
Once again, I’m going to nominate that hard core of traitors and liars in the Remain camp. Shortly after it became apparent that the majority of those who voted in the EU referendum had chosen to vote leave, prominent traitors, like Keir Starmer, Blair, Ken Clarke, Hilary Benn, Soubrey, Umunna, Heseltine and numerous others, started to make the ludicrous claim that the referendum was ‘only advisory’. They just had one rather inconvenient (for them) problem with that, not a single piece of literature printed prior to the referendum said anything about it being ‘only advisory’. Not one person said that the referendum was not legally binding and was ‘only advisory’. Indeed, several people, including pig skull fucker, Cameron, said that they would abide by the will of the people. Of course, they all fully believed that we would vote to stay in the EU when they said it, but that’s their fault for being so arrogant.

The whole ‘only advisory’ bullshit only started AFTER the referendum result was known, and it was clear that the Remain camp had lost. To me, it’s the political equivalent of a child who owns the football that he and he mates are playing with, throwing a tantrum and taking the ball away, just because the other team scored a goal. The reason I’m making this nomination now, is because the claim that the referendum was ‘only advisory’, having initially fallen into disuse, seems to be slowly working its way back into the Remainer argument.

Starmer was on the BBC last Sunday morning, and made the claim, along with the other claim that Remainers made in the days and weeks after the referendum, which is that the Leave camp only won by a small margin. So what? a win is a win. It doesn’t matter that the vote was “only” 52%to 48% in favour of leaving, what DOES matter, is that the majority WON. It’s called democracy, you dumb, whingeing fuckers. It comes from ancient Greek, and literally means, “rule of the people”. And WE, the PEOPLE, the poor bastards who unwillingly have to pay you to listen to your bullshit, decided we wanted to leave the EU. As a duly elected representative of the people, your one and only job now, is not to whinge about the result, not to tell us the vote was ‘only advisory, or try to overturn it, it is carry out the will of the people. If you’re unwilling to do that, then you’re obtaining money by deception, and need to fuck off and make way for someone WILL carry out the will of the people.

Starmer isn’t the one who has started to make that claim again (and as is par for the course with the BBC, he wasn’t challenged over it), several others have been making it too. I guess they think that if they repeat if often enough, it will come true. It won’t. They asked us what we wanted and we told them. The fact they don’t like the answer is irrelevant. This is the single most important issue the UK has faced since the second world war and if those politicians currently trying to overturn the result don’t knock it off, they will awaken a sleeping British dragon. There will be unrest in this country unseen since the peasant’s revolt.

Another nomination by our star reporter the honourable QDM


60 thoughts on “Remain

  1. On the news this morning – Airbus is the latest cunt threatening to quit the UK if no deal is reached with the vermin at Brussels.

    Easy to say, I suppose, but we shouldn’t be letting the likes of Airbus influence how Brexit shapes up. 14000 jobs are at risk, apparently; more remoaner fodder.

    How I wish cunts like Airbus would keep their fucking traps sealed like one of their fuselages until negotiations are complete.

    If you are unhappy at that point Airbus then feel free to fuck right off, but don’t expect your business not to suffer by leaving the UK.

    Cunts (of course)

    • Fuck Airbus prefer Boeing the yanks put bigger better seats in especially designed for fat yank arises. Also Airbus are froggie run and only allow us brits to contribute cos we pay the fuckers.

    • The actual report was that Airbus would reconsider investment in the UK in the event of no deal Brexit. This is not, of course, how the BBC presented it.

      ‘Reconsider’ means (1) do nothing (2) increase investment (3) reduce investment. Number 3 is not a given despite Project Fear and the BBC.

      Alternative places under ‘consideration’ for future investment include China and the USA – neither of which is part of the EU. They are, however, Airbus’ largest customers.

      Another day of non news re Brexit hyped up by the biased BBC.

    • Airbus sent a letter to all employees in the Broughton factory, before the referendum, advising / telling them to vote remain, so it’s hardly surprising that they’re bleating again – more Project Fear.

      To relocate the enormous jigs and production facility to Toulouse would cost millions, let alone the unaffordable break in production schedules.

      Just more project fear bollocks…

      • Sorry your comments are getting moderated. Checked the system and no idea why. There are a couple of others in the same position. Seems to be a system bug.

        We’ll clear them as soon as we spot them.

        Try resetting your IP address and/or using a different email address. That might work but the first one will get caught by first comment moderation.

        You’ve nothing to lose by trying it. We’re not blocking you.

    • We used to have a PM that looks like Lachlan off Emmerdale.
      Not many people know that.

  2. I want eleven referendums. No, seventeen, one after the other.

    No, nineteen.

    • 21 at least Captain surely. Out means Out. We vote in this country on the first past the post system and no one said the referendum was any different. Stephen Gethins SNP won a seat in jock land at the 2017 General election by 2 votes bet he wants another referendum because it was to close, didn’t know what we were voting for etc. Cunts.

    • Why stop there – keep going until absolutely no fucker turns out anymore – job done. You can then do what you like.

  3. If successive UK governments had done something about immigration and sovereignty we perhaps wouldn’t be in this mess. But the UK electorate is so fed up with mass immigration that it voted out. Now 3 million pick pockets and parasites will get the chance to become citizens. Will the flood stop there? No, because their relatives will be entitled too. British citizenship at the tap of a twatphone app. Makes one proud?

    Let’s have a good world war and let’s see who are UK citizens when the draft comes. Sand people, blambos, eurotrash, web designer snowflakes and other such wastes of oxygen.

    • And the figure of 3 million is only “advisory” because the reality is that it is a lot more than that.

      3 million is the “advisory” figure the twats in Cuntminster have agreed “sounds about right”.

      If we knew the true figure (if the twats in Cuntminster were remotely bothered to know or at least tell us) we’d be horrified.

      In the States it’s the same thing. Prior to the Don getting involved they estimate 11 million illegals. That’s what they’ll admit to (although conservative estimates reckon it’s at least 17 million) and who they want to make legal overnight which = a Democuntic US Govt for the rest of time, which is basically all the left wants because the left there – like here – don’t give a fuck about immos or illegals, and the certainly don’t give a fuck about the indigenous population, they just want a loaded base to secure power for the rest of time.

      Immos invariably vote Liebour/Democunt and so making illegals legal (who are dependent on the left’s state handout machine – even though they are all doctors, scientists and engineers, etc.) = millions of votes overnight without doing fuck all other than wringing their hands and virtue-signalling to the flake masses.

      Put it this way, if the UK were to say: “Illegals amnesty day. Register on the 10th of June, become a citizen and get a free British Passport.”

      Do you think the estimated 3 million would turn up or the actual figure which is between twice and triple that figure?

      But whatever you do, don’t dare say that has any impact on housing, hospitals and schools places as the law of Supply and Demand is waycist in those cases!


  4. Watt Tyler is to be reincarnated…..true. Vote for the people. fuck all politicians.!

  5. Tyler’s mistake was to trust the King. At 14 years old he thought a mere child couldn’t be such a treacherous cunt. These fuckers have been openly displaying their treachery for two fucking years now so trust doesn’t come into it.
    Cromwell had the right idea. Nobody mugged that cunt off.

      • Actually it was Charles II that gave us the shit we have now and it’ll probably be Charles III that gives the next crock of shit. Never been a good King named Charles.

        Cromwell got this right :

        It is high time for me to put an end to your sitting in this place, which you have dishonored by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by your practice of every vice; ye are a factious crew, and enemies to all good government; ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would like Esau sell your country for a mess of pottage, and like Judas betray your God for a few pieces of money.

        Is there a single virtue now remaining amongst you? Is there one vice you do not possess? Ye have no more religion than my horse; gold is your God; which of you have not barter’d your conscience for bribes? Is there a man amongst you that has the least care for the good of the Commonwealth?

        Ye sordid prostitutes have you not defil’d this sacred place, and turn’d the Lord’s temple into a den of thieves, by your immoral principles and wicked practices? Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation; you were deputed here by the people to get grievances redress’d, are yourselves gone! So! Take away that shining bauble there, and lock up the doors.

        In the name of God, go!”

        Oliver Cromwell – April 20, 1653

      • 365 years later and there’s another fine mess we’ve gotten ourselves into… and not an Oliver Cromwell or Winston Churchill in sight.

        Never mind, at least we’ve got the likes of Afua Hirsch to keep us focused on the straight and narrow…

        Great quote btw PC, cheers!

  6. Don’t forget ‘Le clan de Grieve’ are being schooled and directed from the deepest control rooms 15 floors down underneath the EU edifice as are most of the major European industries such as Airbus. Don’t fret tho there is still one hell of a lot more shit to wade through once these cunts start talking about trade etc. Not only that there are now deep rumblings within the Labour Party amongst the many anti Corbyn mp’s like Ummagumma, Eagle etc who fought tooth and nail against him are now being emboldened again because he’s an obstacle to forcing a fudge to stay in the EU. Their hope is to have it all dragged out till the next General Election and then fight as a Remain party. This is the reason why Mavis is still at the helm. The alternatives are just too unpredictable for all sides. It’s a massive game of political chess. Me and my lad were playing chess the other night and after about 10 minutes I said ‘let’s make this a bit more interesting’. So we stopped playing fuckin chess!!

  7. I thought that I was all Brexitted out,until I put the telly on this morning while I had my fry-up (home cured bacon,fresh eggs,fried bread,black pudding…seeing as you didn’t ask) and there on the screen was some young lad in his early twenties demanding another vote on Brexit because he hadn’t been “connected” with the issues the first time round. Now this alone caused me to start spitting and swearing half-chewed bacon at the screen,but then the bugger really upped his game…he was whinging on about Trump and announced that the only way that we could stand up to “Bullies” was as part of a united Europe….that did it…the dogs fled behind the sofa as I screamed obscenities at the pathetic wanker…We managed to stand up to a rather more threatening “bully” than Mr. Trump in 1939 without much help from our European allies..but what really had my black-pudding splattered across the screen was this silly “babyfication” of his language. “Stand up to bullies”…it’s what you say to kids in the playground,although my personal advice would be to lay a bully flat out with a blindside attack,rather than rely on your friends for help.
    The simplistic and childish way this young man obviously viewed anything that he didn’t like was staggering and perfectly reflected the Nanny Knows Best attitude that our government continually pushes,,”Run,Hide,Tell”. Don’t imagine that you can do anything alone,just cower quietly while Nanny makes the nasty bully go away. Well, I’ve got news for the soft wankers..Nanny is selling you down the river,the “bully” is taking over,and you’re too pathetic to stand up for yourselves. You deserve everything you get, and I couldn’t care less what happens in the future.

    Fuck them.

    • Hear, hear!

      Let’s ask the cunt in 15yrs time when the cunt can’t get his kids into the secondary school he wants because little M’Tembe, Mohamed and Stanislas have taken all the places and they – as immos – are much more deserving.

      The cunt will soon be voting Tory!

      Deluded life experience of a fruit fly cunt!

    • I would love to see conscription back for these lily livered cowardly Generation X motherfuckers.

      They are so fucking pure and innocent the only nude show they will ever go to would be the army medical.

      • The forces of today, are not the forces of yesteryear. You can be prosecuted for abuse, by shouting an order. Accomodation? Gays can cohabit, get married quarters. No nasty words or loud noises allowed. We are fucked I say, we are fucked !

    • Probably your most telling post ever Mr Fiddler and I completely agree.

      Soft arsed cunty snowflakes need to fucking well grow up or commit suicide (which an increasing number seem to opt for).

      Fuck them indeed.

  8. I heard some remoaner on LBC talking to farage, this cunt as many remainers do thought he was simply more intelligent than leavers and had come up with an idea ( not his own btw) that because it was so close it wasn’t satisfactory? And he insisted the only FAIR?? Way was you had to win by 60% -40% , ISAC,s old pal A..ctual C..unt grayling has mentioned this utter nonsense in the past, farage laughed at the caller but he should have teased him a little bit “ okay so you would accept a re run of the referendum in which remain has to win by 60%??” I would have loved to listen to the arrogant remain prick wiggle on that!!

    I also believe that these big business job loss announcements are orchestrated by the remainers cartel of blair etc etc to try and counteract any good brexit news
    Hunchback wins vote …. 14,000 jobs to go warns airbus
    America wants trade deal…. 5,000 city workers moving to EU

    I wished Blair ,Clegg , the lords, CLARKE, soubry and Co would use their beloved “ free movement of people “ and fuck off to EU la la land and never be seen or heard from again!!!!

  9. The remoaner scum from the Tories and Labour should get together and form a new pro-EU party. They could call it…..Er…. the Liberal Democratic Party…..or something like that.
    But they won’t do that because they know there are so many cunts who will always vote Tory or Labour, come what may, and they want to feed off those votes. That’s why we needed a fucking referendum to settle the issue.

    It’s going well isn’t it?

    • It always makes me laugh when an MP from remain are says I’m voting remain as I’m serving my constituents, I kind of get that,
      Then you hear Cunt MP,s from leave areas voting remain and actually try to justify this shite with some nonsense that they are protecting their constituents!!
      Looking out for their best interests!!
      For me that’s totally unacceptable……….

  10. “MPs are demanding a police investigation into whether Russian money influenced the outcome of the Brexit referendum.

    They have written to Cressida Dick, Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, asking the force to investigate whether “money ultimately of a foreign origin” was routed into the EU referendum.

    The letter was signed by 18 MPs including Chi Onwurah, Labour MP for Newcastle upon Tyne Central, and Helen Goodman, Labour MP for Bishop Auckland. Both are shadow ministers on Labour’s front bench.”
    No word on them demanding to know just who funds/funded the thoroughly undemocratic campaign to torpedo the Brexit vote….is that a whiff of the Soros’ stench?

    • Chi Onwura is a fucking cunt. How in fucks name she was elected in Newcastle still baffles me to this day! Her roots are in the Dark Continent, with baboons in the background , the reek of wildebeest, and the sound of the lion fart along the dusty track. Any fucker in Newcastle voting for that piece of shit, has to be a Makim!

  11. Re: Referendum ‘Only Advisory’.


    (Direct quote taken from Government’s glossy £9million taxpayer funded Remain propaganda pamphlet, as sent to every home in the cuntry).

    • “Well when we say WILL we actually meant MIGHT, so that’s just semantics as far as we – your betters – see it.”

      Love and Kisses from everyone in Cuntminster!

      • “Let us be perfectly clear: when we say WILL we mean WILL… but maybe not immediately… perhaps some time in the next century… it’s hard to be specific. In the meantime the Government recommends new BRINO.”

        Put that in your fucking pipe and smoke it.

    • Never opened mine just did what farage said and sent it back to no 10 Downing Street!!
      Apparently thousands did the same thing……
      cheeky Cunt Cameron using taxpayers money for his bullshit propaganda campaign!!!

      • I treasure mine. It’s still a bit frightening… like Grimm’s Fairy Tales… but has become a firm bedtime reading favourite!


  12. Happened to stumble upon yesterdays Mayors questions (21st June 2018) earlier this morning.

    Suckdick is clearly badly out of his depth, either reading all responses from manuscript, or insulting or belittling those who disagree with him.

    Whilst the clip is approximately 2.5 hours in length, I watched from 1 hour 30 minutes for about 10 minutes and had to switch off as staggered how someone in the position of mayor can be so inadequate, childish and disrespectful of others.

    • Suckdick (on James O’ Shithead show) just admitted to taking cannabis… once… when he was young… in Amsterdam… not on British soil, obviously.

      Didn’t say whether he inhaled or not.

  13. That snivelling little cunt, Motherfucker George Osborne the pretend editor of the Standard has puled out all the stops today.

    In addition to telling us that a 23% majority *wants* a 2nd referendum and that *top businessmen* say to May we need “more time on Brexit”, they have printed this horse shit:

    Project Fear 3.0 from that worthless arsehole – the free newspaper they can’t even give away

    • Good old Gideon. He fucked up the NHS and Health and Social services and yet has multiple jobs and an opinion that must be heard. Right school, right connections, fuck all ability. Just like the majority of the City, Whitehall, charities and government.

  14. Sorry to go off topic but I’ve just air raged at another millenial cunt who was texting in flight. If I sparked a fag during a flight I’d be off in handcuffs. The CAA rules are clear. Is just me being a grumpy old cunts or do I have a natural aversion to hitting the ground and being scattered in pieces? Another cunt was playing a bloody shoot em up video game. Rather inappropriate when others can see. Where do we get these millenial cunts from?

    By the way, the cunt exclaimed “how rude!” as I wrenched the phone from his hand. The cry of millenials everywhere when you point out what cunts they are.

    Still, if the plane crashes, Airbus can make another one. There! Back on topic.

    • A snippet of South African news on that subject.
      An Indian Saffa was wedged between two black Saffas on a plane in Durban. She texted to a friend that she was stuck between 2 ‘kaffirs’, one stinking of booze, the other constantly sniffing with a runny nose.
      The runny nosed kaffir read the text from the side, complained and she was taken off the plane. For a racist text. To a friend. That is the new S Africa.

  15. By the way, it was all my fault, the ginger millennial cunt of an air steward said I should have asked texter cunt nicely to desist from endangering the aircraft.

    That’s what we lack folks! Mindfulness. Ask nicely and people won’t be cunts and ISAC won’t need to exist. The hole in my arse will heel over first….

  16. For all his flaws, Paxman was absolutely right when he blasted David C Pigfucker himself on Room 101 earlier this year.

  17. “And now more on our TOP STORY and reaction to the Airbus statement.”

    Courtesy of our Lord Haw Haw station the AL-BB-CERA!

    Another set of bastard traitors! ???

  18. Hi Admin

    Sorry to bother you.

    Some of my posts are going through and some not.

    Posted one on Sepp Blatter which was posted then vanished. Subsequent posts on Herr Blatter were either rejected or have gone into moderation (currently two awaiting moderation although slightly different wordings to get round d the duplicate issue).

    Cannot see anything particularly libellous so perhaps a technical issue my end as you suggested.

    Good afternoon and thanks.

    • Maybe Sepp Blatter & FIFA are verboten? They certainly should be. The less I have to think about them the better.

  19. Takes the cunt biscuit…
    This is Blair in Copenhagen today, at a cosy little gathering of opinionated remoaning cunts:

    ‘Those who shout the loudest aren’t necessarily those who deserve to be heard the most.’

    Suffering jesus, I knew the cunt had zero self-awareness, but it’s gone into large negative numbers here. He’s been shouting the odds on Brexit at the top of his voice since well before the referendum. Not that you can believe a word the cunt says, but I’m bearing your comment in mind, Tony…

    • I’ve always loved this Bliar quote:

      “Sometimes it is better to lose and do the right thing, than win and do the wrong thing.”

      In other words: Usually it is better to do the wrong thing and win, than do the right thing and lose.

      About time that heavy hand of justice came down upon his shoulder…

      • Two more permutations there. For the sake of completeness:
        Do the wrong thing and lose…as in Iraq
        Do the right thing and win…as in scuttling away from government as the financial criss hit and winning loadsadosh thereafter.

        Never mind the heavy hand of justice on the shoulder. A length of scaffolding from a great height on the head would do, and cost nowt. Treacherous slimy cunt.

  20. Did we know that if we voted to leave the EU then we were voting to leave the single market?

    Here’s a clip where Cameron is on camera confirming that that is exactly would happen – no less than 26 times :

  21. Off topic. I watched the new Mock the week on the ALBBC last night. It couldn’t have got more PC, a peaceful comedian who was about as funny as pulling teeth. A poof that based his jokes around being gay and brexit and Farage jokes galore. I saw 5 mins of it before I turned it off. Total bollocks

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