That wonderful elder statesman Ed Milly-Pede being interviewed on News Night about Trump…..what a fucking rubbish spouting twat.
Admits his constituents voted overwhelmingly for Brexit, but thinks they need educating. Stalin was good at re-educating his critics I believe….know what I mean?…init
Nominated by Attila The Cunt
If a salesman says……you didn’t buy my product the first time because you’re fucking thick as shit…’re hardly likely to snatch his hand off the second time.
But these politician cunts are so full of themselves, or so fucking desperate, they actually think this is a viable strategy.
I think we know who is thick as shit.
Apparently some Tory cllr. has been dobbed into the plis for saying that May should be hanged, and that Soubry is a witch and should be drowned, or burnt.
I second that.
Just saying.
Cheeeese Gromit
He looks like he has just been lobotomised, I cant believe this dopey bell end believed he was PM material, imagine sending this used tampon around the world as the face of Britain. The Donald wouldn’t have let him in the White House using the cat flap.
“I do Fancy a bit of cheese Gromit” Haha yeah always thought Milband looked like Wallace with Hair, he’s a baffling naive buffoon too
Has he learned how to eat a bacon sandwich yet? Cunt.
Poor old Ed and his bacon sandwich. This is what happens when you try and be working class and you haven’t got a fucking clue. Can you imagine him trying to pick up a pint and spilling it all over his Saville Row suit? I hate to think what a mess he would make with a kebab or a bag of chips and a pickled onion.
What a total wanker.
The unions had this useful idiot promoted. A puppet dancing to their tune. It didn’t quite work out the way they wanted though, most people thought or knew he was a twat and cast their vote elsewhere. This gormless looking and sounding pillock was the start of the slide into loony leftism that I thought we’d abandoned.
Until Jeremy Corbyn took up the baton.
Have I mentioned before that his dad was a Marxist Bentley driver ?
Looks like a Muppet made flesh, cunt.
What a cunt.
Remember his giant election pledge tombstone? Talk about a metaphor for a no-mark in the political wilderness reduced to Al-Beeb News soundbites on Trump and Brexit. Twat.
He’s a total Islington type cunt, I remember Paxman destroyed him calling him a geek or something. What a cunt.
Well, his father was a Marxist…
which football team did he pretend to support?
West Ham is my bet.
Gormless looking turd.
A adenoidal, gawky fucking great ringpiece with hair that looks like it has been cut with a knife and fork and a face and body that resembles a Wing Chun practice dummy after a fucking good pumelling.
Marxist cunts like Silliwank infest politics. He is no more a suitable candidate to lead and manage the UK as would be the pissing trolley pusher at the local Asda. All this cunt wants to do is take money off poor cunts who have worked hard to earn it and redistribute it among the ‘disadvantaged’, including the feckless, the bone fucking idle and the terminally workshy.
I piss on this shit-poor specimen of humanity.
A solid gold cunt.
Why do so many Labour cunts have to talk through their noses?
Like that Rachel Reeves slag.
It’s bad enough they have to talk at all, but for fuck’s sake!
Because their mouths are full of shit.
Or EU cock.
Fucking solid retort there Paul – that’s the replies that make the back of my hair stand on end – great cunting that man 😉
To give him his due he realised that he was an uber cunt when he got shafted but I still thinks his brother stands head and shoulders above him in the cunts list. To sneak off to the US and become head of a charridy then a couple of years later returning to tell us what a dim bunch of cunts we are for voting to leave the snout troughers in Brussels makes his brother a bigger cunt than this spunk bubble.
This cunt needs to be permanently accompanied by the sound of a slowly deflating balloon just so people who don’t know him can discern what a total and utter fucking ponce he is. The fact he even got elected as an MP let alone General Secretary of the Communist Labour Party of the Soviet United Kingdom… the cunt typifies EVERYTHING that is wrong with British politics. Never had a proper job in his entire life, never lived by, went to school with or likely had a conversation with a real working class person. Read a Marxist book that was shoved under his beak by his lefty dad or red teachers, put 2 and 2 together and made 7. He then went on to pass a fuckload of exams about his commie book, which were set by his commie teacher and hey presto, the long march has tricked another gormless cunt into thinking they are intelligent. The problem with wankers like this is that by the time they finally get a sniff of the real world and realise Marxism/Communism is an unworkable pile of horse shit, covered in bullshit, they’ve invested so much time/money and education into espousing the benefits of a planned economy that backtracking becomes impossible lest the pseudo intelligent facade they have built up around themselves burn right down to the ground with everyone around him – friends, family, neighbours, work colleagues (anyone who has ever met him really) – seeing him for the foolish, believe anything, sad little fuckwit he always was and always will be.
You could apply this cunting to almost all Corbyn followers and I could cunt every single one of them all day long.
Where’s my post. Surely didn’t break any rules?
Fuck me that picture says it all!
Where’s Gromit gone?
Maybe he’s off looking for more Wensleydale.
Is it just me who thinks it or is anyone else of the view that Millicunt, E. bears more than a passing resemblance to that other avatar of puerility, Jug Ears Lineker?
This gormless cunt is a Doncaster MP. Doncaster voted 69% Leave. Not a close run thing there then. So why do cunts like this decide that they don’t represent their constituents? I suspect it is the prospect of the gravy train. Shame UKIP is such a shambles or this would be a prime target for disgruntled Labour voters.
The cunt.
UKIP have actually started making a comeback recently. Their financial situation has been sorted, since those three YouTube people joined they’ve had a massive surge in membership and in Gerard Batten they finally have a competent leader again.
As a Donny MP he’s got to be a genuine
died in the wool working class stalwart just
as B.Liar was in Durham drinking his half a
pint in the Labour Club with the proper
workers…..gave himself away with his half
a pint though did’nt he?
Anyway. I bet that son of toil Milly-Pede,
is a paid up member of the Unite cunts union of that Stalinist ugly looking twat.
Watch out Ed….remember what happened
to poor old Trotski!
It was because the unions shoehorned this hopeless dimmo in as leader that the Labour Party changed it’s election system to one member, one vote.
And what did that get them? Fucking Catweazle and the Flabbopotamus! These cunts can’t even run their own party let alone a country. No wonder these politicians want the EU to make all their decisions for them. Fucking useless cunts.
Completely random and off track.
Why can’t we have girls like this in our TV adverts?
Dont care about the products, the girls exremely fit and watchable IMO.
Can’t be real ads surely. Not one of them had a blambo husband/ boyfriend and no coffee coloured kids either. Lucky cunts. Some cracking looking crumpet though.
At 2 minutes 30, isn’t that where George Galloway got his idea from? Must admit to thinking naughty thoughts about her.
And at 7 minutes 50 there is a girl in an advert for facial treatment.
Sorry to lower the tone, but I was thinking of a completely different sort of facial treatment.
I share your enthusiasm for Japanese women. Go to and click on JAV Idol Listing, you’ll see dozens of stunningly beautiful girls and these are the ones that do porn. If you investigate further, you’ll find the overwhelming majority have pubic hair, no tattoos and no piercings. Their looks put our fashion models to shame.
I have been absolutely fascinated by Japanese women since I first went there Allan in 2002, and subsequently married a Japanese lady. She is 47 (I am 59) but she looks about 10 years younger.
As you say, many, many Japanese girls are incredibly beautiful, fantastic figures, take great care of themselves, no tattoos, everything covered up (leaving to the imagination) and incredibly feminine and sexy.
Needless to say have probably spent more time than I should do looking at Japanese sites than I should have done- I hate the shaved look so, like it to be as natural as nature intended.
Willie, I’ve been three times but I didn’t find a wife unfortunately. My favourite is 巿川由衣, she doesn’t do porn, she’s a good girl. I have all her gravure videos.
Brother in law took me first time to watch the 2002 World Cup. Lost 1st wife 3 years earlier. No thoughts of remarrying. Went to Japan. Like someone switched a light on.
Came back and placed an advert for penpal in a free magazine called a Metropolitan Classified.
Received several responses so after a business trip to Hong Kong went to meet them.
Very exciting.
Chose lady number 3.
Very different to British women. Not always easy as totally Different culture. Sometimes very childish and slightly mental but Japanese girls can be like this.
Hopefully back to Japan next year for a few weeks.
Great taste Allan. She looks very lovely. Beautiful.
” Novichok victim Dawn Sturgess died after spraying nerve poison that smelled of ammonia from a perfume bottle onto both wrists, her boyfriend reveals”
Who the hell would spray anything that smells of ammonia on themselves?
A scavenging junkie,apparently…Eau de toilette,indeed.
Eau de toilette indeed….pity
the seat fell down though &
brained her!
Maybe she has a golden shower fetish, like I’d imagine ex-Blue Peter presenter and alleged “over enthusiastic” ladies’ man John Leslie has.
She really must have been quite the sophisticate…a squirt out of a discarded bottle smelling of piss on both wrists and perhaps a smear of tramp’s shit in lieu of mascara.
I wonder if she used abandoned condoms to fashion a fascinator
What’s a “fascinator”, Mr F?
Isn’t that what Tom and Dustin call a cheeky bum in full view of their unfortunate infant child?
I actually heard “fascinator” for the first time when some royal reporter was on about Princess Beatrice modelling one at a wedding. I immediately googled “fascinator” in the hope that it was some kind of double-pronged dildo that she was sporting to upstage the bride…alas it seems to be a bonnet that women wear to make themselves look ridiculous… successfully in her case.
Do you find that Princess Beatrice is a fucking hog who looks like piano teeth Ed Miliband, whereas Princess Eugenie is actually quite fuckable and rather resembles 90’s horn monster Neve Campbell. Remarkable given her parents.
I’m planning to report Mr and Mr Daley to Esther Rantzen…find out if she’s learned her lesson after keeping quiet about the Fix It man. See what the old bag makes of that.
I’d imagine that both Beatrice and Eugenie were firm favourites when Prince Andrew had his good friend Jeffrey Epstein over for home-movie night…Bet Prince Edward was there too.
That must’ve been a peculiar scenario indeed, Mr F…trying to interfere with your friend’s daughters’ fannies whilst defending your arse from the same friend’s brother!
Debauchery and deviancy everywhere, Mr Cunt- Engine. It’s a sad world when I can’t turn the telly on,open a newspaper or even walk down the street without having to loudly denounce the steady stream of shameless perverts who cross my path….. “Sodomites” I screamed round the door of the Women’s Institute just the other night..that gave the raddled old trouts something to mull over as I wobbled my way back to the pub.
I feel that I have a “calling”, Mr. Cunt-Engine,and if it falls to me to expose be it.
Dick Fiddler: Cuntfinder General.
A daft cunt.
I reckon it was the boyfriend… he spiked the bottle… then stood just far enough away to be effected, but only slightly… the dumb cops and naive security services are so easy to fool these days.
As a criminal psychologist I witness this sort of thing all the time – you couldn’t fucking make it up!
It’s all that Putin Cunt’s doing. She’d obviously upset him,so he dropped a piss-scented perfume bottle in the undergrowth in some park until the tab-end gathering junkie found it,took one sniff and decided to spray herself with it.
He’s a clever Cunt,that Putin. Just lucky that our government managed to unmask the scoundrel.
Trump got the measure of him immediately.
Dawn sturgess apparently!! ??
Looks like he’s being goosed. Knows fuck all about the real world or the people in it. He really has got the kind of face you want to punch until it gets boring. Monumental cunt
As Mourinho would say “ a specialist in failure “
Washed up good for nothing Cunt!! Does anybody take this fucking prick seriously??
Move on ! Nothing to see here…
This useless prick isn’t even the most useless cunt in the family??
Takes some believing but it’s true!!!
This is where a triadic vote fails miserably.
Blairite cunt David Rubber-Band in one corner.
Ed Balls-Up in the other.
Wickle Eddie Rubber-Band in the middle.
No cunt voting for puppet Dave with Tony’s hand up his arse would ever vote for Ed.
No Blairite would vote for Balls-Up.
So we have the “2nd choice” option so virtually 100% of the 2nd choice goes to Wensleydale Wallace himself which = a cunt more ineffectual that Michael bastard Foot!
Now the Remoaner cunts are trying a similar deal with a triadic referendum MKII with 2 leave options and a single remain option. Ergo remain wins by proxy!
Well fuck off! No chance! Go away! And take that interfering ingrate Miller with you!
Fucking cunts!
My dad’s late grandfather (my great grandfather) was a union leader in Sheffield way back when they were genuinely for the working classes and before they became all politicised. Were he alive today he would hate to see what they’ve become.
No cheese Grommet lad, there’s no cheese.
Fuck, I just seen that was done earlier. Someone nominate me please.
Many’s the time that I think of something hilariously witty (to my mind) only to observe that some cunt on here’s got there first!
Why, it’s almost like we have similar thought patterns.
So I just have to raise my level of disgraceful warped pervertedness…
He looks like a good match for that fucking
bird with the wool shop, in Shawn the Sheep
She’d fall for him!
And I couldn’t spell Gromit properly. Double cunting required.
Aren’t grommets a bit like sphincters ?
In which case their is an extrordinary similarity between said item and Millicunt.
? classic stuff!!!
Well, Milliband is so bad that he was replaced with Steptoe Corbyn…. Says the lot, really…
Frying pan / fire ………
I read in today’s Daily Express that net migration is up. Later, I read in the London Evening Standard that unemployment in London is up (above 800k). Isn’t this why every right-minded voter went for Leave? You don’t need the brains of Einstein to work out that this is not economically sustainable. Each type of parasite, foreign or indigenous, requires housing, healthcare, pensions, education, etc. There is not enough money to go around.
As an example, the Officers” mess and Sergeants” mess now employ Polaks and blambos where I work. Utter madness. This country’s done for.
Terrible news, sir. I know it’s going to be a depressing day. Still, as long as the offisah corps can minimise its recruitment of Poles, there may be a glimmer of hope. I worked for a Polish Flt-Lt (air traffic,left- over from WW2) and he was a complete and utter cunt. He thought the Northern Lights were the reflection of sunlight off the polar ice*, and could not be convinced otherwise. No-one could spell his name, either.
I gather the high standards formerly required of Service accommodation have been waived in favour of paying Crapita to flout them – is this true?
*or maybe the fur of the polar bears, accounting for the motion of the display. I forget.
On topic: I consider it cruel and ungentlemanly to mock the afflicted, and will refrain from criticism of Mr. Millipede for that reason. But I would very much like to know who let him out. One of the sadder manifestations of Care In The Community, I think.
He is a …….. cunt cunt cunt cunt a big fat stinking cunt – ( sing along everyone)
Miliband listen to what your constituents say they voted to leave Either follow their wishes or fuck off and do something else sanctimonious twat