There’s a phrase going round at the moment, its “soft bigotry of low expectations”. It means identifying someone as a part of a disadvantaged group, and compensating for that disadvantage by treating them differently.
Its like what we used to call the “sympathy vote” and it’s looked down upon for good reason. It doesn’t help.
Now I have just seen a clip of the Britains Got Talent winner crowned tonight, Lost Voice Guy. To call it cringeworthy would be the understatement of the year. It’s a disabled guy with no voice using a computer to tell jokes, shit jokes that aren’t very funny. But you wouldn’t know it looking at the reactions of Ant, Dec, Simon Coward and the other presenters. I almost couldn’t believe my eyes as material not good enough for most local comedy clubs was fawned and guffawed over as if it were one of the funniest things that had been uttered this decade. You could literally tell that they were putting it on. I tell you, if there is a god he is sick in the fucking head!
So this guy won, simply because he is disabled. Personally, I think disabled people should be given the same moral latitude as the able bodied for the most part, and I have done so with those that I have known in my life. If they are nasty or attention seeking, I don’t like them. If they are funny or interesting, I do. This guy seems like a lot of comedians, probably lonely with the need for attention, with a bit of a spark. But he wasn’t very funny, definitely below average. But he is disabled, so barely amusing suddenly becomes bowel-tearingly hilarious.
How does the sympathy vote help him? How does it help other disadvangaged groups? It doesn’t, it helps those giving the sympathy, who ideas of doing something good and emotional self-indulgence are obviously confused.
What I saw tonight was painful to watch. To see grown up adult famous people actively and obviously pretend to laugh at something because they thought they ought to is nausiating. But he won. This happened several times and people voted with phones and stuff. This is how far this sympathetic indulgence has gone, to the point of painfully obvious public self-deception, of millions of people.
Where the fuck will it end?
Nominated by Cunting Rank Wags
Well, we have already had a Eurovision song contest winner in a beard and a dress (Conchita Sausage). The last one was a morbidly obese Trigglypuff (look it up) cheap immitation with an obvious mental illness.
Britains got tossers is no different. Look at some of the talent vacuum cunts they let into the final rounds and you will see that Cunting Rank Wags is right.
It is all there to dumb down the population. And succeeding beautifully.
Trigglypuff..What a little cutie
I’ve never seen that one before!
Haven’t laughed so much since “Hugh Mungus”!
When I saw some stuff relating to this mistake of nature…some college junior demanding “no publicity” (but of course going wildly public, with the bizarre claims that “of course, I’m all for freedom of speech, but…” (not when my ickle, stupid fwend is involved…) “Do as I say, not do as I do”… Jesus fuckin wept.
These people are now the very worst self-parodies, even Not the Nine O Clock News or Harry Enfield would struggle to come up with a tragicomedy so epically dire as this skipload of “product of conception”.
The POC’s name is Cora Segal; any relation of Norman D. Seagull, I wonder ? About the size of a cross-channel roro ferry, but more likely to be “cross” or trans in other aspects, I reckon.
Cracking post, CRW. I don’t think I’ll be able to bring myself to watch the clip of the BGT winner but I’ll take your word for how cringeworthy it is. Sympathy votes mixed in with a bit of positive discrimination. Wouldn’t be surprised if some of the voting was rigged so he won. Also agree with you when you say that disabled people should be treated the same as able bodied people. Anyone can be a cunt, just because they are disabled and a cunt doesn’t mean they should be treated like a bloody lord. My mate’s uncle passed away recently. He had Down’s syndrome but was a major cunt and also a pervert. This disabled person winning BGT will have the snowflakes crying tears of joy and probably creaming their knickers as well.
Forced myself to watch a few seconds of the final on YT (after a few large gin and juices). Looks to me like the final three consisted of a handicap, a blackie and a shirt lifter. Can’t say I’m too surprised.
Too right, CWR.
I’m sick of everyone pussy-footing about the fact that sometimes the World can be a cruel and unfair place. This promotion of “plucky underdogs” as some kind of heroes is demeaning to them and insulting to us.
Some handicapped people bang on about wanting the same opportunities as able-bodied,but also expect allowances to be made for their handicap. In fact,being a bit of a Cunt,I’d say that some even play on it to get their way.
However,as CWR says,I suppose handicapped people are a varied bunch,much the same as everyone else.
No two ways about it Dick, the world IS a cruel and unfair place.
Woe betide anyone who has the temerity to criticise the BGT winner, even if his jokes are complete shit. Death threats and insults to all that do on social media and libtards.
He won it fair and square due to his talent, and not because he is disabled. Yeah….. right.
Disabled people can untalented cunts too, just like their able bodied counterparts. Rylan Clark Neal, Michael McIntyre, Johnny Vegas, Noel Fielding for example. Everyone is allowed to have an opinion and should be free to express it should they so wish.
All out of sympathy for most things these days, but none left for Grenfell. It’s on tv all the fucking time and being milked for political purposes. Fed up with seeing the survivors, donations including cuddly toys (how the fuck does a cuddly toy help anyone), Peacefuls grabbing loads of free crap, candles and post it notes. I am fucking sick of it. Blame the government for being fucking useless and not getting it sorted quickly and properly.
Now a Jo Cox day. Do we really need these rememberance days? If we do how about a Kenneth Blakelock day or a Lee Rigby day?
Grenfell,for me,sums up so much that is wrong with this country,Willie. A Tower of Babel full of scrounging illegals,in the main. Sub-letting,benefit fraud etc. Now being used as an opportunity for the apologists to wail and gnash their teeth and blame that most serious of charge “Racism”. All the while the spongers and crooks gorge at the trough of compensation and nobody is held to account apart from, of course, “the government”…
The government and local authority have completely failed by sitting back and allowing much of this to debacle to happen, then fucking up when they do eventually decide to get off their useless sorry arses.
Adding insult to injury by offering the taxpayer will foot the final bill.
Difficult to recall a government so fucking useless and inept as the current one.
Johnny Vegas was good in IDEAL.
Good afternoon Willie. And Dick.
Good Afternoon,RTC.
I used to like Cartoon Head. It was a good comedy Ideal.
Vegas has gone downhill ever since. He was in some dire shite about a holiday home last I saw him. He could be threateningly, unhinged funny a decade or so ago. Probably plays golf with Tarby now.
ITV Wales News (regional, at 18h), is just a paean of praise to the disabled &c. Every pm it’s a fest of “Ooooh, a spacca / morbidly obese kid &c.- didn’t they do well ??”
At least last week, when there was a discussion about the likelyhood of more wimminz terminating foetuses with Down Syndrome (there is a new and safer, non-invasive test on its way), there was an intelligent Down sufferer being interviewed, who said she was IN FAVOUR of women having said new test, and the freedom of choice that goes with it.
Whereas Andrea Byrne (local MSM newscaster) was pushing the virtue-semaphoring “Wouldn’t a society without Down syndrome kids be awful ?” agenda. And there were nauseating ads for another prog, some dozy mother warbling on about how her Down toddler was”the cherry on the cake.” Well, I guess if you’ve been trying for a baby for years, and a Down one is the only result / last shot in the locker, I guess you will love it, but personally I’d be booking an appt. with the wire coathanger clinic.
Life is harsh enough for those of us lucky enough to be born with “all” our faculties, but in certain circumstances, these kids might end up being institutionalised, meaning more fodder for the diddler-carers.
Another top retort Dick, lets take solace in the undoubted future of the white English middle class who has grafted his arse off all his life, been a burden to no fucker, always paid his way, brought up and educated his brood to be responsible hard working tax paying university fee ridden (but paid back) citizens who know instinctively right from wrong and the value of community and a loving supportive family unit end up as with ethnic minority status, the country being run by apologetic blambo worshipping LBGTQQWIONBGDSVACS equal opportunity spacca loving cunts who were at one time only fit to service our requirements as hired hands. Titter ye not, we aren’t too far away from that dystopian (although liebour and the swivel eyed cunt would call it a socialist nirvana) fucking nightmare. we English have lost our balls. TO think at one time we ruled, conquered educated and civilised the same blambos that now require us to forever wear goat hair shirts and doff our caps whilst paying reparations for the simple fact we beat the fuck out of all comers without breaking into a sweat. The clip on Teresa the appeaser about the goat bothering kiddy fucking sand blambos and their “contributions” to British society took my piss boil level from 0 to a 100 in seconds. Spacca cunts, blambos, crazy fucking halfwits locked up for whole life terms and the whole LBGTQWUINGHSBCXZHS community are in need of a Zyclone B shower – and if you are looking for the 21 century equivalent of the Einsatzgruppen – the application process has now closed – every white man wanting his country, ethnicity and culture back have already applied. Makes me a cunt? I will send you 10p to make a call to someone who actually gives a fuck. Hand on heart I think the plains of Megiddo and end days are approaching pretty fast. Its time we went back to our status quo and resided where we were a few millennia ago. i.e. in our own fucking countries – Yes, I know I am part Germanic / French / Norman / Bretton but that is fine by me – having no truck with the warmongering bloodthirsty 6th century lover of young girls far outweighs being bits of a civilised hard working Europeans. (just not ending having to join the cunts in the EU) 😉
apologies for the rant – I have just had a few nips of Pussers dynamite black Rum 80% proof – it always brings out the animal in me 😉
Ah, pusser’s rum. Brings out the best in you, Cunto. Must be vintage now, shamefully abolished as a daily ration in 1970, wasn’t it?
Very worthy nom cwr.
It’s infecting everything. It’s getting less to do with ability or talent, and more about what’s down with the ‘values’…
From Bruce Jenner ‘woman of the year’ to this guy, the barely legible narrator on channel 4 and that Eurovision winner ‘woman’ with a fucking beard.
Soon they’ll have 1 legged footballers, midget basketball players, dislecsic English teachers and blind darts champions.
People should be helped to realise their potential but if they’re not good at something they should be encouraged to find their true talents rather than patronized. I believe that all people have some use and something that they can bring to the table and encoraging people to continue doing something that they’re shite at is disingenuous and not helpful.
A 5 year old child drawing a shit picture, fine.
But patronizing grown ups is stupid. Disabled people deserve the same treatment as everyone else… and I expect that’s what most want.
Being disabled doesn’t mean that you’re good or deserving.
You’ve reminded me of an incident from when I was about 14.
A guy in a wheelchair fell over. He was laying on his side, still in his chair so I ran over to help.
I said “are you alright mate”.
His reply: “what do you fucking think?”
I shrugged my shoulders and walked off. Cunt.
There were other people about so he still got helped but not by me.
Hopefully the cunt learned a lesson but I’m doubtful….
That IS a cracking post CRW.! I saw it, and I felt completely embarrassed and awkward. It’s a bit like the days when people went to the asylum to watch and laugh at the idiots in captivity. Were people laughing at the most hilarious jokes ever? Or ( more than likely ) laughing at the cunt for his handicap! Either way this was the most uncomfortable televised shite seen in recent years !
Someone has to win BGT and the £250k first prize, so it may as well be the contestant who looks to be the biggest claimant of the benefits system….
Don’t know about that,JR. We’d end up with a darkie winning every time.
Nothing to do with post but made me puke, went to google for crossword answer and up pinged an ad with that twat with the head like a tv Brigstock not one image of him but two, the right on P/C bastards are everywhere.
Substantial and well balanced cunting CRW. Could not agree with you more. Ace.
Here’s something truly appalling:
This appeasing bitch licking the ringpieces of peaceful filth. This country truly is well and truly fucked.
A veritable piss boiler TCE. Just when I thought it couldn’t get worse…. Did you see the one Rebel left yesterday?
Thanks to you both for sharing…
Read my mind!
Cheers Ruff Tuff. ?
I’m not clear how killing dozens of people at concerts , running innocent people over on a bridge or in a market or simply trying to behead them on a normal street is supposed to bring an ‘incredible contribution’, although I would accept that stabbing each other to death anywhere is most definitely a positive contribution I would gladly see more of.
Got to admit, that when I become dictator, I shall pass a law stating that certain wimminz will have to cover either their heads, or indeed, entire bodies, to shield the general populus from their immense ugliness.
The sort of wimminz that look well-doable from the rear (impression) but are fugly from the front will just be required to be covered at the front, so their rear views / decent hair can be appreciated.
I emergency cunted the bitch yesterday.
You think that’s bad, try this on for size:
The utter, utter, sell-out, useless, ineffectual, EU toadying cunt!
I consign this to the same bollocks pot as “Positive Discrimination”.
Success is now frowned upon and is no longer something to strive to achieve where now virtuosity is the key trait to be strived for in modern society.
Come from a poor and/or “culturally enriched” background, no need to better yourselves cos you will get all of the foot up you need – whether you want it or not! The Virtue-signallers have spoken!
And if that fails then you’ll still have the benefits gravy train provided predominantly by that most hated of groups: the hated middle-aged white man (who would be culled if not for the taxes they generate).
CV’s across the western world are scrutinised more on box-ticking and virtue-signalling than they are on ability.
“Hmmm. The Head of the Met position has become available. Any ideas who might fill the gap?”
“Well we have these five great options Minister, and each would be worthy candidates and each more than worthy of the…”
“Hmmm. A little non ‘diverse’ don’t you think?”
“What!?! Er, well, er we didn’t have any ethnic applicants. That aside these 3 candidates in particular…”
“Hmmm. A little too ‘male’ don’t you think?”
“Of for f… Well you see minister there were no female candidates with enough experience, and so if I tell you about this candidate here. He…”
“Hmmm. Are there *ANY* deputy material female candidates.”
“Why would… I mean… Yes minister there are three potential candidates.”
“All married with kids I suppose?”
“Well yes but what bearing is that on…”
“Anything a little lower down the food chain?”
“Ok, I get it. Yes we have one junior deputy type whose in charge of parking and who couldn’t make an arrest happen in a cardiac ICU ward!”
“Go on…”
“She’s fucking useless but she does have – how can I put it – liberal views.”
“Go on…”
“Well she is married…”
“Oh dear!”
“…to another woman!”
“Ah, excellent!”
“She also wants to stifle free speech and loves to ‘hug a peaceful’.”
“Well I think that’s that then, I think you’ve found the best person for the job. With her and a ‘peaceful’ mayor at the helm what could possibly go wrong! Good, good. Make it happen.”
“Yes minister, of course minister!” – you fucking cunt!
Class, love it.
It brought back memories of ‘Come Virtue Signal with me’ and ‘who cut my head off’.
If you watch Britain’s got Tossers, X Factor, Voice etc you are contributing to this shit one way or another. You have my sympathy.
Perhaps they need a good talking to, if you don’t mind my saying so. Perhaps a bit more.
There must be daft cunts who would love to be able to vote for a party of treachorous shitty Remainers, and I suspect the poofty element of Labour Conservative and LibDems, most of whom are Juncker cock-suckers, will in the end start a new *middle* party. That douchbag Dominic Grieve went to a secret meeting of the EUs London HQ this week (and stole some of Philip Lee’s thunder), but I found this piece of film that sums them up. I leave it to you to decide who amongst the assorted cuntery attending is defrocked priest Grieve, Mandy, Blair and Cable amongst this group. :
In his cross-dressing days, B Liar was referred to as Miranda !!
Alistair Campbell joins the party!
Aren’t the LibDems themselves “a party of treachorous shitty Remainers”? Don’t see any great surge in their support. What would be the difference between them and a new “middle” party anyway?
If the Tories sense a significant swing in public opinion in favour of Remain, they’ll soon come out openly in their true colours. Labour are already 95% there, their principles are as changeable as Boris Johnson’s.
Yes they are!
Both of them, including Lord Voldemort at the helm!
Anyone else’s piss boil when this ad comes on? Makes me feel a bit ill.
Never seen it before.
Made my piss boil.
First time I’ve seen it. What a load of worthy, right-on bollocks. Vodka is for winos and jakeys anyway.
Thats it. No more fucking Smirnoff for me . I’ll stick to Polish vodka thanks.
Zubrovka is laaaaaaavely!
I like the bit on the bus where the suited, baldy, Tory looking bloke is having such a great time with all the multi-coloured poofs and freaks.
I can only suggest he must have necked a couple of bottles of the fucking stuff.
in case anyone missed AC Gravling getting owned by Brillo and Portillo ;
When i was a young bloke ( early 70’s ) i had a lot of excitement about how things are going in the right direction. How Music and entertainment in particular was endlessly evolving and musicians and film makers were trying to reach new goals.
Forward to 2018 and how fucking depressing its all become when a Raspberry ripple with a laptop is the best they can come up with ? We now have generations of stupid cunts that can’t except anything better and cunts like the odious Cowell are responsible for this dumbing down.
Agree – still occasionally scratch my head trying to make sense as to why the talent, creativity and promise inherent in the ’60s/’70s simply petered out by the ’80s.
Completely off topic but this made me chuckle.
British National Parting.
Have a great week fellow cunters.
Latest tragedy of some cunt ruining a song for a car ad.
Company: Audi.
Song: Send in the clowns.
Fucking fed up of breathy, warbly, never the same note twice, strangulated throat cunts believing they sound great!
You don’t, you sound shite!
No doubt a huge hit with generation fucktard snowflake!
To be fair, a lot of Audis seem to be driven by clowns…
Yeah the creepy kind out of IT!
I’ve think i’ve had it with malls in general, overcrowded overpriced and just a cunty environment to be in. Just finally overcoming a bad case of the flu and i’m sure as shit this flu only happened because I was stupid enough to go to the mall.
I don’t want to come off as racist god forbid… but i swear to fuck if it wasn’t for all the somalians and parking stanleys guffing up the place I wouldn’t had made that assumption.
The weird thing about this flu is the night sweats i have been getting, like this has never happened before last night woke up in a pile of cold sweat, fucking bloody unpleasant it was completely drenched. 3-4 days of this shite just because i was foolish enough to go to the mall fucked up my week for good
Don’t worry Sajid, despite moped related crime increasing 30 fold in recent years, you should take comfort from the fact that Cressida Dick very much knows what she is doing when she says this and the recent murders in Londonistan are not out of control.
Stupid incompetent lezzie bitch.
I couldn’t agree more regarding sympathy votes and positive discrimination in general but I also happen to have a rather unpopular opinion apparently. I laughed. Lost Voice Guy/Lee Ridley might not be completely groundbreaking as comedy has a good few disabled voices but I enjoyed LVG’s final performance and the awkward situational jokes. I laughed even more at Robert White’s routine and panel ‘roasts’. I didn’t feel sympathy for either, I just like a good opportunity to engage my laughing gear. Is it patronising to use headlines type phrases such as won over hearts if someone comes across as a naturally likeable sort? Maybe.
I am getting still sicker every day however of people bending over backwards to punish men for being men and white people for being white. Also, every able bodied celebrity now thinks it’s OK to publically announce their sexuality and mental health history. It does not make me think #metoo, it makes me want to punch the cunts in the face.