The British establishment

The British establishment are cunts. They have for decades allowed followers of a stone age death cult into this country. This has fuck all to do with race – we’ve taken in Sikhs and Hindus that have punched above their weight in every field you could mention. I lived in a sikh area for a while where the landlord of the boozer at the end of my road wore a turban, as did many of his clientele. Good as gold.

Not so much, followers of a certain other religion from the Asian subcontinent. You know – the ones who blow us up, blow up our children, rape our children, continually push boundaries and are very open and honest in their ambition to turn this country into an Islamic shithole.

It was a bit of a giggle 30 years ago when it was a few bearded pensioners hopping from foot to foot in textbook islamic indignation while they burnt The Satanic Verses. Fast forward 30 years, the joke has worn off.

I mention this because Tommy Robinson was arrested, charged and sentenced to 13 months inside within the space of 3 hours for reporting on yet another trial of Islamic rape gangs. Curiously he was the only member of the entire British media to report on it. This was clearly mandated from somewhere high up because I’ve never even remotely heard of anyone getting – and starting – 13 months bird within the space of 3 hours.

There is a distinct whiff in all this that ‘they’ want him quietened down and putting him back in jail a) stops him talking and b) increases his chances of being murdered by about 1000%. This really needs talked about because the media have a complete blackout over it. If anything happens to him, I think there are a lot of people in this country that are at boiling point over this relentless capitulation to the mud age ‘religion’.

I would also offer up an ancillary cunting to the mobbed up police that lifted him. About 8 of the cunts. Try getting them out when you’re house is screwed, they don’t want to know. Be Tommy Robinson and you get VIP treatment.

nominated by,Mecha-Rigsby


48 thoughts on “The British establishment

  1. I posted this on the HM Govt cunting but it applies equally here, hence the re-post.


    So I noticed Marr had the Home Secretary on this morning. Hmmm, interesting – I thought – I’ll watch that.

    O’course the first question from super-injunction himself was the ludicrous arrest, trial and sentencing of Tommy Robinson wasn’t it?

    No, it was about clamping down on “all forms of terror” which we know is code for: “If it’s ‘peaceful’ it ain’t terror. If it’s a Darren ‘fucking’ Osborne type then it’s terror. A nasty tweet about ‘peaceful’ scum – definitely terror. ‘Peacefuls’ blowing fuck out of kids – nah, just a misunderstanding.”

    So Marr’s second question was obviously about Robinson, right? Wrong. It was further hand-wringing and compensation queries over Windrush. ZZZZzzzz….

    Third question – Robinson? Wrong again. It was good old ABBC Brexit bashing.

    Ok so Marr was saving the best til last right? Sadly not. It was about more “culturally enriched” stabbings in London and needing more police to make sure the benefits of this “enrichment” didn’t continue. Oh yes Javid agreed that more police were needed.

    Unfortunately unless you had a 1:1 ratio of police to stabby fuckers then nothing will stop those cunts from stabbing each other. The only way to address it is to deal with the subculture of knife carrying in the first place. Alas no one will go there – just like the “peaceful” raping, grooming gangs – for fear of being branded waycist.

    So there you have it. One of the most significant civil liberty infringements in the last 30 years completely ignored by the ABBC because it doesn’t fit their socio-globo-libero group-think agenda, thus giving the new Home Secretary a pass.

    The buck stops with him and you ask nothing. You complicit fucking cunts!

    It’s to be sure if the same had happened to Abu Hamsa (actually rightfully arrested for preaching hate), or any of the other Finsbury Mosque terrorist types thrown in jail or Guantanamo, then good old AL-BB-CERA would have had the Home Secretary over a barrel on that one “civil justice” issue for the full 30 minute interview!

    It fucking stinks. I cannot tell you how much I hate the ABBC and what it’s become. Lord Haw Haw had nothing on these cunts when it comes to treachery and selling out their own.

    Utter fucking cunts!


    P.S. After Marr finished the first ad – ahead of this morning’s edition of “Muslims Vs Christians” with Nicky Cuntbell – was a special on Grief-fell. An ABBC1 hour-long special about the tragedy to be shown on Monday 11th June. So don’t forget to set your recording devices cos I know you won’t want to miss it. I myself will be giving it a miss because – unlike every other AL-BB-CERA positive discrimination programme – I’m betting there won’t be a “peaceful” or an illegal in site. O’course it hasn’t been aired yet so I’m just guessing…

  2. The thing is that the case was already public knowledge, including the names of the defendants.

    For from jeopardising the entire case, Tommy Robinson just put out what was already in the publuc realm.

    The establishment are terrified of what WE, the people who pay their wages may do to THEM when the full truth of how they have fucked us over regarding ‘Divershitty’ comes out.

    As for the child rapist peaceful cunts. Come for the jihad. Stay for the welfare.

    Cock sucking motherfuckers, every last one of them.

  3. You isolated the starting point of the current nonsense with The Satanic Verses M-R.
    At the time I thought the people issuing a fatwah or whatever their fucking daft agenda was called was insulting to the British. We should have bitch slapped the cunts into silence and slapped the gobby ones onto the boat home.
    Look at the state of the place now caused by inaction. It will take longer than I’ve got left to live to make Britain great again.

    • Limp wristed and female politicians, liberal media squarkers and raving banshees, all would have stood in the way of such simple actions.

      Take a small but uncomfortable step now, or face a terrifying catastrophe later?

    • I’d have burnt ‘The Satanic Verses’ too, tbh. Rushdie is a God-awful writer and should be strung up for crimes against literature. Bit of an own goal for the imams, though, as selling something that bad needs all the publicity it can get.

  4. A minutes silence coming up for the dead at London Bridge.
    Love not anger
    Light not dark
    Good not evil
    Reconciliation not enmity

    But if the snackbars come for you…… run, hide and tell and hope they pick on some other poor cunt.

    • When I was having my breakfast this morning it made my blood boil hearing all these worthless platitudes – its all very well saying ‘we stand united’ and all that luvvy duvvy crap but such shit is just an excuse to avoid addressing the real reason it keeps happening.

    • @Freddie

      We don’t call them “snackbars” here in the states. But if they come for me they better bring plenty of ammunition.

      Goat fucking cunts!

      ?. ?. ??

  5. And I though this country couldn’t get any more filled with cunts….

    The ‘look at me’ twat (a grown fucking woman!) who did this is a cunt…
    The mongs who like it and have made it go ‘viral’ are cunts…
    The BBC (for reporting this narcissistic twat and her antics) as ‘news’ are cunts….
    And, of course, all (and I mean all) Harry Potter fans are fucking cunts…

    • More like dancing Haemorrhoid.

      Btw, just had to endure several interminable minutes of Cressida Strap-on, droning on about London Bridge terror attack… useless fucking box ticking hag.

    • Possibly the crowning point of Western civilisation. If the jihadis turned their attention to (imams please note – satanic and blasphemous) Harry Potterism and its potterists, I for one would cheer them on.

    • Fuck me, they used to lock the fuckers up and now they are made into celebs? Next year on BGT with Dec live in the studio and Ant joining by video feed from which ever clinic he’s staying at………………….

  6. Cunts to a man. The only one who you could feasibly say doesn’t hate the working class is Corbyn and he’s so dim he would probably be as bad a PM as Neville Chamberlain.

    • He doesn’t single out the working class for hatred like the rest of the bourgeoisie but condidering the fact that he hates ALL of Britain and everything British means that he does hate the working class by default.
      He LOVES Islam so he’s gonna fuck the working class first chance he gets by giving away our communities and all of our jobs.

      Jeremy Corbyn is a far bigger threat to this country that hitl@r ever was….

      • Oh, I never said he wasn’t a threat. I just think he’s too dim and naive to see the flaws in his own ideology or have any genuine hatred for the working class. John McDonnell on the other hand – all the worst of Corbyn plus genuine hatred for the working classes.

      • It’s hard to choose which labour mp is worse, there’s so much in the way of cuntishness to choose from ….

        The Labour party are just the intimate shower of cunts.
        Or is it a brace of cunts?…

      • Hence why we’re all even more fucked than we currently are if they get in. And given the state of Britain right now that shouldn’t be possible.

      • David “Mega Cunt” Lammy, He goes that extra light year in his epic journey to surpass those that went before.

    • Neville Chamberlain, unlike Corbyn, was at least a pro British patriot, despite his well meaning policy of appeasement.

      And Corbyn and his Momentum brown-shirts have never had working class interests at heart, sneering and running a mile whenever working class culture rears its inconvenient head. Heil Venezuela!

      • and when Chamberlain stepped aside he let Churchill get on with it and didn’t continually try to frustrate him like the treasonous cunts we are now faced with.

  7. With regards to the Rotherham rape case you’d have thought AL-BBC Look North would give a daily update on the proceedings, but no.

    FUCK ALL ever mentioned.

    They do however keep pushing the ethnic minority agenda with at least one story every fucking night! That’s if I’m in the room. I usually stay out of the way because it BOILS MY FUCKING PISS!

    Who’s fucking country is it again?

    • Yeah, they’ve changed the meaning of the phrase “it’s a free country.”
      Now it means any filthy backward cunts can come here, do what they want, say what they want and take what they want.
      I have seen the future and it’s fucking shit.

      • And don’t forget to mention that when any of the indigenous population ask what the fuck is going on they get silenced.

        I can’t for the life of me understand what the agenda was here? There are zero upsides to what the cunts did.

  8. I really didn’t know who Tommy Robinson was or what he was doing. After researching him I’m completely fucking appalled. And here in the states I’m not alone.

    We’ll be fighting in the streets
    With our children at our feet
    And the morals that they worshiped will be gone
    And the men who spurred us on
    Sit in judgment of all wrong
    They decide and the shotgun sings the song…

    • That like no was supposed to take you directly to a Tommy Robinson opinion piece that I thought was really good. Instead it takes you to the authors page. You can still get the story (and others) by clicking the appropriate the link.

      • Excellent article General, sums up the situation perfectly.
        This Helen Raleigh knows what she is talking about.

      • Interesting link… love the way they spell Newcastle “New Castle” ha ha. Nice one General, thanks.

      • @Ruff

        Despite our arrogance we’re still a bit “provincial” on our side of the pond.


  9. Saw the first photo, thought it was a “bloke”. Its expression reminds me of Super. Mullett in A Touch of Frost.

    Liebore wimminz will surely have a fit about “grown” wimminz dressing up as schoolgirls…cultural misappropriation, overtones of, well, anything you care to name.
    Such as hanky-panky, enjoying life in general – which seems to be on a Liebore hit-list.
    Don’t mention spanking or caning in the Head’s office.
    Phew !! I think I might have got away with that one…

  10. I just thought…..where are all the Human Rights lawyers in the Robinson case?
    If we were trying to deport some filthy foreign rapist they would be all over it like a rash filling their pockets full of taxpayers money.
    Where are they ? Where is Cherie fucking Blair?
    (Sound of tumbleweed rolling by)

    • As much as I agree with much of what Tommy Robinson says, the establishment were clearly out to get him for daring to speak out and tell it how it is. I am appalled like any other decent people as to how thousands of white girls have been groomed and sexually abused for so many years with little or nothing done about it at the risk of offending Peacefuls.

      Breaching a court order was obviously playing straight into their hands and unfortunately he gave the judge no other option other than to incarcerate him.

      The interview in which he gave an honest account as to how he has been treated by the British authorities remains as probably the most shocking video I have witnessed in recent years.

    • Assume their definition of “Human” is more along the lines of “libtard or peaceful”… Certainly no one right of centre!

  11. I heard a story about some trouble where a Peaceful hit a copper over the head with a brick laying him out. He was arrested and taken to the local nick.

    Shortly afterward, the local Imam rocked up and told the cops that they either let him out or they would have 500+ outside the station in an hour rioting.

    The gutless cunts let him go.

    Contrast that to the TR case……..

    • PC, sadly I don’t doubt this for an instant…it sounds all too plausible.

      If you ever come across a place / date, please post, as it could be “followed up” a bit, and spread further.

      Apparently, a nut-job incident in Berlin’s main cathedral.

      Press says no proof of terrorism…yet.

      How many days before we finally hear that he was a German citizen, Abdul-el-Goatfuckah Schmidt ?

      • I’m going to test whether or not we’re allowed to say “fucking pakis” and get through moderation…

      • Hey, it worked! Excellent. I wonder what else I can get away with?

      • Ho ho, I’m being a bit of a cunt here…been on the sauce all afternoon.

      • I will dig the details out – it was Bradford or some similar shithole in the region. I am now panicking having run out of fags and looking for a lost box.

        Haven’t run out of beer and Scotch though which will make the whole exercise a bit of a circus / Benny Hill show.

        Anyway – fuck this – need a fag.


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