Maxine De Brunner
Retarded former Deputy Assistant Commissioner Met police. Tried to spend £10,000 of public funds by having a riot squad entertain her kid at his private school, in Surrey!
Ruined a highly decorated officers career with lies and smears when an officer took a shower and towelled up to go back to the changing room. Madam interpreted this as white macho culture. He is still off with stress. The MET settled out if court at his employment tribunal.Costs all in over £200,000.
Now this vacuous snivelling bitch is lecturing on how to smash white macho culture in the workplace.
What a fucking joke.
Nominated by kravdarth
Well I hope the cunt get’s mugged, raped and generally buggered about a bit by some “non macho not-white males”
But even then she’ll go into denial and say it was actually some macho white men wearing fake black skintight costumes in order to blame the “non-macho not whites”
And will then order the “non-macho not whites” riot squad (or renamed the “Slightly Bemused Squad” for PC purposes) to another one of her private parties paid for by the taxpayer – including those horrid white male macho types!
The PC Brigade have infiltrated every level of our society, and have gained the upper hand. This fuckwit with an obvious psychosis had risen in the ranks of the Met Police by ticking all the boxes in the selection processes. her advancement was not about good judgement, high standards and a commitment to serve Justice. No, it was about advancing the liberal ( Nazi ) agenda, and the commitment to aide and abet her equally rabid cohorts in the destruction of a once great nation.
I hope her cunt rots from the inside out, and her tits ripped by a rusty can opener!
I agree, this individual is at the vanguard of the PC infection spreading through society. Career advancement because of immutable characteristics rather than competence and the fact that PC cunts will shout the sexist/racist card if not promoted and thus are promoted to avoid the sexist/racist claims.
So noisy, easily offended, shout the loudest at every perceived injustice get rewarded and promoted by cowards too scared to deal with them.
This is particularly true of Government/local authority employment where competence seems to wholly removed from the job selection process, this method is now seeping into to the corporate world too which will turn round and bite firms on the backside over time.
She cares not for anyone other than herself and clearly up her own arse.
The final sentence is a beautiful example of what this site stands for and why I keep reading it. This cunt deserve everything stated in this pronouncement.
(Asimplearsehole on July 2, 2018 at 7:25 am)
Sadly this now seems to be the overriding objective of most big companies and public services. Rather than concentrating on the important issues they have allowed nay encouraged cunts like this to come up with evermore ridiculous examples of inequality and inappropriate actions by people who are just getting up in the morning, doing their jobs to the best of their ability and going home. They should just go the whole fucking hog and set up a department of witch hunting. Stop wasting our fucking money on shite like this and do the fucking job you’re paid to do. Sad cunt.
All evidence suggest she is a hateful and spiteful cunt.
Apparently she now works the lecture circuit. I just hope she isn’t that highly in demand. Her ‘wimminstruggle’ propaganda is one of many things that has helped fuck this country completely over the last 50 or so years.
A rather overnourished old boiler to boot.
Why is ray winstone dressed up as a policewoman? ( police person) ?
Cus he/she’s the daddy now, you slaaaaag!
Classic common purpose bean flicker. Angry with the world for being born with a face like a shovel and the body of an amateur wrestler. Furious at ALL men for not finding her attractive. On a mission to make them pay, all in the name of wimminz rites and diversity. Reality is she’s just a bitter, man hating troll. Only difference between this specimen and a classic ‘chauvinist/mysoginist’ is that her arse is probably hairier.
Tend to agree. She has a terminal case of cock withdrawal, the poor thing.
All that is clear as day.
So why would anyone with even half a brain take her seriously? Has someone put something in the water? Am tempted to mention coloured nail varnish and diversity seminars at this point, but will show restraint.
It’s the fucking Russians again innit…
She ticked all the right boxes.
Or to put it another way, tickled all the right boxes. There’s no cocks left to suck in the Met these days, just a bunch of rotten or surgically realigned boxes.
I’d love to know where she pinched all those ribbons and bling on her uniform?
A ribbon for being a mouthy cow
another ribbon for being PC Approved
a ribbon for wasting public money and not giving a shit
another ribbon for da wimmins oppresion
and one final ribbon for being a complete cunt!
Just needs an Iron Cross to get the look spot on…
That thing is a ‘she’….???
Fuck me. Presumably self identified.
Someone needs to smash her own mucho cuntishness in the mouthpiece!
The police are well and truly neutered.
A lame bag of tight on “officers” who blindly follow their laws instituted by nasty left wing cunts.
Burglary? Fuck off!
Nasty words? You’re nicked.
A more contemptible group of pc shitbags I’ve only seen in the houses of parliament
That picture above… Isn’t that the infamous ‘Freak’ from shiite aussie trash, ‘Prisoner Cell Block H’?….
Looks suspiciously like Eddie Izzard to me…
March 2018 LF4HE Blog has a picture of her that suggests
“I have a strap-on a metre long”
Got to be a carpet-chewer, with some of those bizarre comb-over bouffant hair-does ??
Evil bitch. Kick her in the cunt at your peril, she could probably suck up a submarine.
I enjoyed watching Ayatollah Khan squirm when a lady read out the statistics of knife crime in her area of Londonistan.
She said her area was bereft of any police presence whatsoever, unless they needed to stop by for a kebab or summat.
The Mayor went into “Govt cuts” mode and the lady retorted: “There’d be plenty police waiting to lock me up if I made a nasty comment on Facebook!”
Khan said hate-speech was “just as destructive”. Really!?! A moan about the “peacefuls” is akin to being stabbed to death!?!
Well we only know one thing about both crimes, only one would be acted on!
Another family was in there asking why a couple of ISIS followers who plowed straight into a group of kids (killing 2) had been treated as a “road traffic accident” rather than what it was, a blatant “peaceful terrorist act” – especially as they had evidence of the passengers ISIS allegiances from social meejah.
The reason it wasn’t classed as a terrorist act is because the driver wasn’t called “Darren Osborne” or “Dave Smith” or “Joe Green” that’s why!
That is the libtard mantra: the minority counts, fuck the majority – even when it’s a “minority majority”!
Schools falling down. Army accommodation that would be classed as unfit for human occupation if it were a prison, but hey, those transgender bogs are coming along nicely though, eh!
Buffoonery from top to bottom with not one ounce of common sense!
I’m sure all of us know how Rome fell. In that context all this shit seems eerily familiar.
We’re going the way of all once great civilisations – as sure as eggs is eggs and night follows day.
No rhyme or reason, it’s spreading like a virus… one with no known antidote.
Snowflake millennials… the equivalent of zombies in The Night Of The Living Dead.
Sickness not yet evident here at Creampuff Towers…. only a matter of time presumably.
This gargoyle wants to smash macho culture?
She looks like she ought to be a prop forward in the British Lions men’s rugby team.
She looks like a WHOLE fuckin rugby team…
I genuinely don’t know what to say to these people anymore. Fuck that fat, ugly land whale of a cunt.
A Pig in every sense of the word. Ugly, unfit for purpose and with it’s snout firmly jammed in the trough.
You’d be better off waiting for Batman to turn up…
I bet she would find having sex with a bloke wholly unacceptable as she would moan about how macho the guy was being waving his hard-on in front of her (although fuck knows how anyone could get a stiffy looking at that wobbling mound of pig’s dripping!)
Why do people listen to stupid fucking idiots like her,what the fuck is happening to society ????
That’s the problem, people like her are given a platform to spout their hateful spiteful ideological nonsense and the worst of it is we are more or less compelled to listen and agree as to not listen or raise any question or objection is sexist or racist and then we are mobbed as the misogynist hateful patriarchal Nazi’s.
No discussion allowed, no opposition to her PC views allowed, she and the PC brigade are morally right and woe-betide you if you raise any question let alone any objection.
It will get far far worse before it can even attempt to get better.
I think you’ve hit the nail smack on the head there DB.
No-one is allowed to have an opinion that would undermine their brainwashing diatribe. so now who are the fascist bigots?
By “smashing macho white culture” what he/she/it really means is putting the jackboot into anyone capable of standing up to authoritarian scumbags like he/she/itself.
Himmler would have been proud…
That reminds me…
It bears more than a passing resemblance to Fat Hermann of the Luftwaffe
She’s nearly got the salute right as well..
Is she about to spank someone ?
Absolutely true!
This country has become a breeding ground for Cunts like her!………
She talks about a macho culture, and yet her uniform screams of aggressive authoritarianism!
Perhaps she would wear a pink ball gown so as not to come across as being aggressive herself!
Maxine De Brunner looks more feminine than my wife. ?
Actually WTF!! ?
Sad but true. In 15 years, she’s gone from a lush beauty into a fat, ugly, frigid cunt who, if someone managed to use a set of fireman’s jaws of life to prise her legs open and a giant set of hedge trimmers to machete through the spiders’ webs therein, would doubtless be a rug mucher. Think Viz’s “Millie Tant”. Every day I hope she dies in a road crash.
Have you got her well insured ?
The voice of reason….. ?
Is Emily Thornpiggery more feminine than your wife Thomas?
Irony is that she (it) looks like one of the male macho types in question. Bet she runs BDSM parties on the quiet.
Well they do say a society gets the police force it deserves so may our “society” ( whatever the Fuck that is anymore ) deserves her. Just a Thought.
“ Macho white culture” is just some mouthy wanker making a fool of himself. Macho black culture results in stabbings, acid throwing and rape.
It’s obvious which is the more harmful to society and equally obvious which is the easier, and cheaper, to control.
There’s your answer.
Nearly as bad as DAC Lucy D’Orsi AKA Juicy Lucy.
A bed hopping slapper who actually got caught in a very low rent hotel with another officer. A very well known story in the MPS and what happened afterwards is the stuff of legends.
This particularly useless Doris was put in charge of a Father’s for Justice campaign.
The day before she met their leader Matt O’Connor in a central London hotel. She asked him if there were to be any shinannigans No he replied.
Guess what happened, cunters? As soon as they turned up they chained themselves to the railings at changing of the guard.
Madam frilly knickers hsd cancelled the team that deal with such incidents because Matt told her nothing would happen.
The situation got so bad that officers on the ground had to call up on the radio for someone to google the Royal Parks regulations to see if there were any offences (Buckingham Palace is in a royal park.)
Whilst there are specific offences under SOCPA relating to being on certain protected land/premises it is not illegal to chain yourself to the railings of a
royal building.
Typical over promoted Doris.
Chaining people to the railings at Changing of the Guard ??
Don’t give Andy Porchester-Windsor any ideas.
Unless, of course, you’d like a good peek at Beat-rice and YouJaney.
One would think the cunt would be better employed now that the London stabbing season has started. But I suppose as most of the shanking is being done by non white males she is not qualified.
I was trying to decide if it was a bloke as attention whores in general and transexuals in particular like to adopt names they imagine to be exotic. Then, by incredible coincidence, I stumbled across a Mail article about the number of BBC employees who identify as transexual, 417 since you ask.11 per cent of staff overall say they are LGBT. This explains a LOT. I know I really shouldn’t go off topic but I would love to give Rachel Riley a good seeing to, just as long as she doesn’t talk about sums afterwards.
I would do Thomas Shafeneker.