It’s time Leo Varadkar, the Irish PM, received a nomination. Up to now, I’ve ignored this insignificant little gobshite. But after his latest attempt at showing the world what a big man is, I can’t ignore him anymore, he’s a cunt of monumental proportions. Since we voted to leave the EU, Varadkar has made many threats about what Ireland would if we pressed ahead with Brexit. None of them have any substance, because he’s not the big shot political leader he thinks he is.
I’m nominating him now, because his latest threat is so ridiculously stupid I can’t help but wonder if he has ANY higher brain functions. He really is the Abbottopotamus’s Irish cousin. Following on from his other threats, this political pygmy is threatening to ban all UK flights heading across the Atlantic from Irish airspace in the event of a no deal Brexit. You can just tell that this knob has not thought things through before shooting his mouth off, because there are several problems that he would face if he did ban UK flights.
First of all, overflight rights are not guaranteed by the EU. They are guaranteed by a multilateral treaty which predates the EU, and was signed by both the UK and Irish Republic. The ONLY way Varadkar could make good on that promise, would be to withdraw the Irish republic from the treaty. The problem with doing that, is that there are 131 other countries besides the UK and Ireland who have signed that treaty, and he would have to ban them too.
Worse still for Ireland, is the threat of retaliation from the UK. As it stands, most flights between Ireland and the EU come through UK airspace, and practically ALL vehicles travelling between Ireland and the EU have to go through England. If Irish planes and ground traffic were banned from travelling through UK airspace or using English ports, Irelands economy would be well and truly fucked.
I can understand Varadkar being concerned with the consequences of a no deal Brexit, the IMF recently announced that a hard Brexit would cost the EU £200 billion per year, and Ireland would be the worst hit. Rather than try to find a workable solution though, Varadkar has decided to hurl insults at us and make numerous threats, all of which are retarded. None of them have taken into the UK’s ability to hurt Ireland far more than Ireland can hurt us. For the most part, the EU has been silent whenever Varadkar has run his mouth off. This time though, numerous politicians from the EU and from member states have been united in the scorn. Someone needs to tell him to either start thinking before he throws out his threats, or shut the fuck up.
Nominated by Quick Draw McGraw
Leo Varadkar has the small man mentality- acts big when he has people on his side.
Best thing for the UK would be to walk away from the EU and immediately have a Scottish, Welsh and Irish independence referendum- binding for the next 10 years minimum.
Those who want to work together can do so, those who do not can either work as independent nations or take their chances with the EU.
Most problems relating to international agreements can easily be overcome as usually mutually beneficial for all parties. The only reason the EU do not want a reasonable deal and are prepared to sacrifice jobs and prosperity of its people is that it is run by corrupt unelected arseholes who are intent on belittling and punishing the UK for having the audacity to want to leave.
Aaah, the Wankseach hisself. Verrukar.
Reckon he’d look good in tar & feathers…
Fuck Ireland. The border is their problem not ours so fuck the border. Yet another insignificant little cunt puffing itself up for the EU.
The border would be our problem if Ireland joined Schengen.
In that event the North should be given a referendum to decide what their priority is: stay part of the UK, or rejoin the rest of Ireland, thereby eliminating any need of a border.
If the Paddies join Schengen we can borrow a trick from Trump and wall the fuckers out. Once again it would be their problem.
Any referendum would have the fuckers fighting each other again. Hopefully without UK troops involved.
Yes, but it will be our cunts in the North who’ll be kicking up a murderous fuss if we erect any kind of barrier, much like it was before the Good Friday agreement.
In any referendum, if the North chose to remain part of the UK they would also have accept some sort of practical border, at least as far as immigration was concerned. Something similar to the USA /Canada border.
Or failing that, The Great Wall Of Cunts… with the giant mugshots facing the EU side.
Or even better we could just get rid of the EU… permanently.
Then there’s no problem.
I only give it another 10 yrs maximum anyway before it collapses in a huge pool of shite and all of its own making. Austria, Bavaria, Hungary, Italy and others would leave themselves if they could
5 years max – as soon as they’ve pissed away our £40billion golden goodbye.
I can’t stand the threats and demands that the EU makes over the Irish border. What right do they think they have to control what we can and cannot do at OUR borders. Of course the border problem is nothing more than the EU’s attempt to derail Brexit and swindle more concessions out of us and it’s working thanks to May not having the spine to tell them to fuck off.
….”puff” being the appropriate word in this case……
Aye hes a cunt all right
Wasnt complaining when we donated fucking billions during their bailout though was he?
Siding with the big boys. Just wait until the big boys turn on his tax haven laws for big business….. up yours cunt you had your chance
Ireland chose to leave the UK, so they should know all about getting out of a set up that they don’t care for (except when it suits them, the cunts.)
So I’m all for making sure that Varadkar and his ilk understand EXACTLY what it means to no longer be able to count on the friendship and generosity of the UK. There will only be one loser in this…and it will not be Blighty.
Theresa May takes personal charge of Brexit talks
Fuck off out of it Dominic Raab. Already side-lined before even getting his feet under the table.
As someone on the BBC website has aptly commented “Getting to the point where we are just rearranging deckchairs on the Titanic.”
Another- “Ms May’s judgement and negotiating skills appear poor, a big step in the wrong direction for the UK’s interest”.
Hear, hear.
Stupid fucking bitch, “Just go you stupid woman”.
Some silly bint on tv tonight – Sarah Woollaston, MP, Health Select Committee, whingeing about how there will be supply problems with medical-use radio-isotopes if Brexit goes through.
I’ve got an idea. We have nuclear research establishments in this country; produce them ourselves.
Otherwise, I am sure we could d/w USA.
Sarah Woollaston was probably wearing Birkenstocks. Just saying…
It doesn’t matter how ludicrous the poof’s threats are you know that Mavis and the Traitors are going to take them seriously. They’re all in it together. The cunt could threaten to send an army of leprechauns armed with magic fairy dust and Mavis would be calling a COBRA meeting.
They’re just greasing the wheels and clearing the way my friends.
True Freddie.
If may’s asked about Ireland or vadanker (or whatever) the reply should always be “who? *scoff*”
Mavis Maybot, Oily Robbins, and the Labour ‘opposition’ are the EU’s greatest assets.
The island of Ireland is a fuck up. Cut the anchor rope and let the fucking lot float across to the States, I’m sure they’ll be made up, they can all have a 21st century Boston tea party and kick fuck out of each other afterwards , cunts.
Other than Guinness the Irish have fuck all worthwhile. Give us back the money Britain bailed you out with and go your own way by all means. Come the cunt (that you are) and we can have a hard border and route air traffic over the North.
No problem to Britain whatsoever, and Ireland’s friends in the EU can support them from now on.
A short search on the web reveals that this cunt Varadkar isn’t even Irish. I never guessed that from the tosser’s name.
Great and timely cunting for this Napoleon complex cunt!
The only thing that makes Leo Varadkar look big is quite obviously Donald Tusk (based on that photo).
These fuckers can cut their noses off to spite their faces, thinking it garners brownie points with their EU masters, when it doesn’t. The EU are only interested in Germany and then France and that’s it.
The UK were tolerated with a thinly veiled layer of contempt by the EU (because they can’t control our currency – hah) simply because we brought a lot of moolah to the table to bolster their Ponzi scheme for very little in return – apart from gravy for our failed useless cunt politicians.
Ireland is nothing to the EU and are being used as posturing pawns as a further disruption/distraction to the Brexit process.
Well, when the dust settles, we’ll see how much the EU loves Eire. We have long memories so let’s see what happens.
I doubt it would take much to bankrupt the fuckers and we won’t have to accept their destitute populace (again) as the free movement door will be firmly shut!
We can also double their burden when we put out extradition orders to have their thieving pikey bastard kin returned en masse!
Where would a two bob political nonentity like Varadkar be without the EU? I seriously doubt he would be mouthing off at the U.K. government, who is going to enforce Varadkars no fly zone? Ryanair? Maybe the Belgium airforce? It’s nothing but an empty threat issued by a delusional small man ……
Like all previous Ponzi schemes the EU will collapse but instead of thousands of investors losing their money we will be talking about countries and bail-ins …..
Ground control to RyanAir:
Please confirm height and position…
I’m 4’3″, and my head is stuck up my arse.
actually didn’t that other half pint of orish shite o’leary Say he was going to ground Ryanair as a punishment for voting brexit?
Another gobby dwarf……..
It’d be the safest his passengers had ever been if he does.
you could have stolen that post from ol’ Cuntwoods private stash…… it is so fucking to the point and true
tick tock on the backlash of the betrayal i hope
If this shirt-lifting half-blood leprechaun spent more time reading an atlas and studying Air sky laws and less time wanking over Boyzone videos he’d realise what a cretin he is. Who gives a shit about these tinpot economies. This is akin to your pet gerbil refusing to eat unless you buy it caviar. The closer we edge towards leaving this nest of gangsters, the more desperate these shrill cunts will become.
Excellent and amusing post!!
Nice work captain……
Leo Varadkar. The same globalist, libtard, cock sucker who, as part of the Ireland 2040 project, intends to bloat Ireland’s population by a further million people apparently. No prizes for guessing where these extra numbers will be coming from.
What a slimy treacherous cunt!
That’s why we need a border! A fuckin big one!
Exactly – without a border no prizes for guessing where those extra numbers will end up!
Great cunting QDM
This weapons grade cunt is the embodiment of what happens when you take a half baked cookie snowflake woofer, stick the thing in power and leave it to run amock in its unchallenged echo chamber.
i understand that 90% of all flights leaving Dublin fly through U.K. airspace and only 10% of U.K. flights fly through the Oirish airspace.
Tee tee tiddly tee hey let’s have the craic,
You’ve got to be a very special type of cunt to think that represents a threat.
Oh and whilst I think on why don’t we tell the EU to secure their border with the U.K. if that’s what they insist, we are under no obligation so crack on, I’d happily chuck some cash in to kick start the project……
I think the Provo’s may have something to say about that?
This jumped up little cunt actually thinks he’s a major player on the international scene. Well, sorry Varadkunt but you’re not – you’re a small, insignificant little insect who, like the school bully, only acts tough when you’re backed up by others to hide the fact you’re a pathetic weakling. Fuck off, cunt.
About as important as the Romanian cunt leader.
The only export from either being gypo scum!
Yeah I bet all our outbound flights across Ireland would be REALLY scared of the Irish Air Force enforcing a no fly zone.
I’m laughing even typing the words Irish Air Force .
… the Irish kamikaze squadron about to embark on their third mission…..
Turns out theres a bi-lateral U.K. / Ireland treaty that commits the U.K. to defending the Oirish in the event of a terrorist hijacking over their territory.
Apparently the Oirish don’t posses a supersonic military jet capability.
Fuck this cunts cuntitude is beyond spectacular
….or the Irish Special Forces who stormed Dublin zoo and freed all the ostriches….
And shot all the guerillas.
Irish Arse Biscuits !!
Just heard that the Hunchback has put herself in personal charge of the Brexit negotiations. Well there you have it. All part of the plan for her to carry the can for Brino.
Reward……untold highly paid directorships and a seat in the Lords. You won’t see the Pigfucker sitting next to her.
Yes, I was reassured to see that may had taken over the negotiations. Rejoice, all is well.
She’s so useless she couldn’t convince a man dying of thirst to have a drink of water!
Apparently Raab has been sidelined so Treason Cuntmay can present her fucking shitty kindergarten effort of a Chequers proposal to the almighty pygmies of Brussels.
They will tell her to fuck herself and then she will push for a second referendum. When she does I can only hope she is continually reminded of the inane absurdities she uttered previously, i.e. “Brexit means Brexit” and “No deal is better than a bad deal”.
Technically she could legitimately spout the above; she could argue that she wasn’t suggesting by either that we leave the EU without a deal. Disingenuous, but this slippery old cuntfart has chosen her words carefully here.
Getting her Civil Service lackey Olly Cuntwad or whatever-the-fuck his name is to do her bidding along the way.
Fuckers ought to be lined up against the wall.
More likely Appeaser’s doing 5th Columnist Oily’s bidding.
All treasonous cunts though… bullet in the back of the head too good for them.
I think that the Ivans have the right idea about how to do in their treacherous cunts sometimes…….
Not Novochik though, that was a real cunt move.
Varadkar is a clueless, marmite-mining little cunt who is hopelessly out of his depth.
He is no leader. He couldn’t lead himself into a gayboy disco and ensure the colour coding of the handkerchief hanging out of his back pocket was correct.
The mouse that roared indeed.
I suppose Son of Krav would slip him a sturdy length, on a punitive basis of course, so I suppose all hope isn’t quite lost yet.
And I guess the mouse in question had travelled North from Verrukar’s ringpiece…
Ah yes Varadkar, the way he implies a return of the Troubles if Brexit goes ahead implies that deep down, down there, he is nothing but a violent republican at heart, and he should be dealt with like one.
At first I thought that we shouldn’t fall out with the oirish and then I thought; if we fall out with the oirish, does that mean no more paddys day?
I fuckin HATE paddys day, oirish flags (always flown by cunts that aren’t even oirish) and that stupid fucking accent……
…And Louis Walsh and boyzone and Ronan Keating and bono….
….GELDOF… Fuck the Irish.
And fuck vadanker (whatever). Good nom qdm.
Well said Mr. Sausage. They’ve been a thorn in our side for far too long.Mrs. Cunter has Irish heritage and even she fucking hates them. Fuck them all off , cunts.
Never really understood the logic of how U.K. leaving the EU automatically signals a return to NI hostilities anyway. If the pads want a bundle they’ll have one anyway!
It’s partly Project Fear continued, and partly the fact that Sinn Fein /IRA are Remoaners.
The crooked cunts will stop at nothing to overturn or nullify the democratic mandate.
Don’t worry , the Paddies love a good ruck, especially when they’ve had a drink.
If they think the British have fucked them over they ain’t seen nothing yet.
They’ll soon be oiling up their AK-47s and Armalites when they realise that the EU are fucking them up the arse and dumping all their goat shagging and iron curtain scum on them.
I have a certain admiration for the Paddies……they don’t take shit from any cunt.
By the way, bumboy Leo has never been elected as Teashop. Like Mavis he was chosen by his own arselicking EU loving MPs, or whatever they call them in their stupid language that nobody understands and nobody gives a fuck about.
‘Teashop’….nice one!….
So, just like the Socialist cunt in Dago-land, the not!Paddy pillow biter isn’t even elected….. why doesn’t that surprise me?
The language is ‘airse’, I believe. Or ‘gay lick’. Draw your own conclusions…
Raab is a cunt for not telling May to fuck herself for demoting him through the back door.
Seconded, he should have pulled a Davis on her for that one, that would have really bollocked her up.
It’s amazing that she’s done something I didn’t think was possible for a Tory PM – she’s plumbed to the depths of Major and Heath!
She’s well beyond Major & Heath… beyond “bigoted woman” Brown in fact. Worst PM in my lifetime by a long chalk… Only still here because she’s up against the worst opposition in my lifetime and besides, what sort of nut would accept the poison chalice at this stage in the disaster movie?
Although I despise Appeaser May, I still think those scum, Cameron and Clegg, take some beating… Clegg especially being a servile climbing odious little weasel of a cunt… Iain Duncan Smith was also a cunt… No better than an executioner, really….
Not sure you’re exactly comparing like with like there Norman… apart from Cameron, without whom there would never have been a referendum in the first place… which come to think of it in hindsight…
Nope – May takes the fucking biscuit in my book, and runaway favourite for COTY 2018!
Totally agree! Raab should resign immediately. If he doesn’t he is a cunt. The fucking bitch has humiliated him.
Grow a pair and resign you wanker.
The EU have us right where they want us. They couldn’t have written the script better themselves.
As a matter of fact, more than likely a joint UK /EU collaboration.
Anybody else notice it’s always the lefties who threaten violence when you tweet something they don’t agree with?… Fucking savages (and cunts)…
Sam Quek (UK Hockey Gold medallist): Female athletes should be able to look good without being sexualised.
What the fuck does that mean? Men can look at a girl but mustn’t get a stiffy?
A bit of advice- stop being swimwear model then.
Not sexualised at all…
I would, but I’d be trampled in the rush.
I want to cunt my next door neighbour, but I am undecided as to whether or not I should be it official on here.
This woman is in her early 50s and has had a string of boyfriends since she moved in 6 years ago, but she dresses like a 16 year old. She’s really fancies herself sonething rotten but I refer to her as the Kronenbourg. i.e. 16 viewed from behind, 64 from the front. A face so wrinkled it would put a tyrannosaurus scrotum to shame.
My real beef is several-fold. Days after moving in she strolled up to me in my garden and demanded (with her sunglasses pushed up and holding a Costa coffee) that I don’t remove the dead trees between my house and the adjacent road, which her house looks over. The trees belong to the road owners and I have their consent to replace them with a hedge eventually. Her property does not even border mine – she doesn’t want her view spoilt. She doesn’t give a rat’s foreskin that my house sits in darkness due to these trees. She will spit the dummy when I take the trusty Stihl chainsaw to them. Well she can fuck right off.
She speeds up and down the road like fucking Fangio and throws parties with unecessarily loud music where you can clearly hear her and her daughter shouting and cackling like two Purfleet slappers.
The selfish old hag even demanded the poor ambulance drivers moved the ambulance out of her way as they attended to my wife’s Aunt being treated for a broken hip on her front lawn. The pinnacle of cuntitude.
The area was nice before this fucking old witch moved in.
A veritable cunt.
Cunt the trollop mate.
There’s very few worse sights than a Low Resolution Fox who’s skin is just about hanging on and who’s desperately trying to hang on to a time that’s long past.
Cut those fucking trees down too just to ram it home.
Agree – ram them up her decrepit pile infested arsehole.
Definitely c*** her on here PM, because ” you’re worth it.” She is just another example of a phsyco, insecure Feminist with self importance issues of her own, her head up her Ass , who thinks the world only revolves around her. She only threatens you because ” she believes she has the right to do so,” as the poor downtrodden woman she thinks she is. Loud cackling parties, show off speeding is just all part of the act. With a mind & soul like hers, she deserves the craggy skin. Cut those trees down. We are right behind you on ISAC. You’re good man.
As a female myself, I spent years working with the same. Hormones, and self importance ruled them even then. I breathed a sigh of relief when I retired.
Paul, she sounds worse than a Romainian neighbour.
Does she look like this 63-year-old (allegedly)?
Be sure to wait until she’s downwind of the bonfire you will build from the trees and anything else you can find (oh, the joys of roofing felt!). For me. Thank you.
Sunglasses on the top of the head? That says it all
If you don’t want to wear them put them in your pocket you wanker!
Thank you all for your kind words and wisdom. With your encouragement, the old crone will now get an official cunting nomination.
Just deliberating on the best title for this nomination so it is not just a generic ‘my neighbour is a cunt’ as this wouldn’t do her justice.
Cougar bitch neighbour from Hell?
Wait till the posts are mostly finished with, print the fucker out and post it through her box.
My Toilet Paper Nazi of a neighbour ……?