Routers are a cunt, is there any electronic device out there that you can think of, that is more headache inducing then the dreaded Wi-Fi router?! I think not these wifi devices were designed by bloody monkeys FFS
Bought a top of the line router last week and only regret is my experience from buying the fucking damn thing. This router touts extreme range and 5ghz dual band but its fucking lies! Because my old router has a stronger signal strength and that blasted thing never even had a antenna This one had 4 antennas and is completely fucking useless, play around with the antennas all you like friends but it isn’t gonna increase your signal one betty booping bit.
So in the end of my experience my 4 yr old router works better and has better signal strength then a brand spanking new one with better features… fucking unbelievable fellow cunters
Nominated by, TitSlapper
I have this problem. B fucking T ‘ultra fast fibre’ bollocks; half the time it’s like dial up speed and doesn’t reach all round the house. Had to buy a bloody extender box.
I have to access people’s routers regularly when I’m doing my job. Some routers are easy some are cunts and useless. Especially Talk Talks shitty Huwei router. I tell customers to stick it in the fucking bin.
Yeah I was with Talk Talk last year and never again. It turns out they had a router that was recalled in about April 2016 because it was susceptible to hacking/brute force attacks.
Fast forward a year and they call us up about the huge amount of brute force attacks on our router (non stop, multiple times per minute) and proceeded to blame it on us for accessing questionable websites.
No you cunts, it’s your routers that are the problem. With BT now and never had any problems. Funny that.
Likewise, BT fine… except when they conned us into ‘upgrading’. Following a lot of faffing about it made fuck all difference.
Bit of a lottery with routers, positioning, distance from exchange and wall thickness are all issues.
In other news, rapper XXXTentacion (?) has been shot dead in Florida, links with organised architecture are being investigated.
Good morning.
Guess it’s fair to say he was a cunt, but not any more then.
I’ve shared an interesting link that some old cunters may remember. Apparently, in 1975 a special Labour party conference voted 2:1 to leave the EEC (as was). Hard to think of Michael Foot and Tony Benn as the rabid right-wing xenophobes of Guardian/BBC wet dreams eh? I recall Foot going into the 1983 election with a promise to leave the EEC – and with no referendum.
Kind of gives the lie to the view that all opposition to the EU comes from the right.
Well worth knowing that, any particular brands/models in mind?
Hmmm…Maplins may prove to be a stumbling block now, but google it is.
Well my old router is just fine – despite being a long-since-obsolete model.
Why just yesterday, I rounded all the corners off a length of 3 x 2 with it.
Perhaps yours needs new brushes on the armature ?
Don’t know why but some of my posts aren’t getting through. Apologies if this duplicates.
I’ve shared a link to a 1975 conference when Labour and the unions voted 2:1 to leave the EEC. That’s a bit before my time although I do remember the 1983 election when Michael Foot promised to pull out of the EEC – with no referendum.
Old labour had no time for the EEC ( Eu) Tony Benn called it right when he said the politicians were giving away sovereign powers to Europe that they were not entitled to do without the consent of the people….
The routers provided by Virginmedia tend to be absolute fucking wank.
I had the first ‘Superhub’ and my fist came crashing down on it with regular aplomb. It kept cutting out all the way through my contract and the fucking Mumbai call centre bots steadfastly refused to replace it until I eventually lied about planning to move to Sky.
Fucking shit-back plastic signalling cunts.
The sooperdooper hub 3 has been good so far. Guess they decided to use better components and design this time around. #2 was a box of wank, kept dropping out.
That and some tech cunt had dropped the power signal at the street box. Not enough signal power to cover all the houses or something.
Shoddy components. Shody design. Shody infrastructure. Shoddy business owner with face like a shoddy goat.
Good to see you back TECB – You’ve been missed, Squire !
Sounds like it is time to introduce said cunting router to the 1/2 pound lump hammer of justice and then run your car over it a few times for good measure.
I am fucked if a box of cheap electrical junk is going to get the better of me.
Re-set your wireless internet network name to keep your neighbours on their toes.
“Police Surveillance Van 2 – Drugs Squad” is a good choice.
Ours is currently set to “I fucking hate the people next door.”
I believe “our-neighbours-are-cunts” is a popular one too.
JRC are you fuckin serious?
That’s funny…..
Why hasn’t Ofcum stepped in?
My router’s black and has got three blue lights….that’s it,the sum total of my router knowledge.
Black? That’s racist!
Routers of colour.
I’m with sky and normally wouldn’t give a squirt of fuckin piss for their customer service, last month my router started playing up and after doing some checks had to make the dreaded call to SKY! , expecting to get fucked around for an eternity my wife went to make me a coffee, I rang and was instantly met by a fuckin ( helpful) person!! so shocked I was barely able to speak! , he did a couple of checks then told me a new router would be sent immediately , next morning I get a knock at the door and fuck me sideways I had my new router…..
Just goes to show even the most useless Cunts like sky sometimes get it right……….
No idea what was wrong with my previous post on AL-BEEBs Victoria Derbyshire programme.
I reported what they reported and merely pointed out the disparity of grief-jacking over the hallowed Finsbury Park Mosque incident Vs Manchester Arena which they (ABBC) barely mustered a tear in comparison.
It still fucking stinks.
Posted in nominations…
They moved your post to nominations!
After gas boiler arsing about yesterday, my day indeed got worse.
Ageing desktop, which was fine, if just generally slow previously, would only start on emergency reboot.
The cunt-machine now refuses to do any Itunes function, including refusing to play back CDs…
Somehow I managed to sleep last night… But mucho trouble ahead, I fear.
Thank Dog friend sold me the laptop about a year back, so I at least still have email and Youtube…
I must be lucky with my router. I have a 10 year old Speedtouch router and i’m With Talk Talk(not by choice, they took over AOL). I have been watching the World Cup in UHD via the i-player. Brilliant!
On another matter JOB is chuntering on about immigration. Everybody here who doesn’t think it is marvellous is apparently a knuckle dragging moron.
Now, if someone had ATCO’d cuntweazle and khunt at the same time…