A swift cunting for the ignorant fuckwits who smoke out entire towns and neighbourhoods with their bonfires.
I’m not talking about burning a few branches; I’m on about the useless chimps that stack pile after pile of fucking trees on top of one another to create a Kilimanjaro-like mound of vegetation. Even worse are the cunts who think it’s a good idea to start burning plastics and other materials that cause the horrid black toxic smoke that burns your lungs to buggery.
All hell breaks loose when the cunts pour petrol all over it. Before you can even shift your arse to close a window, the entire gaff is blanketed in a thick cloud of burning debris. The worst scenario is when you are woken up from your slumber to the sensation of a Billy Bunter type cunt sitting on your chest as you gasp for air.
Stop with the gargantuan, petrol-fuelled, plastic-riddled bonfires you silly cunts.
Nominated by Jayniño
A couple of years ago a mate of mine’s Polish neighbours had a big party in their back garden complete with accordions, violins and Polish folk dances and singing. He showed me the cunts on his phone and I couldn’t believe it.
Anyway, as it started to get dark they brought all this shit out of nowhere and started up a fucking bonfire. This is in the middle of urban London for fucks sake! So he phoned the Fire Brigade, who are stationed 400 yards down the road, and that was the end of that fucking party.
He also phoned the coppers…..they phoned back 4 days later. He told them there was no problem……didn’t want to get arrested for raaay-sism, even though they are all whiter than he is.
In theory I have no problem to a good bonfire…
Maybot, Sourbitch, Flabbott, Oily Plimsolls (or whatever his name is, arch-remoaniac in charge of Brexit), Heseltine, Clarke, Branston, Al-BBCeera, the fuzzywuzzie from HSBC ads…
Chuck them all on. Bring it on !
I miss Bonfire Night living in Australia. November is Summer where I live and bonfires and fireworks would burn the whole state down.
Here’s another cartoon for you…
Yeah, the old “trickle down theory.” Load of bollocks. It only trickles up.
The fire ban is difficult, there’s a tax dogding state subsidised papist school near me deserving of a bonfire on their grounds on the 5/11.
There’s an ignorant cunt near me that burns off pallets like this in a field. Saves ‘em up and then once a month creates an inferno of flames visible from the International Space Station. Inconsiderate cunt invariably picks a stiflingly hot night (ie like now) where we’ve all got our bedroom windows open ; or when there is no wind to dissipate the eye-watering fog quickly. Instead it hangs around for bloody hours necessitating all sorts of fucking aftermath countermeasures
Get yourself a fan. Don’t even need to have the windows open then. I did it after my window jammed and my room is actually much cooler as result.
And in other news:
West Mercia police will not release the identities of those charged with the acid attack on a 3 year old boy.
I wonder why that is?
Because at least one of them is an Afghan ‘refugee’ and at least two others are unwhite. Also, perhaps, because a blood feud would seem to be inevitable. And one in which I would happily join their assailants.
Culprits now only named of white. Sometimes with a photo and address of where they live.
Our overseas friends- nothing.
I now take it that if there is no name it is either a Peaceful or Eastern European.
A disgrace that these cunts are allowed anonymity.
Country is well and truly finished.
Get rid of the existing political parties, scrap the house of Turds and start again.
All five suspects have been described in the media as “men”. Eh?
Why is it considered appropriate to reveal the sex /gender of those arrested, but not their race, religion or nationality?
Insidious anti male prejudice – hypocrisy on stilts!
It is reported as neither a hate crime or racist attack, but an attempt to cause grievous bodily harm. A spokesperson for said Plod stated ” the racial component is irrelevant , and this seems a purely domestic matter”
Like fuck it is. Its about letting any murdering cunt access to both country and benefits system which draws the fuckers from everywhere on the globe to the land of free money!
Ah Afghan nationals, Komodo. You took me back to those happy days in that so hospitable country. Such nice people too….
The cradle of civilisation, I believe. Commiserations.
They are such lovely people over there
Ignorant cunts who have bonfires when they can see their neighbours washing drying outside!! Once saw a prick get punched out for that , oh how I laughed……..
It’s the same sort of cunt who parks across your driveway, parks right up to your bumper, doesn’t clean their dogs shit off the pavement!! Yeh those CUNTS!!
As soon as there is a hint of nice whether Q, its like an orchestra of pressure washers, DIY weekend warriors and lawn mowers. Luckily its been a bit too hot for some so have had recycled teenagers reliving their spotty yoof blaring out 80’s ‘classics’. Cunts.
Don’t forget the 2 weeks of construction work on the house with power tools and grown men listening to heart radio at ear drum rupturing levels.
All takes place when the cunts go on holiday or are away from the house. And starts before 8am, law breaking arseholes.
Accurately observed. May I also mention the large house across the road whose perpetual construction works have been suspended for the summer in order to accommodate a bunch of Bulgarians(? can’t place the language, but it sounds Balkanish and isn’t Turkish) who, to judge from their pale complexions and decent cars, are not contributing to our ethnic diversity by helping our struggling farmers with the pea crop, or even the asparagus. At weekends, they party loudly in the garden, in (?) Bulgarian, with (?) Bulgarian jolly music. Clearly audible indoors CUNTS. Or, indeed (?) вагина.
Bulgarian is very closely related to Old Church Slavonic (origin of modern Russian), and IIRC from 3 months in Sofia (their capital, not a bird), sounds quite crisp and clear.
I suspect something like a former Jugoslav lingo; poss Serb or Croatian, or maybe Slovakian… Often slightly yellow/nicotined complexion, with beards and taches, wimminz included.
Thanks for the heads-up, HBH: have only heard the words indistinctly below the screaming, laughter and jolly music (which is definitely Balkan) and briefly in passing. They are usually screened from view by a thick hedge and only fleetingly visible – actually come to think of it a couple of the men are darker. Will assign them as Cunts from the Republic of Cuntia until I am surer of my ground. The only Bulgarian I know is a really nice guy, so I may be being unfair.
I know a Bulgarian waitress in Cardiff, she’s very nice…
Being a cunt, I meant Slovenian rather than Slovakian (Slovakia a bit too far north of where I was thinking).
Happily the lawnmowers have faded out round here as the lawns turn brown and no-one wants to be seen hastening the hosepipe ban by using a sprinkler. But there’s still some cunt with chainsaw addiction syndrome in the vicinity.
So true LL,
Once the thermometer hits 22+ it’s opens up a Pandora’s box of cuntitude!! And with the schools etc off for summer holidays it just ramps it up a few notches!
It’s a perfect storm, BBQ + BOOZE + young people = anti social behaviour….
The police were out at 1am this morning as some fucking young idiots thought having a garden party on a work night was okay? CUNTS……..
Police out at 1 am in morning ?? Past their bedtime, surely.
Maybe it was plis having a party; usually ID’d by presence of a snooker table, with a fit WPC on top, getting her brains shagged out…
Men from London and Wolverhampton have been arrested in connection with the acid attack on a three year old boy… Well, so the BBC tell us anyway… Mind you, they said the Manchester Arena bomber was British and that the knife wielding maniac in London was Norwegian, didn’t they?… Wouldn’t surprise me if the cunts were conveniently leaving things out again…
What the BBC? No way ?
Fucking BBC is the home of fake news , those cunts have pulled illusions than would make David copperfield blush!!
Absolute deliberate misdirection… FUCK THEM……
‘A wealthy nation putting itself in a position where it has to stockpile food, medicine, etc., in times of peace is utter madness. What Are We Doing?’
I see that colossal cunt, Lineker, is back to his usual anti-Brexit I’m right and no one else is bullshit after his holidays at the World Cup….. What a fucking cunt ….
Whereas the jug eared supercunt just stockpiles money, when others are struggling to make ends meet.
I’ve learned to hate this prick with a passion and hope to live long enough to read the cunt’s obituary.
A man fit for lynching…
No other reason for insisting on Brexit is needed – just look at all the rich, sanctimonious cunts who are against the idea.
This is all part of the escalation of project fear. It will get worse and turn out to be 100% bullshit.
Lineker is beyond cunting.
He’s not but there isn’t a more appropriate word to use in his case.
As George benson once sang “ never give up on a good thing”
And cunting Lineker certainly makes me Happy……….