I’m thinking of starting up a new band with the above name. I’ll be the manager and get in some young cunts to play the parts. It will be five piece…….2 cunts dressed like posh Tory ex-Public schoolboys, 2 cunts covered in tats with skinny jeans and whisky beards.
The singer will be an obvious and repulsive trannie ( think a young Frank Maloney.)
We don’t need any musical ability because we’ll just be re-working the old classics. Here’s some of my ideas :
(1) Immigration in the U.K. (Sex Pistols)
(2) Back in the ECHR ( Beatles )
(3) We’re Making Plans for Nigel (XTC)
Any offers?
Nominated by Freddie the Frog
I would like to include some Beatles classics:
We can fuck it up
From May to EU
Baby you’re a bitch, ma’m
And many more.
Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble
Can I suggest this one of mine?
Comes unplugged too!
“On the telly looking good
Smiling faces, hearts of wood”
Trounced at the next election,Prime Minister Steptoe allows mass immigration, economic meltdown, EU retribution, hopefully followed by a military coup and a fucking good dose of bloodletting.
Good afternoon.
KEIR fucking STARMER. Just the sight of his old womans face (a chubbier version of Philip Hammond) makes we want to piss in his face. Another scare-mongerer another traitor and like all closet remainers much given to changing their position every day to suit whoever they are talking to at the time. The Tories are piss poor but Labour would be suicidally dangerous. CUNTS
Kunt Starmer looks like a whited-up version of Londonistan’s Most Worshipful Mayor (may Ullah bugger him), who in turn looks like some genetically-fucked-up rodent.
He’s a gormless turd, and everybody knows it apart from him.
Bloodletting Jack? Now that’s the best suggestion I have seen on here for a while. This country is so fucking split and anyone with a brain cell more than a plant would recognise what a liebour government would do. This Brexit scandal has been a fucking farce from the get go. Barnier, Merkel, Junker and co fucking knew all they had to do was throw in the odd bucketful of bollocks – sit back and watch the money and the will of the likes of Soros, Bliar and that traitorous Ghanaian blambo scare the Tories into such inertia that they fucking daren’t veer off the path of our exit in name only. Its a win by knockout for the scurrying rat faced cuntish traitors who have had this planned since Cameron was in power. I make no apologies for using the last paragraph again. It cant be written or said often enough. It sums up the state of our lower and upper houses who have treated the democratic voice of the people as empty vessels with contempt and utter disdain for the vote to leave the slurping trough of cunts in Brussels. Had this happened in the 18th or 19th Century there would have been civil war. There never was a plan B or an alternative to staying in the bloated bunch of corrupt cunts in Brussels. Many saw this coming but nobody could have envisaged how the humpty backed cunt in number 10 could have sold us such a fucking shoddy piece of bollocks under the pretence that we got what we voted for. The Lords (which in my opinion is where this coup was hatched) should be disbanded immediately, a GE called and a group of elected “Lords” (without the title – and the expenses) should be elected and renewed as often as the sitting government is. A place full of coffin dodgers and others placed in the Lords by grace and favour alone should be disbanded.
“”A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly.
But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly
whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the carrier of the plague.””
Cicero’s Prognosis, Millard Caldwell
Another excellent post,Cunto,that perfectly encapsulates my feelings on the betrayal executed by our “leaders”.
Excellent post Cunto….the treacherous rats need a good old rat killer, …..!
Cheers Dick,
I value your opinion of my tome highly (it was meant to be a missive;-)
This debacle modelled by the cunts of all hues would be regarded as treacherous and more akin to the shenanigans of a banana republic. I noted with interest a certain (pug fucking ugly cunt to add insult to injury) smug cunt columnist for the gnardiu on telly with a smile like Gary Glitter invited to a Vietnamese kids tea party. Their heads should be on spikes outside traitors gate. Maybe those of us who knew life outside the EU was possible and pretty fucking successful over the centuries are the dinosaurs, and the libtard socialist lefty cunts who bred this new generation of millennium snowflakes are correct. It doesn’t surprise me how this has turned out. I saw an earlier image of an RAF officer at Londonistan pride in uniform dancing like he just shot down the Red Baron. Pride when I was a lad had a much different meaning – the youth of today have “pride” in fuck all. I think a war is needed Dick – lets see how many of our culturally enriched Cities will cough up their youth to serve Queen and country. Alongside the Trump balloon I am fucking ashamed to be English right now. I wonder if Genghis would authorise a pig with his head on it being flown on the same day. This country is going to hell in a handcart Dick – for sure.
Something drastic will have to happen to turn the fucking tide of betrayal. It’s heads on fucking spikes time.
I don’t think that I can add anything to that – it perfectly summarises the feelings of the masses in the midst of betrayal of our incompetent leadership.
On a side note, I do hope it cools down a bit as my gasoline filled milk bottle stash is starting to look a little unstable – they need to be used before the ‘best before’ date which, in this heat, is kind of now……..
Thanks Proper,
Much appreciated
fucking excellent post and one I could have written myself
after the end times has come and gone I would like to buy you a pint in the fires of Hades Cunto
“Politicians are not born; they are excreted.”
― Marcus Tullius Cicero
looks like Marcus was on to something Cunto
Cheers squint – or maybe the Hotel California. “We can check out but we can never leave” so might as well just get shitfaced
Currently typing this while I fish,I fucking hate them all, traitorous scum,IL never ever vote again,fuck em to hell,past caring now….
I’m voting UKIP from now on.
They might be bereft of a really decent leader, but their heart is in the right place.
And, even if they don’t trounce the others, wouldn’t it be great if they pushed the Limp-Dumps right round the U-bend ?
Gerard Batten is doing a pretty good job considering.
Certainly head and shoulders above all other politicians and party leaders, which is admittedly not saying a lot.
Watched the clip….excellent! But did you watch the one where he took down that fucking irksome single titted Victoria Derbyshire.? Jeeez she is thick.
I did indeed Asim – here for anyone who missed it:
Electric Trannyland (Hendrix)
She’s a Gender Neutral ( Tom Jones )
The Gender Nondterminate is a Tramp (Tony Bennet)
Speaking of those perpetually confused about gender etc, it seems there was a rumpus at the Pride event in London,some lesbians who object to transgender persons turned up. I just had a look at the BBC website which can always be relied upon to explain such matters in minute PC detail,and apparently they were objecting to men who identify as lesbians and therefore were forcing heterosexuality on them…fuck me,I feel a migraine coming on,I’m sure it used to be simpler than this. What a bag of unmitigated shite. Still it is good that these silly cunts can’t even get on with eachother.
The people’s front of Judea vs the Judean people’s front…
Exactly!.”Splitters!”..There is also a feature about some cunt from a band called Panic at the Disco (never heard of ’em) who says he is Pansexual,which I took to mean he would have a go at absolutely anything,but no, it means he likes women and men but this does not make him a bisexual which he regards as an offensive term. What a puggled boring old cunt he must be, I bet the winter nights fucking fly by in his house.
He better not fly by my house!
Yes I picked up on that Mary when I went on the Al-BBCeer website to check out how much coverage they’d given to the anniversary of the 7/7 bombings.
Have to say my initial disgust at the lack of coverage, there’s one almost incidental article that actually says nothing really but was clearly put there as a token gesture, was very quickly forgotten when I saw the wall to wall coverage of the ‘incident’ at the ‘Pride’ march.
That’s what I love about these extremists, they fucking hate everyone and everything that doesn’t conform to their view of the world and as they are so ideologically driven there’s fuck all room for compromise and so it is they destroy each other.
Brilliant. I think this could well be the start of the hard left eating itself.
‘Twas ever thus… The Socialist Workers Party vs the Communist Party vs Militant Tendency…..
Let’s pray that they all bum each other to death.
They get everything they want then turn on each other when there are “no new worlds to conquer”
This is what I’m hoping for Mr B..I try in my own small way to help things along, such as calling the feminists I work with Misandrists. Funny,they all have degrees but were unfamilar with.the word..Once they start foaming at the mouth I tell them to go and get their hair done or buy a nice dress,that’ll cheer them up..Hours of fun to be had.
Indeed it was and is.
I think Deggsy Hatton perfectly summed up the what the hard left stood for in the 1970’s/80’s and still stand for today.
To quote a well known no nonsense political colossus ‘it’s not about power to the people, no, it’s more about power over the people’ or words to that effect.
Derek Hatton – Jaguar driving Gucci suit wearing Socialist Deputy leader of Liverpool Council in the 1980’s who hated Thatcher but appears to have swallowed every single bit of the doctrine being the owner of a property investment company specialising in Cypriot real estate.
Bob Crow (deceased fat socialist cunt) and former fire brand leader of the RMT who lived in social housing that actually defied the title whilst earning £150k a year.
Arthur Scargill – where the fuck do you start with this cunt?
The list really does go on, the players may have different names, some are fat, some are thin, some have dicks and some have tits but they all share one trait, a desire for power unearned on the backs of those most disaffected by the promises these false prophets preach.
Bring on the People’s Front of Judea.
How about “The Lady’s not for fucking (just kicking in the cunt)” ?
500 Kilometres (The Proclaimers)
“A Little Less Conversation”….
“Don’t Believe A Word”….
A very small amount of this post has been included under the Suckdick nomination, more appropriately shouldcreally be here.
The speed in which this once great country has fallen is absolutely staggering.
Theresa May and her party have been instructed by the British electorate to slam the brakes on the policies forced upon us by Tony B liar but in their infinite wisdom have decided to shun the opportunity and instead lie and totally ignore their own manifesto and the will of the electorate.
Britain, being invaded by useless cunts with fuck all to offer and run by useless spineless traitorous cunts with fuck all to offer.
Unfortunately as things stand I cannot see any way in the short term of reversing or even halting this once great country’s decline and that things can only get worse.
I have always thought it was a governments responsibility to be proud of their country and to protect and respect the interests of the indigenous population of that country. Realise now that I was wrong and that the treacherous spineless fuckers elected seem almost apologetic about being British, and care only about protecting their own scrawny backsides and the interests of foreigners.
Well you fuckers, in your relatively short time in charge you have contributed to the further ruinination of this once great country for ever, and for that you pathetic pieces of shit, you deserve to rot in hell for all eternity.
Berlin Calling (The Clash)
Our House (buy to let) (Madness)
Big Brussels Taxi (Joni Mitchell)
Paint it Black (Rolling Stones)
A little context:
“It’s a TOTAL sell-out!” – Nigel Farage, who this morning all but announced his return to frontline politics.
I thought he was dead.
Only if you don’t have access to digital radio or Freeview TV.
Could I suggest these covers:
“EU Win Again” – Bee Gees
“The Final Countdown” – Europe
“Tired Of Waiting For EU” – Kinks
“Take My Rights Away” – Berlin
“So EU win Again” – Hot Chocolate
“I Tried To Leave You” – Leonard Cohen
“EU Can Always Get What They Want” – Stones
“Queen Bitch” – Bowie
A soft Brexit, Father Fucking Christmas as PM, and a corpulent, ignorant racist as Home Secretary, who’s as thick as freshly-laid Guinness-tinged shit in the neck of a bottle.
Mr Rotten sums it up..
Or “Pretty Vacunt”.
The thing is, the EU wont accept this anyway. So what then? Walk away would be my tactic but I am convinced May will fold and give way to the cunts. As has been her intention, along with this Timothy cunt who ‘advises her’, all along.
And another fucking thing. Surely the government can ban this stupid balloon flying anywhere near London on safety grounds if not common courtesy.
The cunts.
Perhaps someone’ll pilot a drone into the fucking thing and bring it down like the Hindenburg with its’ smug owners and supporters underneath .
One caller into a radio show on Friday said they were planning to do just that.
Apparently it’s only going to be up there for 90 minutes, just long enough for the MSM to provide wall to wall 24/7 blanket worldwide coverage…
I love it when the cunt who’s idea this is says that they want Trump to know that London is against both him and his policies.
Clearly not everyone in London feels the same way as they do so it would be interesting to see the figures allowing them to make the statement and take the ridiculous action they are proposing.
I bet Big Don loves it all. It’s confirmation that his policies, stopping rabid terrorists entering the States, for example, are hurting and infuriating tossers the World over.
I think that’s right. I would take it as a compliment if I was him.
The counter fund for a baby khan balloon has sailed ahead in funding after just two days. I’m quite heartened by this. Outside the liberal media bubble, it does seem there are more of ‘us’ than there are ‘them’.
A well aimed crossbow bolt would see to it.
The balloon of course I mean…
Air rifle will put two little holes in balloon with every pellet. Good at over 100 yards, virtually silent. Just a thought…
Feckin EU will never accept anything, except TOTAL SURRENDER from GB.
As Jim Royle would say :
“Mobility framework my arse.”
2000 Light Years From Brexit
Sympathy For Mr Tusk
Ticket To Brussels
Don’t Think For Yourself
Merkle My Dear
No Expectations
Under Juncker’s Thumb
Being For The Benefit Of Mr Barnier
It’s All Over Now
Everybody’s Got Something To Hide Except For Me And My Cabinet.
amendment to no. 2:
Sympathy For The 4th Reich.
No comments on my photoshopping?
I am deeply hurt…
I’m looking on my phone so i’m struggling. I can see Boris and Gove and I think that’s the great Mavis herself second left.
Can’t make out the rest but I trust they are suitably cuntish.
You are just taken for granted, Dio. Never mind.
But I am psychic.
David Davies isn’t in that picture…
Boris the Spider (The Who)
Cloud 9 (George Harrison)
Careless whispers
No Good Advice (Girls Aloud)
Long Hot Summer (Girls aloud)
Gimme Some Truth (Generation X)
For Heavens Sake (Frankie)
Trouble on Double Time (Free)
LIttle Lies (Fleetwood Mac)
Shadow Boxing (Extreme)
The Bitch is Back (Elton)
I’m A Mess (ed Sheeran)
Going Someplace Else (Dr Feelgood)
Who’s Winning (Dr Feelgood)
Setting Me Up (Dire Straits)
Two Steps Behind (Def Leopard)
Crawling from the Wreckage (Dave Edmunds)
Comfortably Numb (Dar Williams)
What CAn I Do (Corrs)
Reap What I Sowed (Climax Blues Band)
Cities May Fall (Cliff)
Play Dirty (Chas C)
You Done My Brain In (Bonzos)
Devils Grip (Arthur Brown)
Liar (Argent)
Double Loser (Alvin Lee)
Rumours (Adam Lambert)
I could go on. I probably will…
“It’s raining shit” (Spice Girls ?)
99 Trump ? Balloons (Nena)
Thank Heavens for Little Girls ( Mohammed and the Taxi Drivers)
The Eton Rifles misfired ( again ). What a fucking useless self serving bastard is Boris Johnson.
Good job this lot weren’t in charge in the last dust up, we would all be goose stepping and dancing to the tune of the Bosch now.
Absolute disgrace are the so called intellectual governing elite, fecking spineless cock swallowers you can see where snowflake mob take their lead from. For first time in my life im not proud to be an Englishman, who would have believed the biggest threat to the country would come from its own people and not from an outside aggressor.
I hope the hot weather continues, nothing like a fucking big pressure cooker to get the party started.
Yep snowflakes don’t like hot weather, the only thing the Donald could do more to trigger these bollock brained shit stains is to turn up in a Croatia shirt if it goes tits up on Wednesday.
Or one bearing the legend ‘Brexit means Brexit ‘
How about some Stones?
19th Nervous Breakdown
I Can’t Get No Referendum
Paint It Black
(Not) The Last Time
Play With Fire
Sympathy For The Foreign Devils
We Hate You
You Can’t Always Get What You Want
No Expectations
Undercover Of The Shite
Beast Of Burden
It’s All Over Now
Sad Day
Yesterday’s Papers
She’s (Not) A Rainbow
2000 Light Years From Brexit
Have You Seen The Traitor, Baby, Standing In The Shadow?
From the lp “Exile From Mainland Europe.”
‘Beggars Brexit’ ‘
‘May’s Head Soup’
‘Some Cunts’
‘Black and Bl-EU’
Dancing With Mr Druncker
Miller’s Little Helper
Under Their Thumb
Sitting On A Fence
Stupid Girl
Promotional Rescue
She’s So Cold
Slipping Away
Had It With You
From the album (Very) Dirty Work
Time for another Deadpool, someone had one of those Novochik victims in it and they’ve gone and carked it.
So basically everything most leavers voted leave for won’t happen? Fucking cunts makes me wonder why I served in the forces with such traitorous wankers like this giving the orders.
Sergeant Bill Speakman V.C. Korean War hero’s funeral took place in London
on the 29th June. Was anybody interested?
No….they were too busy celebrating the arrival of the Empire Windrush, just
prior to Bill winning his Country’s highest award for bravery.
Do all cunters have to wait for moderation every time the same as I do?
Since you asked – No, it’s just you and a couple of others.
Sometimes it’s a mystery why WordPress moderates some people, but in your case it was us. You can be a tad OTT and until you prove otherwise, it will continue as it is now.
Our blog, our rules. Feel free to leave if you are unhappy.
Westminster …… the motherfucker of all parliaments.
Goodnight Jack.
Perhaps you will wake in the morning, and realise this was all only a bad dream.
David Davies resigns!! Boris next?
Fuck me! That could shake it up!
and Boris has gone
Although apparently I wasn’t that psychic as Boris was in the picture and has actually got some principles and quit. Perhaps Mavis will follow but I doubt it…
I’d love the Mogg as PM, our own posh boy piss boiler…. The snowflakes and libfucks heads would exlplode (with any luck)….