McDonald’s “Super Wrap” ad

I would like to nominate McDonald’s new “Super Wrap” advert for a cunting.

Feckless yoof (a yank – but locale doesn’t really matter) stumbles to the counter to order his “wrap” from a (faux) edgy bit of skirt and the next thing you’re whooshed of to the reality of this cunt getting off with said “edgy” burger-flipper at bowling, cinema, etc.

No mate, no. She’s a burger flipping skank and the reason she’s tolerating your existence is because YOU’RE PAYING you cunt!

As soon as you leave the bowling alley it’s no feel or touchy and as soon as your car leaves her driveway you just know Alfonse will be turning up to a) slip her an 11″ length, b) pick up what she’s grifted off said gullible cunts.

Gullible cunts like YOU!

O’course the ad portrays it as being wholly positive. I see it as slave labour dressed up as a life choice.

Cunt off McDonald’s you cunt!

Nominated by Rebel without a Cunt!

57 thoughts on “McDonald’s “Super Wrap” ad

  1. … and very much like their products, what you see in reality differs by a million magnitudes to what you see on their TV ads – not least their soggy lifeless Big Macs and Quarter Pounders.

    MacCunts – I’m Fucking it!

  2. In real life some of those burgers look, literally, fucked. You’ve probably heard those stories about their employees spunking in the burgers…….well, if you haven’t you have now.
    Bon appetit!

  3. Whenever I see litter discarded in the countryside near me it is invariably McDs, KFC, Burger King. It seems the fuckers who buy this shit have the same respect for their diet as they do for the countryside/town/layby etc.

    Fuck them all. Fuck their styrene boxes,cups, plastic fucking forks. The cunts.

    • That does my fucking nut in. Along with the black dog poo bags hanging in trees, flytipped brake discs and various parts from some garage at the bottom of the otherwise clear river.


  4. There’s only one proper takeaway food, fish, chips and mushy peas.
    Good afternoon.

    • The place about 2 miles from me cooks a wonderful battered haddock and chips, with a lovely pot of mushy peas.

      The mad thing is that this place is run by a Chinese couple!

      The best around my neck of the woods by a country mile.

      • Ours too… brilliant traditional English fish n’ chip shop run by Chinks – who would have thunk it? Nice cunts an’ all.

      • Back in my Leicester days, it was the Greek Cypriots on Welford Rd. Superb.

    • Correct. Nothing matches fish & Chips. There used to be a chippy in Bury that did superb pea fritters to go with the fish&chips. Long gone I suspect.

    • Pie and mash with liquor is another ……
      And if your completely wankered and have pissed ya pants a dirty kebab!! Food of the gods when your walking home sideways!

  5. Remember that homeless cunt who got done for stealing from bodies at the Manchester bombing? Just been reading that his Mum has been done for nicking 4 grand from a lifeboat charity she worked for.
    What a charming family.

    • I’m sure the libtards over at the Guardian will defend them both and play the blame game against government/society/brexit etc.

      • Nah, a pikey would have fucked them after robbing them. Remember the old woman in the care home the knackers raped because she was in a coma? Inbred subhuman counts.

    • You mean the guy you lot were calling a hero till the Police nicked him.. you naive Gurners…

  6. If you offered a Mac to an American, they would laugh in your face.! Mac’s are engineered for the home market. Says it all really.

  7. The quality of McDonalds varies according to the workforce. I as once working in Anglesey and stopped off at McDonalds at Holyhead for a Big Mac and Fries. The place was staffed by all older ladies.

    The burger and fries there were top notch – almost home made – I couldn’t fault it. The place was spotless too. Compare with some home counties branches of McDonalds run by spotty, illiterate, grunting, gurning teenage oiks who probably think nothing of flobbing in your food just for shits and giggles.

    • Not any more it is now run by various inbreds with no manners. Last time I was in there a tart with yellow teeth was behind the counter staring into space while picking her nose with her finger who then removed the finger and inspected the dirty crow on the end of it. I just turned around and left and drove into town and bought a sausage roll from Greggs proper food sausage rolls

  8. I’m going to have fried calves liver,bacon and a tin of beans for my dinner. Shove yer McDonalds up yer arse….but I’ll have a ride on the tart in the ad for pudding if she’s available.She’ll have to do the work,I don’t want to get heartburn.

    Fuck her.

    • Not sure I’ve ever had calves liver… sounds delicious though.

      We’re having beef mince masala with broccoli and mash. Which reminds me, I better get cooking or the wife will be after me with her shotgun.

      Bon appetit…

  9. McDelivery is rolling out now to pander to the obese cunts who struggle to get themselves out of their armchair. Lazy bastards.

    • I was in a supermarket a few days ago, there was an enormous fat cunt (dressed in sports gear ) with his daughter ,who was a crumper herself and had the facial features of a pig. As I walked past I glanced into their trolly, it contained pizza, crisps, chocolate, fizzy pop and a bottle of spirits. They obviously don’t give a fuck, cunts.

      • especially when one of them gets a heart attack and ends up in hospital for some free treatment while contributing less than fuck all!

    • Well delivering that shit to people can only help… ffs. My previous next door neighbours were a whole family of fat cunts. They would order dominos every fucking night. Must of cost a fortune.

      • I’ve never understood how people afford it. I’ve seen these “poverty porn” programmes and they seem to live on takeaways. I’m no expert,but I’d assume a delivered pizza must be a tenner before the extras.

      • That’s before you tip the foreign peaceful economics student delivering it or in Mr Fiddlers case, a reminder of not to overstay their visa.

      • Probably at least a tenner Dick. the fuckers didn’t work either so I’ve no idea how they afforded it. Useless, fat, benefit scrounging cunts. Heard them shagging a few times, made me want to puke. Either that or they were wrestling each other for the last slice of lard and mozzarella (with extra lard of course)

      • These apps like Just Eat and Hungry House mean it’s as easy as tapping a phone screen and few times, shuffling to the door and then chowing daaaannn. Even that’s too much for fatties of a certain variety.

      • The lazy cunts should try playing darts, at least they’d be walking round a bit.

  10. McDonald’s staff are cunts.
    After taking a shit in their toilet, and following the instructions clearly stated on a sign above the sink, I found myself waiting for almost an hour for their assistance when I probably could have managed on my own….

    “Employees must wash hands”….

  11. Been a long time since I had a McD’s and only then through desperation as there was fuck all else open.

    I don’t think it’s possible to digest their stuff and it produces farts you could weaponise as your guts fight amongst themselves to eject the stuff from your body ASAP.

    I doubt anyone in the states eats McD’s when you have cracking burger/diner joints there that kick out great handmade & fresh-cooked burgers.

  12. Why do McDonald’s think its ok to advance the nancification of young males, fecking pratt with his lippy on, is it really goin to sell more burglars, joins special k the breakfast of empowered rug munchers and McCains the fries of fudge fumblers. Open and blatant social engineering, cant believe theres more of them than us.

  13. Have once or twice popped in for a McShit when there’s no lavvy around. (Lymm Services bogs smell like an abattoir most mornings).

    Otherwise, breakfast Muck Muffin is only edible thing on the menu – Anything else looks fuck all like what’s shown on the map.

  14. I saw this advert during the England game yesterday. Quite possibly one of the most cringeworthy things over ever seen.

    • Fuck that should be I’ve ever seen. Ffs how many times is this gonna keep happening?

  15. This is a funny old business going on in Wiltshire isn’t it? Are the Ruskie hit squads picking on cunts at random now? Or have our lovely politicians been lying through their teeth all along? Surely not.
    I just hope Meghan isn’t planning on driving through any Paris underpasses anytime soon.

    • HMG Cabinet wetting themselves, COBRA meeting in full swing (presumably taxpayer footing the bill for the accompanying onion bhajis, chicken tikka and pakora &c.)…
      My guess:
      a) Failure to clean up adequately after the Skripal incident. Latest victims had visited the same park; given sunny weather, probably sunbathing on contaminated grass or

      b) We have a psycho working at nearby Porton Down. Given the ongoing Gosport Memorial Hospital saga, and the nurse arrested on suspicion of killing eight babies in another hospital, a nut-job doesn’t seem too unlikely here.

      • My old man thinks it’s Russia doing this to make it seem like a lone nutter and in the process take the blame for the Skripal incident away from them. Honestly, I can see the reasoning there but why do it during the World Cup? Why risk it now when literally the attention of the world is on Russia? Putin may be a cunt but he certainly isn’t stupid.

  16. I haven’t touched a McDonalds or KFC since the late 1970s, when we used to get regularly wasted with a mate who around 11pm insisted on queuing up in one of these hellholes for sustenance.

    By that time I was so stoned with the munchies and well lubricated, anything would have tasted good, and it rarely disappointed.

    Then one day I had occasion to order something whilst sober, and fucking hell… that was the last time I ever darkened a McDogbreath’s or Kenfucky Fried Death factory ever again.

    • KFC is bloody brutal they oversalt their chicken to fucking hell drumsticks or strips doesn’t matter its oversalted shite.

      Burgers from mcdonalds don’t even eat taste like burgers what the fuck kind of beef an filler they use? their burgers are made like twinkies but probably less nutritious

  17. Anybody dumb enough to eat at mcdonald’s deserves the mcshits they get the next day. Its been along time since i’ve eaten anything at that excuse for a fast food burger joint I’d say at least two years since

  18. Last time i ate a ronalds repast it brought on an attack of pancreatitis that was 1994 not had one since.

  19. All maccy dees ads are fucking shit. Every time I hear that chipper cunt who does the voiceovers say ‘like getting your moneys worth?’, I want to stuff his fucking face into a deep far fryer. They annoying ads they have about what meat goes into their burgers, or what part of a chicken goes into their nuggets grip my shit too. Never mind the meat, what the fuck do they make the buns out of? It’s not natural that’s for sure. Cunts.

  20. Celebrating Independence Day. Eating ribs, burgers and some fried chicken a friend brought.

    I find this thread…amusing…

    Bon appetit

    ?? ? ? ?

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