The Human Race

I would like to cunt the entire human race including me I suppose for being nothing more than parasites living on the face of this planet and even with our so called high intelligence are fucking it up for every other living creature at the same time.

Picture the whale that just died after swallowing over 80 plastic bags full of human waste and slowly poisoning the poor fucker. In the meantime our government is making us pay through the fucking nose for supposedly tackling the problem while 70% of the rest of the world continue to pollute land sea and sky as fast as Flabbott could empty a KFC family wwbucket.

Sorry, the human species is a complete cunt and Mother Nature will win in the not too distant future and send us back to the dust from where we came.

Nominated by Kendo Nag

59 thoughts on “The Human Race

  1. I despise all organizations that sport “Green Logo’s” and “Environmentally Friendly! flags.! It’s all bollocks ! Another way for the Globalists to empty our pockets and continue to fuck over the planet. As for the Political Elite! A bunch of first rate wankers and itinerant arses who couldn’t give a fuck! With you on this one Kendo. A well deserved cunting.

  2. Top cunting, the green brigade and governments are a bunch of hypocritical cunts. Special mention to ‘activists’ like Charlie Boy and Leonardo DiCuntio who preach about environmental issues yet fly around on private jets and without irony to these gilded fuckers to collect awards on their sterling work, because everyone loves to be lectured by a millionaire actor or workshy pampered twat completely detached from reality.

  3. I’ve never much liked the human race. Shower of cunts in a variety of colours.
    Good morning.

    • Morning Jack

      Short and to the point but in total agreement.

      The world could be such a brilliant place but the stupid cunts living there are completely and irreversibly fucking things up for all eternity.

  4. Nicely cunted kendo. There’s bugger all hope for humanity with all these spoilt middle class student snowflake cunts, feminazis, narcissists, PC brigade and various other lefty wankers. Not to mention the plague that is Islam and how it is taking over the west. Humanity is de-evolving and before we know it we will revert back to a chimp-like state before eventually disappearing completely into dust particles. No wonder aliens can’t be arsed to invade or even visit this twisted planet we live on. They take one look at Kim’s gargantuan arse (visible from space) and turn back immediately.

    • If not Quim’s, I reckon it’s the Flabbott’s arse putting off the aliens. It depends on the earth’s rotation: one or the other must be visible at all times.

  5. Nice one, Kendo.

    I am of the unshakeable belief that there is no god of any description / denomination. I do, however, recall some bit in that ridiculous fantasy comic, the bible, about the end of mankind (sorry, personkind) having something to do with a plague of locusts ? Maybe there’s a grain of truth in that – Us humans are the fucking locusts… Nasty, vindictive, all-consuming, back-stabbing parasites who contribute fuck all to the welfare of the planet.

    Just a thought….

  6. When you think about some of the stuff we have achieved throughout our tenure at the top of the food chain, it is impressive.

    So why does it feel like we’ve completely fucked things up on the last 10yrs with our mental regression (aka neo-liberal snowflake fucktards)?

    The planet is also fucked because of overpopulation. The 1st world west have done their bit in these stakes with an average reproduction rate of 1.7 per couple -which – if sustained – would see a reduction in numbers of over 500 million in 10yrs.

    Alas this is offset by 3rd world reproduction which matches that 4 fold.

    It only seems like 5 minutes ago that the world population was 5bn, then 6.5bn and now 7.1bn.

    There used to be a term called natural selection – which has always been driven by sustainability – and that would work its magic now if it wasn’t continually being interfered with by well-meaning do-gooders who feel great about themselves but who are accelerating the demise of our planet.

    O’course to mention this is waycist and that we could all live happy-happy if we *all* chose to eat insect larvae instead of that nasty unsustainable meat stuff! But what happens when we’re 10bn and the insect larvae runs out…??

    My answer is: we wouldn’t have to if the world wasn’t so fucking full and getting fuller because of cunts like you!

    They say nature always finds a way of maintaining balance (disease, epidemics, natural disasters and the like) unfortunately – and this is a 1st world western issue – we always have to interfere and treat mother nature like a cunt and with utter contempt.

    So mother nature’s only option is to focus on decimating the western population so that she can take control of how she deals with the rest of the basket case world how she feels fit.

    And with her allies like Mutty Merkelcunt, the EU, Soros and US Democratic Party flooding the west with RoW shitehole chaff, the 1st world west’s decimation is assured in a couple of generations.

    Then she can get back to resolving the overpopulation issue with good old pestilence, famine and disease!

    Ebola anyone??

    Given this I shall enjoy my sirloin steak and bottle of Mabec even more this evening. Cunts!

  7. “Parasites” is certainly the right word.

    I believe that the clock will soon be reset. The Earth will flush humanity back to the beginning. I believe that it has happened before,many times,and is due to happen again. We are not the first “Civilization”,nor will we be the last,but there will be a reset where our “advanced” civilization suffers a cataclysmic event that wipes out virtually every human and leaves only a few survivors who will start the cycle again.
    All religions and ancient beliefs hold that there was a deluge which flushed the Earth previously,possibly caused by Polar shift or tectonic plate shift..I don’t know the cause,but have no doubt that it happened. I think that this flushed the previous civilization,leaving just vague memories or an earlier Enlightened Age. The Earth will do the same again before we destroy it. It will destroy us,or at least our “advanced” Age.
    Might sound like a garbled load of bollocks to many,but it’s what I believe,and to be honest,I don’t care. We are an invasive,destructive animal which destroys whatever it touches. In the past few centuries we have caused absolute devastation to the planet. It can’t continue unchecked.
    “Parasite” really is the word for us,however we are reaching the point of destroying our host. That wont happen,it will destroy us first.

  8. It was due to this very topic that I first arrived at these hallowed pages.

    Having had enough of the ‘shower of shite’ that is the human race, I curiously decided to google ‘humans are scum’, and hey presto here I am!

    We were given this wonderful place called earth to live (hopefully, not sounding too much like some snowflakey libtard motherfucker?), and what have we done? Raped the fuck out of it! I know non of us are angels, and we’ve all probably done our bit to fuck things up, but not as much as subsequent politicians and world leaders though? Unable to live in peace and starting wars, just because some fucker has something you want or believes in something you don’t. At least the animal kingdom has some sort of status quo?

    I just can’t believe how long we’ve lasted here? I’m embarrassed to associated with be cunts, even though I’m one of the fuckers! I cant understand how we haven’t nuked the fucking place by now? It would actually be a blessing for everyone if we did. Then there’d be no wars, no suffering

    There’s a lot to be said aboout human greed

  9. I believe all humans should now be lobotomised at birth. It is surely the only sensible way forward.

    Lobotomies should also be made available free on the NHS to all virtue signalling adults who believe the human race must be made to think exclusivity the way they do.

    Responsible, right thinking people like Caroline Lucarse and A.C. Grayling should set an example by volunteering to be first up for treatment.

    I would also include in this policy initiative the Sub-Primates: cunts like Flabbott, Lammy & Buttlard, for example.

    I would not however extend this to other animals.

    Time is running out. If we don’t take the bull by the horn soon, the planet will be finished.

  10. Going to paradoxicunt you here:

    Mankind is ignorant of our condition . We accept what we see before us as real when actually it is our own projection – not once have you seen what is really there. Platos cave.

    Mankind is also arrogant about his position. We assume to be top of the food chain because we can’t see anything superior that consumes us. Not once does a person consider that he may be being consumed by something he can’t perceive.

    Man is a machine. An organic robot. And we’re being farmed.

    • The one thing that Mother Nature has over us is TIME. We are a nothing more than a blink of its eye. If I saw a person and a dog in trouble it the water it would be dog first and I ain’t joking. Unless it was Kylie.

    • Eloi snowflakes farmed by Morlock peacefuls. With lizards pulling the strings.

  11. Excellent post KN…..
    as usual we’re fucking patronized to within an inch of our lives, beaten to a pulp and then taxed to the hilt which is completely disproportionate to our footprint , Whilst the biggest perpetrators just continue with reckless abandon!
    Fucked? Indeed we are…….

  12. Not content with fucking up this beautiful blue marble we have cunts like Elon Musk dumping a sports car in space, for no other reason than publicity….

    • Oh well. it’ll give the inter-galactic “travelling” communidee something to pilfer…

  13. If the human race was reduced to just those of us that constitute ‘The West’, then jellyfish choking on condoms wouldn’t be a problem we couldn’t sort out. I appreciate the sentiment of this cunting but I do think that rather than be totally nihilistic, let’s be totally honest and admit that the problem with the human race is the ever-growing billions of it that isn’t The West.

    • I rather think that over consumption of resources,a throwaway consumer society, industrial pollution, the threat of nuclear war etc. are possibly more of a problem than a more backward society which wouldn’t be ever-growing without Western interference. A good plague or famine would keep their numbers in check if The West didn’t interfere.

      • You ain’t wrong there. As ever it’s the WASPs that are to blame for everything.

  14. I don’t wish to be pedantic, but shouldn’t this thread be titled The Human Race (2)?

  15. There are many bad things about the human race but watching this game I’d have to say that the French are definitely one of them.
    Constantly diving around and falling over when no one even comes near em…
    To be fair though, none of them look French.
    Perhaps it’s the tactic of peaceful victimhood being employed.

  16. Many scientists believe the earths six mass extinction event has already started? Hopefully it doesn’t happen before the World Cup final Or England’s test series in South Africa! I’ve been looking forward to those for ages…. ?

    • Don’t worry mate, Southgate parked in a short-stay bay at Heathrow.

      • Also it’s nice of the AL-BEEB to have a stunning lady presenter as part of the team as opposed to the usual heinous bean-flicking carpet-munching munters!

      • The woman they have on the world cup panel has 140 England caps and 12 goals.
        Was she the star striker?

        And this ref is a useless cunt.
        He had a look at the fucking video and still gave the cheating frog cunt a penalty.
        I’m starting to remember why I don’t like football. … or the French.

    • I used to be something of a specialist in mass extinctions, and yes, this is a big one, accelerating and probably now unstoppable. It’ll be a couple of hundred years until the vested interests dimly discern that something’s gone wrong with their business plans, though, so you should be ok for a couple of World Cups yet.

      Talk about fiddling while Rome burns.

  17. I’d give a care about the Whale but I have to schlong back two beers and most of a bottle of tequila and turn up sober tomorrow. Six loads of laundry underway.

  18. Isn’t all of this Neoliberal shite that we bang on about on this forum actually based on a deliberately promoted hatred of civilized humanity anyway?
    The idea being that we in the Western World admit our “collective guilt” and succumb to self loathing as planned, submitting to an “ethical” control and conformity agenda.
    (which, purely coincidentally, makes those in power more powerful and even richer)
    No one else does more for the environment and preservation of the natural world than the West but somehow it’s all “our” fault?
    Fuck that, self loathing is for snowflakes…

  19. Pollution, nuclear war and Brexit pale into insignificance. It’s upskirting we all need to worry about. Fuck me theve been banging on about it on Sly news all day. I’d better get the mirrors off the end of my Dr Martins ASAP.

  20. The human race is comprised mostly of stupid, selfish, ignorant cunts capable of unimaginable and sadistic cruelty.

  21. World would be fine without foreign aid. When I was a nipper, world pop was 2.5 billion, and the Indians, Chinese and Africans were kept in serious check by disease and famine. Thanks to our generosity, the Chinese have been building 4 coal-fired power stations a week for the last 20 years (and show NO signs of stopping), and the Indians aren’t far behind. The Africunts are spastics who can’t build anything, but they just breed instead. Bomb the lot.

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