Indonesian Farmers are cunts, aren’t they?
Imagine an Indonesian farm that operated on a licence to breed protected saltwater and New Guinea crocodiles both for preservation and to harvest some of the animals. Sounds a bit odd, doesn’t it. Yet it provides economy for the area.
Now imagine that you’re not very bright and wander into the enclosure to pick some grass for feeding. Can you imagine what might be the consequence? Yes, that’s right. The crocodiles had a little snack.
I wonder what lesson could’ve been learnt here.
The End.
Oh, I forgot the last bit. After the local idiot was buried, a mob of angry farmers descended on the enclosure and, as revenge, slaughtered 292 crocs in vengeance of the deceased. They were furious that their trespassing friend was killed so they destroyed all the rare breed species providing a living to locals as well as promoting conservation issues!
I understand this is Indonesia, a country that still believes in weird nonsense and flying horses (probably) but what were they thinking? Were the crocodiles aware of their “crime”? Has vengeance been served? Is this the 9th century?
Wing-nut, thick-as-shit murdering peasants.
And cunts.
Nominated by Captain Magnanimous
These cunts make my shit burn, the whole shit-camp of a country should be targeted by Smallpox smart-bombs, amongst a few others. Fucking brain dead Morons the fuckin’ lot of them
Additionally, I’m sickened and saddened that these crocs’ have been murdered.
With that in mind, if the whole Human population (if you can call them that) was wiped out over night, I wouldn’t bat an eyelid – the fucking bastards.
The way I see it is that there are far too many humans on this planet so I’m always a fan of crocodiles or lions eating some of us, especially since it’s usually always the dumb cunts like Mr. grass picker here. These predators really are doing the human race a service.
Here’s hoping that the World Crocodile League descend on Indonesia…
And when they’ve cleaned up there, slept it off, start somewhere else ! There’s plenty of choice…
Jesus, I’m so incensed by this I’m not being very clear – I mean’t the whole Human population of Indonesia ( bar a few who ARE trying to help the environment).
I preferred your first amount. The world is insanely overpopulated. In 1800, there were approximately 1 billion people, in 1900, there were approximately 1.6 billion people and in 2000, there’s fucking 6 billion!
The world can’t sustain those numbers, especially as most are primitive darkies. Come on AIDS and Ebola, pull your diseased finger out!
Hear, hear ! Your bloody right, I ‘incorrectly’ ‘corrected’ myself.
You’re ….. ffs
I’d “auto-correct”, but it woud mean loss of income for “leggy Scandinavian mistress”…
Nearly 3 billion cunts in China and India alone!
Next most populated country is USA, oddly enough.
I also agree with the initial sentiment. Most people are selfish, dumb cunts and undeserving of life (myself included). Bring on armagedon.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse : and his name that sat on him was Death , and Hell followed with him.
Long overdue Mr. Cunt Engine, long overdue.
Good afternoon.
I don’t understand this sending aid to the darkies. Let the fuckers waste away. Let the planet breathe again.
What a bunch of fucking cunts’
Crocodile lives matter!!!
Fucking idiotic peasant Cunts…
Reminds me of the mink farm I once lived near. That was when it was still possible to make clothes out of real fur, of course, but times were changing. No problems with the locals, a bit of employment, even, and the outfit was secure and as hygenic as it is possible to make mink (not very). Along came the animal rights cunts and liberated scores of the rapacious weaseloids in the name of Woo. They’ve been having to trap mink for 25 miles up and down the coast there ever since. The farm gave up not long afterwards.
So I guess it’s not just Indonesians, who have certainly always struck me as cunts, regardless.
The human race is a Cunt, period.
Komodo, have some compassion. These are your cousins that’ve been butchered.
Did I say anything about crocodiles? Noble beasts, salt of the earth – especially the salties. But not closely related, I’m afraid.
Come on all you libtard snowflake cunts! Go demonstrate at the Indonesian Embassy; or better still fly out there and give it large against those cunt farmers!
but of course they won’t because its too far away, too expensive, and way out of their comfort zone (probably won’t even get 3G on their fucking phones!)
Plus, these are farmers are white men, so again the libtards won’t give a fuck other than to blame White Privilege for the murder of all those innocent crocs – because they love to twist any issue so that its always the male WASPs that are to blame.
*should read “these farmers are NOT white men…”
What a cunt I am, but then again there’s not edit facility, so someone is a cunt for not allowing that!
When I was a young shitbag, seven or eight, my mates and I used to piss about in nearby fields where there was a big pond that had a tiny, inaccessible island in the middle of it. One day, however, we managed to construct a makeshift bridge onto it. On the island we found what seemed like a wasps’ nest on it.
“Go on, Magnanimous, hit it!” they urged me so I did.
I was stung several times while we piled back to land. In my fury, I spent the next few hours searching for wasps and in my puerile, incandescent rage, tried to kill as many as I could.
Even now I can’t hide the crass, stupidity and childish irrationality of it. I was unaware that animals, be they insects, amphibians, or reptiles don’t decide to pursue things due to vendettas, they just live according to the rules of Nature. Survival is perhaps the strongest urge. Grown adults should have developed the intelligence to realise this.
Should have. Cunts.
It’s the sort of emotional intelligence anyone but a complete cunt or a psychopath should have developed by the age of 12.
Words are completely inadequate to describe the depth of my hatred for these cunts and their vile ilk.
Perhaps even 16 or 18 Ruff Tuff, though influenced or “guided” by religion, tradition and fatuous superstition, any ridiculous behaviour seems possible and excused.
Perhaps Cap… but for me religion will never be acceptable get out of jail free card when it comes to the sort of evil visited on these innocent and beautiful creatures.
Force the murdering scum to suck each other’s cocks, then hand the cunts over to ISIS with photographic proof of their poofery.
Indonesia is a steaming shithole full of backward and inbred savages… Well, somebody had to say it…
100% correct Norman, I wish Mother Nature would ‘get on with it’ and come up with some new super duper virus of some sort
Fucking Indonesian Zip head Gooks are a prime example of overpopulation.
Can you imagine how beautiful this area would be when ‘reset’ to it’s pristine state when rid of these ‘Human’ Homonid filthy useless bastards
Ahhh, someone who speaks my language….waste all the fuckers…!
Stating the obvious here, but if you trespass upon the territory of an apex predator especially if it’s limited by captivity. Expect to be eaten and be glad you’ve had your genetic material removed from the breeding pool. The fucktards in the photo look Javanese not Melanesian, our fault for not kicking them out of West Papua the same time we smashed them in Borneo.
*1 “Constipation-ease” a medicinal herbal herbal liquid containing
prunes to clear your arse out – very useful.
*2 “Melanese” – Homonid of no useful purpose whatsoever
*3 “Javanese” – same as *2
Hello geedee
a wonderful word which I’ve had a few occasions to use on this site is “otiose” which means “serving no useful purpose whatsoever”.Seems to describe most of the useless cunts in that area of the world… once again the significant clue is “equatorial”
Thanks PYP – That’s a useful word which I wasn’t aware of ! I will put in my personal dictionary.
It just goes to prove my theory that these nations needed ( and still need) a colonial master, they’re too fucking stupid to do things properly themselves.
In Papua New Guinea, before they got independence in Sep ’75 they had a thriving coffee industry, mainly because white Australian Government agents went around and kicked the local’s asses to do the necessary weeding and maintenance.
Well they booted most of the white people out and put their own in .
Result ?
Wholesale crop failures, acres and acres of weeds, until they realized they needed the get up and go of the white man to put it back on track.
In another example my brother used to go for a daily swim in the pool in Lae, the pool immaculately maintained by an Aussie expat. The pool gleamed in the endless sunshine ( as my brother then described it).
The expat went back home, fed up with the ever mounting piles of crap and the thievery and murders in the town ( they even stole the metal off street signs to fill holes in their fucking bamboo huts).
The job fell to a local, and you know the rest of the story, within weeks it was a green slime- filled sewer, infested with mosquitoes while the local slept at his post in a day long haze from chewing Betel nut..
Yes, I know that the excesses of the colonial system were brutal but that very system knew how to get societies organized into productive and responsible lives. It seems to me that there were more benefits than drawbacks.
Try saying that to the lefties and they’d crucify you.
A great comment PYP – Doesn’t this just go to show every sensible person (except the loony left psychos,) , just how these savages are raping the world and turning it into a planet swimming in subhuman filth. Of course the Libtards would accuse western big business of most of the damage. Of course they are not innocent, but just think of the wildlife killed in Africa (and elsewhere) to feed the crazy Chinks with their deranged medicinal products. Just think of this ….
Apparently there is one Pangolin killed every ten minutes ( The Pangolin is the only scaled Mammal) …..Doesn’t it make you wan’t to puke that these bastards just carry on getting away with this slaughter. Fuck them all to hell – the stinking primitive strange looking short arse far eastern cunts can all fry in hell
A similar thing happened at a South African safari park a couple of weeks. Some brain donor decided to burgle the park’s main office. So off he set one night, his greedy little mind set on stealing thousands. Unfortunately for him, the path he chose took him right through the lion enclosure. You can see where this is going, can’t you?
All they found of him the next day, were his chewed up shoes. Serves him right for being such a thick twat. The sad thing is, the lions also paid with their lives. The had to put be down, because having tasted human, they were deemed as even more dangerous.
All in the picture are wearing western attire; culturally appropriating cunts.