Kathleen Turner

Yet another has been kaput celebrislag jumping on the Me Too bandwagon…

This long forgotten bint has crawled out of her hole to carp on (to the media, naturally)
about her ‘Hell’ and being a ‘sexual target’ for the likes of Jack Nicholson, Warren Beatty, and Michael Douglas… Again, like so many of these ‘harassed’ and ‘violated’ Tinsletown slappers. Turner has named names but given no specifics… ie: slurring someone without any real accusations or evidence…

When she says ‘sexual target’ does she means that the aforementioned gentlemen at one time or another made passes at her? If so that’s not a crime (well, at least it never used to be), and I bet she hardly turned some of them down… Turner’s hypocrisy (like so many of them) also stinks… I remember reading a newspaper in 1986, and this very same woman boasting about her ‘sexual power’ and actually saying ‘I can turn any head in any room in the world! If a man doesn’t turn his head to look at me, then I know he is gay!’ This bigheaded bitch actually said that…

But now she’s (well) past it she’s jumping on the Femstapo and virtue signaling gravy train… And I always thought she was massively overrated anyway… My mother had better looking friends than that…

Nominated by Norman

46 thoughts on “Kathleen Turner

  1. Christ she’s gone to seed. The only things she’ll turn now are stomachs.
    And most of her films were shit anyway.

  2. Yet more stomach-turning hypocrisy and cant from the Hollywood virtue-signaling cunterati. From the look of her though, I don’t think she’ll be bothered much here on in.
    A superior grade cunting. Well said that man!

  3. Well, with how she looks now, I think it’s safe to say that she wouldn’t be targeted anymore.

  4. Blimey is that what she has become? A lot but not all women’s looks deteriorate after 35 or so, she is definitely in the a lot category. I remember watching that film War of the Roses or whatever and thought she was worth a bang. Now look at the cunt, no wonder a lot of women get insecure about their blokes looking at younger women. Surely you should be able to add a clause into a marriage that should your wife let herself go like this cunt then you are allowed to cheat. In most relationships it’s the man who has the money and is investing it in a marriage so its only fair that the women is expected to maintain what attracted the man in the first place? How dare these ungrateful women get all upset when their man looks at upgrades when they’ve clearly given up on themselves.

  5. WTF? Turner stated earlier this year:

    “Body Heat (1981) was a blessing because I went straight to being a leading actor and I didn’t have to suffer any of this predatory male behaviour like many young actresses. It doesn’t frustrate me that nearly four decades after that film I’m still referred to as a sexual icon. I got over that a long time ago.”

    So much for the hell of being a sexual target then… except when it suits, slut-bitch. A most worthy Cunting Norman.

    Apparently, when Turner met Lauren Bacall, she reportedly introduced herself by saying, “Hi, I’m the young you.” Cheeky fucking cow!

    Puffy white flabbottomus of the highest order.

  6. Can’t see why anyone would even want to fuck her in the place. She looks like Jabba the Hut – or, even more horribly, a white Diane Abbott. Was she actually pretty at some stage?

    • She was quite fuckable in her time OC – but that’s like saying you would give Bridget Bardot one. You wouldn’t – or if you would you could be prosecuted for beastiality.

  7. It amuses me to see how her face has turned into one that would stop a clock. I’ve always thought, but never said out loud, “The time to start worrying is when men don’t whistle and lust after you , ‘cos what have you got then?”
    It was also amusing to see a photo of “Stormy” Daniel’s ( you know, the hooker and stripper) mother in the Daily Maul.
    Now there’s a face that belongs on a can of pet food.
    My best friend, rest his soul, used to say “take a fucking good look at the mother before you commit to any girl, ‘cos that’s what you’ll be looking at in 30 years time”
    Christine Keeler was another good example of a rose turning into compost.

  8. Quite right, Norm. Give details/names/dates or shut up. This sly halfway gesture is grabbing at the sympathy whilst telling whoppers.

    First Madogga, now this surgery nightmare. Two scary-Marys in one day. This bloated ogre now resembles a plastic toy that’s been left in the sun. No surgeon could fix that. The only heads she’s turning are the ones throwing up.

  9. These metoo bitches will be the ruination of this society. You have to feel sorry for young men these days. If you try and chat up a bird, it’s sexual harassment. You’re not “cool” unless you are gay, tranny or some other kind of freak. Even if you pull a bird you can’t have a normal family life because you can’t afford to buy or even rent a house.
    Meanwhile the peaceful bitches , with their arranged marriages, are churning out little Mos nineteen to the dozen, all subsidised by the taxpayer.
    And all because the rich cunts have to get even richer. They may think that their accumulated wealth can protect them but the peacefuls don’t think like that. To them the Infidel is the Infidel and must die! The cunts are digging their own graves.

  10. Still would, for the voice alone. Has to be the sexiest ever IMO.

    No doubt that makes me a sexual fiend.

    T’would seem no innocent compliment goes unpunished these days.

    No doubt she’d be fine after a couple of glasses of the Weinstein Label Cabernet Rohypnol…

  11. Speaking of US wimmenz. There’s a US “chicolino” type on (so called) “Celebrity” Big Brother (I haven’t a clue who any of the cunts are apart from Kirstie Alley) twisting about building a big Lego wall of the Stars and Stripes.

    And all the other cunts virtue-signalling in unison against Trump.

    Fuck off!

    Ever thought it’s cunts like you – “chicolino” – that folk voted for Trump in the first place.

    Useless, unknown, doss CUNTS!

  12. Off topic but just seen a screening of the new McCain fries as where families ‘come in all shapes and sizes’.

    It briefly showed a pair of homo ‘daddies’ kissing on the lips. I don’t believe thin fries would satisfy these deviants. Big, raw, uncut tatties and root vegetables. Forcibly up the rusty sheriff’s badge a la Lubbock.

    Virtue signalling to bum boys in the hope they will buy their frozen chips. Cunts.

    • Indeed; I saw that advert earlier.
      Utterly fucking disgraceful.
      And it was on a channel that my 6 year old lad was watching.
      That sort of bummery should be confined to post 9pm programmes.
      Whenever you see gay dads, you can’t help but think “they’re going to fiddle with that poor kid at some point.”

      • Yes TTCE – 2 men kissing in front of a child anytime – never mind post watershed – has just one description – grooming. Reg Dwight and his cuntish husband “have” 2 boys – I use the term “boys” loosely. What a foppish pair of little ringlet cunts they are. Shielded from reality unaware that having 2 dads is not only abnormal – its fucking impossible. I am pretty sure the Furnish chap honks his well worn ring up at the thought of rolling around in bed with fat Reg. I cant think of much more disgusting than Furnish exploring Reg’s yellow brick road.

    • As bad as the Malteser adverts, that ooze inclusivity from every honeycombed hole, the most farcical being the one in which the dwarf in the wheelchair was bragging about “getting the best man’s number “, fucking ludicrous .
      He’s not given you his number you silly midget, he’s given you the number for Billy Smart’s travelling freak show, and if it is his number then he’s a filthy deviant who will take you for a walk in the local park on a quiet afternoon, once there he will hang you on the railings by your bra strap and take filthy diabolical liberties between your helpless withered legs.

      • No I actually gave her the number for Dignitas.

        It’s a bit much waiting with the flacid stump in her hand just on the off-chance she has a seizure!

        Got a gobble of her deaf, dumb and blind mate though. Cunt was going to grass me up so I bust her fingers. That’s her quiet for the next 5 months!


        Dear James O’Brien and Owen “cunt” Jones,

        The above is purely fictitious and is an attempt at crass humour.

        Remember when we were still allowed a crass humour- namely & before cunts like you came on the scene and spoiled it for everyone!

        You pair of cunts!

        Worst regards,

        Rebel without a Cunt!

    • You know, I still would JR.

      She may have a minge like the San Andreas fault these days but I’d still pay her a visit.

      Best 2mins of her life, honest Guv’nor!

  13. there were 3 consecutive ads on tonight featuring couples where the man was black and the woman was white. wtf?

    • There’s one, maybe McCain’s chips, with a mixed race family who give a round of applause when a pan of chips is served. Whatever next, a Mexican wave for a bargain bucket?

  14. Special K the breakfast of empowered rug munchers, if the ad was as male centric, well we all know what would happen.

  15. Take a closer look of that pic, Jesus H Christ!! The fecking mess of it. Her nose is wonky to fuck, just like her piss poor accusations of harassment. Ugly, has been cunt who is desperate to get back in the limelight by whatever means possible. I’m sure the ‘accused ‘ are quaking in their size 9’s

  16. Tonight’s news.
    Malaysian and Indonesian cunts robbing war graves and flogging “souvenir’s” from a handful of British Warships sank in WW2.
    Venezuelan cunts being turned away violently by Brazilians telling the socialist cunts they aren’t wanted and are being shown the door en masse back from whence they came by the Brazilian Army – almost 12% of the population have left and are reviled wherever they turn up – and that’s throughout South America. The host countries are offering the cunts no protection and are taking a nonplussed / laissez faire view of the invading cunts.
    The peoples vote is gaining momentum and Liebour, its hopeless dopes and every man and his dog with a vested interest now want a “meaningful vote” on getting rid of the corrupt and unfit for purpose club of Brussels. “Democracy” seems to have bypassed these cunts in favour of an Irish style Paddyexit – or more commonly known as keep having referendums until the desired objective is achieved. The amount of sheer fucking lying cunts threatening everything from no flights to no exports at all are shy of one fact. The market will drive itself. The Germans will stop selling cars to their largest market bar none? The frogs will stop exporting wine and cheap ale? The greeks will have olives coming out of their ears and the Spanish will stop selling us whatever it is they sell us. Suits me fucking fine. All this European mass suicide will occur when we extricate ourselves from the fucking EU? Dream on. And if they do so fucking what? It may stir us into action to be what we once were – the best at almost everything we turned our hands to. It also might see a mass exodus of Polish skanky builders and blambo unskilled poorly educated benefit reliant cunts from the sub Sahara who may have to do simple stuff like learn the lingo and work and assimilate in the new England.
    If you watched the news, absorbed the total fucking shite the rest of the world seems unwilling to tolerate and actually do something about it and your piss isn’t boiling you are either brain dead or Welsh.
    Oh, and surprise surprise – the Southern bible states have sided with Big Don on his stance from immigration (illegal) to the leftie media and the media luvvies / libtards don’t like it. The world is fucked right now and it seems to be only the UK following the rules. Did my faith in humanity no harm to watch Brazilians in JCB’s wrecking Venezuelan Jungle type migrants tents to pieces and telling them to Fuck off home. Backed by their army with the silent blessing of the state.

      • ALL cunters are precluded from any post containing any use of words they may find offensive. Fucking Hell CC – if I didn’t have you lot I would be on the plane to Dignitas – or buying an Uzi from a Blambo in Moss side and taking a few hundred with me to the next world.

  17. Odd, a missive has disappeared into a black hole cuntiverse. Surely not blackballed admin ?

  18. Heard the name but I don’t really know who this bitch is so I googled her. Sorry darling, but if you earn your living by whoring you have to accept you have a limited shelf life.
    That’s the way it is. Get over yourself. You may have been an expensive scrubber but you’re still a scrubber so shut your fucking pie hole.

  19. What makes me laugh about the celebrislags is that they must have sucked off and fucked dozens of cunts nobody has ever heard of to get where they are (were). They are never mentioned of course. Only the big names are dragged into it because that attracts the publicity.
    I wonder how many Hollywood “agents” spunked on Kathleen’s face when she was desperate to practice her “art”?

    • Her and Cybil Shepherd probably had more than their fare share of man-bootlaces dangling from their cheeks in a quest to be 80’s famous.

      As soon as the 90’s hit the work dried up.

      As soon as the noughties hit their cunts dried up.

      As soon as the tweenies hit their credibility dried up.

      In fact the only thing not to have dried up is their sanitary towels!

      • Even in the 80s I viewed Turner as a (very) shite Kim Basinger…

        Probably yet another ‘I wasn’t a slag, honest!’ diversionary tactic, this… The Old Kathbag is probably doing the ‘sexual target’ thing to cover her own tracks concerning Uncle Harvey or similar antics… Why else would the old cow resurface if not to cover herself? Not unlike Skanklett Johansscunt, Mila Kuntis and other celebrislags with their current Time’s Up/Womens March self serving smokescreen shit….

  20. You do realise that fake accusers are being lined up to give evidence against Harvey and thus get him off when the baby is thrown out with the bath water.

  21. There is this weird notion going arounde amongst some fillies that think they exude sexual power and wish to deter male attention that they can check mate it by ugging up and going repulsive. Had a well sorted filly in a company a while ago that wished to send an olfactory message orf Get Fucked Creep Cock to another sad cunt in me employ. Had to endure a coupla weeks orf armpit and cunt stench as a result. Chummy got the message.
    However Yours Truly was starting to get horny rather as a result orf all those free basing pheromones. Me old snozzle could not but sniff its way into the vicinity orf its person. Started her showering again and splashing orn the old Chanel. A lungful orf that stuff makes the eyes water. Spoilsport rather.

  22. Hahaha It gives bat out of hell a whole new meaning now lol Too true tho, women like turner can’t keep their looks forever too much wear and tear and by 40 you lose most your young feminine looks

    Especially if you don’t eat right and avoid excercise like the bloody plague plus I think Turner had a huge alcohol and cocaine habit in the late 80s-90’s and it shows too

    • ??? Kathleen Turner looking like meatloaf. I would do anything for a shag but I won’t do that.

  23. They all seem to have one thing in common, to share their self loathing and disappointment. All women smell during the month just like a flower blossoming to attract pollination, unfortunately the flower is withering and no bees visiting. Who would visit a wrinkled flower so instead of understanding the short life of a flower they blame the bees.

    Fuck, just realised that bees are female. Oh that’s right, the bitches make themselves pretty for themselves and other women, not for us guy’s, so these dykes consider us as Drones. No wonder we are treated like shite.

    Try this:
    Fuck me for $100: NO
    Fuck me for $200: NO
    Fuck me for $1000: NO
    Fuck me for $10,000: MAYBE

    Well now we know what kind of woman you are the price seems to be the only problem.

  24. When I first saw that photo i thought ‘Joe Bugner has aged well though I don’t remember him having all that hair’.

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