Liberal “Morality”

Liberal “Morality”. By this I mean the attempt by liberals, who having sought to pretend morals don’t exist, then try to write their own, with results ranging from hilarious to genocidal.

From pathetic teenage declarations of “I’ll do what I want” to possessed mobs killing anyone who disagrees with them, the results of the arrogance of liberalism are wide and varied. Generally they don’t understand how to marry their wish to fulfil their personal desires with their observations that people generally need to get along together. The reason that they don’t understand it is that they don’t want to. They don’t want to because they have chosen to believe some of the myriad of lies that say that you can indulge yourself at no cost to yourself or others. They have chosen to believe this importantly, it is an act of will, of which they are fully responsible – but of course they deny this to themselves, which leads to all sorts of problems.

As an example specifically of the kind of confusion and self-denial that arises from this simple self-deception, I will use something amusing that I saw this morning – the debate entitled “Is it ethical to take part in the World Cup”, on BBC’s hilarious “Big Questions”, a programme for people who are utterly deluded.

So the premise is this: The England football team are participating in the Football World Cup, which is taking part in Russia. The implication is that because there are human rights issues in Russia that by participating there is a condoning of these human rights issues, specifically crimes and immoral acts committed as a result of the corrupt nature of their government.

Most importantly, this “ethical” issue is pertinent partly because there has been a lot of fuss (a suspicious amount frankly given the facts) made over the poisoning of a Russian citizen on UK soil allegedly by and at the hands of members of Russian agents. This is important, this amusingly titled “ethical” discussion is only taking place because it’s in the news – this poisoning scandal has happened, and the world cup is soon. Thus the only relative importance of the misguided idea of ethics is instantly obvious.

Now to examine the basic premises behind this question. Firstly the use of the word “ethical”. They (the ridiculous BBC) can’t use the word “right” or “good”, because that implies some objective answer – so they say is it “ethical”, which doesn’t actually make sense. Like some sort of Lord of the Flies parody, our national broadcaster is unable to frame a moral question accurately, because it is afraid of being accused of framing a moral question at all. So they use the term “ethical”, which actually means relating to ethics, but by which they mean “morally right, but we can’t admit it, so let’s say something generally related to stuff being right and wrong that doesn’t actually mean anything so nobody can accuse of anything” (presumably this accusation would take place within a moral framework?!).

So right off the bat this question about morality contains within itself a bungled disclaimer that declares the question isn’t to be taken seriously. Self-aware? I think not.

For the second fish in this barrel let’s take the basic premise that there would ever be a chance that England wouldn’t compete in the World Cup on these (for the sake of argument) moral grounds. Everyone taking part in the discussion and everyone watching it (apart from the most self-deluded and arrogant imbecile) knows 100% for a fact that this won’t happen, England are taking part. So why debate it? Is it an intellectual exercise? Laughably not. What it is is a chance to pretend to have ethical or moral integrity. The pretence is that this is actually helping someone. Let’s be honest here, if you are almost every British citizen of the middle classes, and you (pretend to) base your morality in liberal pseudo-values such as distribution of wealth or carbon footprint, then you are on the wrong side of good. Globally you are in the top 1% of income and assets. Your carbon footprint will probably dwarf entire villages in most of the developing world. So you can either choose to grow up and admit that morality is about inter-personal behaviour and cultural tradition (and therefore not be a liberal), or you can bury your head in the sand and discuss “ethical issues” like you actually give a shit, which you don’t.

So second then, due to its subject and that the certain result of the debate will be hot air and virtue signalling, the question itself contains within it the fact that it only exists to inflate the egos of those participating in it.

Third and last (though this could go on for a long time), let’s address the subject seriously as if it were actually possible, just to see what the debate could potentially be about, and shed some light on just how misguided this question is.

Most important is who is asking the question. The BBC and some producer or consultant asks it because it is a current issue and it will be popular. What they want is to engage people in a discussion that they will be interested in. But these people will have certain traits – they will:

_Be stupid enough to take the debate seriously and ignore the ironies of the question

_Be arrogant to think that they know enough about the issues in order to formulate a proper judgement of the state of Russia

_Not care about football

_Almost certainly have an axe to grind

_Think that Russia is so much on the wrong side of some supposed morality enough to warrant cancelling participation in the World Cup

So you’re left with idiots or arrogant middle class liberals, who while often intelligent, are always deluded.

Russia is the remains of a despotic regime who controlled a surrounding empire, killing between 50 and 100 million people in the name of the common good. It’s exceptionally large land area seems to be continuing to cause the negative of a huge bureaucracy and its inherent corruption. Vladimir Putin is the latest in a long line of figurehead despots, a pantomime baddy if you will. The nation of Russia has suffered innumerable pain and deaths in the last 100 years because of, firstly, a deluded humanist pseudo-religion (communism), and secondly aggressive personal pursuit of wealth and personal satisfaction. At no point in this time has an effective traditional moral framework permeated Russia enough to prevent these tragedies.

Yet overwhelmingly these same twin pursuits, personal wealth and satisfaction, alongside a deluded humanist pseudo-religion, are the common motivators of the middle class idiots who will be watching and taking this debate (as) seriously (as possible). Pity the poor idiots who actually have something meaningful to say but fall for the idea that this debate actually means anything and say things assuming people hear them. For the most part this debate’s participants, both in the studio and watching on TV (and quite sadly tweeting along with inane comments), are guilty of exactly the behaviour which brought about these Russian problems in the first place. These are thick skinned people who want to believe bullshit just so they can get what they want, and denounce moral values that have not only underpinned successful civilisations for centuries, but which are responsible for the success and prosperity of their own culture. To these people, ideas such as serious interpersonal commitment and responsibility or the observation of tradition are nothing more than a joke. It doesn’t occur to them, simply because it is inconvenient, that it is these things that form a huge part of a valid moral framework. They want to do what they want now, and their whole life is an exercise in self-deception in order to achieve it and maintain some sense of coherent purpose.

So thirdly, these people have so little idea what they are talking about that its surprising they can form a sentence. In fact they rarely do, and most of what you hear on this dreadful program and others like it are rabbited cliches stolen from vapid self-serving media organisations and their acolytes.

There is no such thing as liberal morality. Liberals tend to believe what they want to such an extent that any idea of morality is a sophisticated maze of ideas and delusion enabling them to get through. They aren’t interested in serious conversation or any actual issues, there is always an ulterior motive of selfish satisfaction and denial.

Throughout the course of history there have been many occasions where liberty from traditional morals was a good thing, certainly from our perspective. But overwhelmingly what actually passes for a liberal is someone who’s ideas are rooted in the very indulgences of the second half of the 20th century that they themselves decry. Its not surprising though because its this delusion that characterises them. Morality? They know nothing about it.

Nominated by Cunting Rank Wags

40 thoughts on “Liberal “Morality”

  1. TLDR (read most of it). Good cunting but it would be good if you could clarify if you are speaking about leftist, progressive “social” liberals and not centre right classical liberals (proper liberals)

    • I thought that too, are you talking about actual Liberals or power crazed authoritarian rabid lefties who call themselves liberal but who are as far from being liberal as Adolf was.

      • Quite – real (classical) liberalism is a political philosophy that values the freedom of individuals — including the freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and markets — as well as limited government.

        It developed in 18th-century Europe and drew on the economic writings of Adam Smith and the growing notion of social progress.

        Real Liberalism is as different as chalk and cheese from the misnomered, relatively recent American ‘Liberal’ import bastardisation we currently know and hate as Libtardism…

      • Current abuse of the word “liberal” is just an extension of sheeple-thought. As you rightly say, RTC, nuffink at all to do with Adam Smith’s theories.

        It won’t be long before the OED is” written out” of existence for being a bastion of conservative rigidity…

        Cuntishness, cuntitude, spackery, great heaps of wank oh fuck it, where’s my Roger’s Profanisaurus ??

    • Thanks good point!

      It’s the opposite of conservative. (Not the party!)

  2. Holy Christ that was a war & peace of a cunting without actually cunting anyone. Perhaps I could summarise for those short on time – Libtards are sanctimonious cunts of the highest order.

  3. Leftist liberal snowflake progressive fannies are a lot like the animal rights or vegan mob… Largely immense hypocrites in some shape or form, have to let everyone know who and what they are (by never shutting the fuck up), and they border on the psychotic with anyone who disagrees with them in any way… In short, they are fucking cunts….

    • Male liberal progressive cunts are also a lot like wimmin (and a lot of Liberal fuckwits are actual wimmin, which makes them even more difficult)…. Simply say ‘Oh, I don’t agree with you on that one’ or ‘I don’t think that’s any good’ and watch the stormclouds gather and the smouldering like Steptoe’s dungheap…. Then it’s banging doors and then pots and pans crashing and, well, I’m sure you know the rest….

  4. The way I see it, there are two major strands of liberalism. One is the British tradition which emphasises personal responsibility and the rights and freedoms of the individual, whilst the other one is American liberalism – the cunty one – that believes in none of those things. Unfortunately we seem to have abandoned our own liberal traditions in favour of the far more authoritarian Yank one.

  5. I don’t doubt the sincerity and thought behind your cunting, for which we thank yee, but damn that’s one long cunting!

  6. Liberals are supposed to support democracy? And free speech? , so why is it that so many so called liberals are the most bigoted wankers you have ever seen? Anyone expressing a different view on the world to theirs is instantly labelled as a facist, racist or my favourite INTOLERANT??

    • Confusion arises cos the cunts on the authoritarian left have hijacked the word liberal. Real liberals and sensible left wingers have no time for the PC virtue signalling fascism manifest in today’s ‘liberal’ libtards.

      All very Orwellian… “Control language and you control the masses.”

      • Its interesting that the same people who used to want to rid the world of authoritarianism, now want to bring it back because they agree with the new rules.

  7. This LGBTXYZ cunt has rightfully been arrested in Russia for protesting against the abuse of homosexuals in Chechnya. Twatter and various other platforms exploding with raging snowflakes claiming he shouldn’t have been detained. Thick snowflake imbeciles; this isn’t Britain where you can skip through the fucking daisy fields, the cunt has gone to protest in a country with completely different views on homosexuals. A country where gay rights are minimal. It’s one thing to protest in your own country but to protest in another country that isn’t you own? He was apparently briefed for ten minutes on Russian laws regarding protesting and told to stop. He didn’t of course. As if going to the World Cup wasn’t enough; another LGBTBOLLOCKS tosspot pulling another publicity stunt.

    • Oh Christ, Peter Fucking Tatchell. Might have bloody known !! A few years in the Lubyanka should sort this doughnut-vendor.

      Epic cunting, and hats off to the ISAC picture library curators for the truly hideous photo… I looked into its eyes, and Hillary Clinton’s condemned soul looked back.

    • Stupid attention seeking fucking prick. He only did that because, with the World Cup on, he knows he won’t get his head kicked in. I remember when he went into a church and started yelling about gay rights and shit. When he goes into a mosque and does that I might have some respect for the cunt. In the meantime he can go and fuck himself.

    • Fucking Tatchell. What a fucking dangleberry. Hope they put an electrode up his arse with a bulldog clip completing the circuit on his bell end. The bell end.

      • Shove a thin glass catheter up his cock, force him to watch vids of Mrs. Brown, The Gizzard, Elton John and Gayham Norton getting all slippery and lurved-up in a vat of metal -tapping compound (a rather…pungent odour, which I think might appeal to those who like the “rough” image), wait til the enjoyment is obvious, and get some local boy to wank him very roughly.

        Is Mrs. Brown (ever) related to Mr. Brown, son of the manse ?
        Probably more likely a certain Miranda Charles Lynton Blair, once up in front of the Bow St. stipe for cottaging…

  8. Tatchell full well knows his work on UK soil is done. There is nothing else for him to protests about. The gays, lesbians and gender confused now have enhanced if not equal rights compared with the rest (majority) of society.

    He won’t be happy until his already capacious arsehole is skewered on a large pointy pole in some far-flung, backward shithole as punishment for his troubles. I suppose at least he will die with a smile on his face and as a martyr to his cause. Perhaps he mistakenly thought Putin was Vlad the Impaler?

  9. Peter Tatchell is a perfect example of a fascist liberal. He claims to hold views on ‘freedom ‘ then by his actions, contradicts himself. Years ago he was outing closet gays against their wishes because HE thought it was the right thing to do, and to hell with their rights or views. This is exactly like the behaviour of Soubry, Miller and co. and their attitude to the vote to leave result , a democratic decision has been made but they try to alter it for ‘liberal democracy’s ‘ sake .
    Seventy years of liberalism, from both the tories and labour, have reduced this country to the pitiful shambles we see today.
    This was brought home to me very starkly only two days ago, I had reason to go to the town where I lived the first quarter century of my life. It was a railway town with mixed industry, mining and manufacturing, not a pretty town but ordered,functional and industrious. Now it is much changed, to call it a shithole is a gross insult to shitholes everywhere, the industry has gone, the pits have gone, the thriving retail centre has gone, the place has been overrun by pikeys, I am not exagerating,they have bought plots of land and turned them into compounds ,they have been given council houses courtesy of the council and with government approval, and they’ve turned them into fortresses, all in the spirit of liberal equality and human rights. I stood outside the spot where my grandparents terraced house used to stand, modern slums have replaced the terraces and a large number of them are occupied by the pikey ethnic minority , I could have wept. We had a couple of them glaring at us, as if we shouldn’t be there, ever felt like an outcast in your own country ?
    What I saw has really affected me. I shouldn’t have gone back, liberal morality has done for this country and I don’t see any way back.
    I’mean not going to say any more because it won’t get through moderation.

    • Yeah this liberal! This bullshit childish destructive wilfully blind and selfish view of the world is the liberal I mean lol

      Middle class do-gooders who’s shitty ideas are only good for the lower classes, who are all wedded to the state with broken families, while the middle class liberal wankers are all married with prosperous jobs.

      Utter cunts.

  10. Anybody here got any experience of Universall Credit. Fair play to James O’ brien. Some pretty powerful radio this morning.

    • Universal Credit? Universal Fucking Credit? That says it all about the state this country’s in. It should have been National Credit for fuck’s sake. We’ll have Martians and Klingons, Wraith and Goa’uld, Ewoks and Wookiees (as well as the rest of our own fucking world) grabbing our fucking taxes in the form of free handouts until we drop dead from the effort of supporting the whole of the fucking Universe. These aliens are cunts remember – I’ve seen some of their promotional films. Bastards fucking eat you or zap you, as soon as fucking look at you. Bunch of cunts.

  11. Your modern progressive liberal preaches tolerance and justice and all that crap, but point out any of their faults or double standards and they turn into rabid and totally feral demented cunts… Like when Edwina Currie pointed out the privileged background and hypocrisy of the ‘poverty stricken’ Dave/Kev/Mick/Jack Monroe…. Not an untrue word was spoken by Currie about this little cunt, but ‘Jack’ went into an aggressive and abusive tantrum at Currie that was like Violet Elizabeth with tourettes and on crack…. Katie Hopkins has also had ‘experience’ of this identikit liberal and classic quintessential cunt…

  12. Many people wrongly equate right libertarianism with ‘classical liberalism’, in actual fact the historical roots of so called classical liberalism belong on the political left (as per the French assembly).

  13. I remember when leftist artists were bands like The Clash, The Redskins, The Specials, The Style Council, and The Smiths… Now a leftist ‘artist’ is Lily Mong, Kunty Perry, Chickboy Gaga, Skanklett Johansscunt, and any other Big Don hating celebrislag… Dear me….

  14. What a great and apt cunting.

    True liberals are generally accepting of other views and will be happy to debate those differences in opinion.

    Neo-liberals are basically old school fascists who refuse to accept any opinion outside of their accepted group-think mantra and who will aggressively try to stifle any such opinion.

    True liberals are advocates of free speech.

    Neo-liberals believe that free speech should be banned and balk when anyone points out that this in itself is fascist. As this doesn’t compute in their tiny minds, they revert to form, cover their ears “LA! LA! LA! I’M NOT LISTENING!” style screaming whatever inappropriate “IST” or “PHOBIC” chant they *think* fits the bill that hour.

    They are also adept at virtue-signalling carrying placards with such oxymoronic slogans as “Gays for Muslims”, etc., which we know is pure madness as our “peacefuls” friends certainly do not reciprocate that feeling of love towards the rainbow types.

    Yesterday was national virtue-signalling day with a 72 second silence (reflected across businesses and workplaces throughout the nation) for the 72 people who died in the Grenfell tragedy a year ago.

    I myself trumped this by having a 421 second silence in respect of the number of people that were initially claimed for with regards to the potential compo train.

    HM Govt have set aside circa £80m to deal with the aftermath/costs associated with the tragedy (or £1.1m per death).

    Given this amount then no doubt the homeless victims are being put up in the Savoy while their benefits rack up to a tidy savings fund.

    Just saying.

    • I hope I don’t die in some sort of tragedy along with lots of other people so that I don’t get to have millions of people pretending to give a shit – because they don’t. Death and hypocrisy is worse than death alone.

  15. 1.1 million per person and fuckin loads of them shouldn’t have been in the country
    So how many others are in other blocks of flats 25 to a room and kitchen that also shouldn’t be in the country
    It’s a fuckin joke
    Fuck Thum

      • Anything branded “BBC Reality Check” is quite clearly an oxymoron and therefore can be safely ignored.

        If most of the cunts hadn’t been “culturally enriched”, or outside of Londonistan then nowt would have been done or said other than lip-service, a bit of pious rhetoric and instructions on how to put in a claim with your insurers.

        *Only* a couple of people died (who didn’t tick any of the grief-jacking virtue-signalling boxes) in the Cumbrian floods but 100’s were rendered homeless.

        Q) So what was their compensation/handout from HM Govt courtesy of the UK taxpayers’ purse?

        A) A couple of dredged rivers and directions to the nearest Citizens Advice Bureau to help fill out the insurance claims.

        What, no insurance? Well you’re a silly cunt then aren’t you (unless you’re “culturally enriched” immo/illegal where it is the UK Taxpayers’ Duty to pay for everythingand then a lump more on top)!


  16. And al these idiots call themselves ‘Progressives’….cunts.
    Did anyone see Dominic Grieve on QT last night?…..cunt could’nt see that he
    & the other twats are undermining the government’s negotiations with the EU.
    Educated Idiots everywhere, who know fuck all about the real world.

  17. The external examiner and I concur: while this is obviously the product of extensive research and is well-written, it adds little new to the topic and is too long to be acceptable as a PhD thesis. We suggest that you reformat it as a book, with chapter headings and explanatory notes, not forgetting a full list of references.
    With best wishes
    Prof.RC Komodo
    School of Cunt Sciences

  18. My lovely wife, who is Chinese, cannot understand this constant moaning by the PC crowd with their “I want this” and “I’m offended by that” or “I wanna be called Ms.”
    It’s all bullshit to her, because she’s of the opinion that we’re all different anyways and you get through life with what you’ve been given.
    Make the best of what you’ve been given and you’ll end up were you’re supposed to be, don’t complain on somebody else’s behalf , let them fucking well fend for themselves
    Abortion? It’s not an issue
    Feminism? Not an issue . If I’m not strong enough to do it myself I have no problem in asking a man ( or woman) to help me. I don’t need to see if a woman can play golf as well as a man.
    Powerful men taking advantage of ambitious women? not an issue
    Powerful women taking advantage of ambitious men ? doesn’t happen
    Women using their attractiveness to get ahead? Fine with me.
    Religion? Not an issue unless you shove it down my throat.
    Life’s unfairness? Deal with it!

    • Well said – my missus (of Asian descent) would go along with all of that. Victim mentality… without it the libtards would go up in a puff of acrid smoke.

      • don’t forget that with Union seniority policies, you might have to take the ugly fat one first

  19. Thanks mate, and yeah it’s depressing. But life is still good because we can at least become something worthwhile by being aware of the bullshit 🙂

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