’Fuckface thinks my knuckles drag along the ground that must be one heck of a record!
As we all know Antifa, radical feminazis and Compo’s rent-a-mob Momentum goons are choirboys .
I have to wonder if O’Fuckhead believes the police and justice system can do no wrong.
He said release of TR proved justice system not biased…
On Today this morning there was a UKIP supporter talking about Robinson. When the obligatory ‘far right’ shit came out from the BBC (cant remember who it was ) the UKIP supporter was reasonable and lucid which gave the alBBC a problem because he was a Moslem who accepted that they had a problem with western values, terrorist acceptance etc.
That must’ve been awkward. Would’ve loved to listen to that.
Watching the clip of his Sky hissy-fit was my first video experience of this little bellend, having avoided any footage previously due to replacement laptops/phones/iPads being somewhat expensive.
Even more of a twat than I’d dared to imagine…
And I bet he blubbed in the BBC bogs after Brillo had him on toast…
How has this utter cunt only graced these pages on 9 occasions? The mind boggles!
One must admire the amount of blood, sweat, tears the cunt went through to reach such a pinnacle of cuntery. Truely a great example to us all of a guilt ridden middle class arsewipe. So proud that our tiny island can turn out such utter fuckwits ad infinitum. Carry on the good work and hopefully I will live to see you bungee without rope.
Every statement that this cunt makes is an oxymoron, namely, rationalised hysteria.
He likes to exude a faux intelligence (even though he clearly is as dim as a Toc H lamp) – you know the type – even if he knows fuck all about a subject he’ll have a fucking good guess, and say it so convincingly that equal idiots will take it as gospel.
Anyone who’s remotely more intelligent or well informed (i.e. not quite Abbott but close to it), who dares point out the factual inaccuracies of Jones’ bollocks statements, is immediately branded an “ist” or an “ic” – as his hysteria elevates – culminating in him storming off (or other petty act as his two brain cells conflict with one another).
This is the neo-liberal equivalent of an infant being told to eat their sprouts and so they put their hands over their ears and shriek: “LA! LA! LA!” – thus ending the conversation (for them at least).
And – like all SJW, neo-liberal, virtue-signalling, snowflakes – if they can’t hear the conversation then the counter-argument to their bollocks does not exist also.
Except it does.
These cunts think that because they can unlike a comment on TwitBook with a simple swipe of a finger that they cannot cope with an opposing view in real life.
Well – as I often say to these digital sheep – you cannot unfriend reality my friend.
To call Owen Jones either a journalist or a broadcaster is an absolute disgrace to those professions even though those professions have never been at a lower bar (Toynbee, Derbyshire and Burley – along with many other AL-BEEB, Sly and Groaniad lickspittles – lowering it daily).
He’s such a deluded prick that he probably thinks that everyone is against him because he’s gay.
No Owen, it’s because you’re a cunt. A palladium coated 100% cunt.
When people refer to themselves as right wing or left wing it makes me just think “you’re a cunt”
It’s all about finding a balance between the two if you want a healthy society to live in but nobody in politics seems capable of doing that.
I only describe my self as rightwing because most of the left seem to be cunts and it triggers the fuck out of them.
Aye, there’s the rub. In fact ISAC’s convention of not cunting the cunters could usefully be applied in the political sphere. The price for me swallowing my wrath about your post is you swallowing yours about mine, so to speak. I’m sure that leads to better communication across the spectrum. And laughs.
Indeed it does. Indeed it does.
Cunt this cunt one more time and you’ll run out of cunt!
More cunt than a brothel for Lesbians!
Owen Jones remind me what job does this little scrote do? I’ve seen him slavering his mouth off on Sky News a few times Isn’t He connected to that Huffington Post Shite? Yep a proper little cunt who runs his mouth off at the slightest opportunity