(I apologise the Admins if this is overly short but my spleen is about to rupture over the shit below and black bile is a cunt to get out of a keyboard.)
In an effort to be more inclusive and diverse, Google have removed the eggs from a salad emoji to make it a more “inclusive vegan salad”.
I shit you not – click here
The world has gone fucking nuts!!!
Nominated by Thirkleby Spunktrumpet
Blatant discrimination against fucking eggs, pure and simple (anything to do with the fact their white too?)
Jeez, the things people choose to care about; and now salads have gone all political; shall we see demos in the streets with people carrying posters “Boiled Eggs Matter!” and “This is no Yolk!”
Hang on to your Full English breakfast – that’ll be next!
“Full English” is a raaay-sist term and smacks of colonialism and Empire building.
Egg, bacon, sausages…….animal murder and pure fascism.
You vile Nazi!
Yes, and you watch “Daddies Sauce” ending up getting banned for being sexist given there’s no “Mommies Sauce”, “Transgender Sauce” or “LGBT fucking sauce”
Don’t have “Daddies Sauce” here in the states. And we sure don’t want to have gay, lesbian or transgender sauces cluttering up the grocery store shelves. No matter how we place them someone will get their feelings hurt.
But I wonder? What if we developed and marketed a “Gender Neutral” sauce? That way we have one sauce the libtard millennials can self identify with each and every day according to how they feel on that day?
In fact they could change according to mood during the course of the day? Gay in the morning…lesbian at lunch…trans for dinner and unicorn before beddy bye. Can’t get more diverse than that.
Of course we’ll have to eliminate straight as an option in order to make room and be more inclusive.
This will revolutionize marketing! We’ll out-Google Google.
We’ll make a fortune in Bitcoins!
But more importantly, we’ll be advncing the cause of Social Justice by promoting non judgmental, healthy eating. What could be better?
Just call it “Gender Fluid”, and the world is a gayer, pinker, fluffier place in an instant.
Isn’t it ?? Oh shit…
Great name HBH!
We need a motto now.
And black pudding, how raaaaaycist is that ? Eating darkies for breakfast, what savages we are.
Good morning.
I read the other day that in the House of Commons restaurants ( very cheap prices subsidised by you ) they have changed the name of “spotted dick” in case somebody finds it offensive. ( true story, i’m not making this shit up )
I wouldn’t have thought the Flabbot would be too bothered as long as there’s plenty of it to shove in her fat gob.
They’d be offended by my spotted dick if I flopped it out on the counter, complete with its own custard.
Judging from her rather porty demeanor.and going by what I’ve read…I thnk Flabbot’s eaten enough dick…spotted or otherwise…to last a lifetime.
Saw that story as well…..
utter bollocks….
This salad is hardly inclusive for the carnivorous amongst us. Where are the bacon bits?
Jennifer Daniel at Google sounds like a bespectacled, rug-munching cunt.
Everybody at Google is a bespectacled, rug munching cunt. We’ll, at least the women are. The men are bespectacled sword swallowing cunts.
Remember…we must be all inclusive.
Oh come ye quickly sweet death. ?
Strange your reply has more votes Kendo.
Like you, I am much nearer the exit than the entry door and if I am honest I wouldn’t attempt anything like topping myself as I couldn’t bear the thought of my 3 children mopping up after me. I do believe I am leaving the world a far far worse a place than the one I joined. I put that partly down to every cunt and his dog scraping in enough shit A level results with unconditional places scraping through with a shitty fucking “degree” in meedja or equality studies – a “full time” course seems to be 2 days a week with the other 5 either spent getting laid or bladdered and of course being a regular on the anything that involves a protest bus. When I was a lad the majority of my peers were apprentices – the few geeky cunts who made Uni were just that – geeky cunts. The farther they got down the road to anarchy was listening to Donovan and Dylan, wearing a Che t-shirt and once a year having “rag week” – and the rag mag was quite an entertaining read. The city I was born and bred in had / has a Uni and it was nestled a couple of miles outside of town – the students had a couple of boozers they frequented but mainly stayed in their respective college bars as the ale was cheaper and they couldn’t drink for shit. Fast forward a quarter of a century and the whole fucking city revolves around students and the uni – they have gulped up all the available rentable property (as the landlords just fucking love ripping the student cunts off) and almost every bit of land that becomes available is bought by the Uni for student accommodation. Apologies for the long winded missive which has tuned into a tome but its now unusual if you “Havent” been to Uni and where do most of the liberally infected pink haired multi gendered cunts – why mopping bar tables and flipping burgers – content with the “ology” they gained which meant fuck all and only the next “demo” to look forward to.
I watched that movie “The Purge” last night and in a freakish kind of way I think they really were on to something.
It was a bit tounge in cheek Cunto but I would despair to be a kid now with only the prospect of much more and worse liberal buffoonary. When my time comes I’ll just say ‘fuck you’.
As Lord John Stevens, ex MET Commissioner once said to me in a meeting: Diversity is the ability to call anyone a cunt.
Was the “meeting” in an interview room with your solicitor present?
🙂 .
No! In my misguided youth I was in the he LGBTRWCHSHRHIVU748=671+737+3 consultation panel at the Yard.
This was before I realised that pushing poofery on others causes more problems than it solves.
Gay pride is now redundant. It has been turned into an extreme left cultural Marxist bandwagon.
Therr are some very important points here.
1. The world is becoming, mostly thanks to social media, enslaved to the sensibilities of young semi-prosperous middle class westerners. Those that don’t want to be offended or have the boat rocked because it will intefere with their lifestyles and pathetic and vapid career aspirations. There is nothing in the new PC dogma that doesn’t make their life easier, you know – like having more migrants to prop up the tertiary industry and make it cheaper to not bother making your own lunch each day.
2. The doctrine of original sin is the bedrock of any successful civilization. Without this basic call to humility and self awareness peoples cuntitude is magnified to destructive proportions.
3. The human race are actual cunts, and its survival beyond tribal warfare and a life of fear and death is a miracle that is being taken for granted by cunts on an epic scale.
4. Who the actual cunting fuck puts half a boiled egg in their salad?
Indeed CRW, with the ever increasing speed that social media is taking over people’s lives, as it has indeed on here, there is coming a time very very quickly when EVERY cunt on the planet is switched into it. I’m not sure how this will manifest itself but as you say at the moment it is mostly occupied by relatively well off middle class types who use it to virtue signal and pressure people in power to implement some of the stupidest pollicy decisions because they are so shit scared of the backlash if they dare to criticise any of the fuckwittery that is being spewed out by limp wristed liberal goons. But not everyone in the world thinks like liberals so as the social media global bubble expands who knows what dark events are awaiting shit thick human kind.
I’m mortally offended.
That salad may well be diverse and inclusive but where is the all important vibrant part?
Well? I need to know or else it’s off to a social education class for you.
I’m off to my safe space to contemplate my pronoun for the day.
Don’t look at me!
In the words of the soon to retire from our screens Barry “Wimbledon” Davies “And frankly, who cares”.
BigMac – re-branded to just Mac because it might offend short arses or fat fucks.
Jam & Bakewell Tarts – banned because its indirectly pointing to loose women of the night, and therefore sexist.
Toad in the Hole – banned – infers animal cruelty
Black pudding – banned, racist.
Ploughman’s Lunch – rebranded Ploughnongenderspecifc Lunch
Fairy cakes – banned, offensive to all poofters
Beef Wellington – banned due to references of empire and colonialism (might also upset the frogs)
faggots – banned, for obvious reasons
Mice pie – see faggots
that should be “mince” not fucking mice pie.
what a stupid cunt I am
Beat me to it, dammit! You cunt.
stop checking up on me.
And as for “Pop Tarts”…
Say no more, nudge nudge, wink wink, Fanny Like A Mineshaft…
Mice Pie sounds good…I’ve previously stumbled across “Mice Krispies”. in James Hamilton-Paterson’s novel Rancid Pansies (anag. of Princess Diana)
Beef Wellington could be re-vamped for festival-goers. Long-slow roasting of a piece of silverside, stuffed into a surplus green Hunter boot…
I heard they had to ban Shepard’s Pie as well because it was enticing all the goat fuckers.
I suppose that inclusivity and diversity means that we’re meant to celebrate the “heartwarming” photos of Robbie Ray Black- Daley, a one week old baby being used as a fashion accessory in some photoshoot,by his loving parents.
Tom Daley and his “husband” are shameless self-publicists who have obtained a male child for their own selfish reasons, I hesitate to speculate on their true motives, but the twenty year age gap between Daley and his partner shows that at least one of them certainly doesn’t consider a large age gap any barrier to perverted sex.
If Diversity means being expected,almost forced,to “celebrate” the utterly repugnant sight of two self-confessed Sodomites nursing, and claiming as their own, a week old male child, it can only mean that the lunatics really are ruling the asylum. If a society is prepared to accept the utterly impossible situation of two homosexuals supposedly having a child, and then allowing them to raise it, then society deserves to sink into the bog of degeneracy that it has encouraged and allowed.
I will never accept that children can be properly raised by Gays, and I will not apologise for my view. Ordinary Gays would be bad enough, but when it’s two celebrity-obsessed perverts, it’s even worse.
Inclusivity and Diversity seems to mean that the majority are forced to “celebrate” and accept whatever deranged idea that any freak cares to suggest…and normally pay for it. Sexual deviants should not feel “included” in any sane society, they should be ostracized, not encouraged.
Fuck them.
Once we were told that what occurs in the bedroom between two consenting adults was private, no business of anyone else.
Now we’re dragged into the bedroom and told to applaud. Cunts.
Excellent post Dick! Fully agree.
Well said! Tom Daley and his OAP shag have no idea what parenting is. They seem to think that child is a fashion accessory. A trophy of LGBTQIAHYJFEBIVFUHDSCICSUJCY76/) 8/5
I don’t get it.
I thought the point was to be more inclusive and diverse?
So what’s so inclusive and diverse about excluding carnivores from the salad emoji?
Fuck me, these cunts are dangerous… removing the boiled egg from the wife’s salad tonight would be more than my meat & two veg are worth!
Not that they’re worth much now anyway, in these sadly emasculated times…
Cunts should be adding pork pies, chicken, ham and cheese to their emojis if they want to be truly diverse and inclusive.
Fuck salads.
Morning Jack…
Hello Ruff, ’tis a fine day.
FFS why do people care about this shit?
This does not bode well for my eggyweg and his soldiers
Vegans are usually stuck up cunts so this doesn’t surprise me at all. This country is full of fucking pansies now good job the Nazis didn’t invade us in the last 2 years
Is all this shit a smoke screen to cover up or push to one side more important matters?
“Quick overpaid PCC man, pikey peacefuls have moved into a convent where they’ve raped and murdered all the nuns”.
“Look, we’ve been busy removing eggs from cartoon salads, changing the name to chalkboard, and altering the lyrics to baa baa green sheep. We can’t be expected to deal with your obviously rascist complaints, run along or you’ll end up next to Tommy Robinson”.
My grandparents would be turning in their graves at this trivial pointless shit…. In their day they had to worry about Hitler, the war, rationing, the depression, the Japanese, the Blitz, the then new Cold War etc… Now we have entitled softarsed fannies who worry about salads, slogans on kiddie’s T-Shirts, and whether there are enough black lezzas on Doctor Who…It’s like the war never happened, it’s like the sixties never happened either… We are fucked up fuck creak without a fucking paddle….
As I read the nom, a genuine feeling of dread came over me. It’s quite scary how much influence cunts like Google have over such a large number of the population and bollox like this can only make things worse. As sure as eggs is fucking eggs…
God help us if a war broke out!
In fact we wouldn’t nuclear weapons, just switch off the internet and people would go into complete fucking meltdown – no more Twatter, no more Shitbook – they would be totally fucked without their fix.
They might even have to put their phones down for more than 5 fucking minutes as they ran into the streets shouting and screaming and crying “I NEED MY FUCKING FACEBOOK! HELP ME! I SURRENDER!! JUST SWITCH ON THE INTERNET NOWWWW!”
and if a proper war did break out and there was genuine food rationing those softasshite vegan cunts would soon change their minds about leaving eggs out of fucking salads. They would fuck the politics and stuff their faces like there was no tomorrow
Let me get this right. The sight of a drawn egg may offend vegans? If this is so then we must close or screen, ciggy style, all animal products, everywhere. Fair enough I suppose.
But what of my sensitivities? I fucking detest vegans, not because of their dietary choice but because they never shut up about it, lecture the rest of us, and some even subject their fucking dogs to a vegan diet.
Any sandal wearing, green voting, bearded, quiffed, topknotted cunt going out in public should wear a full body covering, peaceful style or KKK style if you like.
There, that’s my sensitivities covered. The cunts.
Admin- why was there a problem with my comment? Way has it been deleted ??
Of course salads shouldn’t include eggs. I’ve made thousands of salads and I’ve never used an egg once. I had one last night with chicken and sardines. Vegans unite!
All vegans are copper bottomed cunts and usually certifiably looney…. An undisputed fact…
Oh, and most vegans are hypocritical cunts… They will use all kinds of things that are tested on animals and they’ve all eaten something that was once alive at some point… Like that Myra Hindley loving croc skinned cunt, Chrissie Hynde…. All militant and fanatical animal rights bollocks… Yet she admitted that she lived off fish and chips when she first came to London, the hypocritical old hag… And Morrissey, who had a bacon butty period during his Smiths days… Vegans are like all those hoiler than thou libfuck snowfalke leftist fannies who say they’ve never told or laughed at a racist, sexist, or homophobic joke in their lives… Fucking liars… Stinking cunts, the lot of them….
First there was queer.
Then there was gay.
Then gay and lesbian.
Then LGBT.
Then LGBTQ (a late resurgence for queer).
And now it’s grown an extra two official letters: LGBTQIA
“I” is for Intersex. This is the term used for cunts too idle to spell hermaphrodite.
“A” is for Asexual. This is short for ugly cunts who can’t get a shag off any other cunt whether LGBTQ or I.
Ahhh, the joys of inclusivity and diversity in action.
I hope Ayatollah Khan is taking note for the next tranche of public bogs in Londonistan…
I saw that shit on Encyclopedia Dramatica’s twatter feed a week ago. Maximum cuntion all around, but mainly on behalf of Google. And I hate them.