Firstly let me apologize for what I am about to nominate because it will seem irrational and implausible, in fact could even be a script from the twilight zone, a number of years ago a former area director employed his mates son in my work place, it failed miserably and he was transferred with my agreement to be the other part of my team.
Let us spin back to some of my comments on generation snowflake, and I am afraid you lot as well who finance failing siblings!
Well last year my “Bitch” was absent from work for over 6 working months 3/4 of the year to every one else, with dental problems, coughs, sneezes, toothache, headache, stress ,(girlfriends mother has cancer for 2 days) split up with girlfriend.
Various rather inadequate warnings, written warnings ect were issued and then (praise the lord) a final written warning.!
I was told should the “Bitch” not turn up for work he would be summary dismissed!
Well first fucking working day of the year he did not turn up! (but got let off because he apparently got his new girlfriend up the duff whilst off sick for stress) then again, (car got locked in a car park) got let off.
In fact should I make a list it would be like one of QDM’s nominations so lets cut to the crux.
After his latest episode I asked that he be dismissed (creating a vacancy for someone who want a job) management agreed and checked with HR.
HR came back with “You can not fire him the warnings have achieved their purpose he is less absent”
I went sick with stress for 3 days and went to see my councillor (who is also a senior partner in an employment legal firm). I received assurances that his dismissal would hold ground in an employment tribunal and that my only route was to lodge a grievance procedure against management.
I have told them this now its me on shit street!
Nominated by Lord Benny
I have turned into a workshy can’t as I work with a few and got fed up with working myself into the ground.
Cunt ########
The “area director” part sums this up nicely. It’s not what you know, but who you know. Surely, in most cases, a slacker like this would have been told to sling his hook and his role would be passed on to someone who could actually be bothered to turn up. Were they paying the cunt sick pay or not? An opportunity wasted on his part to gain some work experience and earn a bit of wedge. His excuses are pathetic and the fact that HR were on his side must have had something to do with the fact that his dad’s mate was ‘boss man’. What an appalling little slacker. Probably another future benefits scrounger with an arsenal of excuses as to why he’s “sick” and can’t (be arsed) to put in a day’s shift.
My missus is a lazy cunt. Every time I go for a piss in the sink it’s full of dishes….
I hope you moved the dishes first! Teach the cunt a lesson and pee in her Weetabix bowl.
JRC I’m beginning to think you may be Rod Liddle…..
If not keep it up??
Rod Liddle is hilarious.
I worked for an Italian insurance company for many years.
Never seen such incompetence and so many lazy cunts.
Majority of managers Italian as you might assume flown over from their homeland, however almost all dangerously and embarrassingly out of their depth.
All with their own offices, fancy titles and big salaries to match. Most offered housing in West London (Notting Hill and Battersea).
Staggeringly bad management which was at time laughable.
Even some Italian admitted they did not know what many of the managers did, other than very long lunch breaks.
When the shit hit the fan (which was often and usually happened because of something one of the managers had fucked up) they would run around like chickens with their heads cut off, and try to pass the buck onto one of us Brits.
Remember on one occasion I really pissed management off when after asking my advice on a particilar risk decided to ignore the benefit of my 25 or so years experience, write the business anyway with inevitable results. To my credit card I refused to sort out their fucking mess when it went tits up when asked to.
Asked on one occasion by a senior Italian manager what I thought of the management. He was pissed and had kept four of us and our queue of brokers waiting for about 30 minutes. Told him it was like a circus.
Italians, in my humble opinion from what I have seen, lazy, work shy cunts of the very highest order.
I worked for a cunt who gave nepotism a bad name. He employed his wife, his daughter and his two brothers. One brother was ok, he wanted to do his job properly and earn his money, the rest were idle bastards who thought they had a privileged position in the company and didn’t need to contribute too much.
I had to work with the other brother, which meant doing it all myself most of the time. Things eventually came to a head and I got the boot. Well he wasn’t going to fire his brother was he? I made a prediction that the company wouldn’t last. Firms needed to be efficient from top to bottom just to survive and this one had so many square pegs in round holes it wasn’t true.
My prediction came true, although it took six years. And I was thrilled. He lost his company and it couldn’t have happened to a bigger cunt.
Nepotism was rife at the Italian insurance company I worked for.
The chairman’s son was sent to London. He was fucking useless but swanned about as though he owned the place.
A hopeless and unknowledgeable underwriter, even London management could see he was useless and should not be allowed to commit the companies money.
Their way round it was to issue a directive to every single London underwriter, and then call each underwriter invidually (not including the chairman’s son) to say the directive did not apply to them.
Not a great position to be in if in a court of law.
The chairman’s son was then transferred to the Hong Kong office. Had the misfortune to be invited out one evening by him when there on a business trip. Soon realised I was his excuse for a trip to a girly bar, where he was extremely well known by all the girls. Last I heard he had been transferred to the Middle East office.
Like I say, in my Common Sense Govt these “jobs that no one else wants to do” – aka the go-to line fucktards drag out of their arses when immigration reform is mentioned – simply would not exist.
“Well you can’t force people to do those jobs!?!”
Can I not? Let me tell you from personal experience: some money Vs no money is a fucking big motivator!
Don’t like wiping the arse of a poor geriatric dementia patient?
Don’t like cleaning the public bogs in an inner city?
Don’t like hoovering/polishing in Govt buildings?
Fine, go and get a better fucking job then that’s more palatable and pays more you lazy-arsed CUNTS!
My system kills two birds with one stone: reduces the need for pointless immigration and gets the workshy back into work, and – unlike the namby-pamby blue/red cunts in Cuntminster – I’d make good on my promise.
They get better jobs instead of the Govt assigned jobs – more tax! It’s a win win win situation as far as I can see!
We have all these layabout cunts 3 generations deep and yet we pay eye-watering amounts on Govt contracts to Mitie and Serco and the like to clean Govt buildings, etc.
Well, we all know its because of the kickbacks to the cunts who issue these Govt contracts, so we cut those UK purse troughers off at the knees as well!
Argue this to some cunt in Govt and they moan and bleat and whine – well that’s ok cos in my Govt you too will be out of a job and first in line to wipe a bit of “Joey Deacon” arse!
Apart from enforced bank holidays, I haven’t had a day off work in 3 years. I work for myself and simply have not been able to. So my piss bypasses steam and goes straight to gas plasma when I see these cunts on Benefits Britain – and the like – who don’t lift a bat and yet all seem to have the latest fucking thick-phones, widescreen TVs and – to add insult to bastard injury – get holidays paid for on the nashy when their bastard lives are one big fucking holiday as it is!!!
Under my regime you work or you get fuck all.
Please note that I believe in the welfare state and that we should help the disabled and those who – through no fault of their own (redundancy, etc.) – find themselves on hard times as a stop gap until they get their next job, etc.
I refuse however to believe that families where grandparents, parents and kids of working age are all on the nashy. That’s a lifestyle choice, so maybe we *should* make it less bastard palatable to the cunts!
Great cunting Lord Benny, one very close to my heart.
Mrs Stroker is Japanese.
In Japan if you are able to work and for whatever reason you choose not to, you receive nothing in benefits.
The family (and not the state) are expected to sort out the problem.
Prison in Japan is not a nice place to end up. Very hard with highly disciplined staff who do not put up with any nonsense. No privileges at all. A great deterrent for potential crimbos.
A very strange and rather unfair rule adopted in Japan is that you are precluded from specific high ranking jobs if any of your siblings are involved in what is deemed to be a serious crime. I suppose the logic is that you have the same genes, however very harsh on the person who may have studied for years.
No wonder Japanese birth rate is so low – too risky having siblings!
Ah, I will rephrase my post and apologise to Admin.
Note that Japan is not riddled with goat bothering sand wallahs . In fact I cant think of ever seeing blambos in great numbers anywhere in Japan. Maybe because their work ethic doesn’t allow you to stop work 5 times a day to venerate a warmongering bloodthirsty blambo cunt.
And I understand that cunts of the peaceful persuasion are not allowed to take up residence in Japan. Sounds like a decent place to live.
Not illegal, but not exactly encouraged either.
Great post rebel. i was born and bred in Walker Newcastle. No fucker worked in our street, and few more as well. Some 60 odd years later, I still meet some of the old faces when I return home. guess what. They are now retired. Retired…from fucking WHAT? Cunts have never worked. CUNTS
Man what a waste, I’m guessing it’s led to awkward conversations?
Last year my missus had to leave her job of 19 years, mainly due to the stress her work-shy colleagues put on her by not pulling their weight. I told her to kick their cunts in, but she couldn’t hack it, valuing peer approval above all else it seems. Cunts sensed a weakness and took full advantage of her conscientious nature. No good deed goes unpunished.
Current circumstances better (touch wood) but pay 20% less…
Hey, look on the bright side – at least the krauts lost earlier 🙂
Q: How come come you never see any Australians on Star Trek?
A: Because they never do any work in the future, either.
New Labour appeared in Star Trek: The Next Generation.
They were cast as a bunch of Klingons!
Didn’t they get a bit part in Life On Mars?
No, my mistake – that was Corbyn’s mob.
No mate that was “The Life of Insects” presented by Sir David Boaty-MacBoatface.
Ariba! Ariba!
Which African team will progress the furthest in the World Cup?
A: Egypt
B. Senegal
C. Tunisia
D: France
On the subject of Egypt I have 50/1 on Salah to be top scorer. Not bad value if I say so myself considering he could get 3 or 4 against the Saudis alone.
Interesting to see most of the Africunt nations have white Europeans as head coaches while the FA in England wring their hands at the lack of black managers.
Talk of the ‘Rooney Rule’ is bollocks – no not a 500 yard exclusion zone around bingo halls and charity shops in northwest England for our Wayne but basically positive discrimination. Most ex players black or white would rather take the easy money, talk cliched bullshit on a studio sofa and be a pundit anyway.
Frankly I couldn’t give a flying fuck about the world cup!
David Dimbledoor is retiring from Question Time. Hmm, I wonder which gender the new host will be?
Knowing the beebistan it’ll be no gender or someone that is confused about what gender is.
Oh I hope it’s not Eddie fucking lizard.
That cunt makes my skin crawl….
I understand Munroe Bergdorf is looking for a new role…
Looks like a Dead-Pool style game to me. My picks are:
1. Ant
2. Julian Clary
3. Gyles Brandreth
4. Diane Abbott
5. Jacob Rees-Mogg.
6. James O’Brian…
Clare Balding
The unemployment rates amongst the blambo and peaceful populations is a national disgrace but an issue that is rarely raised by libtard cunts. As blambos have all chosen to study architecture and neuroscience, they clearly struggle to find work. Thus they have to scrape a living by drug dealing, stabbing people and riding mopeds (bless them, are they learning The Knowledge?).
I have an idea. Farmers are now expressing their concerns about the lack of labour post-Brexit. This labour is required to pick fruit and veg that will otherwise rot on the vine. Blambos should revitalise their historic skills in this area – picking tobacco, cotton and sugar cane – and help the great British farmer. This would give them paid employment whilst allowing them to indulge in their enjoyment of wielding knives. It would be like the good ol’ days, seeing lines of these happy workers in the fields.
All the Windrush cunts keep bleating that they came here to work, and indeed they did. It’s the generations that followed that became obnoxious workshy cunts.
I’ve got to get out of London!
There is no escape. Though you will be welcomed with open arms if you are chromatically differenced and seeking sanctuary*
* ‘Refugee’ and ‘economic migrant’ now being past their sell-by dates. Official. This has gone further than too bloody far.
Just what Norfolk needs Komodo. When I lived there 10 years ago it was monocultural bliss. Now London is leaking into Norfolk. That’s why I’m moving to the Highlands. But the tide is reaching there too.
Sutherland (note, as well as Sunderland) is full of Geordies* already. Could be some cultural clashes there.
*Loosely speaking. Probably some mackems too.
We had one , he was off the day after every hometown hockey game.We used to run a pool to see who picked up the phone at 7.30 am to listen to him phoning in sick. He always had some sort of food poisoning…. so much so, that I once suggested that he call the Atlanta Centre for Disease Control to see if he’d broken some kind of record.
Sat him down one day to try and figure him out and thought that he needed more of a challenge in his day to day duties ( stupid me) to motivate him to come to work.
He swore on a stack of bibles that he would validate my faith in him, I could rely on him like you relied on a crutch. I said that the only phone call I would expect to receive if he didn’t show up for work was from some ambulance guy trying to cut him out of his crashed car.He swore once again that he would be the poster boy for reliability.
It was a Friday , so, convinced that I had solved a major problem, I took off on holidays and left my pal in charge. There was a hockey game that weekend on Sunday night and the first phone call I received on Monday morning was from my pal .
“Guess who didn’t show this morning?”
It still took more than 5 years to get rid of him, because we were a government agency.
He was a really nice guy but he just didn’t want to work for a living.
Not to try and out-Yorkshire anyone, but….
I have spent the last 12 years of my life funding a bunch of fucking useless ingrates who think of work as something that stupid cunts do to fund their dosser life style.
At one point for a couple of years, I was funding….. The ex wife who couldn’t work due to several nervous breakdowns. Mainly involving being separated from the fridge.
My own son. (no issue with that).
My two step kids. One completely useless, the other on the bones of her arse because her ex rinsed her accounts for everything and left her with another mouth for me to feed….. The fat ginger cunt.
The wife. Retired due to work injury. (no issue with that)
Aaaaaand finally myself. Right at the back of the queue. The bloke who takes all the flak. The bloke who gets up at 5 am, ready for an 11 hour day, plus travel. The bloke who has to take the dog for a five mile shit-a-thon after work. The bloke who does nearly £6k sending the ungrateful fucktards on the holiday that they whined on at me about for months and then whined even louder when I told them that I couldn’t go, because someone has to work to pay for this shit. (they shat themselves, because my credit card wasn’t going with them).
I am the cunt who hasn’t had a holiday in four years, working so that my family of extended cunts can get up post meridian and use my home like a fucking hotel.
Yes, I must be fucking insane. The kind of money that I clear would make Midas puke, yet I live on a £50 a week self-imposed allowance as I wait for the next fucktarded bullshit to arrise that will see me well and truly out of pocket.
I bought my first new car a couple of years back. Squirrel the spare change away for a couple of years and finally bought something that I really wanted. Apparently I am a cunt for doing this. Even though it was my money that I saved.
Now. Finally, we have pruned the money tree and it is only me and ‘the bag for life’ that I need to look out for.
I came close to breaking down myself last year. Mainly through exhaustion and did warn that I was ‘very close to the edge’ and asked for those closest to keep an eye on me.
Did they?
Did they fuck.
The cunts.
Hope it gets better for you. Sounds like they need a bit of a reality check more than a blank money cheque… Good luck.