Can you believe that the BBC need cunting AGAIN?!
Well yes you probably do. Because they’re colossal cunts of the worst kind!
Their cuntitude is well documented amongst these great annals and I’m sure they’ll be many more displays of pure, unadulterated, lefty cuntishness to add to the pool in the future, but today it’s the defamation and slander of Trump that they’re on the block for…
I’m not a huge fan of Trump, but credit where credit’s due, and he’s doing a good job.
Better than killary could’ve managed anyway.
But this pisses off the lefties SO FUCKING MUCH that they now have to blatantly lie and unashamedly fraud the public, knowing full well that the vast majority will find out.
They’re so desperate to find something bad on trump that they’re willing to blatantly LIE to push their debunked narrative…
This is what trump said:
“We have people coming into the country, or trying to come in — and we’re stopping a lot of them — but we’re taking people out of the country. You wouldn’t believe how bad these people are. These aren’t people. These are animals. And we’re taking them out of the country at a level and at a rate that’s never happened before.”
The BBC cunt (I don’t want to know the dumb cunts name) turned to Jordan Peterson and said:
“Just to explain, this is Donald Trump talking about illegal immigrants”.
So you have the answer.
You have the BBC’s interpretation of the answer.
But what was the question that he was answering?
Sheriff mimms:
“There may be MS-13 gang members that I know about, but if they don’t reach a certain criteria, I can’t tell ICE about them.” (Roughly).
( ICE is: Institute of Civil Engineers.
Oh sorry,
Immigration and Customs Enforcement).
So where do his remarks elude to immigration?
MS-13 ARE FUCKING ANIMALS AND EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM SHOULD BE …. well …. aherm …. suggestions below …
It’s not just the BBC (though they top the tables in cunt-ridden, lefty, bollocks peddlers).
EVERY fucking lefty in the western hemisphere has latched onto this and made the same accusation …
Fake news, fake news, fake news ….
Cunt news more like….
Nominated by deploythesausage
You only have to hear Radio 4’s fucking unfunny comedy shows – The News Quiz and The Now Show which alternate with each other most of the year. NQ has a pompous little cunt of a chairman, Miles Jupp, who even makes Stephen Fry sound a bit common. There are usually a couple of bulldykes on it Susan Calman (“did I mention this week I am a lesbian?” and constant references to “my wife”. Ditto Sandi Toksvig who used to be the chairman, sorry chairwoman, chairdyke.
The stupid studio audiences get in for nothing and whistle and cheer every reference to deviance or any anti Trump/David Davis/Boris joke.
This afternoon Mrs Boggs and myself listened to the 3.00 quiz game while sharing a pot of tea and some Mr.Kipling, and one of the little motherfuckers from The Now Show has a new job as chairman of a quiz called The Third Degree where three students (who get easy questions) take on three of their masters. Even on a non political quiz the oldest teenager in the business, Steve Punt was still sneaking in anti Trump “jokes”
Listen to the snide fairy Eddie Mair grilling right wing politicians on PM. The BBC stinks of bias – not surprising when you remember that one of the Blair arselickers, James Purnell has a very senior job in BBC Radio, given to him without interview or the job being advertised.
The BBC needs a fucking cunting every minute of everyday!!
Biased liberal bollocks……….
They’ve even got a wimminz on I’m Sorry I haven’t A Clue now. Probably two, next week, for balance. The programme’s pretty old and weak, although Merton does his best, and this should scupper it completely.
Miles Jupp: what an unoriginal, conceited, patronising, unfunny cunt. Rose from some obscure cranny of the corporation – may have been a severely humourless ‘comedy’ about airline pilots, but could be wrong – to bloody everywhere in a couple of years. Less funny than Andy Hamilton, a low bar in every sense.
As usual DTS – cant argue a line with your nom but on the other hand I will need a thesaurus and half a fucking day to vent my spleen on Auntie Beeb. She is a cunt of the highest order – and to think in far away lands I couldn’t wait to listen to the World service in the wee small hours. It was then regarded as the most truthful, patriotic and not a word was uttered by their foreign correspondents that wasn’t taken as Gospel. Now I don’t trust a fucking word of any of it. QT at one time was pleasurable to watch with a decent bit of rationale evening up the cunts who appeared on the panel. Now its just a fucking leftie blambo grouse meeting. The programme that followed (This week) with Andrew Neil was also a worthy watch. Nowadays I would shut the curtains if the cunts were broadcasting it from my back garden. As you rightly end your cunting
Fake news, fake news, fake news – and cunt news it is. Read by cunts, produced and edited by cunts with cunts hanging off their every fake fucking word.
Yea don’t these twats realise that when trump calls them fake news most people (as I did) say “you’re exaggerating” , but when they blatantly lie, they just prove him right and give him the moral high ground.
He’s not perfect, I’m sure even his supporters acknowledge that, but he is morally superior to his opponents that’s for sure.
I record Q-Time and This Week for a more controllable viewing experience later. Allows for much fast forwarding and pausing, to allow piss to cool down.
Brillo & Portillo often give the crooked thinking PC Libtards a good roasting – the way they tore into easy meat A.C. Grayling was easily worth the entrance fee!
I might have to find that on you tube.
Just seeing that cunts face makes my head veins throb but seeing him get told what for would be well worth it…
For your pleasure DTS:
“What’s the evidence?”
“Well it would be very interesting to see…”
None then, and who cares if there is. Cunt.
I’ll watch the whole thing when I’m home (just having a few sneaky pints) but cheers creampuff ….
Very odd feeling calling someone creampuff ?
You can call me Ruff mate – no need for surnames here, eh Mr Sausage?
One of my very favourite clips.
When I have any doubts about the governments (or labours potential) handling of the Brexit negotiations, I like to watch this just to reassure myself the government knows what they are doing are in full control.
Initial thoughts- as Captain Blackadder once said, it rhymes with Clucking Bell.
Or as Private Frazer in Dads Army said “we’re doomed”.
Relieved to know they’ve all been “very clear” about everything.
Great clip Ruff Tuff.
Owen Jones recently tried to get Brillo sacked from Beeb for “extreme right-wing bias”.
Roger’s Profanisaurus might come in handy for describing Al-Beebistan
The BBC is the arsehole of the left and constantly emits its foul doctrine. If we had a Trump type person in charge it would be fucking toast .
Good afternoon.
Good afternoon jack.
Yea there’s no way trump would make the taxpayer fund these lying cunts.
I don’t know how they get away with it…
I was in a house share before I moved so tv tax wasn’t an issue, and since the move I’m staying with family until I’ve passed the trial on my new job, but when I get a flat I’m seriously considering to tell em to jog on as far as tv tax is concerned….
Don’t know how much authority they really have so I’ll need to look into it.
We should have an option to have beebistan channels cut of if we don’t want them…..
Theiving cunts.
I agree wholeheartedly. It’s literally a licence to print money. Hope your move is working out ok.
Yea good thanks mate.
Drive to work through the beautiful county of Yorkshire with the greenery, nice roads, no traffic and lovely villages, or sit in a traffic jam in Shepherds Bush or on the north circ…..
No contest mate…
No contest whatsoever.
Went to Yorkshire a couple of weeks back for some camping/peak walking.
Stayed just over the border in Cumbria,
Arrived on the Saturday evening.
Sunday morning asked a local wher the nearest petrol station was.
Told it was about 20 miles away, and that we would be lucky to find it open because it was Sunday!
Nice one Willie… Mike Leigh eat yer heart out.
Great cunting DTS, I couldn’t agree more.
Just for info I cancelled my DD TV/ Al-BBCeer tax a few months ago.
I am just looking at a cheque from CAPITA for £24.50 ‘in respect of a refund against payment for a TV licence’.
I find that hilarious as I’m sure I was paying monthly but any refund from Al-BBCeer is most welcome.
Interestingly I live in a flat so I’m thinking it may be to much trouble to pursue.
Remember the TV Detector Van is in your area adverts in 70’s and 80’s? They made us believe they had techthat could isolate a house without a licence…..
utter bollocks, no such tech existed. When you buy a TV or any device that could receive a TV signal you have to give your name and address which was then sent to the TV Licensing Authority and that’s how these bastards knew if you’ve got a TV, if you then cancelled your licence you’d get a knock on the door usually in the evening as anyone living in the front room and who was watching TV would struggle to deny it and until 5 years ago it was a criminal offence so the ‘offence’ had a big stick to back it up.
So if you’ve never bought a TV at an address there’s jack shit they can do, if you get a letter just throw it away, the letter will tell you the address is unlicensed and sort of try to scare you into getting one.
In my case I think partly it’s because ive never bought a TV whilst living here and partly because I live in an apartment block it’s probably too much hassle to pursue it.
I suspect that when the Gov decriminalised non-payment they did so in some way to save money. Taking people to Court and enforcing the law costs a fortune.
It wouldn’t surprise me if they looked at the costs to continue that policy against that of decriminalising non payment which would then allow them to ‘out-source’ collection, remember only the Goverment and it’s direct agencies can enforce the law and Capita ain’t one of them.
Most people in the UK are fairly law abiding and just accept that the TV Licence is something you just pay and as it’s not really a lot of money I bet more pay than don’t.
I fell into that category but over the past few years I’ve become increasingly disgusted at the shocking bias these bastards show towards anything from the ‘Left’ or minority issue but the Brexit coverage fucking nailed it for me.
I’m just not prepared to fund such clear bias and to be honest Al-BBCeer is fucking awful in any case. That said I do listen and like Radcliffe and Maconi on 6 Music.
Yea they say it’s a payment for all media, online, tv, or whatever the fuck, but they can fuck off coz kcom are the only option round here…
Everything here is cheaper except for the internet …. £60 per month for unlimited (which I’ll need *aherm* – no, not for the porn… ok some of it. Mostly for you tube and … erm… streaming..) but it’s a monopoly and I’m sure there’s some corruption involved.
I never watch BBC and so as far as I’m concerned I don’t legitimately owe them a penny.
You’re right about the detection… it’s fucking laughable that they think we’ll actually believe that that they can detect your telly.
I pay £50 per month to sky.
I’ll be paying kcom £60 per month.
If the beebistan think that I’ll be paying them anything on top then they can fuck off.
How much money do they think we have for fucks sake?
Yep you are able to get a refund once you’ve cancelled the thing if there is more than a month left on it. I managed to get over 80 quid back from the cunts.
6 months ago I found out they’d been direct debiting me for a licence for the house I moved from nearly three years ago. STILL trying to get a refund out of the tight bastards…
Top Tip – check your fucking bank statements with a fine toothed comb religiously* EVERY month.
* Or atheistically, if you’re as anti religion as me.
Mark Radcliffe said the funniest thing I’ve heard on the radio. When on a Saturday afternoon show he’d just played some bland “new” Lionel Richie song and when it had finished uttered the immortal line “sorry about that” me and my mate laughed so hard.
The Al BBC is so utterly left wing I don’t know where to start! Sunday mornings they go into overdrive. Fucking June Um Bongo Sarpong and that professor who gets triggered when sees the cross of St George.
Get back to the plantation you two, that cotton won’t pick itself.
Forgot to mention that Any Questions this weekend featured ex porn magazine writer and piss artist Alistair fucking Campbell, and yes, there was yet another Brexit question from the typical little meek and mild R4 listener who wishes he lived in Ambridge.
Camp-bell hasn’t been at the rectum of politics for over a decade now yet they still invite the bibulous old wanker on shows like that.
Some Liebour cunt on the Daily Politics repeated that out of context “these are animals” quote lie, without being challenged. My piss had only just begun to cool down following last week’s Question Time, where Afua Hirsch belched out this beauty:
“Why don’t we have a feminist foreign policy? I can’t take anything anyone says about trying to combat sexual harassment seriously until I see Feminism and anti-misogyny mainstreamed into ALL our policies in this country.” Jeez…
Btw, James O’Shithead earlier today:
“Do you ever get the feeling you’re being played?”
Now MY piss is boiling too….
Hirsch and sarpong are fucking cretinous, treasonous cunts. They hate Britain and hate “colonialism”, but they’re quite happy to live off the profits.
And don’t even get me started on O’Brien…
I’ve had to remove lbc from my van in case I get in when he’s on and have a shouting spazm..
LBC… Nick Ferrari not bad for MSM… Andrew Castle surprisingly bearable too on occasion. Then there’s Nigel, of course.
Very true.
I do miss nick in the morning.
Dale is pretty good on the way home too.
This may be unpopular but majid nawaz is fairly straight up.
He had a great interview on the Rubin report …
I do love the Rubin report.
Nial Ferguson was one of the best I’ve seen recently…
The lefties have taken over the universities, hence they honestly believe that they are the source of all enlightenment. Cunts.
Yes, forgot about Masjid Nawaz, Agee he is surprisingly straight up, often gives the peacefuls a good kicking… and even anti-Trump cunts.
Nice link, cheers.
Majid Nawaz turned up at the Al Quds rally to support my tribe.
A true friend of Israel. God bless him.
Feminist foreign policy? When those ‘fairer sex’ get the bit between their teeth, they can be more evil than any man. They only put that cunt Afua on the telly to wind people up. It fucking works too!
June Um Bongo and Afua Hirsch have culturally appropriated English: RRRRAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCIIIIIIISSSSSSTTTTTTTSSSSSSSSSSSS.
And just to ram it home RTC, Stella Creasy now wants to ban misogyny.
Fuck it let’s just ban everything we don’t like. I’d start with Stella Creasy.
That is so beyond stupid.
Ban misogyny? LOL! LOL!
How could you ban misogyny, while cunts like Creasy are free to get into your face on a daily basis? You might as well ban getting the horn at the sight of a well turned ankle or a nice pair of tits, ffs!
And there you have it.
You can’t, at least not in a democracy.
But this is Liberal Fascism in glorious technicolour.
Man hating misandryst. Get back in that fucking kitchen, love. Those dishes won’t wash themselves……
if you think the BBC is bad watch this! this is seriously scary shit..
Fuck the Al-BBC and all their employees, shit-puppets and brainwashed followers. Sick of their shit-mongering and propaganda old bollocks. The Savile covering, Muslim loving, lying bastards are an embarrassment with their fake news and PC bullshit. Anyone who buys into their webs of lies and farcical reporting should be kicked in the knackers multiple times and lynched. Massive cunts.
And right now it’s all this ‘child concentration camps’ bullshit they’re misrepresenting him over. They’re not concentration camps you cunts – they’re detention centres where these kids WHO ARE BEING BROUGHT OVER ILLEGALLY BY THEIR PARENTS, most of whom have committed some sort of crime to lead to the separation in the first place (hell, quote a few are even being used by human traffickers posing as parents) stay for at most a few days before they move on to their actual housing which has marvel posters, televisions, PS4s and all that kind of shit. And that’s without mentioning that outright fabrication that was the Time cover and article, and the fact that issues such as the uncovering of further FBI bias went almost completely unreported because of this manufactured outrage. I know this whole rant probably sounds like a rambling incoherent mess but there’s so much bullshit to this story that it’s impossible to structure it properly.
And I could mention a myriad of other lies about this child separation controversy as well as I haven’t even scratched the surface here, but there’s only so much I can pack into one comment (hell, I’m not QDM lol).
The same policy was in place under Bush & Obummer, but the MSM don’t like to talk about that…
Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said at a June 18 press briefing: “The Obama administration, the Bush administration all separated families…. their rate was less than ours, but they absolutely did do this. This is not new.”.
The numbers may have increased, but the principle is still the same, which is what they’re supposedly condemning Trump for.
Hypocritical cunts.
I did hear about it briefly but I didn’t look into it coz it’s so fuckin hard to find actual news these days. They ALL seem to have their own agenda.
Being taxpayer funded the beebistan should be factual and impartial, but fat chance.
If they were privately funded they can lean any way they like. I’m a capitalist so I believe that as private companies, they’re free to do as they wish.
But FORCING people to pay and then lying to push ANY agenda is fucking disgraceful.
Exactly why I’ve finally decided to give up the TV licence. I can just use Talksport to follow the footy from now on instead of watching Final Score and MOTD and if a BBC show comes along that I think I’d like just pirate it for free.
‘The Red Hen Restaurant should focus more on cleaning its filthy canopies, doors and windows (badly needs a paint job) rather than refusing to serve a fine person like Sarah Huckabee Sanders. I always had a rule, if a restaurant is dirty on the outside, it is dirty on the inside!’
Apparently they’ve been inundated with 1 star reviews….
Ha ha.
The lefties will come to show their support until it’s not trendy anymore and the they can’t get anymore virtue signal points out of it then BANG they’ll be gone….
And the red hen will get fucked. Good. Twats.
Watching al beebera news. Shouldn’t do it, not good for the old blood pressure.
Lead story is yet more Grenfell.
I heard of this from you tube just coz Jordan Peterson was in it….
I know better that to watch the beeb.
I’d rather suffer torture.
What’s a Grenfell?
Apparently the Remainers are now laying into their own. Owen Jones in a rare moment of sanity says there should not be a second referendum, and his Twatter account has been taken over by the fairy fascists. I doubt the BBC will report the little snowflakes behaviour though.
This could be a great opportunity to bring Owen Jones over to the side of reason and logic. I hope what’s happening to him now serves as the catalyst for that process.
I don’t want that cunt on my “side”, back, or anything else.
…he’s a lost cause.
Would love to see his angry cum face….
Seems the whole scare mongering over the world cup was fake news too!
The Russians are obviously more capable of keeping order than the media liars would have us believe.
They kept banging on about “the ultra’s”, but apparently the Russians have been very polite and welcoming.
More fuckin fake news I guess…..
We’re gonna get our fuckin’ ‘eads kicked in!
Once again a minority of people having their impact grossly exaggerated
Spot on, DTS. It’s the same over here in Yankland. The differences being it’s ALL the MSM that simply lies and/or misrepresents anything and everything Trump does and says. As bad as that is, at least they’re not funded by the tax payer or like to think of themselves as being impartial.
This is way, way worse than when Bush was in office. I put that down to a couple of things. First, Tango Man isn’t part of the political establishment and actively wants to tear it down. That’s a threat to both the left and right, but the left are more venomous and vitriolic about it. Second, having lost to a political outsider when they’d done everything they could to prevent that outcome – much of it underhand/illegal – they have no answer or counter argument. If the left truly had an outstanding political opponent to Tango who could eloquently and factually dismantle Tango and his administration, that’s what they’d be doing right now.
But what we’re seeing is the extreme of how Yank politics works – try to make the other side look so awful that you look great/electable in comparison. As despicable as that is, the real tragedy here is so-called news organisations, including the BBC, support the narrative which seeks to tarnish Tango in the worst way.
Although I no longer live in the UK I hope that in my lifetime the license fee is scrapped and the BBC faces the wrath of the Brit consumer by basically imploding. Cunts.
Fair do’s, but won’t those with the deepest pockets (billionaires) then be in charge of the News agenda? At least with the ABBC there’s still a modicum of democratic control…like other publicly funded organisations… in theory anyway.
And compare the license fee with the cost of Sky…
That might be a valid argument if paying for the bbc was a choice, rather than by threat of incarceration. Let them go down the subscription route, they can spout all the liberal left wing crap they like, if it ain’t on my coin.
Also, did I hear somewhere that Disney were going to buy Sky News? A multi billion dollar company, that specialises in fairy stories. What could possibly go wrong?
It only works if everyone pays, spreading the load. Subscription would make it no different from Sky, the price would likely treble, quadruple, quintuple if fewer cunts contributed. The current system is far from perfect, but short of subsidy out of general taxation probably the lesser evil.
Radio 4 – Wimmens Hour – Miles Jupp.
Can there be a more smugly, lazily , “we’ve had our struggles too,you know” , collection of licence fee payer funded southern-centric (plus taxpayer subsidised Scotland of course) things?
How’s about Just a Minute? This shite, with no wit or entertainment value whatsoever has been running for decades.
And I typed that without hesitation, deviation, interruption or breaking wind.
51 years. Monday nights and it it’s not that it’s I;m Sorry I Haven’t A Clue. Even the fucking planners are sadistic robots
Isn’t I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Clue broadcast direct from Wetminster ?
BBC entertainment at its very best. Finds a programme and format that works for a couple of seasons then wrongly assumes the public will not tire or get bored of it years later.
Have I got news for you and Question of Sport for example.
Boring, boring, boring.
Oh fuck yes, and don’t get me started on The Archers…18,600 episodes… been boring the nation to death for 68 years! No wonder this country is finished.
Mind you, keeps the wife out of my hair three hours a week.
Am surprised Mary and Jeffrey haven’t had walk-on parts…
But, there again, maybe they have, as I’ve never listened to a single episode.
I caught a few seconds of episode 4,553 once.
Suffered from PTSD ever since.
I reckon the sig tune could be quite ok for some sort of anti-incontinence workout routine…
Am just sending a birthday card to an ageing relative in a nursing home, so, having being a bit stumped for something to write on the back of the postcard, I might include this suggestion…
It’s nice of them to play the fucking awful earworm sig tune before every (twice daily, all of them again at the weekend) episode of the geriatric fantasy cuntfest, written by townies for townies, and hammering every PC message currently on the BBC’s radar home.
Because that gives me just time if I hurry to switch the damn thing off before it starts. If I fail, it appears that a slightly multiculti portion of somewhere near Birmingham, but without a trace of its accent, has been taken over by narcissist snowflakes of the wimminz variety.
What is not stressed is the fact that Ambridge, like everywhere else, consists of a ribbon development by a corporate constructor of homes for people who commute to London and shop in Birmingham, outnumbering the cast by 50:1, and the Archers family in its entirety derives its massive income not from farming but from laundering the income of the Russian oligarch who owns the land.
I’ll have to take your word for that… quite frankly my dear I don’t give a damn.
Christ, VAR ain’t half a fucking shambles ain’t it? It’s completely ruined the Portugal vs Iran game.
Only as good as the dumb cunt hired to watch it.
Seems they hired the local shelter for the visually and mentally challenged to judge the farce that is var.
Fantastic cunting
Cheers bruv.
I remember referendum night on the BBC. As it became obvious that the Establishment were getting their corrupt arses kicked Shitcunt Attenborough became more and more depressed. By the end you’d think his whole family had just been wiped out in a plane crash.
I try to avoid their TV news these days. I find myself gripping the armchair as one anti Trump item is followed by a pro-EU, pro-immigrant. pro-Islam piece of shit. Then we have the London news which is usually an advert for Suckdick Khan or the latest aspiring architect or yoot worker/ gifted rapper to bleed to death on the street.
Fuck them all to hell!
That’s why more and more people are moving off the main steam tv and streaming you tube to their tv’s with a chromecast or something.
I spend more time watching the Rubin report and sargon of Akaad than the usual tv….
They can’t be trusted anymore.
The Beeb haven’t had a penny from me in three years.
With the internet and a substantial DVD library to rummage through, who needs ’em?
The cunts…
I used to be a keen radio 4 chap listening to news quiz and all the other outpourings, now i cant listen to anything its so predictably left wing makes me mad like a rabid dog. All the comics are twats of the first water, jeremy wankpig hardy still drones on about mrs T even now. Wankers to a man these so called comedians , im getting agitated now thinking about the gaggle of gormless smug right on pricks. There must be a name for a collection of bbc comics. A “twattery” perhaps
One who currently boils my piss is Romesh Raganathan, a kind of peaceful looking Rolf Harris tribute act. Recycled around the panel shows of Mock the Week etc with the same anti Trump/Brexit racist victimhood material. Cunt.
Romesh Ragaboneman is so predictably shit it’s actually embarrassing.
Ha ha ha yes so Donald Trump…… ha ha ha yes and Brexit……hoot hoot hoot.
On the very few occasions I’ve been exposed to this twat I’m always left thinking I’d really hate to be neighbours with any cunt in the audience.
He’s so unfunny I can’t help but think he’s an experiment.
Since the late ’70s, we had all our radios tuned to Radio 4… up until a couple of years ago. For all the reasons you’ve outlined, I can’t stomach it anymore. Tuned to LBC these days – far from perfect, but if you like having the radio on in the background it’s the least of all evils imho.
A snivel of otherwise unemployable sycophants is the correct term, I believe.
Me too – no #.
I would happily pay a small contribution if R4 could do something it has forgotten how to do: deliver one hour daily of completely straight news – no opinion, no commentary, no follow-up feature, and no, no, no bubbly girly presenter trying to make it all urgent/compelling/faintly lascivious. With a source for each item (which will usually be an agency like Reuters, as the BB doesn’t do much reporting any more)
Let’s know the facts and where they came from. Badly needed when so much complete bollocks is propagated by all shades of opinion on the social media.
Yes yes and double yes!
The so called BBC piss me off in ways you cannot begin to imagine. And now for the news where you fucking are. Cunts! It is the local or regional news, what committee of cock gobblers decided these terms might cause offence to transexuals and Irish travellers and made them verbotim? The Guardian newspaper is the most popular daily amongst BBC personnel, the only other group which regularly purchases the Socialist Worker life is schoolteachers. And you wonder why the country is going to shIt. I am ashamed to admit that I signed up to be a weather watcher. In my defence it was only so that I could troll the cunts but of course there was no open forum to post my observations in. That David Attenborough seems like a nice chap though.
I like the portmanteau word ‘verbotim’, very much, magiccunt. From ‘verboten’ and ‘verbatim’, it must mean something like ‘because I say not’ as in ‘No, you little cunt, and that’s verbotim’. Better suggestions accepted.
Peace. 🙂
Its truly bizzare how the media treats Jordan Peterson , hes like the nicest well mannered professor in existence and they treat him like a monster who’s responsible for all the evil in the world
One of the papers saying that Sourbry is likely to be facing a constituentcy deselection meeting soon…
Here’s hoping she gets kicked in the cunt.
Twitter is a mist welcoming site provided you are not to the right of Stalin. Have been banned:again.
Vaguely pertinent PC-related:
My latest cunting from management 3 levels above me (I think): ‘Your colleague is offended by your last email to him describing Health and Safety as a feared WW2 military organisation*. He complained to me…’
Which was not unexpected as I had earlier forwarded the entire conversation to the manager in question, knowing the clype cunt would pull something of the sort. Heh.
‘…Don’t do it again.’ Fair dos, but what sort of culture have we become?
*Beginning with S.
Is there anyone on or associated with the AL-BB-CERA who are even remotely impartial anymore?
I’m struggling but if there are any I bet you could count them on the fingers on one of Ranulph Fiennes’ hands!
Brillo has his moments…