Mobile phone videos

Mobile phone video filmers are Cunts.

I mean the Cunts whose first thought on witnessing a mugging is to video it. No thought of perhaps going to anyone’s aid,just take a video to upload to their facebook account apparently,in the hope of lots of “likes”. Then there’s the car crash filmers who slow down to film some dunch and cause endless tailbacks. Then there’s the sad wankers at sporting events or music concerts who spent their time waving their phone about taking shit footage that nobody will ever be interested in. Then there’s the Cunts who take random clips while on their holidays and think that anyone else wants to watch wobbly shots of their equally wobbly fat wife going down some waterslide…my God,I could even see grey hairs poking out of he swimsuit gusset..nasty,nasty stuff.

Nobody wants to see home video recordings of fucking anything…

Nominated by Dick Fiddler

44 thoughts on “Mobile phone videos

  1. The Big Don ‘Baby Trump’ balloon being allowed to fly over London during his visit to the U.K?… Lhave an idea: let’s get a ‘Baby Suckdick Khan’ one and see if ‘free speech’ applies to all… But, of course, we know it doesn’t… Libfuck snowflakes are the new Nazis, and they are fucking cunts…

    • Fingers crossed some aspiring architect takes a shot at redesigning it with his 9mm pencil.

      Or Roger Waters upstages them with a giant pig. Ha-ha charade you are!

    • Why not a Jeremy Corbyn inflatable with his trousers round his ankles and a big ole Flabbot close by.

  2. One thing that’s always puzzled me… When these Hollywood celebrislags (Skanklett Johansscunt, Cumbucket J-Law etc) get their norks out on ‘hacked’ (yeah right) phone pics and videos, why are they always of the most piss poor quality?… You think these tight arsed movie slappers could afford a decent phone, wouldn’t you?….

  3. Filming concerts isn’t a new thing unfortunately. Went to Old Trafford in 2007 to see Genesis and all you could see was dipshits holding up their phones filming it. Wtf? You’ve paid to watch a band, so watch them. Or save your money and wait for the dvd to come out. Cunts.

  4. Meanwhile another massive Brexit sellout is currently underway at ‘Chequers’.

    Does anyone really still give a flying fuck?

    Nothing Appeaser May comes up with (if anything) will be remotely beneficial to this country. Scorched Earth policy only rational way forward now, imho.

    Sorry Dick – another spot on Cunting there – hope to contribute something relevant when back from the dentist…

    • I don’t want to know the outcome of that Chequers debacle Ruff Tuff. I can’t help thinking its going to be the worst deal ever and that cunt May will be telling us it’s the best deal we could have. If it wasn’t for Steptoe waiting in the wings i could not give a fuck if the Government collapsed over this.
      Sorry DF i will get back on subject now.

      • Exactly! Steptoe is EU’s best (not so) secret weapon. Doubt even fear of Steptoe will save the Tories this time around, though a Steptoe Government would bend over even more for the 4th Reich… ergo scorched earth my favoured option. Fuck it.

      • And it was so easy – at the opening meeting you just say ‘Look garlic breath, just fuck right off’ and let the abuse flow from there – job done.

  5. Going to have to disagree with you here, Dick. I love mobile phone videos.. just not the ones you refer to.

    I love seeing some twat taking a selfie or video whilst doing chin ups from the top of a skyscraper, only to let go moments later because he wasnt as strong as he thought. Or some industrial accident in China where a worker gets pulled into rotating machinery and gets spun round, then his colleagues bash the wrong button and speed it up even more because actually there is no safety button at all, on any machine. Or some impatient cunt on a moped in some third world dump who thinks the train crossing barriers are an optional hazard, and then proceeds to have his entire body, and the passengers, eviscerated by a train going 90mph.

    I love watching stupidity get people killed because it reminds me how fragile we are, and to remind myself I’m liable to get killed by one of these cunts if I don’t pay enough attention.

  6. Great thing the organisers at the TT did this year was ban selfie sticks

  7. Lighten up Mr Fiddler – if you film yourself and send it in to You’ve Been Framed you could win £250 ☺️

    • To be serious just once, I hope he gets through this. I don’t think Shaun had him in the Dead Pool so there is a good chance.
      Loved early Costello and you have a son of discerning taste.

      • I recently saw Elvis Costello at the Love Supreme festival at Glynde near Lewes, his performance was terrible, i didn’t find out till today that he has cancer. I feel bad now for throwing bottles and cans at him.

      • Judging by the amount of clothes he leaves on the floor I think not.

        But pretty good at most other things.

      • Glad to hear it – normal in other words.

        In the States they’d have had him on a cocktail of dangerous drug treatments for ADHD, ODD, ASD, CD before you could say “Killary Cunton”.

        Not sure Trump’s lad is the full shilling though…

      • Yes, Trump’s son has the look of a budding psychopath. I bet dad has to keep providing him with new pets because he keeps dismembereing them.

  8. If you can’t handle this gorgeous translesbian love affair between a 10 year old boy in a tiny black leotard and a middle-aged dragstitute, then the future just isn’t for you sweatie. Please No bigots or racists in near future

    • Why is it that female impersonators, which I assume the big ugly fucker is, always look the same?

    • A photo of Tom Daley meeting his husband-to-be for the first time,perhaps?

  9. I have just read that 3 cunts who video themselves doing ‘brave’ stunts have gone over a waterfall and been sadly killed. You would need a heart of stone not to laugh your bollocks off at that. The cunts.

  10. Shows you how fucked lots of people are. A few months ago there was an accident where a person had been hit by some cunt driving round a bent too fast. People weren’t helping they were too involved filming this person fight for their life. Cunts.

    • You have no idea man – I assume anyway unless you’re a fellow visiter to liveleak. The Chinese are the worst for this. Literally zero fucks given at all. The only humanity is the poor dying fellow, who would be coldly videoing if roles were reversed.

      It’s also taught me to never take escalators, lifts, use screen doors, or anything big and mechanical if I ever visit China.

      • This particular incident got to me a bit Chunky as I was one of the sods helping him. I visit Liveleak sometimes – ever seen the video of the Indian fella on top of a train touching the overhead cable and getting fried. That was fairly amusing.

      • The exact same thing happened at Preston train station recently. Some scally, evading police, climbed upon the train. You know the rest…

        I was told the driver was offered counselling. He declined it because he found the whole spectacle a giggle.

        We love natural selection in action.

  11. It’s the 3rd party cunts that do my nut in.

    There was a bloke and his wife/girlfriend (please note I don’t do “partner” as they’re not in business with each other for fuck’s sake) having a shouting match in the town centre, neither were pissed up or anything, just the usual shit that boils over.

    There were at least 4 flake nosey cunts filming it!?! Why for fuck’s sake!?! Go and get a real life and you too can enjoy the bliss of a domestic barney for real you cunts!

    For me that – invasion of privacy – should be considered the same as some cunt upskirting someone!

    Fucking disgrace! ?

  12. Just back from town… wowie-zowie!

    Still a surprising number of incredibly fit birds out there… bleedin’ mouthwatering… tits and legs that risked getting me charged with Hate Crimes!

    Local flesh knocking spots off anything on the box. If only I’d had the nounce to take the wife’s old iphone along…

    Last time I pay heed to anything Dick Fiddler says!

    • Naughty naughty SOK.Hahaha.
      But i have taken the grandkids to play areas, swimming, roller skating and other things and pictures and videos I have, amount to the grand sum of fuckall cubed. Because of peados and pervs photos and videos are either verboten or only allowed under extreme circumstances after being vetted by the combined forces of The UK security agencies.
      My daughter played in St Martins in the Fields church in Trafalgar Square with her Quintet. And I was made to stop filming them playing after only 2 minutes by some uppity cunt who even after I explained that it was my daughter playing still it was NO.
      If I was outside I would have seen Nelson weeping over the state his beloved country has become.
      Oh and Citizen Kunt and Appeaser May is a Cunt.

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